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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of the dynamics of barred early type galaxies via numerical simulations

Lablanche, Pierre-Yves 04 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Since the 30's and Edwin Hubble's famous classification, galaxies are usually separated in twogroups : the late-type galaxies (LTGs) and the early-type galaxies (ETGs). The LTGs family ismainly made of spiral galaxies (S) while the ETGs family is composed of elliptical (E) and lenticular(S0) galaxies. A morphological study of all these galaxies revealed that around 60% of LTGs and45% of S0 present a bar. It has also been shown that, in the local Universe, galaxies fall into twobig groups : the blue cloud mostly populated by LTGs and the red sequence mainly made of ETGs.Several mechanisms are responsible for this distribution and the secular evolution is obviously animportant one to examine, sepcially in the context of bars, as an important number of studiesshowed the importance of bars in the dynamics and evolution of a galaxy.The goal of my thesis is to study the importance of the formation and ensued bar-drivenevolution influence on ETGs evolution. In that context, I have performed N-body simulations ofbarred (and unbarred) galaxies in order to investigate the following issues.First of all, I focused on the influence of a bar in a galaxy when modelling it with a dynamicalmodel assuming an axisymmetric mass distribution. As these kinds of models allow to determine themass-to-light ratio M/L, thus the dynamical mass of an observed galaxy, but also its inclinationand its anisotropy, it is important to evalute the consequence of the presence of a bar on theseparameters. I have shown that, depending on the galaxy inclination and the bar position angle,M/L is most of the time biased and overestimated, and this can be up to 25%. The size andstrength of the bar also seem to be important factors but a deeper study has to be done to quantifythis preliminary result.In a second step, I have studied the role of bars on the mass and metallicity redistributionsin a lenticular galaxy. I confirmed that the presence of a bar, due to its influence on its hostsystem dynamics, flattens pre-existing metallicity gradients. Moreover, I showed that the degree offlattening and the position of affected regions are directly correlated with the bar structure and thelocation of the dynamical resonances. Nonetheless, this dynamical effect cannot explain the varietyof observed ages and metallicity gradients. The consequences of a barred gravitational potentialon the gas dynamics and the stellar formation should therefore be investigated. This is the topicof the last set of numerical simulations produced which will allow to better understand the globalinfluence a bar has on the secular evolution of ETGs.

Study of the dynamics of barred early type galaxies via numerical simulations / Etude de la dynamique des galaxies barrées de type précoce via simulations numériques

Lablanche, Pierre-Yves 04 April 2012 (has links)
Depuis la célèbre classification d’Edwin Hubble dans les années 30, il est coutume de définir unegalaxie comme appartenant soit au groupe des galaxies dites de type tardif (late-type galaxiesabr´eg´e LTGs) soit à celui des galaxies dites de type précoce (early-type galaxies ou ETGs). Lafamille des LTGs est principalement composée de galaxies spirales (S) quand la famille des ETGsregroupe les galaxies lenticulaires (S0) et elliptiques (E). L’étude morphologique de ces galaxies arévélé qu’environ 60% des LTGs et 45% des S0 présentent une barre. Par ailleurs, il a été montréque dans l’Univers local les galaxies pouvaient être séparées en deux grands ensembles : le nuagebleu composé majoritairement de LTGs et la séquence rouge peuplée principalement par les ETGs.Plusieurs mécanismes sont à l’origine de cette distribution et l’évolution séculaire en est évidemmentun point majeur. Un nombre important de recherches ont montré l’importance des barres sur ladynamique et l’évolution d’une galaxie. Le but de ma th`ese est d’´etudier `a quel point la formationd’une barre et l’évolution qui s’ensuit influe sur l’évolution des ETGs. Pour ce faire j’ai réalisédes simulations à N-corps de galaxies barrées (et non barr´ees) qui m’a permis d´étudier les pointssuivants.Je me suis tout d’abord penché sur l’impact de la présence d’une barre dans une galaxie sur unemodélisation de cette dernière par un modèle supposant une ditribution de masse axisymmétrique.Ce genre de modélisation permettant de déterminer le rapport masse/luminosité M/L et donc lamasse d’une galaxie observée mais ´egalement son inclinaison et son anisotropie, il est importantd’estimer l’impact de la présence d’une barre sur ces paramètres. J’ai donc montré qu’en fonctionde l’inclinaison de la galaxie et de la position de la barre par rapport à l’observateur, le rapportM/L était très souvent surestimé avec des erreurs allant jusqu’`a 25%. La taille et la force de labarre sont également apparus comme des facteurs importants mais une étude plus approfondies’imposerait afin de quantifier ce résultat.D’autre part, je me suis intéressé à l’impact d’une barre sur la distribution de masse et de métauxdans une galaxie lenticulaire. J’ai tout d’abord confirmé que la présence d’une barre, de partson influence sur la dynamique d’un système, applatissait les gradients de métallicité. De plusj’ai montré que le degrés d’aplatissement ainsi que la position des zones affectées peuvent êtredirectement mis en relation avec la structure de la barre et notament avec la localisation desrésonances dynamiques. Néanmoins l’influence purement dynamique d’une barre n’explique pasà elle seule les gradients d’âges et de m´etallicité observés. L’étude de l’influence d’un potentielgravitationnel barré sur la dynamique du gaz et donc sur la formation stellaire est donc égalementà prendre un compte. Cela fait l’objet des dernières simulations produites qui permettront de mieuxcomprendre l’influence global d’une barre sur l’évolution séculaire des galaxies de type précoce. / Since the 30’s and Edwin Hubble’s famous classification, galaxies are usually separated in twogroups : the late-type galaxies (LTGs) and the early-type galaxies (ETGs). The LTGs family ismainly made of spiral galaxies (S) while the ETGs family is composed of elliptical (E) and lenticular(S0) galaxies. A morphological study of all these galaxies revealed that around 60% of LTGs and45% of S0 present a bar. It has also been shown that, in the local Universe, galaxies fall into twobig groups : the blue cloud mostly populated by LTGs and the red sequence mainly made of ETGs.Several mechanisms are responsible for this distribution and the secular evolution is obviously animportant one to examine, sepcially in the context of bars, as an important number of studiesshowed the importance of bars in the dynamics and evolution of a galaxy.The goal of my thesis is to study the importance of the formation and ensued bar-drivenevolution influence on ETGs evolution. In that context, I have performed N-body simulations ofbarred (and unbarred) galaxies in order to investigate the following issues.First of all, I focused on the influence of a bar in a galaxy when modelling it with a dynamicalmodel assuming an axisymmetric mass distribution. As these kinds of models allow to determine themass-to-light ratio M/L, thus the dynamical mass of an observed galaxy, but also its inclinationand its anisotropy, it is important to evalute the consequence of the presence of a bar on theseparameters. I have shown that, depending on the galaxy inclination and the bar position angle,M/L is most of the time biased and overestimated, and this can be up to 25%. The size andstrength of the bar also seem to be important factors but a deeper study has to be done to quantifythis preliminary result.In a second step, I have studied the role of bars on the mass and metallicity redistributionsin a lenticular galaxy. I confirmed that the presence of a bar, due to its influence on its hostsystem dynamics, flattens pre-existing metallicity gradients. Moreover, I showed that the degree offlattening and the position of affected regions are directly correlated with the bar structure and thelocation of the dynamical resonances. Nonetheless, this dynamical effect cannot explain the varietyof observed ages and metallicity gradients. The consequences of a barred gravitational potentialon the gas dynamics and the stellar formation should therefore be investigated. This is the topicof the last set of numerical simulations produced which will allow to better understand the globalinfluence a bar has on the secular evolution of ETGs.

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