Spelling suggestions: "subject:"make"" "subject:"take""
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An Investigation of the Limnological Dynamics of Lake ManassasEggink, Judith 08 January 2002 (has links)
Lake Manassas, located in the Occoquan Watershed in Virginia is a man-made impoundment of the Broad Run river. This lake surface area is approximately 697 acres, and it drains approximately 46,500 acres. Currently, the reservoir supplies drinking water to the City of Manassas and some areas of Western Prince William County, but if necessary, can help supply drinking water to 750,000 people in the Northern Virginia area.
Since 1984, the Occoquan Watershed Monitoring Laboratory has been sampling seven streams and eight lake stations as part of a program funded by of the City of Manassas. Lake Manassas is an important drinking water resource for the City and the surrounding areas and is used for recreational purposes as well. It is extremely important to continuously monitor the lake closely so that any6 undesirable trends in water quality may be detected and addressed. Currently surrounding the lake are two golf courses, with two more golf courses planned for the future, as well as homes, and recreational areas.
Overall, Lake Manassas is still considered to be eutrophic, which is the same conclusion reached in previous reports. The main nutrient source is Broad Run, but there are other smaller sources as well that are of concern. South Run has decreased nutrient loadings since the last report in 1996. Another conclusion is that the lake is Phosphorus-limited, but at times, the lake comes close to being nitrogen-limited. / Master of Science
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Trends in the nearshore zooplankton community in the Indiana waters of Lake Michigan, 1990-1996Ng, Patti A. January 1997 (has links)
Zooplankton samples collected May through August, 1990 to 1996 at site M, 15 m depth in the Indiana waters of Lake Michigan were examined for microcrustaceans, rotifers, and zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) veligers. Abundance numbers per m3 were combined with Coffman's (1995) data to quantify recent trends in the zooplankton.Rotifers dominated the community, with Polyarthra vulgaris, Colurella, Keratella crassa, and K. cochlearis the most prevalent species. Copepods, primarily nauplii and copepodid forms, were the next most abundant taxa. Except for 1994 and 1995, Cladocera abundance was higher than zebra mussel veliger abundance. The cladoceran assemblage was dominated by Bosmina Iongirostris, with very few Daphnia noted. A precipitous decrease in zebra mussels veligers from 1994 to 1996 warrants further investigation to determine the nature and the extent of the population decline.Regression analysis of zebra mussel veliger abundance against abiotic and biotic factors demonstrated veligers varied directly with rotifer abundance and water column temperature and indirectly with cladoceran and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) abundance. A similar regression model of rotifer abundance revealed direct correlation with calanoid, cladoceran, zebra mussel veliger, and yellow perch abundance. / Department of Biology
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Aquatic Vegetation Nutrient Budgets and Sedimentation in a Southwestern ReservoirClifford, Philip A. (Philip Alan) 05 1900 (has links)
During four growing seasons, aquatic vascular plant production and distribution were studied in Pat Mayse Lake, Texas, a 2425 hectare oligo-mesotrophic reservoir. The dominant macrophyte population was Myriophyllum spicatum L. Growth rates and regrowth rates of mechanically harvested Myriophyllum beds were found to be dissimilar. Based on estimates of watermilfoil nutrient content, there were insufficient nutrients in the entire population to alter the trophic status of this reservoir should all of the nutrients be instantaneously released. Sediments were the primary nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) sink. Bank erosion and solids transport from the watershed appear to contribute most of the sediments and a lake-wide mean sedimentation rate of 2.5 cm/year was estimated from sediment trap and core sample data.
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Evidence for the Eutrophication of Selected Coastal Dunal Lakes: Historical Comparison of Indices for Nutrient EnrichmentDagget, Steven Gregory 26 April 1994 (has links)
Three coastal Oregon dunal lakes, Mercer Lake, Munsel Lake, and Woahink Lake, were studied in an effort to determine if eutrophication has occurred since initial studies were conducted in 1938 and to determine each lake's current trophic status. Data collected in 1991 and 1992 for phytoplankton primary productivity; chlorophyll gi phytoplankton species, biovolumes, and densities; nutrients; optical characteristics; and dissolved oxygen were compared with historical data sets. Additional data for zooplankton, benthic invertebrates, and other relevant limnological data were used to more completely characterize each lake. Phytoplankton primary productivity measurements indicate that biological productivity has increased at each lake since 1969-1971. Chlorophyll ~ concentrations appear to have increased only at Mercer Lake. Other limnological data are insufficient to determine if and to what extent these lakes have eutrophicated. Based on data collected in 1991 and 1992, the current trophic state of each lake can be described as follows: Mercer Lake is mesotrophic to eutrophic but closer to mesotrophic, Munsel Lake is oligotrophic to mesotrophic but closer to mesotrophic, and Woahink Lake is oligotrophic to mesotrophic but closer to oligotrophic.
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Eutrophication Potential of Reclaimed Wastewater: An Ecological Study of Water Reuse in an Urban Texas ReservoirDodson, Susan Boyd 05 1900 (has links)
This study determined effects of addition of secondarily treated municipal wastewater effluent on an urban reservoir receiving system. Monthly water quality monitoring of the receiving reservoir and the wastewater, chemical analysis, and monthly laboratory algal assays, were conducted from September 1984 to September 1985. The nutrient status and algal growth potential of the receiving water and the wastewater confirmed the biostimulatory properties of the wastewater. Field validation studies were conducted using limnocorrals. Tertiary treatment of the wastewater using chemical coagulation precipitation with alum and ferric chloride reduced phosphorus concentrations in the wastewater to levels which supported significantly less algal biomass than untreated wastewater. These studies indicate ferric chloride to be a more effective coagulant for phosphorous removal alum.
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Ecological Modelling of Lake Ecosystems: Integrating hydro-thermodynamics and biogeochemistry in a reduced complexity frameworkLópez Moreira Mazacotte, Gregorio Alejandro 10 January 2019 (has links)
Freshwater lakes are among the most important ecosystems for both human and other biological communities. They account for about 87% of surface freshwater in the planet, thus constituting a major source of drinking water. They also provide a wide range of ecosystem services that go from the sustenance of a rich biodiversity to the regulation of hydrological extremes; from the provision of a means for recreation to the support of local economies, e.g., through tourism and fisheries, just to cite a few. Lakes are now also widely recognised as natural early warning systems, their responses potentially being effective indicators of local, regional and global scale phenomena such as acidification and climate change, respectively. This is because of their high sensitivity to environmental factors of the most diverse nature that can rapidly alter the course of their evolution. Examples of this are the observed abrupt shifts between alternative stable states in shallow lakes, which led them to become the archetype, go-to example in alternative stable state theory. Therefore, attaining a good scientific understanding of the many processes that take place within these ecosystems is fundamental for their adequate management. Among the tools that serve this purpose, ecological models are particularly powerful ones.
Since their introduction in the 1960s, the development of mechanistic ecological models has been driven by their wide spectrum of potential applications. Nevertheless, these models often fall into one of the two following categories: overly simplistic representations of isolated processes, with limited potential to explain real-world observations as they fail to see the bigger picture; or overly complex and over-parameterised models that can hardly improve scientific understanding, their results being too difficult to analyse in terms of fundamental processes and controls. Moreover, it is now well known that an increased complexity in the mechanistic description of ecological processes, does not necessarily improve model accuracy, predictive capability or overall simulation results. To the contrary, a simpler representation allows for the inclusion of more links between model components, feedbacks which are usually overlooked in highly-complex models that partially couple a hydro-thermodynamic module to a biogeochemical one.
However, ecological processes are now known to have the potential to significantly alter the physical response of aquatic ecosystems to environmental forcing. For example, steadily increasing concentrations of coloured dissolved organic carbon, a process known as brownification (also browning), as well as the intense phytoplankton blooms that characterise lakes undergoing severe nutrient enrichment, a process known as eutrophication, have been shown to have the potential to alter the duration of the stratified period, thermal structure and mixing regime of some lakes.
In this thesis, with the aim of addressing the limitation of partially-coupled models to account for such feedbacks, we further develop a process-based model previously reported in scientific literature. Subsequent studies have already built upon this model in the last few years. In Chapter 2, we do so too by integrating hydro-thermodynamics and biogeochemistry in a reduced complexity framework, i.e., customising the model so that each version only includes the fundamental processes that, brought together, sufficiently describe the studied phenomena.
Two case studies served the purpose of testing the adaptability and applicability of the developed model under different configurations and requirements. Limnological data for these two studies were measured at high spatial and temporal resolutions by means of an automated profiling system and recorded as part of two large-scale mesocosm experiments conducted in 2015 and 2016 at the IGB LakeLab in Lake Stechlin, Brandenburg, Germany. Meteorological datasets were also made available to us for both periods by the German Federal Environment Agency.
The scope of the first experiment, which we describe in Chapter 3, was that of detecting any changes attributable to eutrophication and browning, in the competition for nutrients and light between four different groups of lake primary producers. These four groups are phytoplankton, periphyton, epiphyton and macrophytes. The model version for this study, therefore, includes equations for all four groups. By tailoring the model to these very specific needs with relative ease, we demonstrate its versatility and hint at its potential.
The second experiment, described in Chapter 4, sought to shed light on the largely unknown effects of an increase in the diffuse luminance of the night sky that is due to artificial light at night (artificial skyglow) on lake metabolic rates, i.e., gross primary productivity, ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem productivity (the difference between the first two). For this purpose, an empirical equation for dissolved oxygen concentration was included, the parameters of which were estimated by means of a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling method within a Bayesian statistical framework, showing the compatibility, with these statistical methods, of our otherwise fully deterministic model.
In Chapter 5, we present a theoretical study on the ecological controls of light and thermal patterns in lake ecosystems. A series of simulations were performed to determine in which cases ecological processes such as eutrophication and brownification may have an observable effect on the physical response of lakes to environmental forcing, which we assessed along a latitudinal gradient. Results show that, in general, across all examined latitudes, and consistent with previous studies, accounting for phytoplankton biomass results in higher surface temperatures during the warm-up phase, slightly lower water temperatures during the cool-down phase, and a shallower thermocline throughout the entire stratified period. This effect is relatively more important in eutrophic lakes where intense blooms are likely. This importance, however, decreases as lakes get browner.
Finally, in line with the overall scope of the SMART EMJD, in Chapter 6 we illustrate the case of Ypacaraí Lake, the most important lake in landlocked Paraguay, hoping to provide an example of how interdisciplinary research and international intersectoral collaboration can help bridge the gap between science and management of freshwater ecosystems. This lake presents very special hydro-ecological conditions, such as very high turbidity that can impair phytoplankton growth despite its nutrient-based trophic state indices having consistently fallen within the hyper-eutrophic range in recent years. A strong interest in its complex functioning, through modelling, was taken early on. This led to a collaborative research line being established among several public and private institutions in Italy, Germany and Paraguay. Results so far include:
• three concluded UniTN Master theses in Environmental Engineering, partly developed in Paraguay, the first two in collaboration with the “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” Catholic University (UCNSA) and the third one with the National University of Asunción (UNA);
• a collaborative UCNSA-UniTN research proposal submitted for consideration to receive funding through the PROCIENCIA Programme of the National Council of Science and Technology of Paraguay (CONACYT); and
• the first multidisciplinary review that has ever been published about the case of Ypacaraí Lake, which highlights the importance of such a collaborative and integrative approach to further advance scientific knowledge and effectively manage this ecosystem.
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A mathematical model of eutrophication in Lake Mead.Slawson, Guenton Cyril,1949- January 1974 (has links)
A conceptual model of an aquatic ecosystem has been formulated. The formulation incorporates largely empirical deterministic relationships describing biological response to abiotic and biotic environmental parameters into a stochastic representation of birth and death events. The occurrence of these events may be described as a Poisson process. Mathematical system theory provides a methodology for organizing the available information on aquatic ecosystem processes into a coherent and logical structure. This organizational capability is demonstrated. The portion of the conceptual model describing primary productivity has been calibrated and tested on an independent data set. This model works well for the Lake Mead system but needs to be tested on other aquatic systems to evaluate its managerial utility. The modeling of the complex interactions of aquatic food web processes requires further investigation to define an acceptable set of model coefficients.
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Rivermouth Ecosystem Hydrogeomorphology: Relationships Among Wetland Area, Water Levels, and StreamflowPrats, Kyra Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Martha Carlson Mazur / Rivermouths are dynamic systems characterized by hydrologic mixing, where water, energy, sediment and nutrients from both river and receiving water unite to form a unique yet variable environment. Water levels in these environments are thus defined by, and subject to, streamflow from the river and lake-level fluctuations. Long-term fluctuations in water levels affect hydrogeomorphic structure, as well as wetland structure, distribution, and composition. A better understanding of these dynamics will help us to comprehend the processes that govern changes in wetland area and, thus, the breadth of the ecosystem services that estuarine wetlands provide. To this end, this study examined how wetland plant communities have changed through time in relation to long-term changes in water levels from both river and lake systems, using historic aerial photograph interpretation in three rivermouths on Lake Michigan. Additionally, the observed patterns of historic water levels and streamflows were used to inform our predictions for the future in light of climate changes. Results showed that higher water levels and peak streamflows led to less wetland area; average streamflow did not play a statistically detectable role in rivermouths that had lake-dominated morphologies but was significant in the rivermouth system that was riverine dominated. This suggests that varying rivermouth morphologies respond differently to lake and stream dynamics. Restoration decisions that take rivermouth morphology into account will be important as these systems continue to change both naturally and due to climate or other anthropogenic disturbances. It is important to realize not only the extent to which humans are affecting rivermouth systems, but also the interplay between water levels, streamflows, hydrogeomorphology, and wetland ecology within these systems themselves, so as to better understand the necessary steps for restoration. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Geology & Geophysics Honors Program. / Discipline: Earth and Environmental Science.
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Temporal and hierarchical scales mediate environmental and ecological variability in food websVasseur, David Alan. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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A mathematical model of seasonal and spatial variation in phosphorus concentrations in the surface waters of Lake Memphremagog, Quebec /Spiller, Gary B. January 1977 (has links)
No description available.
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