Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kenia"" "subject:"tenia""
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Ujuzi wa watoto/vijana katika simulizi za maishaSchulz-Burgdorf, Ulrich 14 December 2012 (has links)
Kutoka elimu ya lugha tunajua kwamba kila mtu aliyenena ana ujuzi maalum - kama John Lyons alivyoeleza katika kitabu chake Language and Linguistics (1981), katika sura kuhusu lugha na utamaduni wa wasemaji. Lyons anatueleza kwamba kila mtu hushika ujuzi huo kwa njia ya kufunzwa lugha na huutumia ujuzi, huuongeza na huubadilisha kwa muda wa maisha yake yote; ni jinsi yake ya kujua mambo ya ulimwengu. Katika maelezo yafuatayo napenda kuonyesha ujuzi uliomo katika habari nilizopewa na kijana, jina lake ni Timothy Lawrence ambaye alikuwa na umri wa kumi na tatu siku zile. Ujuzi wake ni juu ya maisha yake ya kipokomo na pia ni ujuzi wa kumweleza mgeni mambo hayo - yaani ujuzi au uwezo wa kuzisimulia habari hizo. Habari zake zinatuonyesha vizuri simulizi ya maisha ya binafsi (au autobiographical narrative) ni nini, yenye ujuzi gani na jinsi gani ya kutazama maisha kwa macho ya mwenyeji kijana.
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Kutoka lugha kienzo hadi lugha ya isimu: matatizo yanayotinga kiswahili kama lugha ya kufunzia isimu vyuoni vikuu nchini KenyaMbatha Mathooko, Petronilla 14 December 2012 (has links)
Makala hii inachunguza hali ya somo la isimu ya lugha linalofundishwa katika nyingi ya idara za Kiswahili vyuoni vikuu nchini Kenya. Inaangazia matatizo yanayotinga kufana kwa somo hili. Inahitimiza kwa kupendekeza kwamba iwapo matokeo mazuri yatapatikana na wanafunzi wa somo hili, yafaa matatizo yanayokwamiza somo hili yatatuliwe, hasa kwa upande wa usawazishaji wa istilahi, tafsiri, uzito wa kozi na mengineyo. Makala hii inapendekeza kuwa ni muhimu kila chuo kikuu kiunde kamati ya kuchunguza jambo hili.
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Occurrence and fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals and other hydrophobic organic compounds in a tropical river in KenyaChepchirchir, Bilha 18 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the application of passive sampling as a novel monitoring technique capable of quantifying aquatic pollutants at low environmental concentrations, and in a form that is directly applicable to risk assessment. Two passive samplers, namely polyethersulfone (PES) and silicone rubber (SR), were used to monitor some endocrine disruptors (EDCs) and hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOCs) in freshwater and sediments of a tropical river in Kenya. PES was applied for the first time for time-integrative sampling of these compound classes and was able to quantify the target compounds at low concentrations that were not significantly different to those obtained using the well-established SR, despite differences in uptake mechanisms with both sampler materials. This study demonstrated that passive samplers are versatile tools that can be applied in remote locations, and with proper storage, they can be transported and analyzed far afield.
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University Libraries in Kenya / Universitätsbibliotheken in Kenia / A Study of Their Practices and PerformanceKavulya, Joseph Muema 12 March 2004 (has links)
Ganz allgemein zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung, dass die gegenwärtige Lage der Bibliotheken in staatlichen Universitäten durch extrem geringe Ressourcen für die Bücher-, Zeitschriften und Mediensammlungen und hinsichtlich Ausstattung und Personal gekennzeichnet. Private Universitäten haben diese Probleme in weit geringerem Maße. Unter Studierenden, Lehrenden und Universitätsbeamten ist durchaus die Ansicht verbreitet, dass Universitätsbibliotheken eine entscheidende Rolle in Lehre, Forschung und Studium spielen. Man nimmt allerdings auch zur Kenntnis, dass die Universitätsbibliotheken in Kenia, besonders diejenigen der staatlichen Universitäten, keine wirkungsvollen Dienstleistungen erbringen. Dies hat zur Entwertung ihrer Rolle in der Hochschullandschaft geführt. Die Studie zeigt, dass die moderne Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik in die kenianischen Universitätsbibliotheken Einzug gehalten hat. Doch ist die Entwicklung zum einen durch die Finanzierungslücken behindert worden, sodass Computer nicht angeschafft und Netze nicht aufgebaut werden konnten, zum anderen durch das Fehlen von geschultem EDV-Personal und durch die kümmerliche Telekommunikations-Infrastruktur im Lande. Diese Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass Maßnahmen erforderlich sind, die Situation der Universitätsbibliotheken in Kenia zu verbessern - dies auch als ein Weg, die Qualität des Universitätsstudiums in Kenia zu steigern. Diese Maßnahmen umfassen zunächst die Aufnahme einer langfristigen Planung auf allen Gebieten bibliothekarischer Arbeit. Zweitens sollten die leitenden Bibliothekare die zentrale Bedeutung der Bibliotheken hervor heben, welche ihnen im Zusammenhang der gesamten Universität zukommt. Um nutzbare Quellen der Information zu bleiben, müssen die Universitätsbibliotheken in Kenia, die moderne Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik einsetzen. Die Anwendung neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik kann den Bibliothekaren an den Universitäten helfen, besseren Zugang zu örtlichen und zu globalen Informationen zu schaffen, zum Beispiel durch elektronische Media und Internetzugang. / This study argues that the provision of library services in Kenyan public universities is characterised by extremely inadequate resources in terms of funds, information materials, equipment and staff. Private university libraries experience these problems albeit to a lesser degree. Although there is widespread opinion among students, lecturers as well as university administrators that university libraries play a critical role in the teaching, research, and learning activities, there is also awareness that university libraries in Kenya, especially those in public universities are not effectively providing services which has limited their role in research and learning in the university. Finally, modern information and communication technology is being incorporated in the management of university libraries in Kenya. However, this trend has been hindered by first, lack of funds to purchase equipment such as computers and set up networks, secondly by lack of skilled personnel in information technology, and finally by poor telecommunications infrastructure in the country. There is therefore need for adoption of strategic planning in all areas of library management and to remain viable sources of information, university libraries in Kenya have to make use modern information and communication technology. This will enable university libraries to facilitate better access to local and global information for example through electronic and internet media.
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Genetic population structure of penaeid prawns Penaeus monodon Fabricius 1798, Fenneropenaeus indicus H. Milne Edwards 1837 and Metapenaeus monoceros Fabricius 1798 in the Malindi–Ungwana Bay, KenyaMkare, Thomas Kalama 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Comparative analyses of genetic diversity, population structure and evolutionary relationships
among co–distributed species can provide useful insights into fisheries management. In this
study, mitochondrial DNA control region (mtCR) sequences were used to investigate genetic
population structure and recruitment patterns of three co–occurring shallow water penaeid prawn
species; Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus indicus and Metapenaeus monoceros. These taxa
dominate artisanal and commercial prawn catches in the Malindi–Ungwana Bay in Kenya, where
juvenile prawns inhabit estuarine habitats, and adults occur further offshore, on mudbanks in the
bay. A total of 296 [i.e. (P. monodon; n = 129), (F. indicus; n = 96), (M. monoceros; n = 71)]
specimens were sampled from five sites; two estuarine nursery areas (juveniles), a nearshore
mid–station (adults), and two offshore areas (adults). The sites were chosen to represent the bulk
of the Kenyan fishery activities, and to include juvenile and adult cohorts that are presumably
connected to each other through larval dispersal processes and migrations. Juveniles were
obtained during 2010 from local fishermen, and adult prawns during 2011 using a commercial
prawn trawler. Analysis of the mtCR sequences indicated high haplotype diversity (P. monodon;
h = 0.9996 ± 0.0010; F. indicus; h = 0.9998 ± 0.0015; M. monoceros; h = 0.9815 ± 0.0110) for
all three species. Genetic differentiation results for each species using AMOVA indicated no
significant population differentiation (P. monodon; ΦST = 0.000, = p > 0.05; F. indicus; ΦST =
0.000, = p > 0.05; M. monoceros; ΦST = 0.0164, = p > 0.05) and pairwise ΦST statistics among
sampling sites indicated the complete absence of spatial differentiation of female genes for all
three species. In addition, the mtDNA data of P. monodon (i.e. n = 103) was augmented by using
six polymorphic nuclear microsatellite loci. The pattern of panmixia was supported by the microsatellite analyses of P. monodon where AMOVA (i.e. RST = 0.00113, = p > 0.05), pairwise
RST statistics (i.e. RST = 0.0000–0.0223, = p > 0.05) and STRUCTURE all confirmed the
complete absence of genetic differentiation, among all sampled localities. Based on the absence
of genetic population structure, each of the three species can be regarded as a single management
unit throughout the Malindi–Ungwana Bay area. Spatial management strategies for prawn
fisheries in the bay should therefore rely on factors other than genetic metapopulations, such as
seasonal prawn recruitment and distribution patterns, ecosystem functioning and socio–economic
implications to fishing communities and commercial trawl fishing companies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vergelykende analise van genetiese diversiteit, bevolkings stuktuur en evolutionêre
verwantskappe tussen spesies wat 'n verspreidingsgebied deel kan nuttige insigte lewer oor
vissery bestuur. In hierdie studie was die mitokondriale DNS kontrole area (mtCR)
volgordebepalings gebruik om die bevolkings genetiese stuktuur en werwingspatrone van drie
mede-verspreide vlak water penaeid garnaal spesies; Penaeus monodon, Fenneropenaeus indicus
and Metapenaeus monoceros te ondersoek. Hierdie taksa domineer die ambagtelike en
kommersiële vangste in die Malindi-Ungwanabaai in Kenya waar, onvolwasse garnale in
riviermondings voorkom en volwassenes in dieper waters op modderbanke in die baai voorkom.
'n Totaal van 296 [(P. monodon; n = 129), (F. indicus; n = 96), (M. monoceros; n = 71)]
monsters was geneem vanaf vyf lokaliteite; twee in riviermondings (onvolwassenes), 'n nabykus
mid stasie (volwasse) en twee diep water (volwasse) areas. Hierdie lokaliteite was gekies
om die oorgrote meerderheid van Kenya se vissery aktiwiteite, asook die onvolwasses en
volwassene kohorte te verteenwoordig wat vermoedelik geneties verbind is aan mekaar deur
larwale verspreidingsprosesse en migrasies. Onvolwasse diere was verkry in 2010 vanaf
plaaslike vissermanne en volwasse diere was in 2011 gekollekteer deur gebruik te maak van 'n
kommersiële garnaal vissersboot. Analise van die mtCR volgorde bepaling het gewys dat daar
'n hoë haplotipiese diversiteit (P. monodon; h = 0.9996 ± 0.0010; F. indicus; h = 0.9998 ±
0.0015; M. monoceros; h = 0.9815 ± 0.0110) vir al drie spesies bestaan. Genetiese differensiasie
resultate vir elke spesie, bepaal deur 'n AMOVA toets, dui op geen beduidende bevolking
differensiasie nie (P. monodon; ΦST = 0.000, = p > 0.05; F. indicus; ΦST = 0.000, = p > 0.05; M.
monoceros; ΦST = 0.0164, = p > 0.05) en paarsgewyse ΦST statistiek tussen die lokaliteite waar monsters geneem was, dui op geen ruimtelike differensiasie van die vroulike gene in al drie
spesies nie. Hierbenewens is die mtDNS datastel van P. monodon (i.e. n = 103) uitgebrei deur
ses polimorfiese kern mikrosatelliete in te sluit. Die patroon van mtCR panmixia was ondersteun
deur die mikro-satelliet analise van P. monodon waar die AMOVA (i.e. RST = 0.00113, = p >
0.05), paarsgewyse RST statistiek (i.e. RST = 0.0000-0.0223, = p > 0.05) en STRUCTURE
bevestig het dat daar totale afwesigheid is van genetiese differensiasie tussen alle vergelyk-te
lokaliteite. Gebaseer op die afwesigheid van genetiese bevolking-struktuur kan elk van die drie
spesies beskou word as 'n enkele bestuurseenheid deur die Malindi-Ungwanabaai area. Die
bestuurstrategieë vir garnaal vissery aktiwiteite in die baai moet dus steun op ander faktore as
genetiese meta-bevolking. Belangrike faktore om in ag te neem is seisoenale garnaal werwing en
verspreidings patrone, ekosisteem funksionering en sosio-ekonomiese implikasies van vissers
gemeenskappe en kommersiële visserymaatskappye.
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A friend in need is a friend indeed: Ken Walibora's novel Kufa kuzikanaBertoncini-Zúbková, Elena 14 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
After being for a long time in the shadow of its Tanzanian counterpart, Kenyan fiction has recently come into the foreground with writers such as Kyallo Wadi Wamitila, Rocha Chi-merah, Mwenda Mbatiah and Ken Walibora. The paper deals with his second novel Kufa kuzikana.
Although Kufa Kuzikana is a powerful accusation of how ruthless ethnic feelings still inform many people from the intellectuals and top politicians to the uneducated villagers, the novel does contain a positive message as well in that it shows how true friendship can overcome ethnic and other differences and survive even in the most adverse circumstances.
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Effects of gender inequality in resource ownership and access on household welfare and food security in Kenya : a case study of West Pokot district /Marinda, Pamela. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Hohenheim, 2005.
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Kiswahili Research in Kenyan Universities:: Where are we now?Ngugi, P.M.Y., Masau, P.M. 30 November 2012 (has links)
The Department of Linguistics and African Languages, in which Kiswahili is a central subject, was established in the Faculty of Arts at the University College of Nairobi in 1969. Since then, at least five more departments which are devoted to the teaching and study of the Kiswahili language and literature have been established in various Kenyan universities (see below). Most of these departments run post-graduate programmes leading to MA. and PhD - degrees. As a result, considerable research activity related to both the Kiswahili language and literature has been going on. This is evident from the dissertations that have been written and that continue to be written every year.
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“The missing lights of Nairobi”: Cyclists' Perceptions of safety by cycling after-dark in Nairobi, KenyaTumakova, Yana, Cap, Constant, Legese, Azeb T., Klosterkamp, Marie, Francke, Angela 28 December 2022 (has links)
Promotion of cycling is important to reach the goals for climate mitigation of the Paris Agreement and Goals ofthe Agenda 2030. Sustainable transport, both rural and urban, could contribute to at least seven of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (ITDP 2015). There is relatively little research on cycling in Africa, and there is also much less research on cycling at night. Some studies show the importance of road lighting for minimising the reduction in the numbers of cyclists after-dark and suggest 'only a minimal amount of lighting can promote cycling after-dark, making it an attractive mode of transport year-round' (Uttley at el. 2020). So far, these studies have little relation to the
situation in developing countries, which is why a first study in Nairobi, Kenya, is carried out here as an example. ... [From: Introduction]
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Genetic variation and colony development of honey bees Apis mellifera in Kenya /Wei, Shi. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning)--Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksUniversity, 2001. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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