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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The CPS dictionary: A prescriptive terminological work?

Chang, Leslie-Ann. January 1996 (has links)
The Canadian Parks Service (CPS) dictionary is a specialized work which was conceived to provide standardized preferred terms for and definitions of the artifacts found in the CPS collections, in order to (i) help CPS collections managers to identify, classify, and catalogue artifacts, (ii) allow them to exchange information in a clear and unambiguous fashion, and (iii) facilitate the automation and centralization of information from the various CPS sites. Because of its goal of standardization, the CPS dictionary calls for a prescriptive approach rather than a descriptive one. Whereas in descriptive terminology standards are set by usage, in prescriptive terminology, standards are artificially imposed in an attempt to eliminate ambiguity and to ensure transparency of communication. In order to achieve this ideal of clear and unambiguous communication, prescriptive terminology attempts to (i) delimit concepts with precision, (ii) establish coherent conceptual networks, and (iii) eliminate ambiguous term-concept relations. In order to achieve these prescriptive goals, terminologists must adhere to fundamental principles and prescribed methods. Analysis of the CPS methodology as well as its records reveal that, despite its goal of standardization, the CPS dictionary does not fully comply with the tenets of prescriptive terminology, and consequently, does not fully achieve the ideal of clear and transparent communication. Deviations from these tenets can be attributed to both the nebulous nature of the field of artifacts and certain practices imposed by client needs on terminologists involved in the dictionary.

Translation and visual communication: Case study of a hospital information leaflet.

St-Jean, Ewa. January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explain and demonstrate that, in the leaflet--as a specific form of discourse-- meaning is primarily a product of the textual interrelationship of both its verbal and visual components. Our definition of meaning of the message in this analysis is that of form-meaning. The object of our analysis is a particular genre of discourse--the leaflet--which is placed at the intersection of verbal and visual communication. We begin by looking at visual communication theory to better understand how meaning is produced in "visual discourse". Next, we proceed to trace the way translation theory deals with the notion of "form" with regard to meaning. Finally, based on a case study of a hospital informlation leaflet we clearly demonstrate that there is an "isotopic" relationship between meaning and textual form. Ultimately, our study will reveal the necessity to reconsider the notion of "form" as it applies to pragmatic texts in translation theory and didactics. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

La adquisición del movimiento del verbo en las interrogativas directas e indirectas del español no nativo.

Andreeva Laguardia, Biana. January 1997 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate the acquisition of V-movement in matrix and subordinate clauses and its consequences for the position of the subject in the Spanish interlanguage of native speakers of English and French. We have specifically investigated whether or not there is parameter resetting when the value of the parameter differs in the L1 and the L2. In order to determine our subjects' non-native competence we have obtained cross-sectional data in the form of oral spontaneous production and grammaticality judgments. The results suggest that learners do not reset the V-movement parameter when they acquire Spanish as a second language, a conclusion which is in line with an emerging view about parameter resetting in second language acquisition.

Examples in the bilingual dictionary.

Toope, Michael. January 1996 (has links)
Of all the components of the bilingual dictionary microstructure, examples usually take up more space than all others combined. This means that there is a de facto consensus that examples are essential. However, despite this consensus, existing bilingual dictionaries are inconsistent in their exemplification of lexical items and the current literature in the field does not provide any explanation of this inconsistency. In fact there is no exhaustive or systematic study of examples in bilingual or unilingual lexicography. This thesis attempts to fill this gap. It analyzes several aspects of examples, with special attention to the role they perform in bilingual dictionaries and the importance of their presentation to highlight their functions.

Vasilij Kamenskij et F. T. Marinetti : une poésie virtuelle.

Roger, Christine. January 1994 (has links)
Cette these porte sur le futurisme, un mouvement artistique avant-gardiste qui s'est eclos surtout en Italie et en Russie au debut du 20$\sp{\rm e}$ siecle. Ce mouvement a ete influence par le neo-impressionnisme et le cubisme danse le domaine de la peinture, tandis que dans celui de la poesie, il a remplace le symbolisme. Ulterieurement, le futurisme a influence le dadaisme. Plus precisement, cette these presente deux poetes dont les oeuvres ont subi les influences a la fois de la peinture et de la poesie. Les oeuvres sur lesquelles cette these se penche ont ete choisies pour tenir compte des deux branches importantes du futurisme, l'italienne et la russe, ainsi que de l'interpenetration entre la peinture et la poesie. Ces oeuvres sont les poemes IIBopeu C. N. IIIyKUH (Palais S. I. Scukin) et FaHR (Bain Russe) de Vasilij Kamenskij, ainsi que Apres la Marne, Joffre visita le front en auto et Le soir, couchee dans son lit, Elle relisait la lettre de son artilleur au front de F. T. Marinetti. Cependant, le poids de la recherche repose sur le poete russe etant donne que cette these se devoue a la litterature russe.

Case: The realization and interpretation of a relational feature.

Foley, Michele. January 1997 (has links)
This thesis examines the cross-linguistic realization of three Case types identified on the basis of the information they encode. Grammatical Case encodes information about grammatical roles, lexical Case encodes a fixed semantic interpretation which is lexically linked to a specific morphological Case, and semantic Case encodes contextually determined referential information. Inflectional features are identified as inherent, specified in the citation form of lexical items, or derived, requiring specification only in the syntax. The proposed Case type classification and feature distinction are used to examine a variety of Case-related phenomena including quirky subjects and existential constructions. The study of quirky subjects reveals that they are locative predicate modifiers of stage-level predicates. Although marked with oblique lexical Case, their syntactic properties indicate that they are in the structural position associated with the grammatical Case of the subject. The Case patterns observed in this context demonstrate the possibility of an overt grammatical-lexical Case combination, and of the morphological realization of grammatical Case on an NP which is not in a grammatical Case position. The study of English existentials reveals similarities to the quirky subject construction particularly with respect to a locative interpretation of the expletive subject, and the possibility of a grammatically Case-marked postverbal NP. The postverbal NP in this construction exhibits a grammatical-semantic Case combination. Cross-linguistically, the sematic Case feature of the NP in existential constructions interacts with other morphosyntactic factors, and exhibits varied morphological realization, surfacing as a Case marker and/or an article. The examination of these and other Case-related phenomena reveals confusion about interpretation based solely on a particular Case-marking, and highlights the importance of examining the information encoded, especially when transferring morphological-based assumptions from one language to another.

Reasuntivos y doblado del clitico: En torno a la caracterizacion del termino "Casi-Nativo"

Senn, Cristina Rita January 2009 (has links)
In this dissertation we investigate whether the term 'near-native speaker' should be used to refer to speakers who, in spite of having been in contact with the Spanish language since childhood, differ from the Spanish standard norm sanctioned by grammarians and linguists with respect to both their grammatical competence and their ability to process this language. In order to carry out this investigation we have used two constructions that evidence unstable areas of the Spanish language: (a) Resumptive Pronouns in ambiguous Restrictive Relative Clauses (Pintaron los techos de unas casitas i que cuando nos fuimos a vivir al camp las i vimos en malas condiciones.); and (b) Optional Dative Clitic Doubling (Sally Potter (les) dedico el premio a los tangueros.) versus Obligatory Dative Clitic Doubling (El nino travieso le rompio el jarron a la abuela. ). Three groups of speakers with Spanish as their mother tongue participated in our study: an SC (Spanish Control) group consisting of speakers who have always lived in a Spanish speaking country; an LC (Late Contact with English) experimental group formed by L1 Spanish / L2 English speakers, and an EC (Early Contact with English) group which consisted of so-called heritage speakers. Our aim was to revise the term near-native so that it is not only the experimental groups' global grammatical competence that determines their being near-native versus native speakers, but also these experimental groups' local grammatical competence in relation to their acceptance and processing of Resumptive Pronouns and Dative Clitic Doubling constructions. We carried out three off-line and two on-line experimental tasks (Acceptability Judgments, Magnitude Estimation and Sentence Matching) intended to evaluate the grammatical and processing abilities of the three groups of speakers, who represented two varieties of Spanish: the Peninsular variety and the Rioplatense variety. The results show that the experimental groups' (LC, EC) global grammatical competence differs significantly from that of the Control group (SC). However, in relation to the acceptability and processing of the Resumptive Pronouns and Dative Clitic Doubling constructions, the experimental groups differ from the Control group only with respect to certain aspects of these constructions while they evidence native competence in relation to other aspects. This leads us to propose that the term 'near-native' cannot be applied across the board.

The cultural politics of place naming in Quebec: Toponymic negotiation and struggle in Aboriginal territories.

Nieminen, Anna. January 1998 (has links)
In an analysis of the cultural politics of place naming in Aboriginal territories, and in Baie James/Eeyou Istchee particularly, I trace the themes of "myth-making as it relates to identity" and "knowledge is power" through a cycle of learning about the meaning of naming from the perspectives of "Hearing With a Non-Native Ear", "Hearing With a Native Ear" and "Speaking With Names Across Cultures" I argue that although Quebecois myth-making responds to, or is alternative to, the federalist construction of a national identity, it shares with it certain themes about Aboriginal peoples and places (i.e. the North). But, there are also some distinguishing sub-themes in Quebecois nationalist discourse, such as the greater importance of hydro-electric development in the 'North as hinterland' theme and the greater importance of Aboriginal place names in the 'North as heritage' theme. I use a harvesting metaphor to describe how the Commission de toponymie, which has the power to officialize names in Quebec, transforms Aboriginal place names into Quebecois cultural resources. On the other hand, Aboriginal peoples in the north of Quebec, including the Cree nation, tend to a perception of the 'North as homeland' and place names as "stories" about the environment, history and culture. When these two perceptions of places and place names meet in the same 'garden', toponymic negotiation and struggle ensue, for naming is personal and political. I conclude that when Aboriginal place names are examined and presented with their 'roots' intact (in cultural context), we can gain an appreciation for how place names and place naming are integral to Aboriginal resistance to cultural and territorial appropriation.

Le bilinguisme fonctionnel du gouvernement ontarien, ou, Les origines et la réception des services en français, 1976-1986.

Piret, Nadine. January 1997 (has links)
Le gouvernement ontarien, quant a lui, n'a pas adhere aux articles 16 a 20 de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertes, mais s'est dote en contrepartie, d'une loi sur les services en francais. En Ontario habite le plus grand nombre de francophones hors Quebec. Cependant, dans la negociation et le lobbying politique qui menerent a l'adoption de la Loi 8 sur les services en francais, la representation numerique de la population franco-ontarienne ne constitua pas un enjeu. Les Franco-Ontariens se savaient minoritaires et l'acceptaient. Ce qu'ils recherchaient en fait, etait une protection de leurs droits linguistiques a titre de minorite francophone vis-a-vis la majorite de la population d'expression anglophone. L'origine de la Loi 8 remonte jusqu'aux gouvernements conservateurs de J. Robarts et de W. Davis. Ces deux Premiers ministres ontariens furent les precurseurs politiques provinciaux dans la creation et l'etablissement d'une politique linguistique en faveur de l'epanouissement de la minorite franco-ontarienne. Cependant, leur vue des choses compartimentait les secteurs des services offerts a la population francophone et tentait de les limiter a l'education et au domaine juridique. Le nouveau gouvernement liberal de D. Peterson, en 1986, vint offrir un projet de loi sur les services en francais, la Loi 8, qui fut implantee graduellement sur une periode de trois annees. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Knowledge extraction technology for terminology.

Davidson, Laura M. January 1998 (has links)
Terminologists scan large amounts of specialized texts to discover the terms for the concepts in a given subject field and to extract knowledge-rich contexts. These contexts make explicit, by means of linguistic structures, the semantic relations that exist between the concepts. Developing the subject field's conceptual network is called concept analysis. To carry out concept analysis, many terminologists are still using paper-based corpora. Yet this is time-consuming and error-prone. This thesis explores a semi-automatic approach to concept analysis that involves electronic corpora and knowledge extraction technology. My research focused on a program called the Text Analyzer (TA), which I tested for its effectiveness in retrieving knowledge-rich contexts from French and English electronic corpora in the subject field of composting. I first discovered the linguistic patterns that French and English use to express three semantic relations. The TA was then programmed with these patterns to be able to extract knowledge-rich contexts from the corpora. I then tested the TA's extraction capabilities and prepared statistics showing its effectiveness. Analysing the test results revealed ways to enhance the TA's performance. As a small follow-up experiment, I added more patterns to the TA and again tested its extraction effectiveness, which was improved. Up to that point, my focus was on lexical patterns. As part of the follow-up experiment, I also performed an exploratory test of the potential of grammatical patterns for knowledge extraction. This research revealed that much work is still needed to produce highly effective knowledge extraction programs. Even so, the statistics were encouraging and showed this technology's potential for dramatically reducing the time terminologists spend scanning corpora.

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