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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prediction of Springback in AA6016-T4 Sheets Using Isotropic Finite Element and EPSC Modeling Approaches

Sargeant, Dane Roger 19 April 2022 (has links)
Strain path changes are common in complex automotive stampings, where sheet materials undergo a combination of drawing, stretching, and bending to achieve a desired part shape. Aluminum sheet alloys are increasingly used in vehicle structure light-weighting efforts, but limited formability and high levels of springback present challenges to the manufacturing and assembly processes. The current work explores springback levels in AA6016-T4 sheet after various pure bending operations, where sheets were first pre-strained in uniaxial, plane-strain, and biaxial tension. Finite element modeling of the pre-straining and subsequent bending operations will be performed using both isotropic and elasto-plastic self-consistent (EPSC) crystal plasticity approaches. Because the EPSC model incorporates backstresses informed by GND content, as measured via high-resolution EBSD, the predictions are more accurate than those of the isotropic model. The benefits and limitations of the current EPSC model, regarding accuracy of the predictions for the proposed strain path changes, are discussed.

Numerical Simulation of Mechanical Behavior of Reinforced Sheet Metals

Boke, 04 1900 (has links)
<p><strong>In this study, detailed numerical analysis is carried out to investigate the effects of strain hardening on necking improvement by using finite element package ABAQUS. In addition, the response of laminated composite in necking, pure bending and hydroforming is also examined. It is concluded that architectured structure, especially corrugated reinforcement is an efficient method to significantly improve necking strain.</strong></p> <p><strong>The necking strain is proportional to the strain hardening rate and volume fraction of the cladding material for laminated composite. In pure bending process, the residual stress distribution varies according to different material composition. The extent of springback is linearly related to the bending moment.</strong></p> <p><strong>After the unloading in hydroforming process, the volume change of the specimen is linearly related to the fluid pressure while the slope of the linear function is independent to the material composition.</strong></p> <p><strong>Under 2D plane strain tension, corrugated reinforcement is able to provide high strain hardening rate at large strain, and hence significantly improve necking strain of the composite. Small scale corrugation is superior to large scale ones in both necking strain and strength improvement. An optimal scale exists for highest necking strain and strength while further decrease of scale deteriorates the tensile response.</strong></p> <p><strong>The anisotropic improvement of necking strain by 2D corrugation can be extended to other directions by 3D cone reinforcement. Under plane strain condition, the cone reinforcement is superior to the flat reinforcement in necking strain while remaining comparable strength.</strong> <h1></h1></p> / Master of Applied Science (MASc)


Cheng, Xiang-Ming 01 January 2001 (has links)
Texture, microstructure and formability were studied in Direct Chill Cast (DC) and Strip Cast (SC) aluminum alloys with regard to crystallographic anisotropy, the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect and aging softening behavior. It was found that material properties change greatly with manufacturing processes (DC vs. SC) and chemical composition (3xxx vs. 5 xxx alloys). DC cast hot band materials are usually fully recrystallized and have strong softening textures while SC hot band materials have a rolling structure with strong deformation textures. Softening textures cause 90 earing while deformation textures result in 45 earing after deep drawing. During cold rolling, 90 earing in DC cast hot band materials decreases and eventually changes to 45 earing after certain degrees of cold reduction. Correspondingly, the intensity of the softening texture components in DC cast hot band materials decreases while the intensity of deformation texture components increases with increasing degrees of cold reduction. These two kinds of textures interact and attempt to balance each other during cold rolling which produces resultant earing. However, this is not true for SC hot band materials since it's hard to obtain strong softening textures and thus 90 earing in these materials. 5 xxx Al-Mg alloys are more difficult to work than 3 xxx aluminum alloys. Elevated temperature annealing which greatly reduces the strength (hardness) improves significantly the workability of Al-Mg alloys. On the other hand, the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect and aging softening behavior are stronger in Al-Mg alloys than in 3xxx aluminum alloys and both increase with increasing cold reduction and with increasing Mg content. An apparent tensile anisotropy exists in as received SC hot band materials. The tensile yield strength (YS) is smaller in the QD (45 to the rolling direction), and larger in the RD (rolling direction) and the TD (transverse direction). There is no obvious difference in YS between these RD and TD directions. The average stress drop of serrations in the PLC effect, D s , is strongest in the TD, smallest in the RD with QD in between but closer to TD. However, no tensile anisotropy was observed in a fully recrystallized DC hot band or in solution treated SC hot band materials. It was found that a rolling structure favors mechanical anisotropy while a recrystallized structure prevents it. The tensile anisotropy is due to anisotropic distributions of microstructures, i.e., dislocations, precipitates and solute atoms. A random microstructure is associated with material that shows little or no mechanical anisotropy. An elongated or preferably orientated microstructure is associated with material with high mechanical anisotropy. Recovery thermal treatments at sufficiently high temperatures so that dislocation annihilation and microstructure rearrangement occurs when applied to the final gauge material also lowers mechanical anisotropy because of the reduction in intensity of the elongated (preferably orientated) microstructure. In addition, plastically deforming the material in a more homogenous manner (such as cross rolling as compared to straight rolling) produces a more uniform microstructure with an accompanying lower mechanical anisotropy.

Expansão de furos em chapas de aço avançado de alta resistência (DOCOL 190M)

Thesing, Leandro Antônio January 2018 (has links)
Os Aços Avançados de Alta Resistência ou AHSS (do inglês Advanced High Strength Steels) apresentam muitas vantagens mecânicas em relação aos aços convencionais. Seu uso crescente na indústria automotiva deve-se principalmente à sua capacidade de possibilitar a redução de peso e, ao mesmo tempo, o aumento da segurança aos ocupantes do veículo em caso de colisões. No entanto, apresentam maiores dificuldades no que se refere à conformabilidade (maiores níveis de solicitação e desgaste das ferramentas, menor deformabilidade plástica, etc). Assim, alguns testes para avaliar a conformabilidade destes materiais ganham maior importância. É o caso do Teste de Expansão de Furos, cuja propriedade medida é a Razão de Expansão de Furos (REF). Neste trabalho investiga-se o processo de expansão de furos para o aço avançado de alta resistência (AHSS) martensítico DOCOL 190M, sob as seguintes condições de processo: duas formas de obtenção do furo (jato d’água e usinagem); duas geometrias distintas de punções (cônico de 60º e elíptico); diversos diâmetros do furo inicial; com e sem o uso de lubrificante; com acabamento diferenciado da borda do furo; e expansão com deslocamento do punção em etapas. Os experimentos demonstram que a expansão de furos possui uma estreita relação com a geometria do punção utilizado para a expansão, bem como com o diâmetro do furo inicial, acabamento da borda e condições de lubrificação. A partir dos resultados experimentais de expansão de furos foi possível realizar a calibração de um software de simulação computacional em relação ao dano crítico do material no momento da fatura na borda do furo. / Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) offer many mechanical advantages over conventional steels. Its increasing use in the automotive industry is mainly due to its ability to reduce weight and, at the same time, increase occupant safety in the event of collisions. However, they present greater difficulties with respect to the formability (higher levels of solicitation and wear of the tools, lower plastic formability, etc). Thus, some tests to evaluate the formability of these materials come to have greater importance. This is the case of the Hole Expansion Test, whose measured property is the Hole Expansion Ratio (REF). This work investigates the hole expansion process for a martensitic advanced high-strength steel (AHSS), DOCOL 190M, under the following process conditions: two ways of obtaining the hole (water jet and machining); two different geometries of punctures (conical of 60º and elliptical); various diameters of the initial hole; with and without the use of lubricant; with differentiated finishing of the hole edge; and expansion with punch displacement in steps. The experiments demonstrate that the hole expansion has a close relationship with the geometry of the punch used for the expansion, as well as the initial hole diameter, edge finish and lubrication conditions. From the experimental hole expansion results it was possible to carry out the calibration of a computational simulation software in relation to the critical damage of the material at the moment of hole edge rupture.

Análise da estampabilidade de chapas de aço baixo e médio carbono através de deformações plásticas uniaxiais e ortogonais quase planares. / Formability of low and medium carbon steel sheets under uniaxial and orthogonal near plain strain conditions.

Marcos Domingos Xavier 28 July 2014 (has links)
As curvas limite de conformação (CLC) permitem representar de maneira abrangente a estampabilidade de uma chapa e tem sido empregadas largamente como critério na otimização do processo de estampagem e no projeto de matrizes. Os ensaios simulativos Nakazima são comumente utilizados na determinação das curvas CLC mas suas posições são afetadas devido ao atrito do punção com a chapa e desta com a matriz. Adicionalmente, são demorados e dispendiosos porque exigem 10 corpos de prova (c.p.) de dimensões diferentes e pelo menos três c.p. de cada uma destas dimensões para fins estatísticos perfazendo a quantidade mínima recomendada de 30 corpos de prova. A necessidade da gravação de rede de círculos nas superfícies de todas as amostras bem como as leituras ópticas das elipses após as deformações oneram e atrasam mais a obtenção das CLC. A presente pesquisa baseou-se no aço da qualidade livre de intersticiais (IF) e no aço SAE 1050 coalescido e buscou determinar o ponto CLC0, raiz das curvas CLC e crítico para a estampagem, de modo mais rápido e barato que os ensaios simulativos. Assim, o ensaio intrínseco de tração uniaxial em estado plano de deformação foi aplicado utilizando menor quantidade de amostras. O ensaio Nakazima e Análises por Elementos Finitos (FEM) também foram executados nos aços sob estudo, de modo a permitir comparações dos valores CLC0. Os resultados de CLC0 obtidos pelos ensaios de tração uniaxiais em estado plano de deformação mostraram-se inferiores àqueles apresentados pela análise por elementos finitos e pelo ensaio não planar Nakazima, especialmente em relação a este último. A influência de trações unidirecionais e também ortogonais em estado plano de deformação sobre a rugosidade superficial das chapas, CLC0 e seu estado de tensões (CLT0) e sobre a textura também foi analisada. Desta forma, CLC0 e rugosidade mostraram-se dependentes da trajetória de deformação ao contrario de CLT0. A textura do aço IF, forte no estado recozido, foi fortalecida na direção DL e enfraquecida na direção DT em qualquer das duas trajetórias de deformação. / The forming limit curves (FLC) are used to reveal sheet metal formability and it is largely used in the stamping process optimization and in the project of dies. The measurements of FLC points are made by simulative tests (for example, the one named after Nakazima) which are very complex and costly procedures: around thirty specimens with different measures; engraving of circles grid in metallics surfaces and also, plastics strains and optical lectures are required. The present work used interstitial free (IF) and SAE 1050 spheroidized steel sheets. The aim was to investigate the precision of a simplified test, called near plane tensile test, wich is simpler and less dispendious, allowing the determination of the critical value to formability called FLC0 by a intrinsic plane strain test, which uses smaller sample numbers. The FLC0 value was obtained also by Nakazima simulative test and Finite Elements Analysis (FEM) to allow comparisons with plane strain tests. The results of FLC0 obtained by plane strain tension tests are smaller that similar values provided through FEM and Nakazima tests, but these differences can be attributed to deficiencies in these procedures, so the plane strain tensile values are presumably more reliable. The numerical analysis FEM ignores texture evolution during plastic strain, which is a possible factor to explain the differences. The Nakazima test showed largest FLC0 parameter in all cases, which is attributed to geometric factors. Evolution of sheet roughness, crystallographic texture and their correlation with the obtained FLC0 values were also investigated in addition to applying plain strain uniaxial and orthogonal tensile tests. The type of deformation trajectory influenced the FLC0 point and roughness, but the tension point FLSC0 associated to FLC0 was invariant. Texture depends on deformation trajectory and its intensity increases with the deformation along rolling direction.

Análise da estampabilidade de chapas de aço baixo e médio carbono através de deformações plásticas uniaxiais e ortogonais quase planares. / Formability of low and medium carbon steel sheets under uniaxial and orthogonal near plain strain conditions.

Xavier, Marcos Domingos 28 July 2014 (has links)
As curvas limite de conformação (CLC) permitem representar de maneira abrangente a estampabilidade de uma chapa e tem sido empregadas largamente como critério na otimização do processo de estampagem e no projeto de matrizes. Os ensaios simulativos Nakazima são comumente utilizados na determinação das curvas CLC mas suas posições são afetadas devido ao atrito do punção com a chapa e desta com a matriz. Adicionalmente, são demorados e dispendiosos porque exigem 10 corpos de prova (c.p.) de dimensões diferentes e pelo menos três c.p. de cada uma destas dimensões para fins estatísticos perfazendo a quantidade mínima recomendada de 30 corpos de prova. A necessidade da gravação de rede de círculos nas superfícies de todas as amostras bem como as leituras ópticas das elipses após as deformações oneram e atrasam mais a obtenção das CLC. A presente pesquisa baseou-se no aço da qualidade livre de intersticiais (IF) e no aço SAE 1050 coalescido e buscou determinar o ponto CLC0, raiz das curvas CLC e crítico para a estampagem, de modo mais rápido e barato que os ensaios simulativos. Assim, o ensaio intrínseco de tração uniaxial em estado plano de deformação foi aplicado utilizando menor quantidade de amostras. O ensaio Nakazima e Análises por Elementos Finitos (FEM) também foram executados nos aços sob estudo, de modo a permitir comparações dos valores CLC0. Os resultados de CLC0 obtidos pelos ensaios de tração uniaxiais em estado plano de deformação mostraram-se inferiores àqueles apresentados pela análise por elementos finitos e pelo ensaio não planar Nakazima, especialmente em relação a este último. A influência de trações unidirecionais e também ortogonais em estado plano de deformação sobre a rugosidade superficial das chapas, CLC0 e seu estado de tensões (CLT0) e sobre a textura também foi analisada. Desta forma, CLC0 e rugosidade mostraram-se dependentes da trajetória de deformação ao contrario de CLT0. A textura do aço IF, forte no estado recozido, foi fortalecida na direção DL e enfraquecida na direção DT em qualquer das duas trajetórias de deformação. / The forming limit curves (FLC) are used to reveal sheet metal formability and it is largely used in the stamping process optimization and in the project of dies. The measurements of FLC points are made by simulative tests (for example, the one named after Nakazima) which are very complex and costly procedures: around thirty specimens with different measures; engraving of circles grid in metallics surfaces and also, plastics strains and optical lectures are required. The present work used interstitial free (IF) and SAE 1050 spheroidized steel sheets. The aim was to investigate the precision of a simplified test, called near plane tensile test, wich is simpler and less dispendious, allowing the determination of the critical value to formability called FLC0 by a intrinsic plane strain test, which uses smaller sample numbers. The FLC0 value was obtained also by Nakazima simulative test and Finite Elements Analysis (FEM) to allow comparisons with plane strain tests. The results of FLC0 obtained by plane strain tension tests are smaller that similar values provided through FEM and Nakazima tests, but these differences can be attributed to deficiencies in these procedures, so the plane strain tensile values are presumably more reliable. The numerical analysis FEM ignores texture evolution during plastic strain, which is a possible factor to explain the differences. The Nakazima test showed largest FLC0 parameter in all cases, which is attributed to geometric factors. Evolution of sheet roughness, crystallographic texture and their correlation with the obtained FLC0 values were also investigated in addition to applying plain strain uniaxial and orthogonal tensile tests. The type of deformation trajectory influenced the FLC0 point and roughness, but the tension point FLSC0 associated to FLC0 was invariant. Texture depends on deformation trajectory and its intensity increases with the deformation along rolling direction.

Conformabilidade plástica dos metais pela mecânica da fratura não-linear. / Plastic formability of metals thru nonlinear fracture mechanics.

Gomes, Edson 13 December 1990 (has links)
Este trabalho visa modelar e estabelecer procedimentos experimentais para permitir a construção de mapas de conformabilidade plástica dos metais fundamentados na mecânica da fratura não-linear elasto-plástica. Um critério de conformabilidade plástica foi desenvolvido pela utilização de uma integral invariante generalizada baseada no teorema de Noether das integrais invariantes. Discute-se também as limitações da teoria da plasticidade que impossibilitam a obtenção de critérios de conformabilidade por seu intermédio. É um importante objetivo proporcionar o surgimento de uma metodologia de ensaio contendo alto rigor técnico mas sendo de baixo custo e de fácil implementação em simples instalações industriais. O procedimento foi aplicado no estudo do caso do forjamento a frio em matriz aberta, simulado por ensaio de compressão em prensa hidráulica. / The present study is aimed to the development of a low cost, to be implemented with ease, and technicality satisfactory industrial type testing for metal forming workability analysis. It is concerned with the development of an experimental procedures to permit the building up the metal forming workability maps, based on the nonlinear elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. A generalized nonlinear fracture mechanics invariant integral was applied to the case problem of the cold forging in flat open die of a ductile metallic material. At end a fracture criterion was developed in order to be possible the construction of the fracture deformation maps of the case study.

Analysis Of The Formability Of Metals

Kocak, Ozgur 01 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Workpieces during cold forging fail basically due to ductile fracture. Ductile fracture can be predicted by damage models. In this study, various damage models such as Cockcroft &amp / Latham, McClintock, Freudenthal, Rice &amp / Tracy, Oyane, Ayada, Brozzo are investigated for their applicability to three workpiece materials: bearing steel (100Cr6), stainless steel (X5CrNiMo1810) and brass (CuZn39). The damage material parameters have been obtained by various tests such as tensile, standard compression, ring compression, compression with flanges and conical compression tests. The characterization has been assisted by finite element simulation of the various tests. It has been shown that the available damage models can predict the location of failure satisfactorily but are no able to predict the onset of failure quantitatively. Keywords: Formability Limit, Failure Criteria, Cold Forming, Surface Cracks, Finite Element Analysis

Improving High Precision and Continuous Process of Ultra-Fine Piercing by SiC Fiber Punch

KURIMOTO, Shinji, HIROTA, Kenji, TOKUMOTO, Daisuke, MORI, Toshihiko 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Expanded forming limit testing for sheet forming processes

Shouler, Daniel Reginald January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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