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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Production and Characterization of Wheat Gluten Films

Cousineau, Jamie January 2012 (has links)
Biodegradable, edible wheat gluten films offer a renewable alternative to plastic food packaging or can be incorporated directly in the food product. Wheat gluten is a good option because it forms a fibrous network, lending strength and elasticity to films. The goal of this research project was to produce, with a water-based film formulation and methodology, smooth, homogeneous wheat gluten films with low water vapour permeability (WVP). The water-based film formulation also served to compare the FT Wonder wheat cultivar, grown in Ontario, to commercially produced wheat gluten and determine the effect of wheat source on the film properties, surface morphology, surface hydrophobicity, WVP, and film swelling in water for different pH, temperature and casting surface conditions. Fluorescence, SPR, and casting formulation viscosity provided preliminary information on the mechanism of film formation and on gluten protein structure induced by modifying the film formulation. This research provides an alternate use for some Ontario wheat cultivars based on their properties in films compared to commercial sources of gluten. As a result, using Ontario cultivars to prepare gluten film packaging material has potential as an alternate source of income for Ontario farmers. This research also defines the film properties for gluten films produced from aqueous solutions, helping to identify processing parameters that could bring gluten films on par with plastic packaging and make gluten films a viable alternative food packaging material. Finally, it was determined that the water vapour permeability of wheat gluten films was not correlated to film surface contact angle.

Production and Characterization of Wheat Gluten Films

Cousineau, Jamie January 2012 (has links)
Biodegradable, edible wheat gluten films offer a renewable alternative to plastic food packaging or can be incorporated directly in the food product. Wheat gluten is a good option because it forms a fibrous network, lending strength and elasticity to films. The goal of this research project was to produce, with a water-based film formulation and methodology, smooth, homogeneous wheat gluten films with low water vapour permeability (WVP). The water-based film formulation also served to compare the FT Wonder wheat cultivar, grown in Ontario, to commercially produced wheat gluten and determine the effect of wheat source on the film properties, surface morphology, surface hydrophobicity, WVP, and film swelling in water for different pH, temperature and casting surface conditions. Fluorescence, SPR, and casting formulation viscosity provided preliminary information on the mechanism of film formation and on gluten protein structure induced by modifying the film formulation. This research provides an alternate use for some Ontario wheat cultivars based on their properties in films compared to commercial sources of gluten. As a result, using Ontario cultivars to prepare gluten film packaging material has potential as an alternate source of income for Ontario farmers. This research also defines the film properties for gluten films produced from aqueous solutions, helping to identify processing parameters that could bring gluten films on par with plastic packaging and make gluten films a viable alternative food packaging material. Finally, it was determined that the water vapour permeability of wheat gluten films was not correlated to film surface contact angle.

Analýza vybraných odrůd českého česneku / Analysis of czech garlic varieties

Fähnrichová, Nikola January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals with analysis of Czech garlic varieties in comparison with two varieties from abroad. Alliin and carbohydrates were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with diode-array detector or evaporative light scattering detector. Crude proteins were calculated from total content of nitrogen that was determinated by Kjeldahl method. Elementary analysis was performed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. In theoretical part of this thesis is describes botanical characterization and cultivation of garlic, chemical composition of garlic, especially groups of substances which were analysed in this thesis. Principle of used methods is described too. The experimental part of this work deals with sample and calibration solution preparation and process of analysis. Obtained results from analysed substances are summarized in the tables, discussed and compared with results of analysis of other authors. Between Czech and Spanish/Chinese garlic are slight differences. Garlics contain 24,66 g/kg dry weight of alliin. Content of crude proteins in Czech garlic is comparable to Chinese garlic but the Spanish garlic has just half of amount crude proteins. Elementary analysis also includes significant differences. Czech varieties contain higher amount of phosphorus, iron and zinc. On the contrary, content of potassium in foreign garlic is higher than in Czech Republic and the analysed amount is 15 g/kg dry weight.

Studium vlivu způsobu chovu slepic na obsah vybraných chemických složek vajec / Influence of the chicken breeding method on the selected chemical constituents of chicken eggs

Michalec, Adam January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of egg yolks and egg whites from chickens raised with different breeding methods in the Czech Republic using three analytical methods. The Kjeldahl method was used to determine the proteins, the Soxhlet method was used to determine the lipids and ICP-OES was used for elemental analysis. The theoretical part describes the history of chicken breeding, marking and distribution of eggs and composition of eggs based on various aspects. The main point was the separation of egg yolk and egg white and the subsequent description on the chemical and physiological level. Principle of used methods is also described. The experimental part deals with the preparation of samples, calibration samples and process analysis. All the results of analysed substances are summarized, statistically evaluated and compared with the other literature. For this analysis were used eleven different types of eggs from the Czech Republic from six different categories.

Microbial community analysis of a laboratory-scale biological process for the treatment of vegetable oil effluent

Degenaar, Adrian Phillip January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in fulfilment with the requirements for the Masters Degree: Biotechnology, Durban University of Technology, 2011. / Untreated vegetable oil effluents (VOEs) are known for creating shock-loading problems for the receiving wastewater treatment installations, resulting in poor quality final effluents being produced which do not satisfy municipal discharge standards. Onsite activated sludge treatment as an alternative has not been fully investigated. Hence, in this investigation biological treatment using the activated sludge process was chosen as the method for the treatment of VOE. The effect of VOE on measured process parameters was also determined. Novel molecular techniques such as fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) and dot-blot hybridization have become powerful tools for the analysis of complex microbial communities that exist within activated sludge. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate biological treatment, optimize and apply FISH and dot-blot hybridization in order to analyze the microbial community implicated the biological treatment of VOE using probes EUBmix, ALF1b, BET42a, GAM42a and HGC69a. A laboratory-scale modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) process setup and fed VOE with a COD (chemical oxygen demand) of ± 1000 mg/L. Daily monitoring of the process involved COD and TKN (total kjeldahl nitrogen) analysis of the influent and effluent as well as direct OUR (oxygen utilization rate) measurement and monitoring of the MLVSS (mixed liquor volatile suspended solids) concentration of the aerobic mixed liquor. The process exhibited overall COD and TKN removal capacities of 84% and 90% respectively. The aerobic mixed liquor had an OUR of 19 mgO/L.h and an average MLVSS concentration of 3000 mg/L. FISH results revealed that 72% of cells stained with 4‟, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) within the aerobic mixed liquor bound to probe EUBmix, indicating a substantial Bacterial population within the laboratory-scale biological process. The alpha-Proteobacteria was identified as the dominant bacterial community comprising 31% of Bacterial cells, followed by the beta-Proteobacteria (17% of EUBmix), gamma-Proteobacteria (8% of EUBmix) and Actinobacteria (4% of EUBmix). Results of dot-blot hybridization were in agreement with FISH Adrian Phillip Degenaar| CHAPTER 1: General Introduction - v - results reiterating dominance of the alpha-Proteobacteria. This indicated that the class alpha-Proteobacteria could play a primary role in the biological degradation of VOE. This research will therefore aid in process design and retrofitting of biological processes treating VOE.

Elementární analýza sýrů s bílou plísní na povrchu / Elemental analysis of cheese with white mold on the surface

Pavlechová, Alžbeta January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with elementary analysis of cheeses with white mold on the surface. Theoretical part describes general characteristics of cheese, classification of cheeses, their nutritional aspects and characteristics of cheeses with white mold on the surface. Large part is focused on description of mineral substances selected for analysis. At the end of the theoretical part, the Kjeldahl method and emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES) were described. Experimental part deals with preparation of samples, approach of analysis and processing of measured results. Eleven samples of cheeses were used for analysis. These samples were from Czech Republic, France and Slovak Republic. Kjeldahl method was used to determine protein contents and ICP-OES was used for elemental analysis. The results were compared to each other and also with results from other studies. Subsequently, they were statistically processed and evaluated in the final part.

Typhas inverkan på reningsgraden av TKN, BOD5 och COD i en anlagd rotzonsvåtmark i pilotskala. / Study of vegetation effects in a constructed wetland for landfill leachate. (Sanitário de Lajeado - RS)

Lind, Linus January 2010 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete är utfört på plats i Lajaedo, Brasilien och i anslutning till Sanitário de Lajeado – RS, Brasilien, mellan januari till maj 2010. I samband med denna rapport utfördes två andra examensarbeten inom samma områden. Det är menat att denna rapport skall ligga till grund för framtida projekt och beslut om utökad lakvattenrening.Lajeado ligger i södra Brasilien ca 100 km från atlantkusten. 10 km utanför Lajeado ligger en ung avfallsdeponi på ca 15 000 m2 till ytan med tillhörande lakvattenrening med ett utjämningsmagasin, en syrsättningsbassäng samt sedimentering. Deponin tar emot 42 ton fast kommunalt avfall per dag och har ett lakvattenflöde på genomsnitt 0,5 – 1,0 m3/h.Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka vilken inverkan vegetation har på reningen av lakvatten inom parametrarna TKN, BOD5 och COD, i småskaliga våtmarker av typen rotzonsanläggning. Då den befintliga reningen på plats har svårt att uppfylla vissa uppsatta lagkrav.Sammansättningen på och mängden av lakvatten beror främst på faktorerna, nederbörd, Temperatur och nedbrytningen i deponin.Vegetationens har många olika betydelser i en rotzonsanläggning. Plantan transporter ner syre till dess rotsystem där syremolekyler diffunderar ut. Vegetation fungerar även som en extern kolkälla vid denitrifikationsteget. Det är viktigt att vegetationen trivs och rotsystemet är välutvecklat, för att få en maximal reduktion av föroreningar i våtmarken.Åtta småskaliga våtmarker byggdes upp i anslutning till lakvattenreningen, i avkapade plasttunnor. Alla våtmarker byggdes upp med unika förutsättningar för att kunna jämföra resultatet. Två olika substrat användes och jämfördes, i fyra kar planterades vegetation och fyra utan, fyra hade kontinuerligt flöde som jämfördes med fyra kar med batch flow.Resultaten visar att växterna inte har någon större inverkan på reningsgraden av BOD5, COD och TKN. Men såg tydliga tecken på högre vattenavdunstning i våtmarkerna med biomassa och generellt högre halter av BOD5, COD och TKN i jämförelse med våtmarkerna utan biomassa. Vegetationen hann inte acklimatisera sig till miljön i våtmarkerna, men det var på god väg. För att få ett bättre resultat och en mer signifikant skillnad mellan våtmarkerna skulle försöken ha pågått under en längre tid. Det behövs mer forskning och projekt under en längre period.Detta examensarbete är utfört på plats i Lajaedo, Brasilien och i anslutning till Sanitário de Lajeado – RS, Brasilien, mellan januari till maj 2010. I samband med denna rapport utfördes två andra examensarbeten inom samma områden. Det är menat att denna rapport skall ligga till grund för framtida projekt och beslut om utökad lakvattenrening.Lajeado ligger i södra Brasilien ca 100 km från atlantkusten. 10 km utanför Lajeado ligger en ung avfallsdeponi på ca 15 000 m2 till ytan med tillhörande lakvattenrening med ett utjämningsmagasin, en syrsättningsbassäng samt sedimentering. Deponin tar emot 42 ton fast kommunalt avfall per dag och har ett lakvattenflöde på genomsnitt 0,5 – 1,0 m3/h.Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka vilken inverkan vegetation har på reningen av lakvatten inom parametrarna TKN, BOD5 och COD, i småskaliga våtmarker av typen rotzonsanläggning. Då den befintliga reningen på plats har svårt att uppfylla vissa uppsatta lagkrav.Sammansättningen på och mängden av lakvatten beror främst på faktorerna, nederbörd, Temperatur och nedbrytningen i deponin.Vegetationens har många olika betydelser i en rotzonsanläggning. Plantan transporter ner syre till dess rotsystem där syremolekyler diffunderar ut. Vegetation fungerar även som en extern kolkälla vid denitrifikationsteget. Det är viktigt att vegetationen trivs och rotsystemet är välutvecklat, för att få en maximal reduktion av föroreningar i våtmarken.Åtta småskaliga våtmarker byggdes upp i anslutning till lakvattenreningen, i avkapade plasttunnor. Alla våtmarker byggdes upp med unika förutsättningar för att kunna jämföra resultatet. Två olika substrat användes och jämfördes, i fyra kar planterades vegetation och fyra utan, fyra hade kontinuerligt flöde som jämfördes med fyra kar med batch flow.Resultaten visar att växterna inte har någon större inverkan på reningsgraden av BOD5, COD och TKN. Men såg tydliga tecken på högre vattenavdunstning i våtmarkerna med biomassa och generellt högre halter av BOD5, COD och TKN i jämförelse med våtmarkerna utan biomassa. Vegetationen hann inte acklimatisera sig till miljön i våtmarkerna, men det var på god väg. För att få ett bättre resultat och en mer signifikant skillnad mellan våtmarkerna skulle försöken ha pågått under en längre tid. Det behövs mer forskning och projekt under en längre period.</p> / <p>The ability for a subsurface flow constructed wetland system to treat landfill leachate was evaluated in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eight 0.95 m x 0.6 m experimental (SSF) units with a depth 0.4 m were used. Each wetland had unique conditions. Four units were planted with Typha angustifolia L. and four units were unplanted. Two different substrate dimension were used, four units with sand and four with gravel. Four wetlands operated in batch mode and four units with continuous flow. Batch flow systems were drained and filled up each week. To review vegetations impact on BOD5, COD and nitrogen compounds reduced in a wetland. This project lasted between January until May 2010 and samples were analyzed in April to May in four weeks.The result from this project show higher evapotranspiration water loss in units with planted vegetation and higher effluents concentration of BOD5, COD and nitrogen compounds, than in unplanted units.The ability for a subsurface flow constructed wetland system to treat landfill leachate was evaluated in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eight 0.95 m x 0.6 m experimental (SSF) units with a depth 0.4 m were used. Each wetland had unique conditions. Four units were planted with Typha angustifolia L. and four units were unplanted. Two different substrate dimension were used, four units with sand and four with gravel. Four wetlands operated in batch mode and four units with continuous flow. Batch flow systems were drained and filled up each week. To review vegetations impact on BOD5, COD and nitrogen compounds reduced in a wetland. This project lasted between January until May 2010 and samples were analyzed in April to May in four weeks.The result from this project show higher evapotranspiration water loss in units with planted vegetation and higher effluents concentration of BOD5, COD and nitrogen compounds, than in unplanted units.</p>

Soy-Polypropylene Biocomposites for Automotive Applications

Guettler, Barbara Elisabeth 15 May 2009 (has links)
For the automotive sector, plastics play the most important role when designing interior and exterior parts for cars. Currently, most parts are made from petroleum-based plastics but alternatives are needed to replace environmentally harmful materials while providing the appropriate mechanical performance and preferably reduce the cost for the final product. The objective of this work was to explore the use of soy flakes as natural filler in a composite with polypropylene and to investigate the mechanical properties, water absorption and thermal behaviour. For a better understanding of the filler, the soy flakes were characterized extensively with analytical and microscopic methods. Two types of soy fillers were investigated, soy flakes, provided by Bunge Inc., with a 48 wt-% protein content and an industrial soy based filler with 44 wt-% protein content and provided by Ford. The size of the soy flakes after milling was mainly between 50 and 200 µm and below 50 µm for the industrial filler. The aspect ratio for all filler was below 5. The soy flakes were used after milling and subjected to two pre-treatment methods: (1) one hour in a 50 °C pH 9 water solution in a 1 : 9 solid-liquid ratio; (2) one hour in a 50 °C pH 9 1M NaCl solution in a 1 : 9 solid-liquid ratio. A control filler, without pre-treatment was considered. The soy flakes were also compared to an industrial soy based filler provided by Ford (soy flour (Ford)). The thermogravimetric analysis showed an onset of degradation at 170 °C for the treated filler (ISH2O and ISNaCl) and 160 °C for the untreated filler. The biocomposites formulation consisted of 30 wt-% filler, and polypropylene with/without 0.35 wt-% anti-oxidant Irganox 1010 and with/without the addition of MA-PP as coupling agent. All biocomposites were compounded in a mini-extruder, pressed into bars by injection moulding and tested subsequently. The mechanical properties of the biocomposites are promising. An increase of the E-modulus was observed when compared to pure polypropylene. The addition of MA-PP as coupling agent increased the yield strength of the biocomposites. When pure polypropylene and the biocomposites were compared no difference could be seen for their yield strength. The thermal behaviour deduced from differential scanning calorimetry, revealed a similar behaviour for the biocomposites and the pure polypropylene. Only the samples treated in the presence of NaCl and without a coupling agent, appear to have a slightly higher degree of crystallinity. The melt flow index was slightly increased for the biocomposites containing soy flakes pre-treated with NaCl and decreased for biocomposites containing the soy flour. The water absorption behaviour of the biocomposites was quite similar at the beginning with a slightly lower absorption for the materials with coupling agent. After three months, all samples except the ones treated with water showed a weight loss that can be due to the leaching of the water soluble components in the untreated filler and the NaCl treated filler. In conclusion, soy flakes represent an attractive filler when used in a polypropylene matrix if an aqueous alkaline pre-treatment is performed. The aqueous alkaline extraction also leads to the recovery of the proteins that can be used in food products while the remaining insoluble material is used for the biocomposites, avoiding the competition with the use of soy for food products...

Typhas inverkan på reningsgraden av TKN, BOD5 och COD i en anlagd rotzonsvåtmark i pilotskala. / Study of vegetation effects in a constructed wetland for landfill leachate. (Sanitário de Lajeado - RS)

Lind, Linus January 2010 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är utfört på plats i Lajaedo, Brasilien och i anslutning till Sanitário de Lajeado – RS, Brasilien, mellan januari till maj 2010. I samband med denna rapport utfördes två andra examensarbeten inom samma områden. Det är menat att denna rapport skall ligga till grund för framtida projekt och beslut om utökad lakvattenrening.Lajeado ligger i södra Brasilien ca 100 km från atlantkusten. 10 km utanför Lajeado ligger en ung avfallsdeponi på ca 15 000 m2 till ytan med tillhörande lakvattenrening med ett utjämningsmagasin, en syrsättningsbassäng samt sedimentering. Deponin tar emot 42 ton fast kommunalt avfall per dag och har ett lakvattenflöde på genomsnitt 0,5 – 1,0 m3/h.Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka vilken inverkan vegetation har på reningen av lakvatten inom parametrarna TKN, BOD5 och COD, i småskaliga våtmarker av typen rotzonsanläggning. Då den befintliga reningen på plats har svårt att uppfylla vissa uppsatta lagkrav.Sammansättningen på och mängden av lakvatten beror främst på faktorerna, nederbörd, Temperatur och nedbrytningen i deponin.Vegetationens har många olika betydelser i en rotzonsanläggning. Plantan transporter ner syre till dess rotsystem där syremolekyler diffunderar ut. Vegetation fungerar även som en extern kolkälla vid denitrifikationsteget. Det är viktigt att vegetationen trivs och rotsystemet är välutvecklat, för att få en maximal reduktion av föroreningar i våtmarken.Åtta småskaliga våtmarker byggdes upp i anslutning till lakvattenreningen, i avkapade plasttunnor. Alla våtmarker byggdes upp med unika förutsättningar för att kunna jämföra resultatet. Två olika substrat användes och jämfördes, i fyra kar planterades vegetation och fyra utan, fyra hade kontinuerligt flöde som jämfördes med fyra kar med batch flow.Resultaten visar att växterna inte har någon större inverkan på reningsgraden av BOD5, COD och TKN. Men såg tydliga tecken på högre vattenavdunstning i våtmarkerna med biomassa och generellt högre halter av BOD5, COD och TKN i jämförelse med våtmarkerna utan biomassa. Vegetationen hann inte acklimatisera sig till miljön i våtmarkerna, men det var på god väg. För att få ett bättre resultat och en mer signifikant skillnad mellan våtmarkerna skulle försöken ha pågått under en längre tid. Det behövs mer forskning och projekt under en längre period.Detta examensarbete är utfört på plats i Lajaedo, Brasilien och i anslutning till Sanitário de Lajeado – RS, Brasilien, mellan januari till maj 2010. I samband med denna rapport utfördes två andra examensarbeten inom samma områden. Det är menat att denna rapport skall ligga till grund för framtida projekt och beslut om utökad lakvattenrening.Lajeado ligger i södra Brasilien ca 100 km från atlantkusten. 10 km utanför Lajeado ligger en ung avfallsdeponi på ca 15 000 m2 till ytan med tillhörande lakvattenrening med ett utjämningsmagasin, en syrsättningsbassäng samt sedimentering. Deponin tar emot 42 ton fast kommunalt avfall per dag och har ett lakvattenflöde på genomsnitt 0,5 – 1,0 m3/h.Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka vilken inverkan vegetation har på reningen av lakvatten inom parametrarna TKN, BOD5 och COD, i småskaliga våtmarker av typen rotzonsanläggning. Då den befintliga reningen på plats har svårt att uppfylla vissa uppsatta lagkrav.Sammansättningen på och mängden av lakvatten beror främst på faktorerna, nederbörd, Temperatur och nedbrytningen i deponin.Vegetationens har många olika betydelser i en rotzonsanläggning. Plantan transporter ner syre till dess rotsystem där syremolekyler diffunderar ut. Vegetation fungerar även som en extern kolkälla vid denitrifikationsteget. Det är viktigt att vegetationen trivs och rotsystemet är välutvecklat, för att få en maximal reduktion av föroreningar i våtmarken.Åtta småskaliga våtmarker byggdes upp i anslutning till lakvattenreningen, i avkapade plasttunnor. Alla våtmarker byggdes upp med unika förutsättningar för att kunna jämföra resultatet. Två olika substrat användes och jämfördes, i fyra kar planterades vegetation och fyra utan, fyra hade kontinuerligt flöde som jämfördes med fyra kar med batch flow.Resultaten visar att växterna inte har någon större inverkan på reningsgraden av BOD5, COD och TKN. Men såg tydliga tecken på högre vattenavdunstning i våtmarkerna med biomassa och generellt högre halter av BOD5, COD och TKN i jämförelse med våtmarkerna utan biomassa. Vegetationen hann inte acklimatisera sig till miljön i våtmarkerna, men det var på god väg. För att få ett bättre resultat och en mer signifikant skillnad mellan våtmarkerna skulle försöken ha pågått under en längre tid. Det behövs mer forskning och projekt under en längre period. / The ability for a subsurface flow constructed wetland system to treat landfill leachate was evaluated in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eight 0.95 m x 0.6 m experimental (SSF) units with a depth 0.4 m were used. Each wetland had unique conditions. Four units were planted with Typha angustifolia L. and four units were unplanted. Two different substrate dimension were used, four units with sand and four with gravel. Four wetlands operated in batch mode and four units with continuous flow. Batch flow systems were drained and filled up each week. To review vegetations impact on BOD5, COD and nitrogen compounds reduced in a wetland. This project lasted between January until May 2010 and samples were analyzed in April to May in four weeks.The result from this project show higher evapotranspiration water loss in units with planted vegetation and higher effluents concentration of BOD5, COD and nitrogen compounds, than in unplanted units.The ability for a subsurface flow constructed wetland system to treat landfill leachate was evaluated in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Eight 0.95 m x 0.6 m experimental (SSF) units with a depth 0.4 m were used. Each wetland had unique conditions. Four units were planted with Typha angustifolia L. and four units were unplanted. Two different substrate dimension were used, four units with sand and four with gravel. Four wetlands operated in batch mode and four units with continuous flow. Batch flow systems were drained and filled up each week. To review vegetations impact on BOD5, COD and nitrogen compounds reduced in a wetland. This project lasted between January until May 2010 and samples were analyzed in April to May in four weeks.The result from this project show higher evapotranspiration water loss in units with planted vegetation and higher effluents concentration of BOD5, COD and nitrogen compounds, than in unplanted units.

Soy-Polypropylene Biocomposites for Automotive Applications

Guettler, Barbara Elisabeth 15 May 2009 (has links)
For the automotive sector, plastics play the most important role when designing interior and exterior parts for cars. Currently, most parts are made from petroleum-based plastics but alternatives are needed to replace environmentally harmful materials while providing the appropriate mechanical performance and preferably reduce the cost for the final product. The objective of this work was to explore the use of soy flakes as natural filler in a composite with polypropylene and to investigate the mechanical properties, water absorption and thermal behaviour. For a better understanding of the filler, the soy flakes were characterized extensively with analytical and microscopic methods. Two types of soy fillers were investigated, soy flakes, provided by Bunge Inc., with a 48 wt-% protein content and an industrial soy based filler with 44 wt-% protein content and provided by Ford. The size of the soy flakes after milling was mainly between 50 and 200 µm and below 50 µm for the industrial filler. The aspect ratio for all filler was below 5. The soy flakes were used after milling and subjected to two pre-treatment methods: (1) one hour in a 50 °C pH 9 water solution in a 1 : 9 solid-liquid ratio; (2) one hour in a 50 °C pH 9 1M NaCl solution in a 1 : 9 solid-liquid ratio. A control filler, without pre-treatment was considered. The soy flakes were also compared to an industrial soy based filler provided by Ford (soy flour (Ford)). The thermogravimetric analysis showed an onset of degradation at 170 °C for the treated filler (ISH2O and ISNaCl) and 160 °C for the untreated filler. The biocomposites formulation consisted of 30 wt-% filler, and polypropylene with/without 0.35 wt-% anti-oxidant Irganox 1010 and with/without the addition of MA-PP as coupling agent. All biocomposites were compounded in a mini-extruder, pressed into bars by injection moulding and tested subsequently. The mechanical properties of the biocomposites are promising. An increase of the E-modulus was observed when compared to pure polypropylene. The addition of MA-PP as coupling agent increased the yield strength of the biocomposites. When pure polypropylene and the biocomposites were compared no difference could be seen for their yield strength. The thermal behaviour deduced from differential scanning calorimetry, revealed a similar behaviour for the biocomposites and the pure polypropylene. Only the samples treated in the presence of NaCl and without a coupling agent, appear to have a slightly higher degree of crystallinity. The melt flow index was slightly increased for the biocomposites containing soy flakes pre-treated with NaCl and decreased for biocomposites containing the soy flour. The water absorption behaviour of the biocomposites was quite similar at the beginning with a slightly lower absorption for the materials with coupling agent. After three months, all samples except the ones treated with water showed a weight loss that can be due to the leaching of the water soluble components in the untreated filler and the NaCl treated filler. In conclusion, soy flakes represent an attractive filler when used in a polypropylene matrix if an aqueous alkaline pre-treatment is performed. The aqueous alkaline extraction also leads to the recovery of the proteins that can be used in food products while the remaining insoluble material is used for the biocomposites, avoiding the competition with the use of soy for food products...

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