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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rosetta spacecraft potential and activity evolution of comet 67P

Odelstad, Elias January 2016 (has links)
The plasma environment of an active comet provides a unique setting for plasma physics research. The complex interaction of newly created cometary ions with the flowing plasma of the solar wind gives rise to a plethora of plasma physics phenomena, that can be studied over a large range of activity levels as the distance to the sun, and hence the influx of solar energy, varies. In this thesis, we have used measurements of the spacecraft potential by the Rosetta Langmuir probe instrument (LAP) to study the evolution of activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as it approached the sun from 3.6 AU in August 2014 to 2.1 AU in March 2015. The measurements are validated by cross-calibration to a fully independent measurement by an electrostatic analyzer, the Ion Composition Analyzer (ICA), also on board Rosetta. The spacecraft was found to be predominantly negatively charged during the time covered by our investigation, driven so by a rather high electron temperature of ~5 eV resulting from the low collision rate between electrons and the tenuous neutral gas. The spacecraft potential exhibited a clear covariation with the neutral density as measured by the ROSINA Comet Pressure Sensor (COPS) on board Rosetta. As the spacecraft potential depends on plasma density and electron temperature, this shows that the neutral gas and the plasma are closely coupled. The neutral density and negative spacecraft potential were higher in the northern hemisphere, which experienced summer conditions during the investigated period due to the nucleus spin axis being tilted toward the sun. In this hemisphere, we found a clear variation of spacecraft potential with comet longitude, exactly as seen for the neutral gas, with coincident peaks in neutral density and spacecraft potential magnitude roughly every 6 h, when sunlit parts of the neck region of the bi- lobed nucleus were in view of the spacecraft. The plasma density was estimated to have increased during the investigated time period by a factor of 8-12 in the northern hemisphere and possibly as much as a factor of 20-44 in the southern hemisphere, due to the combined effects of seasonal changes and decreasing heliocentric distance. The spacecraft potential measurements obtained by LAP generally exhibited good correlation with the estimates from ICA, confirming the accuracy of both of these instruments for measurements of the spacecraft potential.

The baffle aperture region of an ion thruster

Milligan, David J. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Plasma Characterization & Thin Film Growth and Analysis in Highly Ionized Magnetron Sputtering

Alami, Jones January 2005 (has links)
The present thesis addresses two research areas related to film growth in a highly ionized magnetron sputtering system: plasma characterization, and thin film growth and analysis. The deposition technique used is called high power pulsed magnetron sputtering (HPPMS). Characteristic for this technique are high energy pulses (a few Joules) of length 50-100 µs that are applied to the target (cathode) with a duty time of less than 1 % of the total pulse time. This results in a high electron density in the discharge (>1x1019 m-3) and leads to an increase of the ionization fraction of the sputtered material reaching up to 70 % for Cu. In this work the spatial and temporal evolution of the plasma parameters, including the electron energy distribution function (EEDF), the electron density and the electron temperature are determined using electrostatic Langmuir probes. Electron temperature measurements reveal a low effective temperature of 2-3 eV. The degree of ionization in the HPPMS discharge is explained in light of the self-sputtering yield of the target material. A simple model is therefore provided in order to compare the sputtering yield in HPPMS and that in dc magnetron sputtering (dcMS) for the same average power. Thin Ta films are grown using HPPMS and dcMS and their properties are studied. It is shown that enhanced microstructure and morphology of the deposited films is achieved by HPPMS. The Ta films are also deposited at a number of substrate inclination angles ranging from 0o (i.e., facing the target surface) up to 180 o (i.e., facing away from the target). Deposition rate measurements performed at all inclination angles for both techniques, reveal that growth made using HPPMS resulted in an improved film thickness at higher inclination. Furthermore, the high ionization of the Ta atoms in HPPMS discharge is found to allow for phase tailoring of the deposited films at all inclination angles by applying a bias voltage to the substrate. Finally, highly ionized magnetron sputtering of a compound MAX-phase material (Ti3SiC2) is performed, demonstrating that the HPPMS discharge could also be used to tailor the composition of the growing Ti-Si-C films. / On the day of the public defence of the doctoral thesis, the status of articles III and IV was Submitted. The titles of papers VI and VII changed between their manuscript forms and when they were published.

Étude expérimentale d'interactions entre antennes HF et plasma périphérique d'un Tokamak / Experimental study of the interaction between RF antennas and the edge plasma of a tokamak

Kubic, Martin 23 October 2013 (has links)
Les antennes en opération dans la gamme de fréquence cyclotron ionique représentent un moyen utile pour chauffer du plasma dans les tokamaks et autres plasmas de fusion. Ces systèmes de chauffage sont amenés à jouer un rôle important dans le projet ITER. Conjointement avec le chauffage souhaité, les interactions parasites avec le bord du plasma et de la limite des matériaux apparaissent. Plusieurs de ces effets délétères sont causés par la formation de la radio-fréquence des gaines. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier, principalement de façon expérimentale, les modifications du plasma de bord «scrape-off layer» causées par les effets non-linéaires des gaines RF. Cela se fait en utilisant les sondes électrostatiques (de Langmuir, Retarded Field Analyser, tunnel) pour différentes configurations du plasma et des antennes: avec des études paramétriques en fonction du déséquilibre entre les émetteurs de l'antenne, de la puissance injectée et de la densité SOL. De plus, l'influence des gaines RF sur les mesures du potentiel de la gaine avec le RFA sont analysées. Cette étude s'effectue à l'aide d'un code 1D basé sur le modèle cinétique «particle-in-cell». Ces simulations ont montré que la RFA est capable de mesurer de manière fiable le potentiel gaine, toutefois cela reste limité pour les fréquences de plasma ionique wpi proche de la fréquence injectée wrf. Par contre, pour des conditions réelles du SOL (wpi>wrf), quand RFA est magnétiquement connectée à la structure de l'antenne RF, il est fortement sous-estimé. Enfin, les mesures de RFA dans Tore Supra indiquent que les potentiels RF se propagent au moins jusqu'à de 12m de l'antenne le long de lignes de champ magnétiques / Antennas operating in the ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) provide a useful tool for plasma heating in many tokamaks and are foreseen to play an important role in ITER. However, in addition to the desired heating in the core plasma, spurious interactions with the plasma edge and material boundary are known to occur. Many of these deleterious effects are caused by the formation of radio-frequency (RF) sheaths. The aim of this thesis is to study, mainly experimentally, scrape-off layer (SOL) modifications caused by RF sheaths effects by means of Langmuir probes that are magnetically connected to a powered ICRH antenna. Effects of the two types of Faraday screens' operation on RF-induced SOL modifications are studied for different plasma and antenna configurations - scans of strap power ratio imbalance, injected power and SOL density. In addition to experimental work, the influence of RF sheaths on retarding field analyzer (RFA) measurements of sheath potential is investigated with one-dimensional particle-in-cell code. One-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations show that the RFA is able to measure reliably the sheath potential only for ion plasma frequencies wpi similar to RF cyclotron frequency wrf, while for the real SOL conditions (wpi > wrf), when the RFA is magnetically connected to RF region, it is strongly underestimated. An alternative method to investigate RF sheaths effects is proposed by using broadening of the ion distribution function as an evidence of the RF electric fields in the sheath. RFA measurements in Tore Supra indicate that RF potentials do indeed propagate from the antenna 12m along magnetic field lines

Estudo de efeitos da polarização eletrostática periférica no Tokamak TCABR / Study of Edge Electrostatic Biasing on Tokamak

Grenfell, Gustavo Guedes 11 May 2016 (has links)
Efeitos da polarização eletrostática de eletrodos na periferia de tokamaks têm sido investigados em pequenos tokamaks e mesmo em alguns tokamaks de grande porte. Em geral as experiências são realizadas em condições em que bifurcação do campo elétrico radial é obtida, processo este identificado como modo H de polarização. No Tokamak TCABR, as experiências indicam que o confinamento aumenta para tensões aplicadas até +300 volts, atingindo um máximo de duas vezes o tempo de confinamento do modo L, mas sem bifurcação. Indícios de bifurcação foram notados com +400 V de polarização, mas a descarga termina devido à excitação da atividade MHD, ainda sob investigação. No presente trabalho, a pesquisa é aprofundada com a utilização de uma sonda de Langmuir com 18 pinos dispostos em duas fileiras sob a forma de um ancinho (rake probe) o que permite a medição da temperatura, densidade e flutuação de potencial ao longo do raio menor na periferia do Tokamak. A resolução temporal desse sistema é de cerca de 0,5 ms, para a temperatura, e 5 microssegundos para densidade e potencial flutuante do plasma. Outra sonda eletrostática com 5-pinos na mesma posição radial, mas em diferentes posições poloidal e toroidal foi usada para medições de turbulência e transporte de partículas. Os efeitos da polarização foram investigados e indicam que os níveis de turbulência e transporte começam a diminuir entre +150 e +200 V e para +300 V chegam a atingir uma quase supressão. Nesse mesmo intervalo de tensão a densidade começa a aumentar e para +300 V chega a ser um fator de aproximadamente 2. Quanto ao perfil de temperatura a variação é pouco significativa, mas as incertezas das medidas são maiores. Esses dados são compatíveis com a criação de uma barreira de transporte na região entre o eletrodo em r = 17 cm e o limitador em a = 18 cm. Além disso, o campo elétrico radial mostra forte cisalhamento nessa região. Tomando o início da subida do potencial flutuante como origem de uma escala de tempo, o atraso temporal do início da subida da densidade de elétrons e o atraso do início do decréscimo do transporte de partículas foram medidos. Os resultados são 50 microssegundos para a densidade de elétrons e 60 microssegundos para o transporte de partículas. A questão dos limiares de potência é discutida no texto. Os dados desta experiência indicam que o campo elétrico radial desempenha o papel principal para a melhoria do confinamento. / Electrode biasing effects in the periphery of tokamaks have been investigated in small tokamaks and in a few large tokamaks. Usually the experiments are performed in conditions were bifurcation of the radial electric field is achieved, identified as biased H mode. In the tokamak TCABR, the biasing experiments indicate that the confinement increases for applied voltages up to +300 Volts, reaching a maximum of twice the confinement time of the L mode, but without bifurcation. Indications of bifurcation were detected with +400 V biasing, but the discharge terminates due to excitation of MHD activity, still under investigation. In the present work, the research is improved with the use of a rake shaped 18-pins Langmuir probe, allowing the measurement of electron temperature, density and potential fluctuations along the minor radius near the edge of the tokamak with time resolution of about 0.5 ms, for the temperature and 5 microseconds for density and floating potential. Another electrostatic probe with 5-pins all in the same radial position, but in different poloidal and toroidal position was used for turbulence and particle transport measurements. The effects of biasing indicate that the levels of turbulence and transport begin to decrease between +150 and +200 V and for +300 V reaches an almost suppression. In that same voltage interval the density, begin to increase and for 300 V reach a factor of about 2. The temperature profile does not change significantly but the uncertainty of the measurements is larger. These data are compatible with the creation of a barrier between the position of the electrode at r = 17 cm and the limiter of the tokamak at a = 18 cm. In addition, the radial electric field data show strong shear in this region. Taking the start of the increasing of the fluctuation potential as the origin of a time scale, the temporal delay of the start of the edge electron density increase and transport decrease were measured. The results are 50 microseconds for the electron density and 60 microseconds for the particle transport. The power threshold for the confinement improvement is discussed in the text. The data obtained in this experiment confirm that the shear of the electric field has the stronger role for the confinement improvement with biasing in TCABR tokamak.

Characterization of the Near Plume Region of Hexaboride and Barium Oxide Hollow Cathodes operating on Xenon and Iodine

Taillefer, Zachary R 24 January 2018 (has links)
The use of electric propulsion for spacecraft primary propulsion, attitude control and station-keeping is ever-increasing as the technology matures and is qualified for flight. In addition, alternative propellants are under investigation, which have the potential to offer systems-level benefits that can enable particular classes of missions. Condensable propellants, particularly iodine, have the potential to significantly reduce the propellant storage system volume and mass. Some of the most widely used electric thrusters are electrostatic thrusters, which require a thermionic hollow cathode electron source to ionize the propellant for the main discharge and for beam neutralization. Failure of the hollow cathode, which often needs to operate for thousands of hours, is one of the main life-limiting factors of an electrostatic propulsion system. Common failure modes for hollow cathodes include poisoning or evaporation of the thermionic emitter material and erosion of electrodes due to sputtering. The mechanism responsible for the high energy ion production resulting in sputtering is not well understood, nor is the compatibility of traditional thermionic hollow cathodes with alternative propellants such as iodine. This work uses both an emissive probe and Langmuir probe to characterize the near-plume of several hollow cathodes operating on both xenon and iodine by measuring the plasma potential, plasma density, electron temperature and electron energy distribution function (EEDF). Using the EEDF the reaction rate coefficients for relevant collisional processes are calculated. A low current (< 5 A discharge current) hollow cathode with two different hexaboride emitters, lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) and cerium hexaboride (CeB6), was operated on xenon propellant. The plasma potential, plasma density, electron temperature, EEDF and reaction rate coefficients were measured for both hexaboride emitter materials at a single cathode orifice diameter. The time-resolved plasma potential measurements showed low frequency oscillations (<100 kHz) of the plasma potential at low cathode flow rates (<4 SCCM) and spot mode operation between approximately 5 SCCM and 7 SCCM. The CeB6 and LaB6 emitters behave similarly in terms of discharge power (keeper and anode voltage) and plasma potential, based on results from a cathode with a 0.020�-diameter. Both emitters show almost identical operating conditions corresponding to the spot mode regime, reaction rates, as well as mean and RMS plasma potentials for the 0.020� orifice diameter at a flow rate of 6 SCCM and the same discharge current. The near-keeper region plasma was also characterized for several cathode orifice diameters using the CeB6 emitter over a range of propellant flow rates. The spot-plume mode transition appears to occur at lower flow rates as orifice size is increased, but has a minimum flow rate for stable operation. For two orifice diameters, the EEDF was measured in the near-plume region and reaction rate coefficients calculated for several electron- driven collisional processes. For the cathode with the larger orifice diameter (0.040�), the EEDFs show higher electron temperatures and drift velocities. The data for these cathodes also show lower reaction rate coefficients for specific electron transitions and ionization. To investigate the compatibility of a traditional thermionic emitter with iodine propellant, a low-power barium oxide (BaO) cathode was operated on xenon and iodine propellants. This required the construction and demonstration of a low flow rate iodine feed system. The cathode operating conditions are reported for both propellants. The emitter surface was inspected using a scanning electron microscope after various exposures to xenon and iodine propellants. The results of the inspection of the emitter surface are presented. Another low current (< 5 A), BaO hollow cathode was operated on xenon and iodine propellants. Its discharge current and voltage, and plume properties are reported for xenon and iodine with the cathode at similar operating conditions for each. The overall performance of the BaO cathode on iodine was comparable to xenon. The cathode operating on iodine required slightly higher power for ignition and discharge maintenance compared to xenon, as evident by the higher keeper and anode potentials. Plasma properties in the near- plume region were measured using an emissive probe and single Langmuir probe. For both propellants, the plasma density, electron energy distribution function (EEDF), electron temperature, select reaction rate coefficients and time-resolved plasma potentials are reported. For both propellants the cathode operated the same keeper (0.25 A) and discharge current (3.1 A), but the keeper and anode potentials were higher with iodine; 27 V and 51 V for xenon, and 30 V and 65 V for iodine, respectively. For xenon, the mean electron energy and electron temperature were 7.5 eV and 0.7 eV, with bulk drift energy of 6.6 eV. For iodine, the mean electron energy and electron temperature were 6.3 eV and 1.3 eV, with a bulk drift energy of 4.2 eV. A literature review of relevant collisional processes and associated cross sections for an iodine plasma is also presented.

Electron Energy Distribution Measurements in the Plume Region of a Low Current Hollow Cathode

Behlman, Nicholas James 12 January 2010 (has links)
A hollow cathode is an electron source used in a number of different electric thrusters for space propulsion. One important component of the device that helps initiate and sustain the discharge is called the keeper electrode. Cathode keeper erosion is one of the main limiting factors in the lifetime of electric thrusters. Sputtering due to high-energy ion bombardment is believed to be responsible for keeper erosion. Existing models of the cathode plume, including the OrCa2D code developed at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, do not predict these high-energy ions and experimental measurement of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) could provide useful information for the development of a high fidelity model of the plume region. Understanding of the mechanism by which these high-energy ions are produced could lead to improvements in the design of hollow cathodes. The primary focus of this work is to determine the EEDF in the cathode plume. A single Langmuir probe is used to measure the current-voltage (I-V) characteristic of the plasma plume from a low current hollow cathode in the region downstream of the keeper orifice. The EEDF is obtained using the Druyvesteyn procedure (based on interpretation of the second derivative of the I-V curve), and parameters such as electron temperature, plasma density and plasma potential are also obtained. The dependence of the EEDF and other parameters on the radial position in the plume is examined. Results show that the EEDF deviates from the Maxwellian distribution, and is more accurately described by the Druyvesteyn distribution directly downstream of the cathode. Off-axis measurements of the EEDF indicate the presence of fast electrons, most likely due to the anode geometry. The cathode used in these tests is representative of the cathode used in a 200W class Hall thruster. Data is presented for a hollow cathode operating on argon gas for two cases with different discharge currents.

Langmuir Probe Measurements in the Plume of a Pulsed Plasma Thruster

Eckman, Robert Francis 04 October 1999 (has links)
"As new, smaller satellites are built, the need for improved on-board propulsion systems has grown. The pulsed plasma thruster has received attention due to its low power requirements, its simple propellant management, and the success of initial flight tests. Successful integration of PPTs on spacecraft requires the comprehensive evaluation of possible plume-spacecraft interactions. The PPT plume consists of neutrals and ions from the decomposition of the Teflon propellant, material from electrode erosion, as well as electromagnetic fields and optical emissions. To investigate the PPT plume, an on-going program is underway at WPI that combines experimental and computational investigations. Experimental investigation of the PPT plume is challenging due to the unsteady, pulsed as well as the partially ionized character of the plume. In this thesis, a triple Langmuir probe apparatus was designed and used to obtain electron temperature and density measurements in the plume of a PPT. This experimental investigation provides further characterization of the plume, much needed validation data for computational models, and is useful in thruster optimization studies. The pulsed plasma thruster used in this study is a rectangular geometry laboratory model built at NASA Lewis Research Center for component lifetime tests and plume studies. It is almost identical in size and performance to the LES 8/9 thruster, ablating 26.6 ug of Teflon, producing an impulse bit of 256 uN-s and a specific impulse of 986 s at 20 J. All experiments were carried out at NASA LeRC Electric Propulsion Laboratory. The experimental setup included triple Langmuir probes mounted on a moveable probe stand, to collect data over a wide range of locations and operating conditions. Triple probes have the ability to instantaneously measure electron temperature and density, and have the benefit of being relatively simple to use, compared to other methods used to measure these same properties. The implementation of this measuring technique is discussed in detail, to aid future work that utilizes these devices. Electron temperature and density was measured from up to 45 degrees from the centerline on planes parallel and perpendicular to the thruster electrodes, for thruster energy levels of 5, 20 and 40 J. Radial distances extend from 6 to 20 cm downstream from the Teflon surface. These locations cover the core of the PPT plume, over a range of energy levels that corresponds to proposed mission operating conditions. Data analysis shows the spatial and temporal variation of the plume. Maximum electron density near the exit of the thruster is 1.6 x 1020, 1.6 x 1021, and 1.8 x 1021 m-3 for the 5, 20 and 40 J discharges, respectively. At 20 cm downstream from the Teflon surface, densities are 1 x 1019, 1.5 x 1020 and 4.2 x 1020 for the 5, 20 and 40 J discharges, respectively. The average electron temperature at maximum density was found to vary between 3.75 and 4.0 eV for the above density measurements at the thruster exit, and 20 cm from the Teflon surface the temperatures are 0.5, 2.5, and 3 eV for the 5, 20 and 40 J discharges. Plume properties show a great degree of angular variation in the perpendicular plane and very little in the parallel plane, most likely due to the rectangular geometry of the PPT electrodes. Simultaneous electron temperature and density traces for a single thruster discharge show that the hottest electrons populate the leading edge of the plume. Analysis between pulses shows a 50% variation in density and a 25% variation in electron temperature. Error analysis estimates that maximum uncertainty in the temperature measurements to be approximately +/- 0.75 eV due to noise smoothing, and the maximum uncertainty in electron density to be +/- 60%, due to assumptions related to the triple probe theory. In addition, analysis of previously observed slow and fast ion components in the PPT plume was performed. The analysis shows that there is approximately a 3 us difference in creation time between the fast and slow ions, and that this correlates almost exactly with the half period of the oscillations in the thruster discharge current."

Plasma Flow Velocity Measurements Using A Gundestrup Probe In The STOR-M Tokamak

St. Germaine, Geoffrey Martin Reginald 22 August 2006
The profile of the poloidal velocity in the edge region of tokamak plasmas has been identified as playing a major role in the confinement of particles and energy. It has been suggested that a strongly sheared poloidal flow can reduce particle and energy losses by the stabilization of unstable modes and decorrelation of turbulence the edge region of the plasma. A Gundestrup probe, a Mach probe array, is used to measure both the parallel and perpendicular flow velocities in the Saskatchewan Torus-Modified (STOR-M) tokamak during several discharge conditions. It is observed that during Ohmic discharges there is no velocity shear and the direction of the parallel flow is independent of the direction of the toroidal magnetic field. During H-mode induced by a turbulent heating current pulse, a region of strong velocity shear develops in the plasma edge and an edge transport barrier develops. This results in a short period of improved particle and energy confinement with reduced fluctuation amplitudes. During electrode biasing experiments, a stainless steel biasing electrode is inserted into the plasma up to r = 82 mm and biased to +500 V relative to the vacuum chamber. It is observed that the particle confinement improves during the biasing phase while the energy confinement is degraded. A region of weak shear in the poloidal flow is observed in the plasma scrapeoff layer (SOL). The results from STOR-M are compared with results from data taken in the Czech Academy of Sciences Torus (CASTOR) tokamak during both Ohmic discharges and discharges with electrode biasing.

Impulsní plazmatické systémy / Pulsed plasma systems

Klusoň, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with the experimental study of the low-temperature plasma designated for the preparation of thin films using the method of physical sputtering. It describes measurements which were realized on two types of devices - on the low-pressure plasma jet sputtering system and on the planar magnetron. The plasma diagnostics in the discharge excited in the pulse regime represent the main theme of the thesis. The discharge in the low-pressure plasma jet was studied by means of an electrostatic Langmuir probe, in the case of the planar magnetron, mass spectroscopy with energetic as well as time resolution was used. To understand the results achieved in the pulse generated plasma good knowledge of the basic continuous DC regime of the discharge excitation is essential. Therefore a considerable part of the thesis deals purely with the continuous DC discharge. In the case of the low- pressure plasma jet, the attention was focused also on the characteristic property of this plasma source, which is the flow from the jet.

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