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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výtvarně architektonická studie nábřeží

Cápová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Razão de perdas de solo sob cultivo de três leguminosas / not available

Nascimento, Paulo Cesar do 11 November 1994 (has links)
Avaliou-se quantitativamente a proteção contra a erosão exercida pelo cultivo de três leguminosas utilizadas como adubos verdes. A avaliação foi feita a partir de dados de experimento conduzido pela seção de conservação do solo do instituto agronômico durante seis anos agrícolas (1973/74) a (1978/79). As leguminosas estudadas foram Crotalaria júncea L. (crotalária), Stizolobium aterrinun Piper e Tracy (mucuna-preta) e Dolichos Lablab L. (labelabe). Para determinação dos estádios da lavoura com vista ao cálculo da razão de perdas do solo (RPS) instalou-se em quatro talhões coletores a crotalária no ano agrícola 1990/91, a evolução da altura de plantas, cobertura do solo e perdas por erosão permitiu a divisão do ciclo em 0-30; 30-60; 60-90 e 90-120, com e sem acumulação de perdas. Os resultados da avaliação das leguminosas mostraram proteção maior a partir do terceiro estádio com queda dos valores de RPS. A mucuna-preta apresentou a proteção mais efetiva durante todo o ciclo, segunda da crotalária nos estádios iniciais e do labelabe no estádio mais próximo do florescimento. O comportamento dessas espécies mostrou estreita relação com a velocidade de desenvolvimento e características morfológicas das plantas / not available

Razão de perdas de solo sob cultivo de três leguminosas / not available

Paulo Cesar do Nascimento 11 November 1994 (has links)
Avaliou-se quantitativamente a proteção contra a erosão exercida pelo cultivo de três leguminosas utilizadas como adubos verdes. A avaliação foi feita a partir de dados de experimento conduzido pela seção de conservação do solo do instituto agronômico durante seis anos agrícolas (1973/74) a (1978/79). As leguminosas estudadas foram Crotalaria júncea L. (crotalária), Stizolobium aterrinun Piper e Tracy (mucuna-preta) e Dolichos Lablab L. (labelabe). Para determinação dos estádios da lavoura com vista ao cálculo da razão de perdas do solo (RPS) instalou-se em quatro talhões coletores a crotalária no ano agrícola 1990/91, a evolução da altura de plantas, cobertura do solo e perdas por erosão permitiu a divisão do ciclo em 0-30; 30-60; 60-90 e 90-120, com e sem acumulação de perdas. Os resultados da avaliação das leguminosas mostraram proteção maior a partir do terceiro estádio com queda dos valores de RPS. A mucuna-preta apresentou a proteção mais efetiva durante todo o ciclo, segunda da crotalária nos estádios iniciais e do labelabe no estádio mais próximo do florescimento. O comportamento dessas espécies mostrou estreita relação com a velocidade de desenvolvimento e características morfológicas das plantas / not available

Dendrochronologické datování lavin v Krkonoších / Dendrochronological dating of the past avalanche events in the Krkonose Mts.

Tumajer, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Avalanches are important natural processes which shape the character of large mountainous areas. The reconstruction of their history has been performed on avalanche tracks in the Důl Bílého Labe Valley, Krkonoše Mts. through application of dendrogeomorphological methods. In total 101 trees from the area of 5 avalanche tracks were cored or cross-sectioned, which helped to identify 1253 growth disturbances (abrupt growth suppressions or releases, increases in tree-ring eccentricity, traumatic resin ducts, reaction wood, callus or determination of the tree death). The analysis spanning period from the 1859 led to the identification of 40 avalanche events, which prolong and complement written evidences of avalanche falls (avalanche cadastre). However, because of limitations of dendrogeomorphology (especially impossibility of dating of small events), these results have character of only minimal number of events. Strong influence of monthly snow melting and snow accumulation on initiation of events was pointed out through the statistical analysis of snowpack changes in relation to the reconstructed avalanche activity. Two main possible natural reasons for avalanche activity initiation were identified - vast spring snow melting and loading with fresh snow. The analysis demonstrates the potential of...

EL - Chronik 2008-2017

Gritzner, Rena 01 August 2023 (has links)
Die Broschüre beschreibt chronologisch die weitere Entwicklung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Sachsen und Tschechien in den Jahren 2008 bis 2017.

15 Jahre Euroregion Elbe/Labe: Chronik einer grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit

01 August 2023 (has links)
Nicht erst seit den letzten 15 Jahren bewegt die sächsisch-tschechische Grenze die an ihr lebende Gesellschaft und deren Lebensweise. Durch tief greifende Momente im letzten Jahrhundert hat sich das Bild der Zusammenarbeit sichtlich verändert. Folglich wurden in den letzten Jahrzehnten im gesamten deutschen Raum Organisationen gegründet, welche sich in der Aufgabe sehen, eine vordergründige Kontaktpflege zwischen nationalen Grenzräumen zu führen. Die folgende Chronik soll insbesondere den Werdegang der Euroregion Elbe/Labe als solch eine Interessengemeinschaft vorstellen. Mit ihrer Gründung 1992 hat sich die Gemeinschaft der Aufgabe gestellt, den sächlichen sowie böhmischen Raum kulturell, wirtschaftlich und sozial näher zusammenzubringen, die Menschen darauf einzustimmen und das Zusammenwachsen Europas zu unterstützen. Es kann durchaus die Aussage getroffen werden, dass es mit der Hilfe der Euroregion Elbe/Labe und nicht zuletzt der Bürger beider Seiten gelungen ist, aus dem ehemals „Schwarzen Dreieck“ (Sachsen/Tschechien/Polen) ein „Grünes Länderdreieck“ zu schaffen.

Společenstvo bentických organismů na dolním toku Ohře, Labe a jejich přítocích

MUSIL, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to describe the current status of benthic communities on the main stream of Elbe River and Ohře River and their tributaries affected and non-affected by biological invasions - especially by round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and spiny - cheek crayfish (Faxonius limosus). Sampling for this research took place from April 2018 to August 2018, while morphiologic survey of waterbodies was done in November 2017. Two tributaries of the Elbe River (Milešovský brook and Ploučnice River) and one tributary of the Ohře River (Čepel) were selected for this research. Two 100 m long sections (lower stretch potentially affected by invaders and upper stretch as referential) were monitored at each tributary. At the same time a 100 m long main flow section was monitored near the mouth of the tributaries. The following parameters were monitored: morphology of the stream and basic physical and chemical parameters of water, zoobenthos community, crayfish occurrence, and fish community. The benthic communities of the upper streams were less affected by biological invasions. The biodiversity of the benthic communities in the upper sections was richer compared to the lower sections. The occurrence of the round goby seemed to be factor affecting benthic and fish communities at the sites concerned. It was an eudominant species in the Elbe section in Děčín and becoming dominant in the lower section of Ploučnice River.

HPLC-MS stanovení biologicky aktivních látek v Labi / HPLC-MS determination of active biological compounds in Elbe river

Ďuráčová, Miloslava January 2014 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Miloslava Ďuráčová Consultant: RNDr. Jitka Vytlačilová, Ph.D. Title of thesis: HPLC-MS determination of active biological compounds in Elbe river Biologically active compounds have a various ways to enter environment. They can occur as pesticides, cosmetics and pharmaceutics and their metabolites. Such compounds are classified as environmental contaminants. There is a increased environmental concentration connected with increasing consumption of biologically active compounds. There is a urgent need to follow the effect on the different parts of ecosystem and levels of biologically active compounds. This work was prepared during the cooperation with Povodí Labe state enterprise. A novel analytical method was described in the experimental part of this thesis. I was employed to evaluate biologically compounds levels in the surface water samples. This method is now routinely used. 10 out of 19 evaluated compounds reached concentrations higher than LOD. Acetaminophene (559 ng/l, Králický stream), gabapentine (457 ng/l Elbe, LB Schmilka), cotinine (139 ng/l, Králický potok) were the biologically active compounds with the highest found concentrations. Keywords: HPLC-MS analysis,...

Půdy labské nivy: Dynamika změn vývoje aluviálních půd Labe na vybraných profilech v průběhu 100 let. / Soils of Elbe floodplain. A dynamics of changes of development of alluvial soils at selected profiles in over 100 years.

Vejrostová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with soils of the middle Elbe floodplain. Basic information about the development of Elbe floodplain is focused on the middle Elbe region. The aim of the thesis is to capture the floodplain development in the area of interest, including the description and comparison of soils at different transects in surroundings of Kostelec nad Labem. For this purpose several transects from the historical Elbe canalisation documentation were chosen. Additional to this, small soil survey was carried out at identical locations in 2013. Obtained information was confronted and evaluated.

Česko-německá příhraniční spolupráce v oblasti poznávacího cestovního ruchu (Euroregion Krušnohoří, Labe)

Pavlíková, Ingrid January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce popisuje socio-ekonomickou situaci, přírodní a kulturně-historický potenciál v Ústeckém kraji a Svobodném státě Sasko. Dále se zabývá přeshraniční spoluprácí v oblasti poznávacího cestovního ruchu v Euroregionu Krušnohoří a Labe. Na základě uvedeného je vypracována SWOT analýza a následně navržena strategie rozvoje cestovního ruchu v regionu.

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