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Klassificering av Low Level Jets och analys av den termiska vinden över ÖstergarnsholmFrost, Lisa January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att studera vindprofiler och klassificera Low Level Jets (LLJ) och även analysera den termiska vinden över Östergarnsholm. Östergarnsholm är en liten ö som ligger 4 kilometer öster om Gotland. Viseringar och sonderingar från åren 1995 till 2001 samt år 2003 har använts. Det kriteriet som har använts för att klassificera LLJs är att det ska finnas ett vindhastighetsmaximum under 500 meters höjd. De undersökta orsakerna till uppkomsten av en LLJ är sjöbris, tröghetssvängning och termisk vind. För att kunna ta ut LLJs orsakade av sjöbris har vindprofiler över hela dygn använts. Vindens vridning vid marken, under dagen, jämfört med den överlagrade vindens riktning vid 2000 meters höjd har undersökts. LLJs som uppkommit på grund av tröghetssvängning har analyserats. Metoden för tröghetssvängning bygger på att analysera den geostrofiska vindens hastighet och vindriktning för att sedan kunna räkna ut hur vinden har blåst och var en eventuell LLJ skulle kunna bildas. Här har vindriktningar mellan 20º – 220º använts eftersom det medför att vinden då blåser från havet. Resterande vindriktningar medför att vinden har blåst över Gotland vilket resulterar i att en eventuell tröghetssvängning skulle störas och en LLJ skulle försvinna innan den når Östergarnsholm. Vindhastigeter och vindriktningar har jämförts med teoretiskt uträknade värden från tryckmätningar. Från alla 245 viseringar fanns 103 vindprofiler med LLJs. Utav dessa var 27 stycken, under 12 dygn, orsakade av sjöbris. Hur många LLJs som bildats av tröghetssvängning är oklart. Detta eftersom olika resultat erhålles beroende på om vindhastigheter och vindriktningar tas från viseringarna eller är beräknade från tryckmätningar, samt om beräkningarna av transporttiden sker med raka eller krökta trajektorier. Totalt hittades 9 LLJs som orsakats av tröghetssvängning. Metoden som använts för att analysera tröghetssvängning ger förmodligen bättre resultat över land än över hav. Detta eftersom det är svårt att mäta de exakta vindförhållandena längs luftens transport över hav. Den geostrofiska vindens ändring med höjden över ön, det vill säga den termiska vinden, har analyserats genom att undersöka alla vindprofiler, även de utan LLJs. Dessa har jämförts med den geostrofiska vinden beräknad från tryckmätningar, som representerar vinden vid marken, för att se om det uppkommer termiska vindar över Östergarnsholm. En LLJ som orsakats av termisk vind uppkommer när den geostrofiska vinden avtar med höjden, det vill säga vid negativ termisk vind. Antalet fall där den geostrofiska vinden avtar med höjden och där vinden är konstant med höjden var ungefär lika många. Däremot fanns något fler fall där den geostrofiska vinden ökade med höjden, dessa uppgick även till högre hastigheter än när vinden avtog med höjden. Det finns inget samband för vindvridningen med höjden då det förekommer LLJs på grund av termisk vind. Däremot finns ett tydligt samband mellan den negativa termiska vindens u- och v-komponent och den geostrofiska vindens u- respektive v-komponent. I båda fallen så tenderar vinden att gå mot noll med höjden. Totalt hittades 41 LLJs som var orsakade av termisk vind. Vid ungefär 50% av alla vindprofiler, både när den geostrofiska vinden avtog och ökade med höjden, var den termiska vindens nord-sydliga komposant positiv och den ost-västliga komposanten negativ. Detta ger att den varmare luften finns i nordost. / The aim of this study is to classify Low Level Jets (LLJ) and analyze the thermal wind over Östergarnsholm. Östergarnsholm is a small island that is situated 4 kilometres east of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Pibal trackings and soundings from 1995 to 2001 and 2003 have been used in the study. The criteria that have been used to classify the LLJs is that there must be a maximum of the wind speed below 500 meters. Wind profiles from a specific day have been used to determine if the LLJs is caused by sea breeze. The shift of wind direction at ground level, during the day, compared to the geostrophic wind at 2000 meters has been analyzed. LLJs caused by internal oscillation have been analyzed. In the used method the geostrophic wind speed and wind direction have been analyzed to determine how the wind has blown and where a LLJ possibly could be formed. Only wind directions between 20º and 220º have been used to avoid that the wind should have passed Gotland. If the winds have passed Gotland the internal oscillation has been disturbed and no LLJ can appear. Measured wind speeds and directions have been compared to theoretical values from pressure measurements. 103 wind profiles with LLJs were found from all pibal trackings. In 27 of these pibal trackings, from 12 days, were LLJs caused by sea breeze. It is difficult to say how many LLJs that are caused by an internal oscillation. This due to the different results obtained when using wind speeds and wind directions from pibal trackings or pressure measurements. Also using straight line trajectories or trajectories following the isobars gives different results. Totally 9 LLJs were found, caused by an internal oscillation. Probably this way of analyze the internal oscillations is a better method for measurements over land than over sea. This due to the difficulties in measuring the exact wind speed and wind direction over the whole traveling distance over sea. The thermal wind over the island has been analyzed by studying all pibal trackings, even those without LLJs. The pibal trackings have been compared to the geostrophic wind calculated from pressure measurements to determine if thermal winds occur over Östergarnsholm. A LLJ caused by thermal wind occur when the geostrophic wind decreese with height, i.e. negative thermal wind. There was no difference in the amount of negative thermal winds and cases with no thermal wind. There were a few more positive thermal winds and they had higher wind speeds than the negative ones. There is no connection in the shift of wind direction when there is a LLJ caused by thermal wind. But there is a significant connection between the u- and v-component of the negative thermal winds and the u- and v-component of the geostrophic wind. In both cases the geostrophic wind tends to decreese towards zero with height. 41 of all LLJs were caused by thermal winds. About 50% of both negative and positive thermal winds have a positive v-component and a negative u-component. This means that the warmer region is in the north east.
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Inverkan av det interna gränsskiktets höjd på turbulensstrukturen i ytskiktetHansson, Ulrika January 2003 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka om och hur turbulensstrukturen i ytskiktet påverkas av den interna gränsskiktshöjden. Mätningar gjorda 1984 och 1988 på Näsudden på sydvästra Gotland har använts. Vindriktningen har valts så att vinden har en så lång och ostörd anloppssträcka över hav som möjligt. Höjden på det interna gränsskiktet har tagits fram ur temperaturprofiler, där den första inversionen representerar den interna gränsskiktshöjden. Monin-Obukhovs similaritetsteori har använts som stomme i undersökningen. Undersökningen har visat att vissa turbulensfaktorer i ytskiktet följer Monin- Obukhovs teori bättre än andra. Den interna gränsskiktshöjden påverkar främst vindstrukturen. Till viss del påverkas även temperaturstrukturen. I vissa fall kan även den karakteristiska hastigheten i övergångsskiktet påverka turbulensen i ytskiktet. Horisontella vindvariansen, bör t.ex. normaliseras med denna hastighet och inte med friktionshastigheten som Monin-Obukhovs teori föreskriver. Vertikalvindvariansen i ytskiktet kan normaliseras med både friktionshastigheten och den karakteristiska hastigheten i övergånsskiktet, och således både med höjden över marken och den interna gränsskiktshöjden. / The aim of this study is to find out if and how the height of the internal boundary layer affects the structure of the turbulence in the surface layer. This has been done from measurements made 1984 and 1988 at Näsudden on the southwest part of Gotland. The wind direction has been chosen to get as long fetch over sea as possible. The height of the internal boundary layer is obtained from temperature profiles where the first inversion represents the height of the internal boundary layer. The Monin- Obukhov similarity theory has been used as a frame in this investigation. The study has shown that some turbulence features follow the Monin-Obukhov similarity better than others. The height of the internal boundary layer mostly affects the wind structure, but partly also the temperature structure. In some cases the characteristic velocity in the mixed layer also influences the turbulence in the surface layer. For example, it is better to normalize the horizontal wind variance with this velocity than the friction velocity as proposed in Monin-Obukhov theory. To normalize the vertical wind variance in the surface layer, it is possible to use both the friction velocity and the characteristic velocity in the mixed layer. This means the vertical wind variance can be normalized with both the height above ground and the height of the internal boundary layer.
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Strömningen i och över en skog : utvärdering av en 'mixing-layer' hypotes / Flow above a canopy : Evaluation of a mixing-layer hypothesisArnqvist, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>A new theory for predicting the windprofile over a canopy has been evaluated. The theory was first presented by Harman and Finnigan (2007). The theory relies on the forming of a mixing-layer above the canopy, due to different mean wind in and above the canopy. Characteristics from both mixing-layer and Monin Obukhov similarity theory have been used to develop the governingequations that give the wind profile. The theory has been used to calculate wind profiles for sixdifferent atmospheric stabilities. In order to evaluate the theory, profiles from the theory have beencompared to measurements from Jädraås forest, Sweden. Profiles from Monin Obukhov similarity theory were also used for comparison.In general the mixing-layer theory gives better results than Monin Obukhov similarity theory. Agreement with measurements is good in neutral conditions, but fails when the atmospheric stability is altered, especially in convective conditions. This is believed to be due to the canopy lacking in thickness. The mean wind speed is systematically underestimated and this is also believed to be caused by insufficient thickness of the canopy. A correction for this behaviour is proposed. The theory gives higher values of the mean wind speed in convective conditions with the correction and the calculated values of mean wind speed are closer to the measurements.</p>
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Luftens strömning i och över en skog – Utvärdering av en ’mixing-layer’ hypotes / Flow above a canopy : Evaluation of a mixing-layer hypothesisArnqvist, Johan January 2009 (has links)
A new theory for predicting the windprofile over a canopy has been evaluated. The theory was first presented by Harman and Finnigan (2007). The theory relies on the forming of a mixing-layer above the canopy, due to different mean wind in and above the canopy. Characteristics from both mixing-layer and Monin Obukhov similarity theory have been used to develop the governingequations that give the wind profile. The theory has been used to calculate wind profiles for sixdifferent atmospheric stabilities. In order to evaluate the theory, profiles from the theory have beencompared to measurements from Jädraås forest, Sweden. Profiles from Monin Obukhov similarity theory were also used for comparison.In general the mixing-layer theory gives better results than Monin Obukhov similarity theory. Agreement with measurements is good in neutral conditions, but fails when the atmospheric stability is altered, especially in convective conditions. This is believed to be due to the canopy lacking in thickness. The mean wind speed is systematically underestimated and this is also believed to be caused by insufficient thickness of the canopy. A correction for this behaviour is proposed. The theory gives higher values of the mean wind speed in convective conditions with the correction and the calculated values of mean wind speed are closer to the measurements.
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Insights Into Wind Profile Characteristics in the Arctic Marine Boundary Layer / Inblick i vindprofilens egenskaper i det Arktiska marina gränsskiktetGausa, Charlotte Sophie January 2024 (has links)
The atmospheric boundary layer in the Arctic is essential for the understanding of climate change and improving regional weather prediction. The aim of this study is to investigate to which degree wind speed profiles retrieved in the Arctic agree with well known wind profile concepts and understand which local impact factors influence the wind speed profile. As part of the Nansen Legacy project, scientists from the University Centre in Svalbard and the University of Bergen installed two wind lidars onboard the research vessel “Kronprins Haakon” during the “Winter Process Cruise” in February 2021. Wind speed profiles were collected over a period of two weeks. They were manually classified into three categories based on their shape. The ideally shaped profiles were fitted against the wind profile power law to identify the exponent, α, for use in the Arctic marine boundary layer. α was found to be 4-5 times smaller than the conventionally applied α = 1/7 for profiles retrieved over open water, which was associated with unstable atmospheric conditions. Additionally, α was found to be considerably larger than 1/7 when sea ice was present, which was associated with stable conditions. A dependency on wind speed was also found. These results underline the importance of adjusting the exponent in order to ac- curately model the wind speed in the Arctic marine boundary layer. The results might be important for optimizing potential wind energy production, which is of great interest with the increasing human activ- ity in the Arctic. Reversed profiles (wind speed maxima closest to the surface) were mainly measured over open ocean and during low wind speeds and were speculated to be related to swell conditions. Pro- files containing a maxima in low levels were primarily measured during stable atmospheric conditions when sea ice was present. Future research in Arctic conditions would benefit from extending wind speed measurements to even lower levels and including stability measurements for an even deeper analysis.
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