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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La Ricezione della Vita di Mario di Plutarco nella cultura greco-latina dal II al V secolo d.C.

Musacchio, Pierfrancesco 15 June 2022 (has links)
This research aims to answer three questions: why do we study an ancient reception of a text, in the 21st century? Why do texts change their meanings throughout time? How does this occur in our case study, Marius’ life? The methodologic approach is based on Jauss’ hermeneutic; Gramsci’s cultural hegemony; László’s construction of cultural identity; Hardwick’s classical reception studies; Lausberg’s literary communities. Moreover, I propose to define cultural communities. These communities reuse texts according to their own perception (voluntarily or involuntarily). So, I have selected a corpus of authors, linked to Plutarch and Marius, that have been catalogued by different cultural groups. The results show that under the Antonine dynasty Marius’ existence is almost forgotten, but the moral message of Life is systematically reused. The 3rd century exalts the authoritarian Marius, according to the political program of the Severan dynasty and military emperors. The 4th and 5th centuries reused Marius’ life in two ways: Christians describe a bad man, while pagans portray a hero, because the former want to condemn, and the latter want to glorify Roman tradition. These results have already answered the third question, on how meanings change. They allow us to answer the second question: why? Because of the change of political aims. Finally, I can answer the first one: why is this important for us? Because contemporary cultural communities reuse classical texts in the same ways as the ancient ones. So, this analysis of the past can explain the present too.


LANDINI, CHIARA 17 March 2016 (has links)
Nel corso dell’Ottocento, in Francia, il principio di formazione, attraverso gli studi classici, delle élite destinate a ricoprire le più alte funzioni professionali assunse una connotazione sempre più anacronistica e il sistema scolastico fu al centro di una serie di accesi dibattiti e tentativi più o meno riusciti di riforma dei metodi di insegnamento e dei contenuti degli studi, che si acuirono soprattutto in seguito alla battaglia di Sedan. Il permanere di una cultura e di un sistema di istruzione immobile e legato alla tradizione umanistica si scontrò violentemente a fine secolo con la democratizzazione della società, il progresso scientifico e lo sviluppo economico e con la corsa alla modernizzazione della cultura. Questo elaborato si propone di ripercorrere i principali aspetti culturali, storici ed economici che scandirono la storia della pedagogia francese, analizzando il lungo ed altalenante percorso di cambiamento delle humanités classiques durante la costituzione dell’istituzione più conservatrice della Francia del XIX secolo: l’enseignement secondaire. / During the nineteenth century in France, the education through classical studies of the elite meant to play the highest professional roles became increasingly anachronistic and the school system was the main target of many debates and reforming processes. These attempts of changing teaching methods and subjects increased even further after the battle of Sedan. At the end of the century, the persistence of a stationary culture and of an educational system linked to the humanistic tradition clashed with the democratisation of the society, the scientific progress and the economic development and also with the rush to modernise this culture. The aim of this research is to trace the main cultural, historical and economic factors that distinguished the history of French education, while analysing the long and various changes of classical humanities during the establishment of French secondary school, which was the more conservative institution of the nineteenth century.

I classici attraverso l'Atlantico: la ricezione dei Padri Fondatori e Thomas Jefferson / CLASSICS ACROSS THE ATLANTIC: THE FOUNDERS' RECEPTION AND THOMAS JEFFERSON

BENEDETTI, MARTA 17 March 2016 (has links)
La tesi si occupa di verificare l’influenza che i classici greci e latini hanno esercitato su i padri fondatori americani e più in particolare su Thomas Jefferson. La prima sezione tratteggia il contesto universitario e lo studio delle lingue classiche tra seicento e settecento, comprendendo non solo le università inglesi (Oxford e Cambridge) e scozzesi, ma anche i nuovi college nati nelle colonie americane. Tale analisi dei modelli e delle pratiche educative ha permesso, in effetti, di comprendere meglio l’influenza dei classici sui rivoluzionari americani. Nello specifico viene scandagliata a fondo l’educazione ricevuta da Jefferson. Tra i numerosi spunti di studio aperti da codesto argomento, il lavoro si concentra sulle modalità con cui i classici gli furono insegnati, sul suo Commonplace Book (una raccolta di brani tratti in parte da autori antichi letti in giovinezza) e su documentazione epistolare. Quest’ultima è oggetto particolare di studio, allo scopo di scoprire quali opere antiche Jefferson, in età adulta e durante la vecchiaia, lesse e apprezzò. Essendo un collezionista di libri, comprò moltissimi testi classici come dimostrano alcuni suoi manoscritti. Nonostante manchino dati precisi a riguardo, risulta inoltre che Jefferson, benché facesse largo uso di traduzioni, preferiva leggere in originale e che probabilmente abbia letto la maggior parte di questi libri durante il ritiro dalla vita politica. La seconda parte della tesi si concentra, invece, a indagare quanto la sua educazione classica abbia contributo alla formazione della sua personalità e delle sue idee, nonché alla forma stessa del suo pensiero in merito ad alcune tematiche. Lo studio è di conseguenza dedicato all’esperienza umana di Jefferson, in particolare alla sua riflessione sulla morte e sull’eternità, temi fortemente legati alla sua ricezione di idee epicuree e stoiche. Epicureismo e Stoicismo rappresentano, in definitiva, i due sistemi filosofici antichi che hanno maggiormente influenzato la sua personalità e il suo pensiero. / The aim of the present work is to evaluate the impact of the ancient classics on the American Founding Fathers, with a particular focus on Thomas Jefferson. The first section gives a wide portrait of the academic context in which the Founders were educated, comprising not only of Oxford, Cambridge, and the Scottish universities, but also the colonial colleges. The evaluation of the educational practices in use at the time makes it possible to understand better the classical impact on revolutionary Americans. In particular, this analysis studies in depth Jefferson's education. Of the many possible perspectives and approaches to this topic, the present work focuses on the way ancient classics were taught to him, his Commonplace Book, which reports part of the ancient classics he read during his youth, and his correspondence. The latter has been studied especially to understand which other ancient writers he read, valued, and esteemed in his adulthood and old age. As book collector, Jefferson bought an incredible number of ancient classics, as attested by a few manuscripts of his book lists. Despite the dearth of sure evidence, it is very likely that he read the ancient works largely during his retirement. He loved reading them in the original, though he made great use of translations. The second part of this work is dedicated to investigating how Jefferson's classical education contributed to the building of his personality and ideas, as well as how he elaborated specific classical themes in his own life. The study is thus focused on Jefferson's personal human experience, specifically on his reflection on human mortality and the afterlife. These themes, indeed, are strictly linked to his reception of Epicurean and Stoic tenets, the two ancient philosophical systems which had the greatest and most profound impact on Jefferson's personality and thought.

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