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Spatial and seasonal distribution of selected persistent organic pollutants and phenolic derivatives along the course of the Buffalo River in the Eastern Cape Province of South AfricaYahaya, Abdulrazaq January 2017 (has links)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) fall under a group of synthetic chemicals known for their persistence in environmental matrices such as soil and water, and are used in industrial, domestic and agricultural applications. Because of their volatility and lipophilicity, POPs can be transported far away from their point sources and bio-accumulate in food and in fatty tissues of humans and animals. In view of their toxicity and carcinogenicity some organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and phenolic derivatives (chlorophenol and nitrophenol) have been classified by United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and World Health Organization (WHO) as priority pollutants. The present work evaluated the distribution patterns of 19 polychlorinated biphenyls congeners, 17 organochlorine pesticides and selected phenolic derivatives (USEPA 11-priority pollutants) in the Buffalo River, in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa between December 2015 and May 2016. The Liquid-liquid extraction technique was used for PCBs, OCPs and phenolic derivatives in the river water samples. Silica gel and florisil clean up were carried out for PCBs and OCPs samples respectively and analyzed with gas chromatography electron capture detector (GC/ECD). Phenolic compounds were derivatized and analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GC/MS). Limits of detection (LOD), limit of quantitation (LOQ) and relative standard deviation (RSD) for the PCBs were 10 to 330 ng/L, 20 to 1,060 ng/L and 1.18 to 14.1 percent respectively. The LOD, LOQ and RSD for the OCPs were from 20 - 60 ng/L, 110 - 530 ng/L and 0.02 - 0.06 percent, while the corresponding values for the phenolic derivatives were 10 to 70 ng/L, 33 to 222 ng/L and 1.99 - 10.86 percent. In summer, the concentrations of PCBs, OCPs and phenolic derivatives ranged from <LOD to 482 ng/L, <LOD to 4,403 ng/L and <LOD to 1,546 ng/L respectively, while in autumn they were from <LOD to 2,383 ng/L, <LOD to 858 ng/L and <LOD to 713 ng/L in that order. Also, in summer, the level of occurrence of total PCB congeners detected at the various sampling sites were Buffalo River Estuary (BRE) 11 percent, Mdantsane (MSN) 16 percent, Zwelitsha (ZW) 26 percent, King William’s Town (KWT) 47 percent, Izele (IZ) 32 percent, and Maden (MD) 21 percent. The level of occurrence of total OCPs at BRE was 65 percent, at MSN 65 percent, at ZW 82 percent, at KWT 47 percent, at IZ 29 percent, and at MD 18 percent. The level of occurrence of total phenolic derivatives at BRE was 63 percent, at MSN 63 percent, at ZW 54 percent, at KWT 63 percent, at IZ 63 percent, and at MD 54 percent. In autumn, the level of occurrence of total PCBs at BRE was 68 percent, at MSN 16 percent, at ZW 42 percent, at KWT 26 percent, at IZ 47 percent, and at MD 0 percent. The level of occurrence of total OCPs at BRE was 65 percent, at MSN 53 percent, at ZW 41 percent, at KWT 35 percent, at IZ 53 percent, and at MD 18 percent. The level of occurrence of total phenolic derivatives at BRE was 63 percent, at MSN 63 percent, at ZW 54 percent, at KWT 18 percent, at IZ 18 percent, and at MD 45 percent. In summer, the levels of PCBs in all sampling sites were below WHO recommended maximum permissible levels (500 ng/L) for humans but in autumn the levels were above the recommended values in all the sites except MD. The cancer risk assessment values were above permissible 10-6 while hazard quotients were above the USEPA maximum limits of unity. OCPs levels were above the USEPA limits (100 ng/L) in all sampling locations in both seasons. The cancer risk assessment values were below permissible 10-6 but hazard quotients were above the USEPA maximum limits. Phenolic derivatives were also above the USEPA maximum permissible limit (500 ng/L) in most of the sampling locations in summer whereas during autumn the values were notably below the permissible limit at ZW, KWT, IZ and MD. The cancer risk assessment values and hazard quotients were above USEPA maximum limits of 10-6 and unity respectively. Conclusively, the results of this study reveal that the pollutants were present in the river at concentrations higher than the tolerable limit for human and wildlife and thereby may constitute a serious risk to public health. Therefore, it is recommended that proper regulation of the use of the compounds and their safe disposal be ensured to protect aquatic resources and the well-being of humans. Read more
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Township spatial planning and climate change adaptation : a case of Mdantsane in Buffalo City Metropolitan MunicipalityBusayo, Emmanuel Tolulope January 2018 (has links)
Spatial planning plays a significant role in enhancing climate change adaptation especially within an urban area. The alignment of spatial planning with climate change adaptation opens an opportunity to improve resilience in areas of high vulnerability and manage the unavoidable. This mini-dissertation examines township spatial planning and climate change adaptation in identifying potentialities for an integrated approach. Therefore, Mdantsane case study as one of the largest townships in South Africa was explored as a unique landscape with reminiscent of apartheid to improve the people’s climate change adaptation under urban poverty, lack of basic facilities and other environmental challenges. In keeping with a case study design, mixed methods were adopted in data collection and analysis making use of GIS and remote sensing techniques alongside pretested open and close-ended questionnaires. The study reveals that townships are extremely susceptible to the impacts of climate change due to their built-up and natural environment set up as well as the existing interrelations. Based on this study major findings, Mdantsane built up cover in year 1996 was 269.496 km2 followed by vegetation area of about 142.272 km2; the area covered by water body was 31.554 km2 while other land surface features cover about 317.277 km2. It was revealed that there was a drastic change in vegetation cover between 1996 and 2016, where built up cover area increased to 375.552 km2 and vegetation cover is 119.277 km2 while water body and other land features cover was about 29.889 and 235.881 km2 respectively. Furthermore, 66 percent of the respondents agreed that agriculture is the predominant land use activity been carried out in the study area, respondents at 74.4 percent affirmed that solid waste and sanitation problems are environmental issues which can lead to climate change over time as a result of the burning of garbage. It is worthy to note that 70 percent of the entire respondents have not participated in any spatial planning process in the past. Thus, comprehensive integration of spatial planning is essential for townships proofing, health, wellbeing and resilience. To this end, the five P’s model (Policy, Public participation, Programme implementation, Political will and Programme monitoring) integration was proposed to seek strategic intervention in sustaining adaptation of local residents to climate change in the future with specific focus to reduce climate and environmental risks in Mdantsane Township. Read more
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English first additional language writing competency among grade 12 learners : the case of two Eastern Cape rural public schoolsBesman, Shirley January 2017 (has links)
Contextualized in the South African Language in Education Policy (LiEP) and the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS), the study aimed at investigating the writing competency of EFAL Grade 12 learners in the two rural public schools. It was the researchers‘ hunch that the learners‘ socio-cultural conditions at which they learn EFAL are not taken into consideration by teachers and that hampers or impedes the development of language and writing. Further, the research sought to unearth the strategies and techniques used by teachers to teach writing in EFAL, and whether these facilitate the development of writing competency, that enhances better performance in other Grade 12 subjects taught through English as a Language of Learning and Teaching (LoLT). The study is informed by the socio-cultural theory, language acquisition theories, and the language learning theories. The study also drew from the writing strategies, writing in the curriculum, and second language learning discourses Framed in the interpretive paradigm and the qualitative approach, the research adopted a case study design. The sample of the study comprised of seven teachers of which two were EFAL teachers and five of these teach content subjects. Twenty four Grade 12 learners constituted the four Focus Groups. The data collection tools comprised of interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), observation and document analysis. Learners wrote essays and free writing exercises which formed transcripts for document analysis. The purposively selected teachers and the Grade 12 learners were granted interview questions in advance. The collected data was analysed and put under themes as determined by the study‘s research questions. Such themes included; challenges faced by learners when writing in EFAL, strategies used by teachers in teaching writing , perceptions of teachers and learners on learners‘ writing competency and the connection or linkage between learners‘ writing competency in EFAL and content subjects. Learners‘essays and free writing revealed that the learners have limited vocabulary in their FAL. Furthermore, the study made known that learners experience anxiety when they have to answer questions in English and that results in them being incompetent in writing in the target language. Other hindrances to EFAL writing that were revealed by the study included the detrimental effect of social media on the writing competency and lack of motivation to read for writing in English. In addition, the study established that there were teaching approaches that were employed by teachers when teaching writing which included the process writing and integration. Content subject teachers made known to the study that they were not teaching writing to the learners but assess them in essay writing and summaries as required by the school-based assessments in their respective subjects. It was also disclosed in the study that writing encompasses other language skills especially reading. The study also revealed that writing is a skill that is obligatory to be taught because it becomes beneficial to other subjects and that it enhances learners‘ writing for a variety of reasons. Overall, the study made known that there are complex circumstances that Grade 12 learners in rural public schools encounter when engaging in writing in the EFAL. The study concluded that although English could be perceived as a dominant language, it is embedded with multiplicity of challenges in the rural secondary schools where it is used as a LoLT. Such hindrances mostly find expression when learners have to engage in writing activities and encompass; lack of motivation, anxiety, limited vocabulary and the influence of social networks. The study recommended that the EFAL policy makers should not use a blanket approach on how EFAL should be taught but consider the demographic situations of the various sections of South Africa. The study also recommended that code switching which is practiced in bilingual classrooms appears inevitable and therefore should be formalized. Read more
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Perceptions of school stakeholders towards the use of English as a language of learning and teaching (LoLT) in grade 9 Social SciencesSoya, Nongesiba January 2017 (has links)
The dawn of democracy in South Africa led to the development of Language in Education Policy (LiEP) as one of the pieces of legislations that promote languages in schools where parents, learners, who have come of age may choose a language for instruction. LiEP, together with the Constitution of South Africa, promote equal value of all eleven official languages spoken in this country. The promotion of language policies clearly shows that language is the bedrock of the academic development of every child. Unfortunately, Spaull, Van der Berg, Wills, Gustafsson and Kotzè (2016) found that South African Foundation Phase learners lack the most basic skill needed for academic achievement, reading for meaning. Spaull et.al (2016) findings show that language problems start during the early years of schooling. This study aimed at finding out the perceptions of school stakeholders about the use of English as LoLT in Grade 9 Social Sciences, and it is located in the Interpretivist Paradigm. In this study, stakeholders are learners because they are central to learning, parents, as they have the responsibility of choosing LoLT for their children and assist them in their schooling career. Lastly, teachers are stakeholders because of their critical role of imparting knowledge and skills during classroom interaction. The researcher uses a Qualitative approach to identify data-collecting tools suitable for this research, and chooses semi-structured interviews and observations. Semi-structured interviews are flexible and allow deeper probing during the interview. The sample consists of nine Grade 9 learners, three teachers of Grade 9 Social Sciences and six parents from the School Governing Body (SGB). The aim of conducting observations was to find out the language used by learners and teachers during classroom interaction. This study found out that most participants prefer learning Social Sciences in English than in isiXhosa. They are aware of the challenges experienced in the classroom when learning in English but they still choose it. From the sample used, participants clearly indicate that learning in English causes some barriers in the learning and teaching process. However, it also became clear that the benefits associated with learning in English make it difficult to put it at the same level as other languages and participants do not link mother tongue to career opportunities. It is also evident that English will enjoy its hegemony until such time that all stakeholders in Education view the mother tongue as a foundation for learning other languages and as a resource as well so that they can use it in the classroom to understand the content. Policy developers must look deeply into the question of LoLT so that learners receive instruction in a language that will assist them in improved academic performance. Teachers must be equipped with adequate skills to assist learners in developing reading and comprehension skills in the classroom. There is a dire need to develop the culture of reading in rural school learners; and teachers must expose learners to a variety of English reading material. Read more
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The use of radio frequency identification technology for inventory control in academic libraries in South Africa : a study of the University of South Africa and the University of Fort Hare Library SystemsReid, Lindsay Frederick January 2018 (has links)
The study sought to investigate the use of RFID technology as inventory control in academic libraries in South Africa, with a focus on the University of South Africa and the University of Fort Hare libraries. The objectives of the study were to describe the current inventory control practices at the libraries of the University of South Africa and the University of Fort Hare in order to determine the infrastructure required for the use of RFID for inventory control for the University of Fort Hare’s libraries; to evaluate the benefits of RFID technologies, in order to gain a competitive advantage for the University of South Africa’s and the University of Fort Hare’s libraries; to identify the challenges associated with adopting RFID technology, as experienced by the libraries of the University of South Africa and the University of Fort Hare. The study adopted both the quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The researcher followed a rigorous methodological path that began with a thorough literature review coupled with the careful and thoughtful posing of research questions and objectives. A purposive sample of forty (40) respondents was selected from the library staff from both the University of South Africa and University of Fort Harelibraries. The collected data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences 23 (SPSS 23) and Microsoft Excel 2010. The findings of the study revealed reasons for both academic libraries to invest in RFID technology; these reasons include RFID’s ability to deliver self-service options, inventory control, improved reader access and improved security. The challenges related to the implementation of RFID technology are also related to staff not being rewarded by library management for being innovative; the difficulty of staff learning new technology; the staff’s inability to generate new ideas for the library; and the staff not being able to share knowledge with each other. Further research needs to be conducted by library RFID vendors in order to meet the need, of academic libraries, for RFID inventory control. RFID hardware and software (API software) should be subjected to further investigation for the purposes of research and development. Libraries should work closer with RFID vendors so as to trial and test hardware and software. Read more
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Normative indicators for grade 3 and grade 7 isiXhosa-speaking children on the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test (Second Edition)Palmer, Hanli January 2016 (has links)
Selecting appropriate normative data for the purpose of evaluating psychometric test scores forms an integral part of the interpretative psychological assessment process. This highlights the well-known problem of utilising measures developed in the United Kingdom (UK), or the United States (US) and accepting their norms unreservedly for the practice on local populations, which questions the tests’ validity and reliability. The current study, which aimed to collect normative indicators on the Bender Gestalt Test (Second Edition), forms part of the continuing effort to develop norms for psychological tests in South Africa, and to focus on the valid and reliable use of measures within the context of South Africa’s multicultural and multilingual population groups. The participants of the research were Black isiXhosa-speaking Grade 3 and Grade 7 learners aged 8 to 9 years (N = 38 ), and 12 to 13 years (N = 23), obtaining their school education in the disadvantaged educational setting of the former Department of Education and Training (ex-DET) schools. The tests were scored according to the Bender Gestalt Test (Second Edition) manual, using the Global Scoring System. Thereafter, the raw scores were converted to Standard Scores, T-scores and Percentile Ranks using the US normative tables, according to chronological age categories. When the two groups were compared to the US norms, the results equated favourably for the present study sample. There were no significant findings in relation to the classroom size or any difference in performance between the schools who participated. The only significant difference revealed between male and female participants was with the Grade 7 sample group, where the males scored significantly lower than females on the Recall phase. These results support the prospect of the continuous revision of norms, and it is suggesting that the cognitive processes measured by this test are likely to derive from robust neurological substrates that are relatively stable across cultural groups. Read more
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Towards a changing context and performance practice of mbira dzavadzimu music in ZimbabweChipendo, Claudio January 2015 (has links)
Mbira dzavadzimu music and performance practice has been in existence since the pre-colonial era. It played a crucial role in ritual and non-ritual activities of the Shona people of Zimbabwe. However, political, social and global influences as well as technological advancement have resulted in change of context and performance practice. Unfortunately, these have not been recorded for future generations. The major aim of the study is therefore to examine the change of context and performance practice of mbira dzavadzimu in Zimbabwe. This was achieved by reviewing mbira dzavadzimu music and performance practice within the modern setting of dandaro. I looked at change from a theoretical lens of the theory of diffusion, syncretism and mediatisation. The study was in the qualitative form superimposed on some case studies. Unstructured interviews, participant and non-participant observations were the main instruments used to collect data from both traditional and modern mbira performances. Data was also collected from museums, archives, radio and television stations. The study established that the changes in context and performance practice of mbira dzavadzimu in Zimbabwe were to a larger extent due to foreign influences such as colonialism, the coming of missionaries, modernisation, urbanisation, commercialisation, mediatisation, the use of modern technology and institutionalisation. Due to the aforementioned influences, the environmental settings, the change of context from sacred to secular, the relationship with ancestral spirits, musical practices, performance situations and quality of sound, have been modified and adjusted in response to the influences of the globalised world’s ever changing audience and performance space. In short, this has resulted in a shift of mbira performances from its traditional to modern settings, from the village to the city and onto the international scene with a new performer-audience setting. Various innovations were carried out on the instrument and its music as a result of the advent of modern technology. The use of microphones, modern amplification systems, recording studios, radio and television broadcast, audio and video cassettes, CDs, DVD, teaching of the instrument using audio and video instructional models and the use of internet sites in learning how to play mbira dzavadzimu and other instruments have become a reality. It has been evident from the study that urban and rural areas take up change in different ways and that in the former change is more pronounced than in the latter. Urban area communities are more “developed” than their rural counterparts because the former are more exposed to technological influences and the commercialisation of music. The study has also established that Zimbabwean mbira music is a good example of modern transculturality. The instrument and its music have played a major role in breaking down cultural boundaries and bringing the people of the world together for purposes of performing on the instrument. From the findings of this study, I attribute most of the changes to technologisation, for most of the changes that have taken place on mbira dzavadzimu were a result of the highly technologised way of life Zimbabweans now lead. Read more
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Leisure time and holiday aspirations of black upper middle class in East LondonNgozwana, Baselwa January 2016 (has links)
This study examined the holiday and leisure aspirations of the new upper black middle class in East London using qualitative approach. The study investigated aspirations of the black middle class on international travels through the lens of Veblen’s (2002) conspicuous consumption theory which entails that black middle class citizens spend in order to assert their status and belongingness to the middle class. The aim of the study was to understand their holiday and leisure aspirations, what the idea is behind or what motivates their international travels, their travel experiences and class affirmations. This exploration included the challenges and frustrations such as Ebola scare, racism, issues with foreign exchange and variations from these international visits. Data was collected through interviews with upper black middle class who are based in the Buffalo City Metro Municipality in East London, Eastern Cape. Findings from this study revealed that consumption patterns of the emerging black middle class to diverge substantially from the other groups, in terms of greater signalling of social status via visible consumption and preoccupation with reducing an historical asset deficit. Various themes emerged as meanings attached to international travelling and leisure by those black middle class international travellers. These are sense of wealth, status, religion, self-esteem, sense of reward, bonding with friends and conspicuous/visible consumption. Read more
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Antibiotic stewardship: the role of clinical pharmacistRamkhalawon, Shabeerah January 2015 (has links)
South Africa has a high prevalence of infectious diseases; the major ones being the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome epidemic, and tuberculosis. South Africa’s burden of resistant bacteria is also increasing. Antibiotic resistance in hospitalised patients leads to an increase in morbidity and mortality, resulting in longer hospital stays, and an increase in hospital costs. In order to counteract the problem of antibiotic resistance in hospitals and other healthcare facilities and preserve the efficacy of currently available antibiotics, there is a need for serious antibiotic management. Antibiotic stewardship initiatives have thus been put in place to guide healthcare professionals on the correct use of antibiotics. Clinical pharmacists can intervene and contribute to antibiotic stewardship owing to comprehensive knowledge of antibiotics, including the properties, uses, safety and efficacy of individual agents. There is a paucity of research to support the role of the clinical pharmacist in antibiotic stewardship in public sector hospitals. The current pharmacist staffing system within public sector hospitals does not adequately support pharmacists, in particular clinical pharmacists, to participate actively in antibiotic stewardship. The primary aim of the study was to evaluate the role of the clinical pharmacist in antibiotic stewardship in a public hospital setting. A secondary aim was to contribute towards more rational inpatient use of antibiotics in the general medical ward. The hypothesis for the study was that clinical pharmacists can make a positive contribution to the correct use of antibiotics in a public hospital setting. The study showed that the introduction of a pharmacist-driven antibiotic stewardship in the ward, using a prospective audit and feedback strategy, had a positive effect on overall appropriateness of antibiotic prescribing (Chi2=7.89; df=3; p=0.04815, Cramer’s V=0.13). However, this finding did not show any reduction in the volume of antibiotic use. Positive patient outcomes were achieved and shown through a reduction in the length of hospital stay (p=0.00487; one-way ANOVA). Although patients were not followed up on discharge to assess re-admission rates, the results are relevant in order to inform the hospital staff about the implementation of antibiotic stewardship at the public hospital setting with the aims of reducing inappropriate antibiotic prescribing and improving patient outcomes. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the hypothesis was achieved and that the clinical pharmacist did play an integral role in antibiotic prescribing at the public hospital setting. Thus, it can be concluded that the study, though limited in its scope, achieved its aims and objectives, and showed that the clinical pharmacist does play an integral role in the rational use of antibiotics in a public hospital setting. Read more
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Experience and realities of unemployed youth in Kieskammahoek, Eastern CapeMakapela, Lubabalo January 2017 (has links)
This study examines the experiences and realities of unemployed youths in Keiskammahoek, in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. It looks at the challenges are that experienced by unemployed youths in Keiskammahoek, an area which already has high volume of unemployment. It also explores the factors that account for unemployment amongst the youths in this area. The study adopted a qualitative research approach and the data was collected through semi-structured interviews and observations. Purposive sampling was utilised to collect data from 22 participants who included the rural youths, professionals and decision-makers. The findings of this study reveal that the majority of youths are unskilled and are not easily absorbed in different sectors of the economy. This study recommends that the government needs to target and maximize programmes that are supported by social and economic policies for young people’s benefit in order to alleviate the youth unemployment challenges.
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