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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


NIMNUAL, SOMKID. January 1987 (has links)
The application of multi-concentration group mathematical modelling to the leaching of radionuclide waste-forms which have continuous porous matrix such as cemented waste form is described. The modelling is illustrated analysing a hypothetical of some transport mechanisms such as molecular diffusion, ionic migration and convective flow for release of interest radionuclide from a solidified waste form which contains discrete particles of radioactive Sr-85 nuclides into the aqueous environment. The group parameters are derived from the classical electrochemistry concept of ion transport in dilute electrolytic solution. The numerical analysis is based on the Crank-Nicolson Implicit Methods which assures the stability of the solution at a practical time step. The results show that, for a short-time period of leaching in demineralized water the leaching behavior follows the predominating diffusion mechanism. After this point, the role of other processes apparent and continue until all radionuclides in the cement waste are leached out when compared to the Semi-Infinite Diffusion model which is based on pure diffusion mechanism. The multi-concentration group model can also be applied to long-term prediction of complicated release mechanisms of the radionuclides in the waste form of a particular disposal environment, unless the variables of interest such as the corrosion rate, the chemical reaction, erosion rate and etc. are determined by experiment or theoretical hypothesis. The appropriate differential equation then can be solved by the same general numerical approach. Also, the results of the modelling indicate which parameters should be measured experimentally in order to provide a quantitative test of the hypothetical release mechanism.

Klassificering av Low Level Jets och analys av den termiska vinden över Östergarnsholm

Frost, Lisa January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att studera vindprofiler och klassificera Low Level Jets (LLJ) och även analysera den termiska vinden över Östergarnsholm. Östergarnsholm är en liten ö som ligger 4 kilometer öster om Gotland. Viseringar och sonderingar från åren 1995 till 2001 samt år 2003 har använts. Det kriteriet som har använts för att klassificera LLJs är att det ska finnas ett vindhastighetsmaximum under 500 meters höjd. De undersökta orsakerna till uppkomsten av en LLJ är sjöbris, tröghetssvängning och termisk vind. För att kunna ta ut LLJs orsakade av sjöbris har vindprofiler över hela dygn använts. Vindens vridning vid marken, under dagen, jämfört med den överlagrade vindens riktning vid 2000 meters höjd har undersökts. LLJs som uppkommit på grund av tröghetssvängning har analyserats. Metoden för tröghetssvängning bygger på att analysera den geostrofiska vindens hastighet och vindriktning för att sedan kunna räkna ut hur vinden har blåst och var en eventuell LLJ skulle kunna bildas. Här har vindriktningar mellan 20º – 220º använts eftersom det medför att vinden då blåser från havet. Resterande vindriktningar medför att vinden har blåst över Gotland vilket resulterar i att en eventuell tröghetssvängning skulle störas och en LLJ skulle försvinna innan den når Östergarnsholm. Vindhastigeter och vindriktningar har jämförts med teoretiskt uträknade värden från tryckmätningar. Från alla 245 viseringar fanns 103 vindprofiler med LLJs. Utav dessa var 27 stycken, under 12 dygn, orsakade av sjöbris. Hur många LLJs som bildats av tröghetssvängning är oklart. Detta eftersom olika resultat erhålles beroende på om vindhastigheter och vindriktningar tas från viseringarna eller är beräknade från tryckmätningar, samt om beräkningarna av transporttiden sker med raka eller krökta trajektorier. Totalt hittades 9 LLJs som orsakats av tröghetssvängning. Metoden som använts för att analysera tröghetssvängning ger förmodligen bättre resultat över land än över hav. Detta eftersom det är svårt att mäta de exakta vindförhållandena längs luftens transport över hav. Den geostrofiska vindens ändring med höjden över ön, det vill säga den termiska vinden, har analyserats genom att undersöka alla vindprofiler, även de utan LLJs. Dessa har jämförts med den geostrofiska vinden beräknad från tryckmätningar, som representerar vinden vid marken, för att se om det uppkommer termiska vindar över Östergarnsholm. En LLJ som orsakats av termisk vind uppkommer när den geostrofiska vinden avtar med höjden, det vill säga vid negativ termisk vind. Antalet fall där den geostrofiska vinden avtar med höjden och där vinden är konstant med höjden var ungefär lika många. Däremot fanns något fler fall där den geostrofiska vinden ökade med höjden, dessa uppgick även till högre hastigheter än när vinden avtog med höjden. Det finns inget samband för vindvridningen med höjden då det förekommer LLJs på grund av termisk vind. Däremot finns ett tydligt samband mellan den negativa termiska vindens u- och v-komponent och den geostrofiska vindens u- respektive v-komponent. I båda fallen så tenderar vinden att gå mot noll med höjden. Totalt hittades 41 LLJs som var orsakade av termisk vind. Vid ungefär 50% av alla vindprofiler, både när den geostrofiska vinden avtog och ökade med höjden, var den termiska vindens nord-sydliga komposant positiv och den ost-västliga komposanten negativ. Detta ger att den varmare luften finns i nordost. / The aim of this study is to classify Low Level Jets (LLJ) and analyze the thermal wind over Östergarnsholm. Östergarnsholm is a small island that is situated 4 kilometres east of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Pibal trackings and soundings from 1995 to 2001 and 2003 have been used in the study. The criteria that have been used to classify the LLJs is that there must be a maximum of the wind speed below 500 meters. Wind profiles from a specific day have been used to determine if the LLJs is caused by sea breeze. The shift of wind direction at ground level, during the day, compared to the geostrophic wind at 2000 meters has been analyzed. LLJs caused by internal oscillation have been analyzed. In the used method the geostrophic wind speed and wind direction have been analyzed to determine how the wind has blown and where a LLJ possibly could be formed. Only wind directions between 20º and 220º have been used to avoid that the wind should have passed Gotland. If the winds have passed Gotland the internal oscillation has been disturbed and no LLJ can appear. Measured wind speeds and directions have been compared to theoretical values from pressure measurements. 103 wind profiles with LLJs were found from all pibal trackings. In 27 of these pibal trackings, from 12 days, were LLJs caused by sea breeze. It is difficult to say how many LLJs that are caused by an internal oscillation. This due to the different results obtained when using wind speeds and wind directions from pibal trackings or pressure measurements. Also using straight line trajectories or trajectories following the isobars gives different results. Totally 9 LLJs were found, caused by an internal oscillation. Probably this way of analyze the internal oscillations is a better method for measurements over land than over sea. This due to the difficulties in measuring the exact wind speed and wind direction over the whole traveling distance over sea. The thermal wind over the island has been analyzed by studying all pibal trackings, even those without LLJs. The pibal trackings have been compared to the geostrophic wind calculated from pressure measurements to determine if thermal winds occur over Östergarnsholm. A LLJ caused by thermal wind occur when the geostrophic wind decreese with height, i.e. negative thermal wind. There was no difference in the amount of negative thermal winds and cases with no thermal wind. There were a few more positive thermal winds and they had higher wind speeds than the negative ones. There is no connection in the shift of wind direction when there is a LLJ caused by thermal wind. But there is a significant connection between the u- and v-component of the negative thermal winds and the u- and v-component of the geostrophic wind. In both cases the geostrophic wind tends to decreese towards zero with height. 41 of all LLJs were caused by thermal winds. About 50% of both negative and positive thermal winds have a positive v-component and a negative u-component. This means that the warmer region is in the north east.

Low-level jets – observationer från Näsudden på Gotland

Johansson, Petra January 2004 (has links)
Vid luftens passage från en typ av yta till en annan byggs ett internt gränsskikt upp där luftens egenskaper förändras successivt. Detta är grunden för bl.a. bildandet av advekterade low-level jets orsakade av en tröghetssvängning, vilken har sitt ursprung i att under vissa förhållanden erhålls obalans mellan de krafter som påverkar vinden. Målet med arbetet var att kartlägga inflytandet av low-level jets på vindprofilen på Näsudden, Gotland, ovan 100 m höjd. För detta syfte användes mätningar under perioden maj 2000 till juli 2001 gjorda i tre mätmaster i området. En mätmast var placerad på land 1.5 km från Näsuddens kust-linje, en andra mast precis vid kustlinjen och en tredje mast ute i Östersjön 4.6 km från kusten. Eftersom masten ute i havet var placerad mitt i Bockstigens vindpark, omgiven av fem vindturbiner, påverkades vindmätningarna av turbinvakar i vissa riktningssektorer. Genom jämförelser mellan vindmätningar i masten och på turbinerna i för masten ostörda sektorer, togs en korrektion fram så att vind-mätningarna gjorda på turbinerna kunde användas i de sektorer mastmätningarna stördes av turbinvakar. För att kunna studera påverkan av low-level jets på vindprofilen användes data från Bockstigens vindpark tillsammans med en vindmodell, byggd på rörelseekvationerna, Monin-Obukhovs similaritetsteori och K-teori. Modellen, som ej kan generera low-level jets, användes för att beräkna vindprofilerna över havet och hur dessa vind-profiler modifierades vid passagen av kusten. Resultatet från modellen jämfördes sedan med observationer från den 145 m höga masten på Näsudden, 1.5 km från kusten. Det visade sig att de observerade vindhastigheterna på 145 m höjd i medeltal var ca 0.8 m/s högre än vad som beräknats med modellen vid vindriktningar från havet in över Näsudden, vilket kan antas bero på inflytandet från low-level jets. Under månaderna mars till maj är vattnet i Ösersjön klimatologiskt sett mycket kallare än luften, ett förhållande som är fördelaktigt för bildandet av low-level jets. Det visade sig att under dessa månader var vindhastigheten mätt på 145 m höjd inom vind-riktningssektorn 220°-250° hela 1.7 m/s högre än vad som beräknades med vind-modellen, vilket understryker betydelsen av low-level jets under denna del av året. Under resten av året befanns skillnaden mellan observerad och modellberäknad vindhastighet på 145 m höjd vara ca 0.8 m/s för samma vindriktningar. / When air is flowing from one type of surface to another, an internal boundary layer is built up where the properties of the air gradually change. This is the basic condition for the development of for example advected low-level jets caused by inertial oscillations, whose origin is that under certain conditions an imbalance will occur between the forces driving the wind. The purpose with the present work was to map the influence from low-level jets on the wind profile at Näsudden, Gotland, above 100 m height. For this purpose, measurements taken on three towers in the area during the period May 2000 to July 2001 were used. One tower was located inland 1.5 km from the coastline of Näsudden, a second tower was located just at the coastline, and a third one was located offshore 4.6 km from the coast. Since the offshore tower was located in the middle of the Bockstigen wind farm, surrounded by five wind turbines, the wind measurements were affected by turbine wakes in certain wind direction sectors. By comparing the wind measurements taken on the tower with measurements taken on the turbines for directions where the tower was not in the wake, corrections were determined where by the wind measurements taken on the turbines could be used for sectors where the tower was located in wakes. To investigate the influence from low-level jets on the wind profile, data from Bockstigen were used together with a wind model based on the equations of motion, Monin-Obukhov’s similarity theory, and K-theory. The model, which is unable to generate low-level jets, was used to calculate the wind profiles over the sea and how these profiles were modified after passage of the coastline. The results from the model were compared to observations made on the 145 m high tower at Näsudden, 1.5 km from the coast. The comparison showed that the observed wind speed at 145 m height on the average was ca 0.8 m/s higher than the wind speed calculated with the model for wind directions from the sea at Näsudden, which could be assumed to be the effect of the presence of low-level jets. During the months March to May the water in the Baltic Sea is climatologically colder than the air temperature, which is favorable for the development of low-level jets. The results from these months showed that the measured wind speed at 145 m height in the wind direction sector 220°-250° was as much as 1.7 m/s higher than what was calculated with the model, which points at the importance of low-level jets during this part of the year. During the rest of the year the average difference between observed and modeled wind speed at the 145 m level was about 0.8 m/s for the same wind direction.

Development of a combined model of tissue kinetics and radiation response of human bronchiolar epithelium with single cell resolution

Ostrovskaya, Natela Grigoryevna 30 October 2006 (has links)
Lack of accurate data for epidemiological studies of low dose radiation effects necessitates development of dosimetric models allowing prediction of cancer risks for different organs. The objective of this work is to develop a model of the radiation response of human bronchiolar tissue with single cell resolution. The computer model describes epithelial tissue as an ensemble of individual cells, with the geometry of a human bronchiole and the properties of different cell types are taken into account. The model simulates the tissue kinetics and radiation exposure in four dimensions: three spatial dimensions and a temporal dimension. The bronchiole is modeled as a regular hollow cylinder with the epithelial cells of three different types (basal, secretory, and ciliated) lining its interior. For the purposes of assessment of radiation damage to the cells only the nuclei of the cells have been modeled. Subroutines describing cellular kinetics have been developed to simulate cell turnover in a normal epithelial tissue. Monte Carlo subroutines have been developed to simulate exposure to alpha particles; the GEANT4 toolkit has been used to simulate exposure to low LET radiation. Each hit cell is provided with a record of energy deposition, and this record is passed to the progeny if the cell survives. The model output provides data on the number of basal progenitor cells in different phases of a cell life-cycle and secretory to ciliated cell ratio after several generations of cell proliferation. The model calculates labeling and mitotic indices and estimates the average cell turnover time for the bronchiolar tissue. Microdosimetric calculations are performed for cells traversed by ionizing particles. The model will be used to assess the accumulation of damage in cells due to protracted low level radiation exposure. The model output may provide directions for the future experimental design.

Internal dose assessment calculations for the proposed low-level radioactive waste disposal facility in the southeast compact

Vaughn, Michelle Lynn 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Social and Policy Implications of Low-Level Exposures to Chemicals

Ashford, Nicholas, Miller, Claudia S. January 1999 (has links)
No Abstract Provided

Requisitos ambientais para disposicao final de rejeitos radioativos em repositorios de superficie

RADUAN, ROSANE N. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:38:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 05660.pdf: 7392125 bytes, checksum: eb370b9192c312fd26fdb86ad9ed35bc (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Avaliação da efetividade do laser terapêutico no controle de índice de dor de pacientes em tratamento ortodôntico /

Martins, Isabela Parsekian. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Ary dos Santos Pinto / Banca: Luiz Gonzaga Gandini Junior / Banca: Ana Claudia Moreira de Melo / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a aplicação do laser diodo AsGaAl no controle da sensação dolorosa de paciente em procedimento de separação dental dos 1os molares inferiores. Participaram da pesquisa 62 pacientes com idade média de 19,7 anos que iniciaram o tratamento ortodôntico na Clínica de Pós-Graduação da Disciplina de Ortodontia do Departamento de Clínica Infantil da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara - UNESP. Os pacientes foram divididos em 4 grupos alternando a aplicação do laser com e sem efeito terapêutico e de acordo com rodízio do lado do início de sua aplicação: GrupoI- Início laser lado direito; Grupo II- Início placebo lado direito; Grupo III- Início laser lado esquerdo Grupo IV -Início placebo lado esquerdo. O laser, com ou sem efeito terapêutico, foi aplicado antes da separação, 24 e 48 horas após a separação. A dor foi avaliada por uma escala visual analógica. O índice de dor foi registrado antes e após a aplicação do laser com ou sem efeito terapêutico dependendo do grupo, e imediatamente após a separação. Após 24 e 48 horas, o registro da dor se deu antes e após as aplicações de laser com ou sem efeito terapêutico dependendo do grupo. Antes e após a irradiação, a média dos escores da EVA para o grupo placebo e laser foi de zero. Logo após a separação, a média da EVA para o grupo placebo foi de 1,6, significantemente maior que a média de 1,1 registrada para o grupo laser 17 (p=0,013). Após 24 horas e antes da nova irradiação, os valores de dor registrados entre os grupos não se mostraram diferentes, com valores de 2,6 e 2,2 para os grupos placebo e laser, respectivamente. Após a irradiação, os valores caíram para 1,8 e 1,6 não se mostrando diferentes. Após 48 horas, os valores... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The objective of this research was to compare the effect single low-level laser therapy (LLLT) irradiation on pain perception in patients having fixed appliance treatment in the clinic of postgraduate discipline Orthodontics Department, Araraquara-UNESP. Sixty-two patients with mean age, 19.7 years, were recruited to participate in this randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. The pacients were assigned to 4 groups: Group I- Laser on the right side; Group II- Placebo on the right side; Group III- Laser on the left side; Group IV- Placebo on the left. The laser or placebo was applied before separation, 24 and 48 hours after separation of their first permanent molars in the lower arch. The pain was recorded by a visual analog scale. The data of the pain's scale was recorded before and after the laser's or placebo's irradiation depending on the group, and immediately after separation and then after 24 and 48 hours. Before and after irradiation, the average of the scores of EVA to the placebo group and laser was zero. Just after the separation, the average of the EVA for the placebo group was 1.6, significantly greater than the average of 1.1 registered for the laser Group (p = 0.013). After 24 hours and before the new irradiation, the values registered among the different groups did not show any diferences, with values from 2.2 to 2.6 and placebo groups and laser, respectively. After irradiation, the values dropped to 1.8 and 1.6 not showing 19 differences. After 48 hours, the values continued dropping without any differences. In relation to the gender, only after the first irradiation in placebo group, the female had a level of pain (0.1) significantly higher (p = 0.04) compared to male, and after 48 hours, the group where the laser was applied had a difference (p = 0.04) among the gender with a value of lower pain... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Requisitos ambientais para disposicao final de rejeitos radioativos em repositorios de superficie

RADUAN, ROSANE N. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:38:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 05660.pdf: 7392125 bytes, checksum: eb370b9192c312fd26fdb86ad9ed35bc (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Nízkoúrovňového měření ELF magnetických polí / Low-level measurement of ELF magnetic fields

Cích, Augustín January 2021 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with design of sensor network for synchronised low-level recording of changes in magnetic part of Earth's field in ELF band in multiple places. The goal is acquisition of changes due to solar storm activity, while taking into account, that in research of geomagnetic effects connected with solar events is spectrum of interest broader and reach up to VLF, where a solution is often made of combination of receivers in ELF and VLF, a decision was made, after consulting with thesis supervisor and researchers, that device will be designed for ELF, but can be easily modified, by changing preamplifier, for using in higher frequency bands, creating a solid founding for further measurements and research in this field.

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