Spelling suggestions: "subject:"leeson"" "subject:"beeson""
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A New Architecture For Low-Voltage Low-Phase-Noise High-Frequency CMOS LC Voltage-Controlled OscillatorLieu, Anthony D. 17 May 2005 (has links)
Presented in this work is a novel design technique for a low-phase-noise high-frequency CMOS voltage-controlled oscillator. Phase noise is generated from electrical noise near DC, the oscillation frequency, and its harmonics. In CMOS technology, low-frequency flicker noise dominates the close-in phase noise of the VCO. The proposed technique minimizes the VCO phase noise by seeking to eliminate the effect of flicker noise on the phase noise. This is accomplished by canceling out the DC component of the impulse sensitivity function (ISF) corresponding to each flicker-noise source, thus preventing the up-conversion of low-frequency noise into phase noise. The proposed circuit topology is a modified version of the complementary cross-coupled transconductance VCO, where additional feedback paths are introduced such that a designer can choose the feedback ratios, transistor sizes, and bias voltages to achieve the previously mentioned design objectives. A step-by-step design algorithm is presented along with a MATLAB script to aid in the computation of the ISFs and the phase noise of the VCO. Using this algorithm, a 5-GHz VCO was designed and fabricated in a 0.18μm CMOS process, and then tested for comparison with simulated results.
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Cecil Leeson : the pioneering of the concert saxophone in American from 1921 to 1941Hulsebos, Mark January 1989 (has links)
The first saxophonist to give a New York Town Hall recital and one of the earliest to appear as a soloist with a major American symphony orchestra, Dr. Cecil Leeson devoted his life to promoting the saxophone as an instrument capable of serious musical expression. Leeson was born in Cando, North Dakota, in December 1902 and,. although he didn't begin playing the saxophone until age seventeen, he nevertheless enrolled at Dana's Musical Institute in Warren, Ohio, in September 1921 as a saxophone major. With his enrollment in that year, he initiated a career as a concert soloist on an instrument previously associated primarily with concert and military bands, vaudeville, and the emerging jazz movement. Although performers such as Elise Hall of the Boston Orchestral Society, Jascha Guu ehich, H. Benne Henton, Tom Brown and the Six Brown Brothers, and Rudy Wiedoeft made tremendous gains in popularizing the saxophone in this country, when Leeson began musical study at Dana's Institute, the saxophone could claim no serious concert performers, no stylistic or tonal traditions on which to build, and no concert repertory.The purpose of this dissertation was to document the circumstances of the formative years of the concert saxophone in America, beginning in 1921 with Leeson's enrollment in Dana's Musical Institute and ending in 11941 with the commission of the Paul Creston Concerto. This marked what Leeson saw as the completion of a body of literature for the saxophone comprising works in the most important musical categories: sonatas, concertos, quartets, and saxophone with string quartet. The dissertation serves as a source of original research concerning the literature commissioned and performed by him between 1921 and 1941; it concludes with an epilogue containing a brief account of Leeson's activities from 1941 up to the time of his death in 1989. The source of this material was interviews conducted between the author and Cecil Leeson between 1981 and 1988 supported, whenever possible, with information taken from newspaper articles, essays, programs, and other published documents. Transcripts of interviews are included in the appendix. / School of Music
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From Vitrine to Screen: Art and the Architecture of Commodity DisplayWerier, Leah January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of the architecture of commodity capital: the display window. Taking as a starting point the work of Henri Lefebvre and Goerg Simmel, this dissertation understands the shop window to be a mode of display, what I define as “the logic of the vitrine,” that has shaped the way the world appears. Tracing a genealogy from the Parisian Arcades to the twentieth-century department store, this project explores the relationships between gender, sexuality, race, and architecture. Feminist critiques of commodity desire and display illuminate how the shop window is as important to our understandings of capitalism as is the commodity.
Through feminist, queer, postcolonial, and anti-racist readings of material and commodity culture, this dissertation considers the shop window to be a site of subject formation. This dissertation also examines how designers, artists, and architects have explored the display of the shop window through a series of case studies, including Marina Abramovic’s Role Exchange, Gene Moore’s “drag” in Bonwit Teller’s shop windows, the making of a black mannequin, and Lynn Hershman Leeson’s site-specific installation 25 Windows. This dissertation concludes with a consideration of the architectural role reversals of the shop window and the gallery; the work of Silvia Kolbowski and Elmgreen and Dragset’s Prada Marfa ground this analysis. Artists have disrupted the display of the shop window, transforming the architecture of commodity capital into a space for resistance and critique.
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Мерење стабилности фреквенције у фреквенцијском домену / Merenje stabilnosti frekvencije u frekvencijskom domenu / Frequency Stability Measurement in the Frequency DomainMilanović Ivica 04 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Дисертација истражује најприхватљивије методе мерења стабилности фреквенције у<br />фреквенцијском домену, односно мерење вредности величине „фазни шум“, приликом<br />процеса еталонирања мерне опреме. Када се говори о мерној опреми која је предмет<br />еталонирања, дисертација је, пре свега, окренута ка еталонирању врхунских<br />комерцијалних стандарда (еталона) фреквенције. Приказана истраживања су била основ<br />за покретање и реализацију истраживачко-развојног пројекта у оквиру Министарства<br />одбране, који је имао за циљ оспособљавање метролошке лабораторије Техничког<br />опитног центра Војске Србије за потпуно еталонирање мерне опреме из области<br />времена и фреквенције. Различите методе мерења подразумевају и различите мерне<br />могућности, као и врло широк спектар еталонске и мерне опреме која се користи при<br />њиховој реализацији. У дисертацији се приказују различити начини мерења фазног шума<br />и описују методе реализоване на основу доступне мерне опреме. Како се ради о<br />методама упоредне анализе референтног и мереног сигнала, посебно критична позиција<br />је одабир референце, односно референтног еталона. Истраживање је довело до<br />закључака којима је предложен метод мерења потребне и довољне мерне несигурности<br />као и начин реализације изабране методе, односно одабир еталонске мерне опреме. У<br />циљу увођења мерне методе у употребу, извршена су и приказана мерења на<br />различитим типовима и врстама мерне опреме. Валидација методе је остварена<br />билатералним поређењем са Дирекцијом за мере и драгоцене метале, Група за време,<br />фреквенцију и дистрибуцију времена. Да је могуће реализовати методу мерења фазног<br />шума приликом еталонирања најквалитетнијих осцилатора је постављена хипотеза<br />дисертације, која је истраживањем доказана и практично спроведена. Крајњи резултат<br />истраживања је довео до увођења признате методе еталонирања фазног шума, први пут</p> / <p>Disertacija istražuje najprihvatljivije metode merenja stabilnosti frekvencije u<br />frekvencijskom domenu, odnosno merenje vrednosti veličine „fazni šum“, prilikom<br />procesa etaloniranja merne opreme. Kada se govori o mernoj opremi koja je predmet<br />etaloniranja, disertacija je, pre svega, okrenuta ka etaloniranju vrhunskih<br />komercijalnih standarda (etalona) frekvencije. Prikazana istraživanja su bila osnov<br />za pokretanje i realizaciju istraživačko-razvojnog projekta u okviru Ministarstva<br />odbrane, koji je imao za cilj osposobljavanje metrološke laboratorije Tehničkog<br />opitnog centra Vojske Srbije za potpuno etaloniranje merne opreme iz oblasti<br />vremena i frekvencije. Različite metode merenja podrazumevaju i različite merne<br />mogućnosti, kao i vrlo širok spektar etalonske i merne opreme koja se koristi pri<br />njihovoj realizaciji. U disertaciji se prikazuju različiti načini merenja faznog šuma<br />i opisuju metode realizovane na osnovu dostupne merne opreme. Kako se radi o<br />metodama uporedne analize referentnog i merenog signala, posebno kritična pozicija<br />je odabir reference, odnosno referentnog etalona. Istraživanje je dovelo do<br />zaključaka kojima je predložen metod merenja potrebne i dovoljne merne nesigurnosti<br />kao i način realizacije izabrane metode, odnosno odabir etalonske merne opreme. U<br />cilju uvođenja merne metode u upotrebu, izvršena su i prikazana merenja na<br />različitim tipovima i vrstama merne opreme. Validacija metode je ostvarena<br />bilateralnim poređenjem sa Direkcijom za mere i dragocene metale, Grupa za vreme,<br />frekvenciju i distribuciju vremena. Da je moguće realizovati metodu merenja faznog<br />šuma prilikom etaloniranja najkvalitetnijih oscilatora je postavljena hipoteza<br />disertacije, koja je istraživanjem dokazana i praktično sprovedena. Krajnji rezultat<br />istraživanja je doveo do uvođenja priznate metode etaloniranja faznog šuma, prvi put</p> / <p>The dissertation examines the most acceptable methods for measuring the frequency stability<br />in the frequency domain, that is, measuring the value of the "phase noise", during the process<br />of measuring equipment calibration. When it comes to measuring equipment as a subject of<br />calibration, the dissertation is, first of all, oriented towards the calibration of the highest<br />commercial frequency standards. The presented researches were the basis for initiation and<br />realization of the research and development project within the Ministry of Defense, which was<br />aimed at training the metrology laboratory of the Technical Test Center of the Serbian Army<br />for complete calibration of measuring equipment in the area of time and frequency. Different<br />measurement methods also involve different measurement possibilities, as well as a very wide<br />range of calibration and measuring equipment used in their realization. Different methods of<br />measuring phase noise are described in the dissertation and they describe realized methods<br />based on available measuring equipment. As for methods of comparative analysis of the<br />reference and measured signal, a particularly critical position is the selection of the reference,<br />that is, the reference oscillator. The research led to conclusions suggesting the method of<br />measuring the necessary and sufficient measurement uncertainty, as well as the method of<br />realization of the chosen method, i.e. selection of the standard measuring equipment. In order<br />to put the measurement method into practice, measurements were performed on different<br />types of measuring equipment. Validation of the method was achieved by bilateral<br />comparison with the Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals, Group for time, frequency<br />and time dissemination. The possibility to realize the method of phase noise measurement<br />during the calibration of the highest quality oscillators is a hypothesis of the dissertation that<br />has been set up, and has been proven and practically carried out by the research. The final<br />result of the research led to the introduction of a recognized calibration method of the phase<br />noise, for the first time in the Republic of Serbia.</p>
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