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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uporedni pregled morfo-anatomskih karakteristika biljnih organa i analiza etarskih ulja sa njihovom primenom u taksonomiji odabranih rodova tribusa Inuleae Cass. (Compositae) / Comparative review of morpho-anatomical characteristics of plant organs and analyses of essential oils with their application in taxonomy of selected genera of the tribe Inuleae Cass. (Compositae)

Karanović Dunja 27 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Komparativnom&nbsp; analizom&nbsp; morfo-anatomskih&nbsp; i mikromorfolo&scaron;kih&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; lista,&nbsp; stabla,&nbsp; rizoma,&nbsp; korena, ploda&nbsp; i&nbsp; receptakuluma,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; biohemijskom&nbsp; analizom&nbsp; etarskih ulja&nbsp; podzemnih&nbsp; organa,&nbsp; obuhvaćeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; ukupno&nbsp; 16&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; iz&nbsp; 4<br />roda,&nbsp; Inula&nbsp; (I. aschersoniana,&nbsp; I. bifrons,&nbsp; I. britannica,&nbsp;<em> I. conyza, I.&nbsp; ensifolia,&nbsp; I.&nbsp; germanica,&nbsp; I.&nbsp; helenium,&nbsp; I.&nbsp; oculus-christi,&nbsp; I. saslicina&nbsp; ssp.&nbsp; salicina,&nbsp; I.&nbsp; salicina&nbsp; ssp.&nbsp; aspera,&nbsp; I.&nbsp; spiraeifolia), Dittrichia&nbsp; (D.&nbsp; graveolens,&nbsp; D.&nbsp; viscosa),&nbsp; Limbarda&nbsp; (L.<br />crithmoides)&nbsp; i&nbsp; Pulicaria&nbsp; (P. dysenterica,&nbsp; P. vulgaris) iz</em> tribusa Inuleae,&nbsp; familije&nbsp; Compositae.&nbsp; Vrste&nbsp; iz&nbsp; različitih&nbsp; rodova analizirane&nbsp; u&nbsp; ovoj&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; ranijom&nbsp; klasifikacijom&nbsp; svrstavane su u okviru različitih sekcija roda&nbsp; Inula, a takođe i tipska vrsta ovog roda,<em> I. helenium L</em>., svrstavana je u okviru zasebne sekcije<em> Corvisartia.</em>&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; najnovijih&nbsp; molekularnih&nbsp; filogenetskih analiza, baziranih na sekvencama plastidne i jedarne DNK, kao i na osnovu morfolo&scaron;kih i kariolo&scaron;kih podataka, predloženo je da sekcija&nbsp; <em>Corvisartia&nbsp;</em> bude&nbsp; izdvojena&nbsp; u&nbsp; zaseban&nbsp; rod.&nbsp; Ciljevi&nbsp; ove<br />disertacije definisani su u skladu sa činjenicom da su podaci o morfo-anatomskoj,&nbsp; mikromorfolo&scaron;koj&nbsp; i&nbsp; biohemijskoj&nbsp; građi vegetativnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; reproduktivnih&nbsp; organa&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; tribusa malobrojni&nbsp; i&nbsp; nepotpuni,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; su&nbsp; analize&nbsp; vr&scaron;ene&nbsp; parcijalno&nbsp; i<br />nezavisno&nbsp; kod&nbsp; pojedinih&nbsp; predstavnika,&nbsp; sa&nbsp; slabim&nbsp; akcentom&nbsp; na njihovu&nbsp; komparativnu&nbsp; analizu.&nbsp; Istraživanje&nbsp; je&nbsp; obuhvatilo&nbsp; veliki broj kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih karaktera koji su analizirani i mereni&nbsp; pomoću&nbsp; stereomikroskopa,&nbsp; svetlosnog,&nbsp; fluorescentnog&nbsp; i skening elektronskog mikroskopa. Dobijeni podaci statistički su obrađeni&nbsp; različitim&nbsp; metodama&nbsp; numeričke&nbsp; analize&nbsp; koje&nbsp; se&nbsp; inače<br />koriste pri taksonomskim istraživanjima.&nbsp; Ovakav tip analize za vrste&nbsp; rodova&nbsp;<em> Inula,</em>&nbsp; <em>Dittrichia,&nbsp; Limbarda&nbsp; i&nbsp; Pulicaria</em>&nbsp; nije&nbsp; zabeležen u dosada&scaron;njoj literaturi.<br />Sprovedena&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; pokazala&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; ni&nbsp; jedan&nbsp; vegetativni&nbsp; biljni organ&nbsp; pojedinačno&nbsp; ne&nbsp; pruža&nbsp; dovoljno&nbsp; informacija&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovukojih bi se sa statističkom sigurno&scaron;ću mogle izdvojiti određene grupe&nbsp; vrsta,&nbsp; niti&nbsp; rodovi&nbsp; prema&nbsp; postojećoj&nbsp; podeli.&nbsp; U&nbsp; okviru analiziranih anatomskih i mikromorfolo&scaron;kih karakteristika ploda i&nbsp; receptakuluma,&nbsp; organizacija&nbsp; sklerenhimskog&nbsp; tkiva&nbsp; u&nbsp; zrelom plodu i karakteristike receptakuluma predstavljaju karaktere koji su dijagnostički za rodove. Karakteri koji razdvajaju analizirane taksone&nbsp; jesu:&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; papusa&nbsp; kod&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp;<em> Pulicaria; </em>prstenasato&nbsp; suženje&nbsp; između&nbsp; baze&nbsp; papusa&nbsp; i&nbsp; cipsele,&nbsp; organizacija<br />sklerenhimskog&nbsp; tkiva&nbsp; ploda&nbsp; i&nbsp; tip&nbsp; trihoma&nbsp; na&nbsp; povr&scaron;ini receptakuluma&nbsp; kod&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; roda<em>&nbsp; Dittrichia</em>;&nbsp; sekretorni&nbsp; kanali&nbsp; u perikarpu&nbsp; ploda,&nbsp; odsustvo&nbsp; trihoma&nbsp; i&nbsp; slabo&nbsp; izražena&nbsp; rebra&nbsp; na povr&scaron;ini&nbsp; receptakuluma&nbsp; kod&nbsp; vrste<em>&nbsp; L.&nbsp; crithmoides</em>.&nbsp; Plod&nbsp; vrste&nbsp;<em> I.</em><br /><em>helenium</em>&nbsp; razlikuje&nbsp; se&nbsp; od&nbsp; plodova&nbsp; svih&nbsp; preostalih&nbsp; analiziranih vrsta na osnovu njegovih dimenzija, većeg broja sklerenhimskih vrpci koje nisu istaknute u rebra, kao i na osnovu slabo izraženih rebara&nbsp; na&nbsp; receptakulumu,&nbsp; između&nbsp; karpopodijalnih&nbsp; otisaka,&nbsp; na kojima&nbsp; se&nbsp; nalaze&nbsp; žlezdane&nbsp; i&nbsp; nežlezdane&nbsp; trihome.&nbsp; Rezultati&nbsp; su<br />ukazali na&nbsp; to da se&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; I. helenium&nbsp; izdvaja kao zaseban takson na osnovu anatomskih i mikromorfolo&scaron;kih karakteristika ploda i receptakuluma&nbsp; sa&nbsp; jednako&nbsp; malim&nbsp; stepenom&nbsp; statističke&nbsp; podr&scaron;ke koji&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; podržava&nbsp; izdvajanje&nbsp; rodova&nbsp; <em>Dittrichia,&nbsp; Limbarda&nbsp; i Pulicaria</em>&nbsp; u&nbsp; zasebne&nbsp; rodove.&nbsp; Stoga,&nbsp; na&scaron;i&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; podržavaju tvrdnju&nbsp; da&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; I.&nbsp; helenium&nbsp; treba&nbsp; biti&nbsp; izdvojena&nbsp; od&nbsp; preostalih<br />vrsta&nbsp; roda&nbsp; Inula&nbsp; u&nbsp; zaseban&nbsp; rod,&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; je&nbsp; njena&nbsp; autentičnost evidentna na nivou&nbsp; anatomije i mikromorfologije&nbsp; vegetativnih i reproduktivnih organa.<br />Rezultati&nbsp; hemijske&nbsp; analize&nbsp; etarskog&nbsp; ulja&nbsp; pružili&nbsp; su&nbsp; do&nbsp; sada nepoznate&nbsp; podatke&nbsp; o&nbsp; kvalitativnom&nbsp; i&nbsp; kvantitativnom&nbsp; sastavu etarskog ulja podzemnih organa analiziranih taksona i ukazali na mogućnost njihove primene u taksonomiji ispitivanog tribusa&nbsp; na nivou&nbsp; identifikacije&nbsp; pojedinačnih&nbsp; taksona.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; dobijeni<br />rezultati&nbsp; ukazali&nbsp; su&nbsp; na&nbsp; nove&nbsp; potencijalno&nbsp; lekovite&nbsp; vrste&nbsp; koje predstavljaju&nbsp; potencijalni&nbsp; resurs&nbsp; za&nbsp; farmaceutsku&nbsp; industriju. Rezultati&nbsp; analize&nbsp; osnovnih&nbsp; komponenti&nbsp; kao&nbsp; i&nbsp; rezultati korespodentne&nbsp; analize&nbsp; ukazali&nbsp; su&nbsp; na&nbsp; odsustvo&nbsp; tendencije grupisanja&nbsp; taksona&nbsp; koji&nbsp; pripadaju&nbsp; istom&nbsp; rodu&nbsp; prema&nbsp; trenutno<br />važećoj&nbsp; klasifikaciji.&nbsp; Zbog&nbsp; velike&nbsp; varijabilnosti&nbsp; uslovljene faktorima&nbsp; spolja&scaron;nje&nbsp; sredine&nbsp; sastav&nbsp; etarskih&nbsp; ulja&nbsp; ne&nbsp; može&nbsp; se koristiti&nbsp; samostalno&nbsp; kao&nbsp; pouzdan&nbsp; hemotaksonomski&nbsp; marker. Ipak,&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; o&nbsp; sastavu&nbsp; etarskih&nbsp; ulja&nbsp; značajni&nbsp; su&nbsp; u&nbsp; smislu njihove&nbsp; primene&nbsp; u&nbsp; medicinske&nbsp; i&nbsp; kozmetičke&nbsp; svrhe,&nbsp; u&nbsp; industriji<br />gde se etarska ulja koriste kao sirovina, te su dobijeni rezultati značajni&nbsp; i&nbsp; u&nbsp; kontekstu&nbsp; evaluacije&nbsp; kvaliteta&nbsp; etarskih&nbsp; ulja ispitivanih vrsta.<br />Sprovedeno&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; daje&nbsp; značajan&nbsp; doprinos&nbsp; u&nbsp; pogledu tačnije&nbsp; klasifikacije&nbsp; unutar&nbsp; tribusa&nbsp; koja&nbsp; se&nbsp; danas&nbsp; bazira uglavnom&nbsp; na&nbsp; morfolo&scaron;kim&nbsp; karakteristikama.&nbsp; Detaljno&nbsp; opisani morfo-anatomski&nbsp; i&nbsp; mikromorfolo&scaron;ki&nbsp; karakteri&nbsp; analiziranih<br />vegetativnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; reproduktivnih&nbsp; organa&nbsp; doprinose&nbsp; boljem poznavanju&nbsp; karakteristika&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; analiziranih&nbsp; rodova&nbsp; i predstavljaju&nbsp; dopunu&nbsp; postojećim&nbsp; podacima&nbsp; o&nbsp; analiziranimtaksonima.&nbsp; Takođe,&nbsp; na&nbsp; bazi&nbsp; morfo-anatomskih&nbsp; karakteristika ploda i receptakuluma izrađen je dihotomi ključ za determinaciju analiziranih rodova i vrsta. Kori&scaron;ćenjem metoda diskriminantne i korespodentne analize izdvojeni su i karakteri na osnovu kojih je moguće&nbsp; izvr&scaron;iti&nbsp; diskriminaciju&nbsp; određenih&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru<br />analiziranih taksona.</p> / <p>A&nbsp; comparative&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; of&nbsp; morpho-anatomical&nbsp; and micromorphological characteristics of leaf, stem, rhizome, root, fruit and receptacle, as well as biochemical analysis of essential oils of underground organs, was conducted over 16 species of 4 genera,&nbsp;<em> Inula&nbsp; (I.&nbsp; aschersoniana,&nbsp; I.&nbsp; bifrons,&nbsp; I.&nbsp; britannica,&nbsp; I.conyza, I. ensifolia, I. germanica, I. helenium, I. oculus-christi, I. saslicina ssp. salicina, I. salicina ssp. aspera, I. spiraeifolia), Dittrichia&nbsp; (D.&nbsp; graveolens,&nbsp; D.&nbsp; viscosa),&nbsp; Limbarda&nbsp; (L. crithmoides)&nbsp; and&nbsp; Pulicaria&nbsp; (P.&nbsp; dysenterica,&nbsp; P.&nbsp; vulgaris)</em>&nbsp; tribe Inuleae,&nbsp; Compositae.&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; fact&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; species from&nbsp; different&nbsp; genera&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; paper&nbsp; were&nbsp; previously placed&nbsp; in different sections within&nbsp; <em>Inula,&nbsp; I. helenium&nbsp; L</em>., as the type&nbsp; species&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; genus&nbsp;<em> Inula,</em>&nbsp; has&nbsp; also&nbsp; been&nbsp; placed&nbsp; in&nbsp; a separate section&nbsp; Corvisartia.&nbsp; According to the latest molecular phylogenetic&nbsp; analyses,&nbsp; based&nbsp; on&nbsp; plastid&nbsp; and&nbsp; nuclear&nbsp; DNA sequence data, as well as morphological and karyological data, it&nbsp; is&nbsp; suggested&nbsp; that&nbsp; section&nbsp; Corvisartia&nbsp; should&nbsp; be&nbsp; segregated from&nbsp; the&nbsp; remaining&nbsp; Inula&nbsp; species&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; separate&nbsp; genus,&nbsp; thus achieving&nbsp; a&nbsp; greater&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; homogeneity&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; genus <em>Inula.&nbsp;</em> The objectives of dissertation are defined in accordance with&nbsp; the&nbsp; fact&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; data&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; morpho-anatomical, micromorphological and biochemical structure of the vegetative and reproductive organs of species of examined tribe are sparse and&nbsp; incomplete,&nbsp; while&nbsp; the&nbsp; analyses&nbsp; were&nbsp; carried&nbsp; out&nbsp; on&nbsp; few species&nbsp; of&nbsp; <em>Inula,&nbsp; Pulicaria,&nbsp; Dittrichia</em>&nbsp; and<em>&nbsp; Limbarda</em>,&nbsp; but&nbsp; less emphasis&nbsp; was&nbsp; placed&nbsp; on&nbsp; comparative&nbsp; purpose.&nbsp; The&nbsp; research involved&nbsp; a&nbsp; large&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; qualitative&nbsp; and&nbsp; quantitative characters&nbsp; that&nbsp; were&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; and&nbsp; measured&nbsp; using&nbsp; a stereomicroscope,&nbsp; light,&nbsp; fluorescent&nbsp; and&nbsp; scanning&nbsp; electron microscope.&nbsp; The&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; data&nbsp; were&nbsp; statistically&nbsp; processed&nbsp; by various numerical analysis methods&nbsp; usually&nbsp; used in taxonomic research. These types&nbsp; of analyses for the species of the generaInula<em>,&nbsp; Dittrichia,&nbsp; Limbard&nbsp;</em> and&nbsp;<em> Pulicaria&nbsp;</em> have&nbsp; not&nbsp; been recorded in the literature so far. The&nbsp; conducted&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; showed&nbsp; that&nbsp; vegetative&nbsp; organs&nbsp; do&nbsp; not provide&nbsp; enough&nbsp; information&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; basis&nbsp; of&nbsp; which&nbsp; certain groups&nbsp; of&nbsp; species&nbsp; could&nbsp; be&nbsp; singled&nbsp; out&nbsp; with&nbsp; statistically significant&nbsp; suport,&nbsp; neither&nbsp; the&nbsp; genera&nbsp; according&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; actual classification.&nbsp; The&nbsp; yielded&nbsp; results&nbsp; indicated&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; species from&nbsp; different&nbsp; genera&nbsp; were&nbsp; clearly&nbsp; delimited&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; basis&nbsp; of their&nbsp; carpological&nbsp; and&nbsp; receptacular&nbsp; micromorphological&nbsp; and anatomical characteristics. Receptacle features and organisation of&nbsp; sclerenchyma&nbsp; tissue&nbsp; in&nbsp; a&nbsp; fruit&nbsp; are&nbsp; traits&nbsp; that&nbsp; tend&nbsp; to&nbsp; be diagnostic for genera. The features that separate analysed taxa&nbsp; are:&nbsp; two&nbsp; rows&nbsp; of&nbsp; pappus&nbsp; hairs&nbsp; in&nbsp;<em> Pulicaria&nbsp; </em>species;&nbsp; the&nbsp; ring constriction&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; fruit&nbsp; over&nbsp; which&nbsp; it&nbsp; passes&nbsp; into&nbsp; pappus,&nbsp; the sclerenchymatous tissue in fruit in form&nbsp; of continuous ring, the type&nbsp; of&nbsp; trichomes&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; receptacular&nbsp; surface&nbsp; in&nbsp;<em> Dittrichia </em>species;&nbsp; the&nbsp; fruit&nbsp; with&nbsp; secretory&nbsp; ducts,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; receptacular surface&nbsp; with&nbsp; weakly&nbsp; pronounced&nbsp; ridges&nbsp; without&nbsp; glands&nbsp; in&nbsp; L. crithmoides.&nbsp; I. helenium&nbsp; fruits differ from those of all the other species&nbsp; by&nbsp; their&nbsp; size,&nbsp; greater&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; inconspicuous sclerenchymatic&nbsp; bundles,&nbsp; and&nbsp; poorly&nbsp; expressed&nbsp; ridges&nbsp; among carpopodial prints&nbsp; with glandular and non-glandular trichomes distributed along them. Results revealed that I. helenium&nbsp; stands out&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; separate&nbsp; taxon,&nbsp; based&nbsp;&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; anatomical&nbsp; and micromorphological&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; its&nbsp; fruit&nbsp; and&nbsp; receptacle, with equally small percentage of statistical support, which also supports the recognition of<em> Pulicaria,&nbsp;</em> <em>Dittrichia</em> and<em> Limabarda</em> as&nbsp; separate&nbsp; genera.&nbsp; Obtained&nbsp;&nbsp; results&nbsp; support&nbsp; the&nbsp; claim&nbsp; that&nbsp; I. helenium should be separated from the Inula genus, whereby its authenticity&nbsp; is&nbsp; evident&nbsp; at&nbsp; the&nbsp; level&nbsp; of&nbsp; anatomy&nbsp; and&nbsp; micromorphology of vegetative and reproductive organs. The chemical analysis of the essential oil has provided new&nbsp; data on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the essential oil of the&nbsp; underground organs of the analysed taxa&nbsp; and pointed out&nbsp; the&nbsp; possibility&nbsp; of&nbsp; their&nbsp; application&nbsp; in&nbsp; taxonomy.&nbsp; Also,&nbsp; the obtained results indicated potentially&nbsp; new medicinal plants that represent&nbsp; a&nbsp; potential&nbsp; resource for the&nbsp; pharmaceutical&nbsp; industry. Principal&nbsp; component&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; as&nbsp; well&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; the Correspondent&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; indicated&nbsp; the&nbsp; absence&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; grouping tendency of taxa belonging to the same genus,&nbsp; according to the actual classification. Due to the high variability conditioned by the&nbsp; environmental&nbsp; factors&nbsp; the&nbsp; composition&nbsp; of&nbsp; essential&nbsp; oils cannot&nbsp; be&nbsp; used&nbsp; independently&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; reliable&nbsp; chemotaxonomic&nbsp; marker.&nbsp; However,&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; composition&nbsp; of&nbsp; essential oils are significant in terms of their application for medical and cosmetic&nbsp; purposes, in the industry&nbsp; where&nbsp; oils&nbsp; are&nbsp; used&nbsp; as raw materials,&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; are&nbsp; also&nbsp; significant&nbsp; in&nbsp; the context&nbsp; of&nbsp; evaluation&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; quality&nbsp; of&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; essential oils.The&nbsp; conducted&nbsp; research&nbsp; makes&nbsp; a&nbsp; significant&nbsp; contribution&nbsp; to more precise classification within the&nbsp; tribe, which is now basedmainly&nbsp; on&nbsp; morphological&nbsp; characteristics.&nbsp; The&nbsp; detailed description&nbsp; of&nbsp; morpho-anatomical&nbsp; and&nbsp;&nbsp; micromorphological characters&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; analysed&nbsp; vegetative&nbsp; and&nbsp; reproductive&nbsp; organs contributes&nbsp; to&nbsp; better&nbsp; knowledge&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; the analysed&nbsp; species&nbsp; and&nbsp; complements&nbsp; the&nbsp; existing&nbsp; data&nbsp; on&nbsp; them. Also, on the basis of morpho-anatomical characteristics of the fruit and the receptacle a dichotomous key&nbsp; for the determination of the analysed genera and species&nbsp; was developed. According to&nbsp; the&nbsp; Discriminant&nbsp; and&nbsp; Correspodent&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; the characteristics&nbsp; on&nbsp; which&nbsp; is&nbsp; possible&nbsp; to&nbsp; discriminate&nbsp; certain groups within the analysed genera are also distinguished.</p>

Valorisation d'espèces envahissantes des genres Xanthium et Senecio : caractérisation, variabilité chimique et activités des huiles essentielles / Valuation of invasive species and genera Xanthium Senecio : characterization, chemical variability and activities essential oils

Andreani, Stéphane 09 December 2014 (has links)
La prolifération d’espèces invasives est un problème mondial. Après la pollution et la destruction des habitats, l’introduction d’espèces exogènes est une des principales causes de la disparition de la biodiversité animale et végétale dans le monde. La Corse n’est pas épargnée par le phénomène ; en effet, chaque année nous dénombrons de plus en plus d’espèces végétales introduites, potentiellement envahissantes et dangereuses pour l’écosystème insulaire. Si elles ne sont pas contrôlées, ces plantes peuvent rapidement gagner du terrain et s’installer durablement en raison de leurs facultés d’adaptation à divers écosystèmes.C’est dans ce contexte que nous sommes intéressés à quatre plantes de la famille des Astéracées considérées comme envahissantes : deux espèces du genre Xanthium (Xanthium italicum et X. spinosum) et deux espèces du genre Senecio (Senecio angulatus et S. inaequidens). L’objectif principal était d’initier une possible voie de valorisation de ces espèces par la production d’huile essentielle ; cela permettrait d’une part de limiter la dissémination et d’autre part, de générer un débouché économique.Par ailleurs, nous avons étendu ce travail à Limbarda crithmoides et à six espèces du genre Senecio poussant à l’état spontané en Corse. Une approche chimiotaxonomique réalisée à partir de 180 échantillons d’huiles essentielles du genre Senecio a conduit à différencier les espèces dites halotolérantes (S. aquaticus, S. transiens et S. cineraria) des espèces plus « terrestres » (S. vulgaris, S. angulatus, S. inaequidens, S. serpentinicola et S. lividus). L’étude de la variabilité chimique intraspécifique a permis de mettre en évidence des corrélations entre la composition chimique des huiles essentielles et le polymorphisme des taxons et/ou des facteurs édaphiques. L’étude du genre Senecio a également conduit à la caractérisation de deux nouvelles molécules, l’oxyde d’acétoxybisabolène et le 8-acétoxybisabolène 1,9-diol, isolées de l’huile essentielle de S. transiens (espèce endémique de Corse).D’un point de vue plus appliqué, les mesures des activités anti-radicalaires et anticorrosives des huiles essentielles ont démontré le potentiel de certaines espèces comme sources d’anti-oxydants naturels (notamment, Xanthium italicum et X. spinosum) mais aussi le pouvoir anticorrosif de la cacalohastine, isolée de l’huile essentielle de S. inaequidens (espèce invasive). / The proliferation of invasive species is a global problem. The introduction of exogenous species is after pollution and habitat destruction a major cause of the disappearance of the worldwide plant and animal biodiversity. Corsica is not spare to the phenomenon and every year there are numerous dangerous species which are introduced to the island ecosystem.In this study, we have studied four invasive species of Asteraceae (X. italicum, X. spinosum, S. angulatus and S. inaequidens) from Corsica. The aim of this study is to initiate a possible valuation pathway of these species by production of their essential oils. For this purpose, we investigated the chemical variability of each essential oil and their antioxidant and anticorrosive activities. Then we have extended our investigations to the others species of Senecio genus and to Limbarda crithmoides, anciently parented taxa.GC and GC/MS analysis allowed the identification of 107 and 74 components which accounted for 98.7 and 93.5% of the X. italicum and X. spinosum essential oils, respectively. Essential oils of X. italicum and X. spinosum were dominated by hydrocarbon monoterpenes (66.2%) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (41.5%), respectively. The same metabolomic pathways seem occur for both species during the vegetative cycle of the plant: oxygenated sesquiterpene-production was higher during the flowering stage. Moreover the study of 25 sample oils of X. italicum and X. spinosum showed that the chemical variability of both essential oils could be linked to morphological characters.A comprehensive work on the chemical variability of 180 sample oils of Senecio was carried out and 251 components were identified. Among them, using mono and bi-dimensional NMR the structures of 8-acetoxybisabolene-1,9-diol and 8-acetoxy-1,9-oxobisabolene, two new components of S. transiens essential oil were described for the first time. Corsican Senecio species exhibited interspecies chemical variability: the halotolerant Senecio species (S. transiens, S. cineraria and S. aquaticus erraticus) were characterized by essential oils dominated by non-terpenic compounds while the so-called “terrestrial” Senecio species (S. angulatus, S. ineaquidens, S. lividus, S. vulgaris and S. serpentinicola) exhibited terpenic component-rich oils. The study of intra-species chemical variability highlighted direct correlations between the plant-production of secondary metabolites and the nature of soils on which S. lividus, S. vulgaris and S. transiens grows. Hence essential oil compositions and morphological polymorphism are indirectly related. In the same way, the chemical variability of S. cineraria essential oils seems to be linked to the geology of the soils while the oil diversity of the invasive S. angulatus, could be linked to the both spots of introduction on Corsica Island. In addition, an original chiral-gas chromatographic method was improved and applied to the main components of the essential oils in order to complement the chemical composition of the Senecio sample oils.Furthermore the originality of Corsican Limbarda crithmoides essential was highlighted by the occurrence of two p-cymenene derivatives, never reported in the related studies from literature. The investigation of 25 Corsican L. crithmoides focuses on a direct correlation between the water salinities of the plant locations and the chemical compositions of the essential oils.Finally the antioxidant activities, anti-free radical and reducing power, were measured on some essential oils of the studied species. Essential oils of the Xanthium genus appeared to be most effectives. In addition, anticorrosion properties of the essential oils were investigated and the best corrosion inhibiting activity was exhibited by those of S. inaequidens . Anticorrosion activity could be attributed to the cacalohastine, a naphtalofuranic component, isolated form the whole essential oil after column chromatography.

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