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Contributions of Lattice Anharmonicities to Optoelectronic Properties of Lead Halide PerovskitesJoshi, Prakriti Pradhan January 2019 (has links)
Lead halide perovskites (LHPs) have forcefully emerged as a promising materials class for next-generation solar cells. The high efficiencies of LHP-based photovoltaics are underpinned by their outstanding optoelectronic properties, including long carrier lifetimes, long carrier diffusion lengths, high radiative efficiencies, and long-lived hot carriers. In conventional semiconductors, high efficiencies are achieved by stringent control over defect densities; higher purity diminishes the number of carrier scattering events and yields better optoelectronic properties. Given the high defect densities of LHPs, these observed behaviors indicate that LHPs are defect-tolerant and disobey this paradigm via dynamic screening of charge carriers.
In order to expand the library of defect-tolerant semiconductors, we must elucidate the carrier-lattice interactions that lead to dynamic screening. LHP lattices are highly anharmonic and dynamically disordered, which must play a role in this screening mechanism. This anharmonicity demands a departure from the conventional Fröhlich interaction, which considers the harmonic coupling of a carrier to one phonon, to a picture that incorporates anharmonic phonon-phonon couplings. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the ultrafast anharmonic lattice response associated with dynamic screening of charge carriers. We probe the formation of large polarons in CH3NH3PbBr3 and CsPbBr3 using time-resolved optical Kerr effect spectroscopy. We further investigate the coupling of phonon modes in a model system, CsPbBr3, in the presence of charge carriers using ultrafast coherent phonon spectroscopy.
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Оптимизација CFD симулације на групама вишејезгарних хетерогених архитектура / Optimizacija CFD simulacije na grupama višejezgarnih heterogenih arhitektura / Optimization of CFD simulations on groups of many-core heterogeneous architecturesTekić Jelena 07 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Предмет истраживања тезе је из области паралелног програмирања,<br />имплементација CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) методе на више<br />хетерогених вишејезгарних уређаја истовремено. У раду је приказано<br />неколико алгоритама чији је циљ убрзање CFD симулације на персоналним рачунарима. Показано је да описано решење постиже задовољавајуће перформансе и на HPC уређајима (Тесла графичким картицама). Направљена је симулација у микросервис архитектури која је портабилна и флексибилна и додатно олакшава рад на персоналним рачунарима.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja teze je iz oblasti paralelnog programiranja,<br />implementacija CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) metode na više<br />heterogenih višejezgarnih uređaja istovremeno. U radu je prikazano<br />nekoliko algoritama čiji je cilj ubrzanje CFD simulacije na personalnim računarima. Pokazano je da opisano rešenje postiže zadovoljavajuće performanse i na HPC uređajima (Tesla grafičkim karticama). Napravljena je simulacija u mikroservis arhitekturi koja je portabilna i fleksibilna i dodatno olakšava rad na personalnim računarima.</p> / <p>The case study of this dissertation belongs to the field of parallel programming, the implementation of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) method on several heterogeneous multiple core devices simultaneously. The paper presents several algorithms aimed at accelerating CFD simulation on common computers. Also it has been shown that the described solution achieves satisfactory performance on<br />HPC devices (Tesla graphic cards). Simulation is created in micro-service architecture that is portable and flexible and makes it easy to test CFD<br />simulations on common computers.</p>
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Fisher's zeros in lattice gauge theoryDu, Daping 01 July 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we study the Fisher's zeros in lattice gauge theory. The analysis of singularities in the complex coupling plane is an important tool to understand the critical phenomena of statistical models. The Fisher's zero structure characterizes the scaling properties of the underlying models and has a strong influence on the complex renormalization group transformation flows in the region away from both the strong and weak coupling regimes. By reconstructing the density of states, we try to develop a systematical method to investigate these singularities and we apply the method to SU(2) and U(1) lattice gauge models with a Wilson action in the fundamental representation. We first take the perturbative approach. By using the saddle point approximation, we construct the series expansions of the density of states in both of the strong and weak regimes from the strong and weak coupling expansions of the free energy density. We analyze the SU(2) and U(1) models. The expansions in the strong and weak regimes for the two models indicate both possess finite radii of convergence, suggesting the existence of complex singularities. We then perform the numerical calculations. We use Monte Carlo simulations to construct the numerical density of states of the SU(2) and U(1) models. We also discuss the convergence of the Ferrenberg-Swendsen's method which we use for the SU(2) model and propose a practical method to find the initial values that improve the convergence of the iterations. The strong and weak series expansions are in good agreement with the numerical results in their respective limits. The numerical calculations also enable the discussion of the finite volume effects which are important to the weak expansion. We calculate the Fisher's zeros of the SU(2) and U(1) models at various volumes using the numerical entropy density functions. We compare different methods of locating the zeros. By the assumption of validity of the saddle point approximation, we find that the roots of the second derivative of the entropy density function have an interesting relation with the actual zeros and may possibly reveal the scaling property of the zeros. Using the analytic approximation of the numerical density of states, we are able to locate the Fisher's zeros of the SU(2) and U(1) models. The zeros of the SU(2) stabilize at a distance from the real axis, which is compatible with the scenario that a crossover instead of a phase transition is expected in the infinite volume limit. In contrast, with the precise determination of the locations of Fisher's zeros for the U(1) model at smaller lattice sizes L=4, 6 and 8, we show that the imaginary parts of the zeros decrease with a power law of L-3.07 and pinch the real axis at β= 1.01134, which agrees with results using other methods. Preliminary results at larger volumes indicate a first-order transition in the infinite volume limit.
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Tensor renormalization group methods for spin and gauge modelsZou, Haiyuan 01 July 2014 (has links)
The analysis of the error of perturbative series by comparing it to the exact solution is an important tool to understand the non-perturbative physics of statistical models. For some toy models, a new method can be used to calculate higher order weak coupling expansion and modified perturbation theory can be constructed. However, it is nontrivial to generalize the new method to understand the critical behavior of high dimensional spin and gauge models. Actually, it is a big challenge in both high energy physics and condensed matter physics to develop accurate and efficient numerical algorithms to solve these problems. In this thesis, one systematic way named tensor renormalization group method is discussed. The applications of the method to several spin and gauge models on a lattice are investigated. theoretically, the new method allows one to write an exact representation of the partition function of models with local interactions. E.g. O(N) models, Z2 gauge models and U(1) gauge models. Practically, by using controllable approximations, results in both finite volume and the thermodynamic limit can be obtained. Another advantage of the new method is that it is insensitive to sign problems for models with complex coupling and chemical potential. Through the new approach, the Fisher's zeros of the 2D O(2) model in the complex coupling plane can be calculated and the finite size scaling of the results agrees well with the Kosterlitz-Thouless assumption. Applying the method to the O(2) model with a chemical potential, new phase diagram of the models can be obtained. The structure of the tensor language may provide a new tool to understand phase transition properties in general.
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Applications of vibrational spectroscopy and NMR spin-lattice relaxation time measurements to organometallic and organic molecular crystalsHarvey, Pierre Dominique. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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The continuous and discrete extended Korteweg-de Vries equations and their applications in hydrodynamics and lattice dynamicsShek, Cheuk-man, Edmond. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Title proper from title frame. Also available in printed format.
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Trådlöst vibrationsmätningssystem / Wireless vibration measurement systemHolmgren, Olof January 2008 (has links)
<p>I detta exjobb har en trådlös enhet för vibrationsmätning på maskiner konstruerats. Arbetet har gällt både hårdvara ochmjukvara. I arbetet ingår bland annat implementering av olika digitala filter i den mikrokontroller som valts ochframtagning och implementering av ett kommunikationsprotokoll för trådlös kommunikation. Resultatet har blivit att enkomplett fungerande prototyp på en mätenhet med lovande egenskaper kunnat tas fram.</p>
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Impurity NMR study of heavily phosphorus-dopes siliconMeintjes, Ernesta M. 16 January 1998 (has links)
Graduation date: 1998
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Exploring structure and reformulations in different integer programming algorithmsLouveaux, Quentin 17 June 2004 (has links)
In this thesis we consider four topics all related to using problem reformulations
in order to solve integer programs, i.e. optimization problems in which the decision
variables must be integer.
We first consider the polyhedral approach.
We start by addressing the question of lifting valid inequalities, i.e. finding a
valid inequality for a set Y from the knowledge of a valid inequality for
a lower-dimensional restriction X of Y. We simplify and clarify the presentation of
the procedure. This allows us to derive conditions under which the computation
of the lifting is tractable.
The second topic is the study of valid inequalities for the single node flow set.
The single node flow set is the problem obtained by considering one node
of a fixed charge network flow problem. We derive valid inequalities for this
set and various generalizations. Our approach is a systematic
procedure using only basic tools of integer programming: fixing and
complementing variables, mixed-integer rounding and lifting. The method allows
us to explain and generate a large range of inequalities describing the convex hull of
such sets.
The last two topics are based on non-standard approaches for integer programming.
We first show how the group relaxation approach can be used to provide reformulations
for the integral basis method. This is based on a study of extended formulations
for the group problem. We present four extended formulations and show that the projections of three
of these formulations provide the convex hull of the original group problem.
Initial computational tests of the approach are also reported.
Finally we consider a problem that is difficult for the standard
branch-and-bound approach even for small instances. A reformulation based
on lattice basis reduction is known to be more effective. However
the step to compute the reduced basis is O(n^4) and becomes a bottleneck
for small to medium instances. By using the structure of the problem,
we show that we can decompose the problem and obtain the basis by
taking the kronecker product of two smaller bases easier to compute. Furthermore,
if the two small bases are reduced, the kronecker product is also reduced
up to a reordering of the vectors. Computational results show the gain from such an approach.
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Electrons in perturbed periodic latticesJanuary 1949 (has links)
J.C. Slater. / "May 12, 1949." / Includes bibliographical references. / Army Signal Corps Contract No. W36-039-sc-32037 Project No. 102B Dept. of the Army Project No. 3-99-10-022
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