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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nouvelles brasures sans plomb : conception des dispositifs d'essai, fabrication des échantillons et caractérisation / New Lead-Free Solders : testing Device Development, Specimen Fabrication, and Characterization

Tao, Quang Bang 06 December 2016 (has links)
De nos jours, une des stratégies pour améliorer les propriétés des brasures sans plomb est d'introduire en petites quantités certains éléments d'alliage. Dans notre étude, deux nouveaux types de brasures, dénommés Innolot et SAC-Bi et dont l'utilisation dans diverses applications électroniques augmente, sont caractérisées. En particulier, l'effet des éléments Ni, Sb et Bi sur les propriétés mécaniques est analysé. L'étude vise également à évaluer l'influence des facteurs de sollicitation, du vieillissement en température sur la réponse des matériaux et leurs évolutions microstructurales. A cet effet, une machine permettant de réaliser des essais de micro-traction sur éprouvettes miniatures a été conçue et fabriquée. Les sollicitations qu'elle permet d'appliquer sont multiples (traction, cisaillement et cyclage) et des conditions en température et en vitesse de déformation peuvent être imposées lors de l'essai. La fabrication des éprouvettes nécessaires aux essais a également été entreprise dans cette étude afin d'avoir un matériau similaire à celui issu du process industriel et de disposer d'une géométrie adaptée au type de caractérisation souhaitée (éprouvettes massives, à simple recouvrement, etc.).Après ces étapes préparatoires, des tests ont été réalisés sous sollicitations de traction, cisaillement, fluage et fatigue en faisant varier les conditions d'essais. Le premier objectif a été l'identification du comportement des brasures, y compris en prenant en compte l'effet du vieillissement. Ces données ont permis ensuite de réaliser des simulations thermo-mécaniques sur les matériaux utilisés sous forme de joints de brasure dans un module de puissance sous cyclage thermique. Les analyses de microstructure (SEM/EDS et EPMA) faites par la suite ont montré le rôle des éléments d'alliage (Ni, Sb et Bi) sur les performances mécaniques des brasures en termes de résistance, limite élastique et rigidité. Le rôle des facteurs d'essai, comme la température, la vitesse de sollicitation et la durée de vieillissement, a également été mis en évidence au niveau des propriétés obtenues et des changements dans la microstructure. Il a été établi que l'élément Sb permet de favoriser le durcissement par écrouissage des brasures, tandis que l'ajout des éléments Ni et Bi permettent un raffinement de la microstructure. Les essais ont aussi permis d'identifier les 9 paramètres de la loi d'Anand par une procédure numérique s'appuyant sur les données de traction et de cisaillement, permettant ainsi de réaliser des simulations par éléments finis. Ces dernières suggèrent un meilleur comportement à la fatigue pour la brasure Innolot qui bénéficie est effets favorables des additifs. / Nowadays, one of the strategies to improve the reliability of lead-free solder joints is to add minor alloying elements to solders. In this study, new lead-free solders, namely InnoLot and SAC387-Bi, which have begun to come into use in the electronic packaging, were considered to study the effect of Ni, Sb and Bi, as well as that of the testing conditions and isothermal aging, on the mechanical properties and microstructure evolution. A new micro-tensile machine are designed and fabricated, which can do tensile, compressive and cyclic tests with variation of speeds and temperatures, for testing miniature joint and bulk specimens. Additionally, the procedure to fabricate appropriate lap-shear joint and bulk specimens are described in this research. The tests, including shear, tensile, creep and fatigue tests, were conducted by micro-tensile and Instron machine at different test conditions. The first study is to characterize, experimentally, the mechanical behaviors and life time of solder joints submitted to isothermal aging and mechanical tests. The second goal of the project is to perform thermo-mechanical simulations of IGBT under thermal cycling. The experimental results indicate that, with addition of Ni, Sb and Bi in to SAC solder, the stress levels (UTS, yield stress) are improved. Moreover, testing conditions, such as temperature, strain rate, amplitude, aging time, may have substantial effects on the mechanical behavior and the microstructure features of the solder alloys. The enhanced strength and life time of the solders is attribute to the solid hardening effects of Sb in the Sn matrix and the refinement of the microstructure with the addition of Ni and Bi. The nine Anand material parameters are identified by using the data from shear and tensile tests. And then, the obtained values were utilized to analyze the stress-strain response of an IGBT under thermal cycling. The results of simulations represent that the response to thermal cycling of the new solders is better than the reference solder, suggesting that additions of minor elements can enhance the fatigue life of the solder joints. Finally, the SEM/EDS and EPMA analysis of as-cast, as-reflowed as well as fractured specimens were done to observe the effects of these above factors on the microstructure of the solder alloys.

Le frittage des poudres submicroniques du composé Ag3Sn, une alternative au brasage par fusion : synthèse de la phase en milieu polyol et premiers essais / Sintering of submicronic powders of Ag3Sn powders, an alternative to fusion brazing : synthesis of the phase with the polyol method and tests

Canaud, Pauline 21 June 2017 (has links)
L’étude de ce mémoire concerne l’élaboration d'un alliage alternatif sans plomb pour l’électronique de puissance, celui-ci sera utilisé à des fins de brasures. Les brasures actuelles sont composées d’alliages comportant du plombet sont peu résistantes en cas de travail à haute température. Ces systèmes seront progressivement éliminés, ils ne respectent plus la Directive Européenne sur l’environnement (RoHS) et les normes de santé publique en raison de la toxicité du plomb (cancérogène, mutagène, accumulation dans l’environnement …). Le travail a été réalisé avec l’alliage Ag-Sn, l’objectif principal de cette thèse a été d’élaborer le composé Ag3Sn, en raison de sa grande résistance thermique (température de fusion élevée de 480°C). Ses meilleures performances sont avantageuses pour les brasures situées dans des environnements difficiles comme l’aéronautique ou l’automobile. La première partie de ce manuscrit détaille la synthèse du composé Ag3Sn réalisée via la méthode polyol, une voie de chimie douce. Il s’agit d’une technique différente des techniques classiques, comme la voie métallurgique. La synthèse a été réalisée en plusieurs étapes et une méthode d’approches successives a été utilisée afin de déterminer les paramètres de synthèse optimums.Deux protocoles particuliers se détachent et ils permettent d’élaborer des phases résistantes à haute température. Lepremier permet d’élaborer une phase pure d' Ag3Sn, tandis que le second permet d’élaborer deux phases de solutionssolides. Les composés ont été caractérisés par DRX, par imagerie MEB-FEG et MET et par analyse thermogravimétrique.La seconde partie de ce travail est la consolidation de ce composé Ag3Sn par une technique de frittage particulière :le die-bonding, afin de réaliser la connexion entre la puce électronique et un susbtrat de cuivre recouvert d'argent.Une étape de dépôt des poudres sur le substrat a été nécessaire avant de réaliser la consolidation, elle a été réalisée selon différentes techniques : le spin-coating ou le dépôt par sérigraphie. Puis, les paramètres de frittage par die-bonding ont été affinés selon les techniques de dépôt. Enfin, des essais de cisaillement ont été réalisés sur certains échantillons. / The study of this memoir concerns the development of an alternative lead-free alloy for power electronics, which will be used for solders. Nowadays, current solders are composed of alloys containing lead, and aren't resistant at high work temperature. These systems will be phased out, because they no longer comply with the European RoHS Directive and public health standards due to the toxicity of lead (carcinogenic, mutagenic, accumulation in the environment, etc.). This work was carried out with the Ag-Sn alloy, and the main objective was to develop the elaboration of the Ag3Sn compound, due to its high thermal resistance (high melting point of 480°C). Its best performance is an advantage for solders located in difficult work environments such as aeronautics or automobile. First part of this thesis describes the synthesis of Ag3Sn compound with the polyol process, a soft-chemistry routine. It is different from the conventional techniques, like the metallurgical way. Polyol synthesis was realized by following several steps. A method of successive approaches wasdetermine optimum synthesis parameters. Two specific protocols stand out, and they allow the development of high-temperature resistant phases. The first one allows the elaboration of an Ag3Sn pure phase, an the second one allows the development of two compounds of solid solutions. The compounds were characterized by XRD, FEG-SEM, TEM and thermogravimetric analysis. The second part of this work is the consolidation of the Ag3Sn compound with a special sintering technique : the die-bonding, in order to realize the connexion between the electronic chip and the copper substrate coated silver. A first step of depositing powder on the substrate was necessary before carrying out the implementation. It was carried out with various techniques : spin-coating orthe serigraphy deposition. Then, sintering parameters were refined according to the deposition techniques. Finally, shear tests were performed on different samples

Strengthening Mechanisms in Nanostructured Materials

Yailuth Alexandra Loaiza Lopera (13176354) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Understanding the behavior of materials with nanoscale features is important because of both the  size  of  engineering  devices  and  the  internal  microstructure  of  more  bulk  materials.  Many electronic  components  have  been  miniaturized  in  recent  years  to  attend  the  high  demand  of technology development. Similarly, new stronger bulk metallic materials use nm-scale grain sizes or  precipitates  to  increase  their  strength  over  more  conventionally  processed  alloys.  Nanoscale testing   also   offers   a   route   for   mechanical   behavior   understanding   at   the   microscale. Nanoindentation  has  been  used  to  find  structure-properties  relationships  of  nanostructured materials due to its high load-depth resolution and versatility of the test. Nanoindentation can be used  to  find  hardness  and  modulus  of  the  materials,  important  characteristics  to  evaluate mechanical  performance.  An  introduction  to  strengthening  mechanism  and  generalities  of nanoindentation is shown in Chapter 1.</p> <p>This thesis explores how traditional strengthening mechanisms for bulk materials, can be  applied  to  nanomaterials  and  how  the  microstructure  could  be  tailored  to  achieve  the  desired outcomes on the specific materials studied. The first one is the study of mechanical properties of Nanometallic  Foams  (NMF)  and  its  relationship  with  the  nanostructure.  NMFs  of  pure  copper, CuNi and CuZn alloys were fabricated and tested to find the predominant structural and chemical parameters  of  the  mechanical  properties.  Research  on  how  to  control  and  tailor  the  structural parameters of NMF with viscosity of the precursors is shown in Chapter 2. The relative density was  the  most  predominant  parameter  among  the  structural  parameters  studied.  However,  when relative density parameter is isolated, NMF  are more susceptible to strengthen by second phase precipitation instead of solid solution. The solid solution strengthening mechanism was validated with  MD  simulation  and  agrees  with  the  experimental  findings  that  showed  the  addition  of  Ni atoms to Cu have a moderate effect on the mechanical properties. Chapter 3 presents these findings The  second  example  presented  shows  the  strengthening  effect  of  precipitates  in  nanometallic multilayer. The precipitation was achieved by aging treatment. High temperature nanomechanical testing is also presented in Chapter 4. The third and final example, presented in chapter 5, shows how  the  second  phase  precipitation  and  dispersion  strengthening  of  lead-free  solder  SAC  305 compares  between  samples  aged  for  nine  years  at  body  temperature  and  an  accelerated  aging treatments.</p>

Effects of Lanthanum Doping on the Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of a SnAg Alloy

Pei, Min 28 March 2007 (has links)
Lead-free solders such as SnAg and SnAgCu are used extensively as replacements of SnPb solders in microelectronics packaging. But these alloys have several drawbacks, such as poor wetting ability and formation of intermetallic compounds (IMC). Doping of rare earth element (RE) on SnAg alloys has been found to improve the wetting property, reduce IMCs and their growth, and refine the microstructure which results in improved mechanical properties of the solder. This study focuses on establishing the quantitative effects of RE doping on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of 96.5Sn3.5Ag alloy. SnAg alloys with different amounts of Lanthanum were made. Specimens were cast under typical reflow conditions, and then aged at different temperatures for three different aging times. Quantitative microscopy was conducted on samples with different amounts of La doping. It was found that doping greatly reduces the grain size, as well as the size of the intermetallic particles Ag3Sn. However, the inter-particle spacing remains relatively unaffected by the La doping amount. Creep tests at various temperatures and strain rates were conducted. The results show that La doping increases creep resistance of the SnAg alloy by ~15%. The creep test result can be fit into a modified microstructure dependent Anand model. A new constitutive law was also proposed to account for the hierarchal microstructure over multiple length scales. Specifically, at the sub micrometer scale, the SnAg eutectic region is treated as a particulate-reinforced composite with the Ag3Sn being the particle and Sn being the matrix. At the micrometer length scale, the solder alloys is treated as a two-phase composite with the Sn dendrite as the particle and the SnAg eutectic region as the matrix. Good agreement was found between the model predictions and the creep test results. Fatigue test was performed on bulk samples. It was found that RE doping increases the fatigue life of SnAg alloy by a factor of 5.

Modelling the SAC microstructure evolution under thermal, thermo-mechanical and electronical constraints / Modélisation de l’évolution de la microstructure d’alliage SAC sous contraintes thermiques, thermomécaniques et électriques

Meinshausen, Lutz 25 March 2014 (has links)
L'assemblage tridimensionnel des circuits microélectroniques et leur utilisation dansdes conditions environnementales extrêmement sévères nécessitent ledéveloppement d’alternatives plus robustes pour les contacts électriques. Unetechnique prometteuse est la transformation des contacts de brasure conventionnelleen composés intermétalliques (IMC). Ce processus est appelé « Transient LiquidPhase Soldering » (TLPS).Dans ce contexte, des tests accélérés permettant la formation d’IMC parélectromigration et thermomigration ont été effectués sur des structures « Packageon Package ». L'objectif principal est le développement d'un modèle généralpermettant de décrire la formation des IMC dans les joints de brasure. Combiné avecune analyse par éléments finis ce modèle pourra être utilisé pour prédire la formationdes IMC dans les joints de brasure pour des structures et des profils de missiondifférents. Le modèle de formation des IMC pourra être utilisé pour optimiser unprocessus TLPS. / A further miniaturization of microelectronic components by three dimensionalpackaging, as well as the use of microelectronic devices under harsh environmentconditions, requires the development of more robust alternatives to the existing Snbased solder joints. One promising technique is the diffusion and migration driventransformation of conventional solder bumps into intermetallic compound (IMC)connections. The related process is called transient liquid phase soldering (TLPS).Against this background an investigation of the IMC formation under consideration ofelectromigration and thermomigration was performed. For the stress tests Packageon Package structures are used. The final result is a general model for the IMCformation in solder joints. Combined with a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) this modelis used to predict the IMC formation in solder joints for a broad range of boundaryconditions. In future the model of the IMC formation can be used to optimize a TLPSprocess.

Teplotní stárnutí bezolovnatých nízkoteplotních spojů / Thermal aging of lead-free low-temperature joints

Jansa, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this masterś thesis is to investigate properties of lead-free low-temperature solders after termal aging. The theoretical part is focused on various types of lead - free solders, pastes used for the manufacture of electrical circuits by thick-film technology and methods of testing the properties of the soldered joints. The practical part deals with the design and production of test substrates for testing the solder joints formed between the SMD component and the ceramic substrate. Two solder bismuth-containing solder was selected for testing, the SAC solder was selected as the reference. After aging with temperature cycling from -30 ° C to 115 ° C, the data obtained by testing the mechanical strength of the solder joint by the shear test is evaluated.

Termomechanická spolehlivost pájeného připojení elektronických modulů s LTCC / Thermomechanical reliability of solder connection in electronic modules with LTCC

Krajíček, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is considered about interconnect PCB with microelectronic and electronic modules and continuing on thesis MODERN CAUSES OF ASSEMBLY MICROELECTRONICS AND ELECTRONICS MODULES. This thesis includes, definition of termomechanical strain in solder joints and description of LTCC technology. Practical part includes characterization the causes of assembly with usage chip component and proposal footprint for PCBs, modules and results of temperature cycling of tested modules.

Testování vlastností pájek v ochranné atmosféře / Testing of Solders in Protection Atmosphere

Vala, Radek January 2013 (has links)
The project deals with the overall design and construction of equipment called the desiccators for brazing in a protective atmosphere. The device was designed and manufactured cooling and heating element. For the soldering various temperature profiles have been defined and adjusted, as for SnPb as well for lead-free solders. There was a realization of samples were measured and analyzed. Finally were realized micro sections for lead free solder.

Kontrola kvality pájeného spoje a Design of Experiments u strojního pájení vlnou / Solder Joint Quality Control and Design of Experiments in Wave Soldering

Smeliková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with problems of wave soldering and application methods Design of Experiments for the new product production. Summarizes the basic knowledge of soldering technology, of solder alloys and Design of Experiments methods. Design of Experiments method has been applied to product to find the optimal for wave soldering setting.

Možnosti pájení SMD součástek pomocí zařízení Fritsch / The possibilities of SMD components soldering by equipment Fritsch

Juračka, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on soldering technology in microelectronics. It describes in detail the basic ways of soldering and repairs in electronics. This piece of work shows the principles of technological equipment for bulk soldering and used repairing devices. In the theoretical part of this work there are also briefly described the packages for integrated circuits that were used in the practical part of the thesis. The practical part of the thesis deals with setting of the heat profiles for hot air repair station Fritsch Mikroplacer for LQFP64, SOIC16, TSSOP14, QFN16 and DSBGA5 packages. The heat profiles for assembly and disassembly of the particular types of the packages on designed and manufactured test printed circuit board were set and tested. The resulting heat profiles are compared with the recommended heat profile of an ordinary solder paste SnAg3Cu0,5 which was used for the test. This thesis can serve as an aid for the further settings of heat profiles in other types of packages not only on Fritsch Mikroplacer devices, but also on other repairing devices of this type.

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