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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Predictor variables and the mediating effect of organisational levers and capabilities on organisational fitness in Zimbabwe's volatile environment

Sibindi, Ntandoyenkosi January 2017 (has links)
Thesis presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Business Science, Management) in the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, February 2017 / The business environment in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries is driven by forces that have changed the industry landscape. These forces demand a new approach in management systems that ensure organisational survival and growth. Traditional approaches based on performance strategies in dealing with business environmental changes are proving to be limited. For organisations to address these shifts, organisational fitness has assumed a new intensified prominence in both organisational and management circles. Organisational fitness is conseptualised as the ability of the organisation to alignment to its environment to learn, and to build on organisational capabilities. What is evident from both management and organisational fields is the dearth of literature on organisational fitness. This dearth of literature has been attributed to the fact that organisational fitness and organisational performance are used interchangeably by authors. What seems unclear in the emerging stream of research on organisational fitness is the nature of variables that predict and mediate the production of organisational fitness. Furthermore, a noticeable feature of the literature that deals with organisational fitness is that it is drawn from stable environments. No doubt, the nature and scope of organisational fitness conceptualised in a volatile socio-economic environment differs considerably from that which is conceptualised in relatively stable environments. Based on existing literature, this study investigated the relationship among organisational size, organisational learning, organisational structure (predictor variables), organisational capabilities, organisational levers (mediating variables) and organisational fitness (outcome variable). In order to establish these relationships, an empirical study was conducted using public firms that are listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. A theoretical model portraying the relationships among the investigated constructs was developed and a number of propositions were formulated based on the theoretical model of the study. The study employed a survey research design using a quantitative research strategy. Data were collected from a non-probability and probability sample of 277 managers. A standardised measurement instrument consisting of all the variables under investigation was used and administered personally through officials of the human resources departments of the participating organisations. The hypothesised relationships were empirically tested using various statistical methods. Reliability analyses were conducted on all the measurement scales and adequate reliability was established. The content and structure of the measured constructs were investigated by means of exploratory factor analysis. To test the relationship among variables, structural equation modelling was used. The exploratory research through the literature review considered the theoretical and conceptual differences, and the relationship between organisational performance and organisational fitness. It was established that organisational fitness plays a preparatory role that enables organisations to perform. The relationship between organisational fitness and organisational performance is largely reciprocal, as organisational performance emits feedback that enables organisational learning and informs the fitness process in its strategic alignment and organisational capabilities building roles. An organisational performance-fitness model was developed to describe the relationship between the two constructs. The empirical research of this study established that predictor variables of organisational fitness from the existing literature (i.e., organisational size, organisational learning and organisational structure) do not predict organisational fitness in a volatile environment such as Zimbabwe. The mediating effects of organisational capabilities and organisational levers were also not confirmed by the research. The research confirmed a combined mediating effect of organisational capabilities and levers on the relationship between organisational structure and fitness. The research established interesting directions in the relationships between organisational size and organisational structure, organisational levers and organisational structure, organisational capabilities and organisational levers, organisational learning and organisational levers, and organisational capabilities and organisational fitness. The findings of the present study represent an incremental and meaningful contribution to the existing literature on organisational fitness, particularly in a volatile environment. The study also provides practical implications that could assist organisational managers to design organisational structures that will foster organisational learning and develop capabilities that will assist in the alignment of organisations to the operating environment in order to achieve fitness. The adoption of a hybrid organisational structure that is both mechanistic and organic in nature will enable organisations to handle the volatile environment in a way that will foster organisational learning and create much-needed organisational capabilities. The limitations of this research will trigger a scholarly interest in organisational fitness and will serve as a guideline for future research. / XL2018

Innovation adaptation and institutionalization: a case study of an open and distance learning adaptation in Zimbabwe

Mswazie, Jonathan L P January 2014 (has links)
This study set out to investigate a unique case of innovation adaptation and institutionalization in a depressed socio-economic environment. The main aim of the study was to understand and explain interventions and innovative strategies that underpin the survival and growth of the Open and Distance Learning Mode (ODLM) in Zimbabwe. Towards this end, the data to address the research questions was derived from the case study methodology which incorporated, among others, documentary analysis and interviews with persons involved in the initiation and management of the ODLM. The results of the study indicate that three broad categories of strategies, namely protectionism, innovative leadership and educational entrepreneurialism or commodification constitute the foundation of ODLM durability in Masvingo Province. Protectionism in the context of ODLM survival and growth are projected and articulated in the policy instruments such as mandates and legal frameworks which shielded the innovation from the usual hazards of the innovation process. Protectionism enabled the ODLM to gain traction in an elitist and conservative higher education landscape. Correspondingly, innovative leadership is manifested in a highly motivated team of management staff committed to the propagation of the ODLM to every part of Masvingo Province. The leadership at the Masvingo Regional Campus (MRC) utilizes the multiple stakeholder approach as strategy for establishing convergences and equilibrium in respect of the interests and concerns of the four main stakeholders, namely the government or the ruling party which initiated the implementation of the ODLM; the employers of ODL graduates who affirm the relevancy of ODL qualifications, the students who sustain ODLM by generating revenue for the ZOU, and finally, the MRC staff who are the implementers of the ODLM programmes. Likewise, educational entrepreneurialism constitute another key strategy in ODLM survival and growth. This strategy is articulated in the principle of continual adaptation and creation of market – driven programmes. The above results have several implications to various role players and actors involved in the educational reform and innovation. Firstly, the results of the study reveal the imperative for power elites or policy formulators to ensure that they initiate and adopt educational innovations that match the capacities of their implementers and the socio-economic realities of their respective countries or societies. In this regard, the ODLM appears to have been a prudent choice in light of the challenges that were being encountered in post-independence Zimbabwe. Secondly, from a management perspective, the selection of the innovation team to spearhead or steer the implementation was prioritized. Only competent and committed personnel positively disposed towards an innovation should spearhead the implementation. In addition adequate training and staff development should be instituted to keep the implementers abreast of new trends and standards in educational provision. Lastly, the results of this study constitute a clarion call to curriculum developers in African university departments to design and develop programmes which resonate with the needs of key stakeholders who constitute the support base for viable educational institutions.

The management of the culture of teaching and learning in selected secondary schools in Bulawayo

Masuku, Elisa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to investigate the culture of teaching and learning in selected Secondary Schools in Zimbabwe. It was addressing the numerous pleas within the Ministry of Education and by other stakeholders, to review the O-level curriculum, to monitor and improve the O-level results and to reduce dropouts at that level. Effective school programmes hold school culture and climate accountable, and as the most influential factors that could facilitate the process of change. This study is a situational analysis of the culture ofteaching and learning in two selected schools in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The headmasters of the two schools, selected teachers and students were interviewed regarding the culture ofteaching and learning in their respective schools. The culture was revisited from as far back as the dual system of education during the colonial period in Rhodesia through post-independence in Zimbabwe in the 1980s, to the present. It was also traced from the time the sample schools were established to date. The schools are anonymous and they are referred to as Schools A and B. The situation analysis revealed that a healthy culture of teaching and learning exists in School A, but leaves room for improvement. A breakdown of this culture in school B is evident and an immediate restoration is imperative. The primary cause supported by literature review is ineffective school leadership. Other responsible factors are demotivated teachers, poor parental involvement and demoralised students. There is still hope for the culture in School B to improve because of the recent move by the government to allow schools to collect their own fees. Of course, this still leaves the main problem of leadership and uncommitted staff unresolved. Students might have a full time counsellor to meet their social needs. The study initially, states the problem and presents research questions which are answered in the study. Then the historical background of the dual education system and how it affected and still contributes to the culture of teaching and learning, follows. The methodology used in the study, the review of literature interview responses, findings and guidelines for restoring the culture of teaching and learning simultaneously follow. Finally, the study presents suggested recommendations and topics for further study and the short comings of the research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is onderneem im ondersoek in te stel na die leerkultuur in geselekteerde sekondrere skole in Zimbabwe. Dit inkorpereer die groot aantal versoeke va kie Minesterie van Onderwys en ander belanghebbendes om die O-vlak-kurrikulum te hersiem, te moniteer en te verbeter en om die aantal kandidate wat op daardie vlak uitsak te probeer verminder. Skole met effektiewe programme beskou die skoolkultuur en skoolklimaat as kie oorsake van hierdie probleme, maar is terselfdertyd daarvan oortuing dat juis hierdie faktore die veranderingsproses kan fasiliteer. Hierdies studie in 'n situasie-analise van die kultuur van onderrig en leer in twee geselekteerde skole in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Daar is ondrhounde gevoer met die skoolhoofde, geselekteerde onderyses en leerders van hierdie twee skole oor kie kultuur van onderrig en leer aan hulle skool. Die periode vanaf die dubbelmediumsisteem tydens Rhodesie se Koloniale Tydperk, die post-onafhandklikheidsperiode in die tagtigerjare in Zimbabwe tot en met die huidige tydperk is by die onderhound betrek. Dit het ook die betrokke skool se geskiedenis vanaf sy ontstaan tot en met die huidige tydperk ingesluit. Daar word na die skole verwys as skool A en skool B om hulle anonimiteit te waarborg. Uit die situasie-analise blyk dit dat daar in skool A 'n gesonde kultuur van onderrg en leer bestaan, alhoewel daar ruimte vir verberering is. In skool B bestaan dit nie en 'n onmiddellike herstel van hierdie kultuur is noodsaaklik. Uit die literatuur blyk dit dat die hoofoorsaak van so 'n insinking oneffektiewe skoolleierskap is. Ander bydraende faktore is gedemotiveerde onderwysers, swak ouerbetrokkenheid en gedemoraliseerde leerders. Dit is nog nie te laat im die kultuur in skool B te verbeter nie omdat die regering sedert redelik onlangs skole toelaat om hulle eie fondse in te samel. Dit laat egter die hoofprobleem van oneffektiewe leierskap en onbetrokke onderwysers onopgelos. 'n Voltydse berader kan help om in the leerders se sosiale behoeftes te voorsien. Hierdie studie begin met die problem wat gestel word en bied dan navorsingsvrae wat in die loop van die studie beantwoord word. Daarna volg 'n historiese agtergrond van die dubbelmediumsisteem en hoe dit kultuur van onderrig en leer beinvloed het en nog steeds beinvloed. Die metodologie wat in die bevindings en riglyne om die kultuur van onderrig en leer te herstel, volg daarna. Die studie word afgesluit met voorgestelde aanbevelings, moontlike temas vir verdere studie en die tekortkominge van die navorsing.

Teacher education within the context of open and distance learning in Zimbabwe : a case study

Chikuya, Hilton Hakurotwe 30 June 2007 (has links)
The research was carried out to assess the value of the Bachelor of Education, Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies (B.ED-EAPPS) degree programme offered by the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) as a further teacher education programme for primary teachers in Zimbabwe offered through open and distance learning. The research utilised the case study design and had relevant data collecting instruments which included questionnaires, write ups and interviews. Both random and non-random sampling methods were used to come up with samples used quantitatively and quantitatively. The research was immensely useful as it provided an attempt to determine whether it was worth the while for primary school teachers to study for the BEDEAPPS degree programme and more so in view of the large numbers of non-degree primary school teachers either studying for it or on its waiting list. Nothing of the sort had been done since the inception of the BEDEAPPS degree programme in 1993. The research produced findings that reflected that the BEDEAPPS degree programme had much to offer in the area of further teacher education of an in-service nature than had been envisaged by those who originated the programme. It was realised that while the programme's emphasis was on management and supervision it was not devoid of the instructional expertise that is relevant to classroom practitioners. Moreover, there was a traceable link between college training experiences of the BEDEAPPS students and Teachers' College graduates and the course content they had to work on. These findings made revelations on the diversity of further teacher education whose structure and content could be designed to respond to a specific further education need. Findings also revealed that open and distance learning was a suitable and effective means of delivering such a programme provided an enhancing technological back-up can be easily accessed. The research had time related and operational limitations whose impact on the whole process were, however, repulsed by controls effected by the researcher. The diversity of data collecting instruments also played a positive role in ensuring checks and balances in the type and authenticity of data collected. The research had, among its findings, a grounded research theory which was extrapolated from the data that was collected using the seven data collecting instruments mentioned earlier on. It was possible, after thorough scrutiny of data collected, to conclude that the BEDEAPPS degree programme was a performance enhancing qualification to those primary school teachers who were involved in classroom teaching since it made them effective instructors and managers both within their classroom confines and the larger school-wide operational environment. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.

Teacher education within the context of open and distance learning in Zimbabwe : a case study

Chikuya, Hilton Hakurotwe 30 June 2007 (has links)
The research was carried out to assess the value of the Bachelor of Education, Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies (B.ED-EAPPS) degree programme offered by the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) as a further teacher education programme for primary teachers in Zimbabwe offered through open and distance learning. The research utilised the case study design and had relevant data collecting instruments which included questionnaires, write ups and interviews. Both random and non-random sampling methods were used to come up with samples used quantitatively and quantitatively. The research was immensely useful as it provided an attempt to determine whether it was worth the while for primary school teachers to study for the BEDEAPPS degree programme and more so in view of the large numbers of non-degree primary school teachers either studying for it or on its waiting list. Nothing of the sort had been done since the inception of the BEDEAPPS degree programme in 1993. The research produced findings that reflected that the BEDEAPPS degree programme had much to offer in the area of further teacher education of an in-service nature than had been envisaged by those who originated the programme. It was realised that while the programme's emphasis was on management and supervision it was not devoid of the instructional expertise that is relevant to classroom practitioners. Moreover, there was a traceable link between college training experiences of the BEDEAPPS students and Teachers' College graduates and the course content they had to work on. These findings made revelations on the diversity of further teacher education whose structure and content could be designed to respond to a specific further education need. Findings also revealed that open and distance learning was a suitable and effective means of delivering such a programme provided an enhancing technological back-up can be easily accessed. The research had time related and operational limitations whose impact on the whole process were, however, repulsed by controls effected by the researcher. The diversity of data collecting instruments also played a positive role in ensuring checks and balances in the type and authenticity of data collected. The research had, among its findings, a grounded research theory which was extrapolated from the data that was collected using the seven data collecting instruments mentioned earlier on. It was possible, after thorough scrutiny of data collected, to conclude that the BEDEAPPS degree programme was a performance enhancing qualification to those primary school teachers who were involved in classroom teaching since it made them effective instructors and managers both within their classroom confines and the larger school-wide operational environment. / Educational Studies / D.Ed.

Social learning in community based natural resource management project (CBNRM) : a case study of Chipembere gardening project in Zimbabwe.

Mukwambo, Robson January 2014 (has links)
This investigation of social learning processes in the Chipembere gardening project was conducted in Rockvale village one in Sebakwe communal area in the Midlands province of Zimbabwe. In essence, the study sought to explore how the Chipembere gardening project as a community-based natural resource management initiative (CBNRM), was reflecting and supporting social learning processes of change. It also sought to enrich and deepen an organizational understanding of social learning and to generate ideas and draw recommendations that could be used to strengthen learning in other CBNRM projects. The research was undertaken as a qualitative case study with data generated through semi-structured interviews with individuals and groups. It also included an analysis of project documents and an extended period of participant observation on site and in the gardening activities. Data were indexed and coded for generating analytical memos that were used to extract and represent the scope of social learning interations within the developing project. The study found that within the Chipembere gardening project a wide range of learning interactions were significant in shaping the developing project. Furthermore, these interactions were earmarked as the major drivers of social learning processes within the project. The study concluded that the social learning interactions amongst the gardeners in the Chipembere community garden were instrumental in fostering change that enhanced community livelinhoods and wellbeing.

Andragogical listening in business education in Zimbabwe : a study in tertiary didactics

O'Brien, Freda Lilian 06 1900 (has links)
Listening for learning during lectures has been established to be a staged process. Listening's role during didactic andragogical events in the Bulawayo Polyte9hnic Business Studies Department's Business Communication lectures was investigated. Both the qualitative and the quantitative data gathered contributed to a statistical groundstructure and an ethnomethodological outline, which together combined into a balanced description of the listened learning .p rocess in that tertiary learning environment. Data sources included student and lecturer responses as well as observed learning during communicativeness skills development, and whilst learning in lectures and tutorials. The related literature was supported by the study's findings, confirming that individuals perceive, interpret and evaluate information directly in accordancewith their own lifeworld. This includes own learned technique which derives from inherent oral or literate culture base as well as from personal cameral preferences and endowments. The consequent individually different listened learning range constitutes a conventional normal dispersion. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

Andragogical listening in business education in Zimbabwe : a study in tertiary didactics

O'Brien, Freda Lilian 06 1900 (has links)
Listening for learning during lectures has been established to be a staged process. Listening's role during didactic andragogical events in the Bulawayo Polyte9hnic Business Studies Department's Business Communication lectures was investigated. Both the qualitative and the quantitative data gathered contributed to a statistical groundstructure and an ethnomethodological outline, which together combined into a balanced description of the listened learning .p rocess in that tertiary learning environment. Data sources included student and lecturer responses as well as observed learning during communicativeness skills development, and whilst learning in lectures and tutorials. The related literature was supported by the study's findings, confirming that individuals perceive, interpret and evaluate information directly in accordancewith their own lifeworld. This includes own learned technique which derives from inherent oral or literate culture base as well as from personal cameral preferences and endowments. The consequent individually different listened learning range constitutes a conventional normal dispersion. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Didactics)

Perceptions of students and supervisors regarding the block system in general nurse training in Zimbabwe

Chiware, Zvemusi Josephine Matienga 11 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the perceptions of student nurses and supervisors with regard to the block system used in the general nurse diploma programme in Zimbabwe. Their perceptions were elicited so that the researcher could identify the positive and negative aspects of the blook system which respectively promote and inhibit or obstruct the teaching and learning of student nurses. The study was conducted at the Harare, Parirenyatwa, Mpilo and United Bulawayo Schools of Nursing and in Mashonaland East province. A cross·sectional descriptive survey research design was used to obtain accurate information about the block system. Data was collected from nurse teachers, clinical teachers and sisters in charge of wards/units by means of structured interviews and from community health nurses and student nurses by means of self-administered questionnaires. The following positive aspects of study blocks were identified: the availability of time for student nurses to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes without fear of hurting patients, the availability and willingness of nurse teachers to teach, the attendance of study blocks as groups and straight off duties. During clinical area placements, the integration of theory and practice took place, and there were opportunities for student nurses to apply the knowledge and skills they learnt during study blocks and to work as members of health teams. The negative aspects of the study blocks that were identified included too much theory content taught in each study block, inadequate demonstrations, a shortage of nurse teachers, no periods for individual study, a theory-practice gap and the too-frequent use of the formal lecture teaching method. The negative aspects of the clinical area placements included the inadequate teaching/supervision of student nurses, excessive night duties for student nurses, a shortage of qualified staff: clinical allocation of student nurses not based on study block content, inadequate clinical teaching by nurse teachers, and unplanned clinical teaching. Most clinical teaching was performed by peers and the most junior professional nurses. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)

Perceptions of students and supervisors regarding the block system in general nurse training in Zimbabwe

Chiware, Zvemusi Josephine Matienga 11 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the perceptions of student nurses and supervisors with regard to the block system used in the general nurse diploma programme in Zimbabwe. Their perceptions were elicited so that the researcher could identify the positive and negative aspects of the blook system which respectively promote and inhibit or obstruct the teaching and learning of student nurses. The study was conducted at the Harare, Parirenyatwa, Mpilo and United Bulawayo Schools of Nursing and in Mashonaland East province. A cross·sectional descriptive survey research design was used to obtain accurate information about the block system. Data was collected from nurse teachers, clinical teachers and sisters in charge of wards/units by means of structured interviews and from community health nurses and student nurses by means of self-administered questionnaires. The following positive aspects of study blocks were identified: the availability of time for student nurses to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes without fear of hurting patients, the availability and willingness of nurse teachers to teach, the attendance of study blocks as groups and straight off duties. During clinical area placements, the integration of theory and practice took place, and there were opportunities for student nurses to apply the knowledge and skills they learnt during study blocks and to work as members of health teams. The negative aspects of the study blocks that were identified included too much theory content taught in each study block, inadequate demonstrations, a shortage of nurse teachers, no periods for individual study, a theory-practice gap and the too-frequent use of the formal lecture teaching method. The negative aspects of the clinical area placements included the inadequate teaching/supervision of student nurses, excessive night duties for student nurses, a shortage of qualified staff: clinical allocation of student nurses not based on study block content, inadequate clinical teaching by nurse teachers, and unplanned clinical teaching. Most clinical teaching was performed by peers and the most junior professional nurses. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)

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