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Investigating Speech Perception in Evolutionary Perspective: Comparisons of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and Human CapabilitiesHeimbauer, Lisa A 01 August 2012 (has links)
There has been much discussion regarding whether the capability to perceive speech is uniquely human. The “Speech is Special” (SiS) view proposes that humans possess a specialized cognitive module for speech perception (Mann & Liberman, 1983). In contrast, the “Auditory Hypothesis” (Kuhl, 1988) suggests spoken-language evolution took advantage of existing auditory-system capabilities. In support of the Auditory Hypothesis, there is evidence that Panzee, a language-trained chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), perceives speech in synthetic “sine-wave” and “noise-vocoded” forms (Heimbauer, Beran, & Owren, 2011). Human comprehension of these altered forms of speech has been cited as evidence for specialized cognitive capabilities (Davis, Johnsrude, Hervais-Adelman, Taylor, & McGettigan, 2005).
In light of Panzee’s demonstrated abilities, three experiments extended these investigations of the cognitive processes underlying her speech perception. The first experiment investigated the acoustic cues that Panzee and humans use when identifying sine-wave and noise-vocoded speech. The second experiment examined Panzee’s ability to perceive “time-reversed” speech, in which individual segments of the waveform are reversed in time. Humans are able to perceive such speech if these segments do not much exceed average phoneme length. Finally, the third experiment tested Panzee’s ability to generalize across both familiar and novel talkers, a perceptually challenging task that humans seem to perform effortlessly.
Panzee’s performance was similar to that of humans in all experiments. In Experiment 1, results demonstrated that Panzee likely attends to the same “spectro-temporal” cues in sine-wave and noise-vocoded speech that humans are sensitive to. In Experiment 2, Panzee showed a similar intelligibility pattern as a function of reversal-window length as found in human listeners. In Experiment 3, Panzee readily recognized words not only from a variety of familiar adult males and females, but also from unfamiliar adults and children of both sexes. Overall, results suggest that a combination of general auditory processing and sufficient exposure to meaningful spoken language is sufficient to account for speech-perception evidence previously proposed to require specialized, uniquely human mechanisms. These findings in turn suggest that speech-perception capabilities were already present in latent form in the common evolutionary ancestors of modern chimpanzees and humans.
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Emerging language : cognition and gestural communication in wild and language trained chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)Roberts, Anna I. January 2010 (has links)
An important element in understanding the evolutionary origin of human language is to explore homologous traits in cognition and communication between primates and humans (Burling, 1993, Hewes, 1973). One proposed modality of language evolution is that of gestural communication, defined as communicative movements of hands without using or touching objects (de Waal, 2003). While homologies between primate calls and language have been relatively well explored, we still have a limited understanding of how cognitive abilities may have shaped the characteristics of primate gestures (Corballis, 2003). Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are our closest living relatives and display some complex cognitive skills in various aspects of their gestural behaviour in captivity (de Waal, 2003, Pollick and de Waal, 2007). However, it is not yet currently clear to what extent these abilities seen in captive apes are typical of chimpanzees in general and to what extent cognitive capacities observed in captive chimpanzees have been enhanced by the socio-cultural environment of captivity such as language training. In this Ph.D. research, I investigated the cognitive skills underlying gestural communication in both wild and language trained chimpanzees, with a special focus on the repertoire and the intentionality of production and comprehension. The study of cognitive skills underlying the production of the repertoire and the role of intentionality is important because these skills are cognitively demanding and are a prerequisite in human infants for their ability to acquire language (Baldwin, 1995, Olson, 1993). My research suggests that chimpanzee gestural communication is cognitively complex and may be homologous with the cognitive skills evident in pre-verbal infants on the cusp of language acquisition. Chimpanzees display a multifaceted and complex signal repertoire of manual gestures. These gestures are the prototypes, within which there is variation, and between which the boundaries are not clear-cut, but there is gradation apparent along several morphological components. Both wild and language trained chimpanzees communicate intentionally about their perceived desires and the actions that they want the recipients to undertake. They do not just express their emotions, but they communicate flexibly by adjusting their communicative tactics in response to the comprehension states of the recipient. Whilst chimpanzees communicate their intentions flexibly, the messages conveyed are specific. However, recipients comprehend gestures flexibly in light of the signaller’s overall intentions. Whilst wild and language trained chimpanzee gestural communication revealed similar cognitive characteristics, language trained chimpanzees outperformed wild apes in that they had ability to use signals which made distinctions that human deictic words can make. Whilst these differences between wild and language trained chimpanzees may be due to the different methodological approaches used, it is conceivable that language training may have influenced captive ape cognitive skills in the representational domain. These results from wild and language trained chimpanzees indicate that chimpanzees possess some form of cognitive skills necessary for language development and that cognitive skills underlying repertoire and use in chimpanzees are a shared capacity between humans, other apes and a common ancestor. These findings render theories of the gestural origins of language more plausible. Related publications: 1. Roberts, A. I., Vick, S.-J., Roberts, S. G. B., Buchanan-Smith, H. M. & Zuberbühler, K. 2012. A structure-based repertoire of manual gestures in wild chimpanzees: Statistical analyses of a graded communication system. Evolution and Human Behavior, Published online: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2012.05.006 2. Roberts, A. I., Vick, S.-J. & Buchanan-Smith, H. 2012. Usage and comprehension of manual gestures in wild chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour, Published online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.05.022
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