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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L1 adaptive control for ball and beam system

Haveri Narayana, Madhusudhana 01 August 2012 (has links)
The ball and beam system is a very simple and powerful control system problem. The easy construction of this system combined with its challenging control design requirement makes it one of the most favorable example models for control engineers. The model contains a horizontal beam which can pivot about its center; a DC Motor whose shaft is connected to the center of the beam; and a ball that can freely roll on top of the beam. The basic idea is to accurately tilt the beam about its center, using the motor, to indirectly control the position of the ball that freely rolls on the beam. In this thesis, the L1 adaptive control technique is considered for precise positioning of the rolling ball on the beam. Two different architectures of L1 adaptive control namely, the L1 adaptive state feedback control and the L1 adaptive output feedback control are designed and verified in simulation. L1 adaptive control guarantees transient performance and robustness in presence of fast adaptation without introducing or enforcing persistence of excitation.

Alternative Strategies for Engine Control / Alternativa reglerstrategier för motor-reglering

Kahriman, Edin, Jovanovic, Srdjan January 2015 (has links)
The existing powertrain control system in Volvo CE's vehicles consists of various types of physical quantities that are controlled. One of them is the engine speed. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether there are other control strategies suitable for engine speed control, than the existing one. Currently, the existing control system requires re-calibration of the control parameters if hardware in the vehicle is replaced. The current controller is a gain-scheduled PID controller with control parameters that varies over the operating range. The aim has been to develop several different adaptive control strategies. Adaptive control methods are expected to adapt to the changes of the system that a replacement of hardware can bring. The performance and robustness of the developed controllers have been compared with the existing controller. The approach has been to implement the control strategies in Matlab/Simulink and simulate the process with existing engine software provided by Volvo CE. The next step was to test and verify the controllers in a real machine. The focus in this thesis work has been on the adaptive control strategies MRAC (Model-Reference Adaptive Control) and L1 Adaptive Control. In the MRAC structure the desired performance is specified in terms of a reference model that the real system is supposed to follow. Each time an error is generated, by comparing actual and desired output, a suitable algorithm is used in order to obtain the control signal that can minimize the error. In addition, modeling errors and disturbances are estimated so that the controller can compensate for these. L1 Adaptive Control is an extension of the MRAC structure. The difference is that before the control signal is fed to the real system, it is low-pass filtered. This is done in order to prevent feeding high frequencies into the system. The results show that adaptive control has potential to be used in engine speed control. Reference following and disturbance rejection is well handled and simulations have furthermore shown that the developed controllers can deal with changes in the hardware. One of the developed L1-controllers was implemented in a real machine with promising results. / Det existerande styrsystemet i Volvo CE:s maskiner har till uppgift att styra och reglera flera olika fysikaliska storheter. En av dessa storheter är motorvarvtalet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka alternativa reglerstrategier som kan användas för att styra motorvarvtalet. Problemet idag är att det nuvarande styrsystemet kräver omkalibrering av regulatorparametrar när befintlig hårdvara i maskinen behöver ersättas på grund av föråldring eller slitage. Den nuvarande regulatorn är en parameterstyrd PID-regulator där regulatorparametrarna beror av aktuell arbetspunkt. Målet har varit att utveckla och prova flera olika adaptiva reglerstrategier. Dessa metoder förväntas kunna hantera förändringar och adaptera sig mot nya förhållanden och omständigheter som en hårdvaruförändring kan medföra. Prestanda och robusthet som de utvecklade regulatorerna erhåller har jämförts mot den existerande regulatorstrukturen. Tillvägagångssättet har varit att implementera reglerstrategierna i Matlab/Simulink samt simulera med tillhörande motormjukvara som Volvo CE tillhandahållit. I nästa fas skulle regulatorerna testas och verifieras i en riktig maskin. Fokuset har under detta examensarbete riktats mot de två adaptiva reglerstrategierna Model-Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) och L1 Adaptive Control. MRAC-strukturen bygger på att specificera prestandan genom en referens-modell som det riktiga systemet skall följa. Varje gång en avvikelse uppstår så beräknas en lämplig styrsignal genom att beakta och försöka minimera skillnaden mellan det riktiga systemet och den önskade referens-modellen. Till detta modelleras och skattas störningar som regulatorn skall kompensera för. Tekniken inom L1 Adaptive Control är en utvidgning av MRAC. Önskat beteende specificeras även för denna regulatorstruktur men största skillnaden är att innan styrsignalen matas in till systemet så lågpassfiltreras den. Detta görs i förebyggande syfte för att inte släppa in onödigt höga frekvenser in i systemet. Resultaten visar att adaptiv reglering av motorvarvtalet har potential. Referensföljning och undertryckning av störningar hanteras väl och simuleringar har dessutom visat att de utvecklade regulatorerna kan hantera hårdvaruändringar. En av de utvecklade L1-regulatorerna implementerades i en riktig maskin och resultaten såg lovande ut.

Modeling, Estimation and Attitude Control of an Octorotor Using PID and L1 Adaptive Control Techniques / Modellering, estimering och attitydreglering av en oktakopter med användning av PID- och L1-adaptiv teknik

Bergman, Kristoffer, Ekström, Jonatan January 2014 (has links)
A multirotor is a type of aerial vehicle that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Multirotors have found applications in a variety of different fields and they are used by scientists and researchers, commercial UAV companies and radio control enthusiasts alike. In this thesis a multirotor with eight rotors, also called an octorotor, is used. A physical model of the octorotor has been developed using theory from rigid body mechanics and aerodynamics. The unknown parameters in this model have been found using several identification experiments. The model has been used for controller design and comparison in a simulation environment. An attitude estimation algorithm has been designed and implemented on the target hardware. The algorithm is referred to as a nonlinear complementary filter and it uses a quaternion rotation representation and onboard measurements to compute an estimate of the current aircraft attitude. Two different attitude controllers have been designed and evaluated. The first controller is based on PID techniques which are commonly used in multirotor flight stabilization systems. The second controller uses a novel control structure based on L1 adaptive control techniques. A baseline attitude PD controller is augmented with an L1 adaptive controller in the rate feedback loop. The two controller structures are compared using a simulation environment based on the developed model of the octorotor. The results show that the proposed structure gives a notable performance increase with respect to robustness against modeling errors and input disturbance rejection compared to the PID controller. However, the L1 adaptive controller is more complex to implement and gives less noise attenuation. The PID controller has been implemented on the platform's hardware and initial flight tests have been performed with promising results. / En multirotor är en typ av flygande farkost som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet under senare år. Multirotorer tillämpas inom flertalet områden och de används av bland annat forskare och vetenskapsmän, kommersiella UAV- företag samt hobbyentusiaster. I detta examensarbete används en multirotor med åtta rotorer, en så kallad oktakopter. En fysikalisk modell av oktakoptern har tagits fram med hjälp av teori från stelkroppsmekanik och aerodynamik. De okända parametrarna i modellen har skattats med hjälp av ett flertal identifieringsexperiment. Modellen har använts för att designa och jämföra regulatorer i en simuleringsmiljö. En algoritm för att skatta farkostens attityd har designats och implementerats på oktakopterns hårdvara. Algoritmen är en variant av ett olinjärt komplementärt filter och använder en kvaternionrepresentation av attitydvinklar och uppmätt sensordata för att skatta farkostens nuvarande attityd. Två olika attitydregulatorer har designats och utvärderats. Den första regulatorn är baserad på PID-teknik vilket är vanligt för stabilisering av multirotorsystem. Den andra regulatorn använder en ny regulatorstruktur baserad på L1-adaptiv teknik. En grundregulator av PD-typ utökas med en L1-adaptiv regulator i vinkelhastighetsloopen. De två regulatorstrukturerna jämförs i en simuleringsmiljö baserad på den framtagna modellen av oktakoptern. Resultaten visar att den föreslagna regulatorstrukturen ger en betydande prestandaökning gällande robusthet mot modellfel och undertryckning av ingångsstörningar jämfört med PID-regulatorn. Dock är L1-regulatorn mer komplex att implementera och den ger mindre brusundertryckning. PID-regulatorn har implementerats på plattformens hårdvara och inledande flygtester har genomförts med lovande resultat.

Adaptive Control Of Guided Missiles

Tiryaki Kutluay, Kadriye 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
iv ABSTRACT ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF GUIDED MISSILES Tiryaki Kutluay, Kadriye Ph.D., Department of Aerospace Engineering Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ilkay Yavrucuk February 2011, 147 Pages This thesis presents applications and an analysis of various adaptive control augmentation schemes to various baseline flight control systems of an air to ground guided missile. The missile model used in this research has aerodynamic control surfaces on its tail section. The missile is desired to make skid to turn maneuvers by following acceleration commands in the pitch and yaw axis, and by keeping zero roll attitude. First, a linear quadratic regulator baseline autopilot is designed for the control of the missile acceleration in pitch axis at a single point in the flight envelope. This baseline autopilot is then augmented with a Direct Model Reference Adaptive Control (DMRAC) scheme using Neural Networks for parameter estimation, and an L1 Adaptive Control scheme. Using the linearized longitudinal model of the missile at the design point, simulations are performed to analyze and demonstrate the performance of the two adaptive augmentation schemes. By injecting uncertainties to the plant model, the effects of adaptive augmentations on the linear baseline autopilot are examined. v Secondly, a high fidelity simulation software of the missile is used in order to analyze the performance of the adaptive augmentations in 6 DoF nonlinear flight simulations. For the control of the missile in three axis, baseline autopilots are designed using dynamic inversion at a single point in the flight envelope. A linearizing transformation is employed during the inversion process. These coarsely designed baseline autopilots are augmented with L1 adaptive control elements. The performance of the adaptive control augmentation system is tested in the presence of perturbations in the aerodynamic model and increase in input gain, and the simulation results are presented.

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