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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Význam primární a sekundární prevence u kardiovaskulárního onemocnění / Importance of primary and secondary prevention in cardivascular disorder

Koníčková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
1 Abstract: Title: The importance of primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease Goals: Develop a theoretical basis for the selected topic. Describe the basic principles of primary and secondary prevention, and thus prepare the groundwork for creating questionnaires. Questionnaire compiled to complement the information obtained from the literature on insight into the practice. Confirm or refute the hypotheses chosen on the basis of a questionnaire. Discuss the most frequently occurring phenomena and compare them with the latest reported information. Draw conclusions and recommendations. Method: For the theoretical treatment of the retrieval method was used. I compared the information and inclined to the best proven. The theoretical part resulted in the goals and tasks of work. For the practical part was conducted by questionnaire survey, which has additional information on the issue of primary and secondary prevention. In the end I obtained data compared with information obtained from studying literature. Results: Lack of information on primary and secondary prevention is mainly for young people aged 10-15 years. This trend is accompanied by the deteriorating health situation and the occasional occurrence of the "diseases of civilization", which can produce complications in adulthood....

Školní vzdělávací programy tělesné výchovy na středních školách / School curricula of physical education in high school

Hájevský, Martin January 2012 (has links)
School curricula of physical education in high school The target of the work is to contribute to issues of creation and using of school educational program in physical education at Gyms and other high school types. As important is considered the feedback with the issues from the physical education teacher's point of view, that we have earned from work. From studying of professional literature, we have found experiences in given area and historical evolution at home and abroad. We have earned required data from the PE teachers thanks to questionnaire investigation with the use of stratifies form made for physical education teachers under the name: "Physical education in school educational programs". We have evaluated and then formed recommendations from founded knowledge and results from the questionnaire investigation for another practical use. Keywords: School educational program, High school, benefits, use, physical education

Výživový stav seniorů v závislosti na výživových zvyklostech. / Nutritional status of seniors depending on their dietary habits.

Horová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
The title of the work: Nutritional status of seniors depending on their dietary habits. The aim of the work: The aim of my project is monitoring of nutritional status of women in the age group between 55-74 years old. Methodology: This work is a case study and is composed as a qualitative research. The main method for determining the nutritional status and dietary habits of the women was interwiev, clinical and anthropometric examination according to a standardized protocol input of Survey Project-Health application (Fiala, 1998). As for data collecting, it is a prospective study. The obtained data regarding nutritional habits, alcohol consumption, smoking, level of physical activity, psychosocial stress, family anamnesis, blood pressure, anthropometric and biochemical parameters of individual respondents were processed by a computer program Survey (Kozina, 2001). The results are in output protocols, which contain charts, scales, tables and text with graphic design program options within Excel. Outcomes: Nutritional status of women in the study (55 - 74 year old) shows the overweight or even obesity. Only 10 % of the women had % of body fat in standard, 90 % had high % of body fat. 7 participants out of 10 showed rather hazardous or risky android fat deposition in the abdominal area. Common to all...

Health, personal responsibility, and distributive justice

Andersen, Martin Marchman 31 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Denne Ph.d.-afhandling er et bidrag til diskussioner om personligt ansvar i relation til fordelingsretfærdighed i sundhed og sygdomsbehandling. Den er et bidrag til politisk filosofi i almindelighed, men i særdeleshed til luck egalitaristisk teori. Jeg besvarer følgende tre spørgsmål: 1) Hvilken rolle bør personligt ansvar spille i relation til fordelingsretfærdighed i sundhed og sygdomsbehandling? 2) Er individer selv ansvarlige for deres egen sundhedstilstand? Og 3) hvis individer selv er ansvarlige for deres egen sundhedstilstand, hvilke implikationer har dette så i forhold til deres omkostningsansvar? Afhandlingen består af fire artikler, men jeg tilbyder først en general introduktion, et afsnit om forskellige effektivitets-baserede grunde til at holde individer omkostningsansvarlige for adfærd, som leder til øget risiko for sygdomme, og et afsnit om den metode jeg anvender. I min første artikel anvender jeg de seneste diskussioner om ansvar i politisk filosofi på emner vedrørende social ulighed i sundhed, og adgang til sygdomsbehandling. Jeg argumenterer for, at fordelingsretfærdighed i sundhed og sygdomsbehandling bør være sensitiv til ansvar, men også, at individer, på det mest fundamentale niveau, aldrig er ansvarlige på en sådan måde, at appeller til individers eget ansvar kan retfærdiggøre ulighed. Dette forklarer hvorfor vi skal give lige adgang til sygdomsbehandling - også til individer som er syge, som følge af (blandt andet) valg af livsstil. Det forklarer også, hvorfor vi har retfærdighedsbaserede grunde til at reducere social ulighed i sundhed. I min anden artikel undersøger jeg, og (delvist) argumenterer imod, et forslag fremsat af Shlomi Segall, om at bytte ideen om ansvar ud med en ide om rimelig undgålighed i luck egalitaristisk teori. Jeg argumenterer også for, at størrelsen af sundhedsudgifter, som er relateret til rygning og fedme, er relevant i forhold til spørgsmålet om, hvorvidt samfundet med rimelighed kan forvente, at individer undgår rygning og fedme. I min tredje artikel spørger jeg til, hvad det fundamentalt set kræver, for at et individ er ansvarligt for sin egen overvægt eller fedme. Jeg undersøger filosofiens tre grundlæggende tilgange til spørgsmålet om ansvar. For at illustrere implikationerne af hver af disse, introducerer jeg en (kunstig) test-person, som spiser for mange fedtholdige kager, og jeg viser, hvad hver af disse tilgange til ansvar kræver, for at denne person er ansvarlig for overvægt og fedme. Kun en af disse tilgange kan imidlertid retfærdiggøre den meget udbredte intuition, at kausal indflydelse på overvægt og fedme, såsom genetiske dispositioner og sociale omstændigheder, reducerer eller underminerer personligt ansvar. Men denne tilgang til ansvar leder, med meget stor sandsynlighed, til den konklusion, at personligt ansvar, helt generelt, er en umulighed. Ikke desto mindre argumenterer jeg for, at denne tilgang er plausibel. Jeg fortsætter dog under den antagelse, at ansvar er muligt, og tilbyder en fjerde artikel om forholdet mellem ansvar (for egen sundhed) og omkostningsansvar (for omkostninger til sygdomsbehandling). Jeg diskuterer, hvad det vil sige at være en (økonomisk) byrde for sundhedssystemet, fordi, som jeg argumenterer for, hvis et individ ikke er nogen økonomisk byrde, så er der heller ikke retfærdigheds-baserede grunde til at holde det omkostningsansvarligt, uanset om det, det er ansvarligt for, på triviel vis, medfører omkostninger. Jeg argumenterer for, at vi skal forstå ideen om en byrde ved at sammenligne aktuelle omkostninger, som er ansvarspådragende, med kontra-faktiske omkostninger, som ikke er ansvarspådragende.

Building healthy communities: an examination of winnipeg neighbourhoods

Christopher, Gary 11 January 2010 (has links)
Increasing criticism by a number of professional fields, including planning, indicates that there is a decline in public health because of poor urban planning practices cannot be ignored. This research examines to what extent urban planning has contributed to the current health level of citizens, and explores how development policies address the criticism that urban planners are encouraging developments with limited opportunities that promote an inactive lifestyle. The findings show policy tools currently available for planners in Winnipeg to use are inadequate to ensure that all new developments conform to the healthy communities philosophy, and despite the limited guidance from planning legislation, the community of Seven Oaks has succeeded in implementing several healthy community initiatives. These initiatives are successful because of partnerships created between agencies, communication with the public, and most importantly, the passion by the stakeholders to develop healthier living opportunities within their community…

Building healthy communities: an examination of winnipeg neighbourhoods

Christopher, Gary 11 January 2010 (has links)
Increasing criticism by a number of professional fields, including planning, indicates that there is a decline in public health because of poor urban planning practices cannot be ignored. This research examines to what extent urban planning has contributed to the current health level of citizens, and explores how development policies address the criticism that urban planners are encouraging developments with limited opportunities that promote an inactive lifestyle. The findings show policy tools currently available for planners in Winnipeg to use are inadequate to ensure that all new developments conform to the healthy communities philosophy, and despite the limited guidance from planning legislation, the community of Seven Oaks has succeeded in implementing several healthy community initiatives. These initiatives are successful because of partnerships created between agencies, communication with the public, and most importantly, the passion by the stakeholders to develop healthier living opportunities within their community…

Životní styl a péče o vlastní zdraví zdravotnických pracovníků / Lifestyle and personal health care health workers

PRŮCHOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2014 (has links)
Currently, the debate over what constitutes a healthy lifestyle is very much debated in the media. Generally speaking, most people have a choice about what type of lifestyle they choose to lead. The characteristics of a healthy lifestyle include certain life habits including one's attitude toward diet and exercise. The type of lifestyle that we choose to live can influence our health and also the possibility of contracting certain diseases. Up to 50% of good health is dependent on a healthy lifestyle, whilst the other 50% is influenced by genetics, life conditions, and the environment one lives in. .

Prevence vybraných civilizačních chorob (kardiovaskulární choroby a diabetes II. typu) u seniorů / Prevention of selected diseases of civilization (cardiovascular diseases and II. Diabetes type) in the elderly

SUPOVÁ, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the prevention of lifestyle diseases in the elderly, is focused on cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus II. type. In the theoretical part, I describe the specifics of senior age. Consequently, the theoretical part deals with the the cardiovascular diseases that occur in the elderly and diabetes mellitus II. type, risk and protective factors for these diseases. In the practical part I focuse on the survey, which examines the level of awareness of seniors on cardiovascular diseases and diseases of diabetes mellitus II. type, the differences in awareness between men and women and relationship between level of education and awareness. The questionnaire survey was attended by 98 respondents. The questionnaire contained 12 questions that examined how respondents are aware of the issue. The obtained data were collected in January and February 2014, and subsequent evaluation in March and April 2014. The obtained data were analyzed using statistical methods. Identified responses were transformed into single tables and compared. Was examined overall awareness of the difference in awareness in relation to sex and then examined the effect of education on awareness issues.

Podnikatelský plán zdravotnické služby poskytující komplexní poradenství běžné populaci a sportovcům / Business plan of a medical service providing complex counseling to the general population and athletes

Frouz, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis introduces the current state health of the population of the Czech Republic, addressing mainly the steep increase in diseases of civilization. Diseases which are mainly the result of an inappropriate lifestyle. The aim of this work is the development of a business plan leading to the establishment of a company that will provide services in the field of nutrition counseling, physiotherapy, regeneration and physical activities. The theoretical part of this work defines the basic concepts and assumptions which are the building blocks of this thesis. Specifically, the tools for strategic management and business plan requirements. Furthermore, the theoretical part defines concepts such as health and a healthy lifestyle. The practical part of this thesis includes a research and analysis section which form the basis for the creation of the business plan. Methodologically, quantitative research was applied. A technically structured questionnaire was used to gain the required data. The analytical part then goes on to include an analysis of the general and business environments, or, to be precise, of the internal environment. The main findings are summarized in the SWOT analysis. The conclusion presents an evaluation of the feasibility of the business plan. I also propose some recommendations for...

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