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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Solving for Volume-Minimizing Cycles in G2-Manifolds

Jauregui, Jeff Loren 01 May 2005 (has links)
M-theory, a generalization of string theory, motivates the search for examples of volume minimizing cycles in Riemannian manifolds of G2 holonomy. Methods of calibrated geometry lead to a system of four coupled nonlinear partial differential equations whose solutions correspond to associa- tive submanifolds of R7, which are 3-dimensional and minimize volume in their real homology classes. Several approaches to finding new solutions are investigated, the most interesting of which exploits the quaternionic structure of the PDE system. A number of examples of associative 3-planes are explicitly given; these may possibly be projected to nontrivial volume minimizing cycles in, for example, the G2-manifold R6 × S1.

Studies of fractional D-branes in the gauge/gravity correspondence & Flavored Chern-Simons quivers for M2-branes

Closset, Cyril N. M. 11 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse intitulée « Studies of fractional D-branes in the gauge/gravity correspondence & Flavored Chern-Simons quivers for M2-branes » se place dans le cadre de la théorie des cordes, en physique théorique. Elle consiste en une introduction suivie de deux parties. Dans l'introduction sont résumés les différents outils de théorie des cordes qui seront utilisés. La première partie étudie des théories de type quiver en 3+1 dimensions et leur dual gravitationnel, qui découlent de la considération de D-branes fractionnaires vivant sur des espaces possédant des singularités en codimension complexe un. La thèse principale de cette partie est que la solution de supergravité de Bertolini et al. 2001 and Polchinski 2001 pour des branes de type N=2 a une interprétation dans la théorie des champs de type quiver duale comme un groupe de renormalisation de type cascade qui résulte d'un choix particulier sur la branche de Coulomb de la théorie. Cette compréhension nouvelle permet d'étudier des solutions de supergravité plus générales. Elle donne aussi une plus grande compréhension des branes N=2 dans des contextes avec seulement une supersymmétrie N=1. La second partie de la thèse étudie les quivers de type Chern-Simons, récemment apparus dans la littérature, décrivant des théories en dimension 2+1, qui sont conjecturé dual à des solutions de M-théorie. Il est montré que des théories plus générales que des quivers, possédant également des champs dans la représentation fondamentale des groupes de jauges, permettent la description de M2-branes sur des espaces possédant des singularités de dimension complexe deux, du moins du point de vue de la structure complexe, dans le cas où seules 4 supercharges sont préservées. La thèse principale est que la considération des operateurs monopoles diagonaux dans la théorie de champs N=2 supersymmétrique en 2+1 dimensions, plus une relation entre ces opérateurs proposée comme conjecture, permettent de reproduire l'espace des modules d'une M2-brane sur n'importe quelle géométrie torique ayant des singularités en codimension complexe deux.

6d (2, 0) Theory and M5 Branes: A KK Mode Approach

Hu, Shan 16 December 2013 (has links)
6d (2, 0) theory on M5 branes is investigated by considering its KK modes on a 2d space. Selecting KK modes on different 2d spaces amounts to choosing different set of selfdual strings as the perturbative degrees of freedom thus will give the 6d theories related to each other by U-duality. The 4d effective theory for the KK modes is studied via the M5-D3 duality. Except for the (p, q) open strings, which is the KK mode arising from the selfdual strings, the 3-string junction should also be added since it is the bound state of the (p, q) open strings. The quantization of the 3-string junctions gives the fields, which, when lifted to 6d, may account for the conformal anomaly of the 6d (2, 0) theory. The interaction between the open strings and the 3-string junctions is also considered. The Lagrangian and the corresponding N=4 supersymmetry transformation is obtained up to some additional terms to be added. Although the original 6d (2, 0) theory is not constructed directly, the 4d effective theory for the KK modes gives an equivalent description, from which the 6d S-matrix can be calculated.

Branes and geometry in string and M-theory

Sehmbi, Gurdeep Singh January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is based on two papers by the author and consists of two parts. We review the recent developments in the theory of multiple M2-branes and 3-algebras leading to multiple D2-brane theories. The inclusion of flux terms for the supersymmetric BLG and ABJM theories of closed M2-branes is discussed and then generalised to open M2-branes. Here the boundary condition is derived and different BPS configurations are examined where we find a mass deformed Basu-Harvey equation for the M2-M5 system. The Lorentzian 3-algebra is then employed for obtaining a theory of D2-branes in a flux background, we then obtain the new fuzzy funnel solution of the system of D2-D4 branes in a flux. Matrix theories and their compactifications as well as noncommutative geometry and noncommutative gauge theories are reviewed with a discussion of their generalisations to three dimensions to be used to describe the M-theory three form potential. A new feature of string theory is then obtained called the quantum Nambu geometry (QNG). It is found by considering the action for D1-strings in a RR flux background and we demonstrate that there is a large flux double scaling limit where the action is dominated by a Chern-Simons-Myers coupling term. A classical solution to this is the quantised spacetime known as the quantum Nambu geometry. Various matrix models are obtained from this action, these are the large flux dominated terms of the full actions for the corresponding matrix models. The QNG gives rise to an expansion of D1-strings to D4-branes in the IIA theory, so we obtain an action for the large flux terms for this action which is verified by a dimensional reduction of the PST action describing M5-branes. We make a generalisation of the D4-brane action to describe M5-branes using a duality. We are describing the 3-form self-dual field strength of a non-abelian generalisation of the PST action.

Taub-NUT Spacetime in the (A)dS/CFT and M-Theory

Clarkson, Richard January 2005 (has links)
In the following thesis, I will conduct a thermodynamic analysis of the Taub-NUT spacetime in various dimensions, as well as show uses for Taub-NUT and other Hyper-Kahler spacetimes. <br /><br /> Thermodynamic analysis (by which I mean the calculation of the entropy and other thermodynamic quantities, and the analysis of these quantities) has in the past been done by use of background subtraction. The recent derivation of the (A)dS/CFT correspondences from String theory has allowed for easier and quicker analysis. I will use Taub-NUT space as a template to test these correspondences against the standard thermodynamic calculations (via the N&ouml;ether method), with (in the Taub-NUT-dS case especially) some very interesting results. <br /><br /> There is also interest in obtaining metrics in eleven dimensions that can be reduced down to ten dimensional string theory metrics. Taub-NUT and other Hyper-Kahler metrics already possess the form to easily facilitate the Kaluza-Klein reduction, and embedding such metrics into eleven dimensional metrics containing M2 or M5 branes produces metrics with interesting Dp-brane results.

The AdS/CFT correspondence and symmetry breaking

Benishti, Nessi January 2011 (has links)
In the first part of this thesis we study baryonic U(1) symmetries dual to Betti multiplets in the AdS_4/CFT_3 correspondence for M2 branes at Calabi-Yau four-fold singularities. Such short multiplets originate from the Kaluza-Klein compactification of eleven-dimensional supergravity on the corresponding Sasaki-Einstein seven-manifolds. Analysis of the boundary conditions for vector fields in AdS_4 allows for a choice where wrapped M5 brane states carrying non-zero charge under such symmetries can be considered. We begin by focusing on isolated toric singularities without vanishing six-cycles, which we classify, and propose for them field theory duals. We then study in detail the cone over the well-known Sasaki-Einstein space Q^111, which is a U(1) fibration over CP^1 x CP^1 x CP^1. The boundary conditions considered are dual to a CFT where the gauge group is U(1)^2 x SU(N)^4. We find agreement between the spectrum of gauge-invariant baryonic-type operators in this theory and M5 branes wrapping five-cycles in the Q^111 space. Moreover, the physics of vacua in which these symmetries are spontaneously broken precisely matches a dual gravity analysis involving resolutions of the singularity, where we are able to match condensates of the baryonic operators, Goldstone bosons and global strings. We then study the implications of turning on a closed three-form with non-zero periods through torsion three cycles in the Sasaki-Einstein manifold. This three-form, otherwise known as torsion G-flux, non-trivially affects the supergravity dual of Higgsing, and we show that the supergravity and field theory analyses precisely match in an example based on the Sasaki-Einstein manifold Y^1,2(CP^2), which is a S^3 bundle over CP^2. We then explain how the choice of M-theory circle in the background can result in exotic renormalization group flows in the dual field theory, and study this in detail for the Sasaki-Einstein manifold Y^1,2(CP^2). We also argue more generally that theories where the resolutions have six-cycles are expected to receive non-perturbative corrections from M5 brane instantons. We give a general formula relating the instanton action to normalizable harmonic two-forms, and compute it explicitly for the Sasaki-Einstein Q^222 example, which is a Z_2 orbifold of Q^111 in which the free Z_2 quotient is along the R-symmetry U(1) fibre. The holographic interpretation of such instantons is currently unclear. In the second part of this thesis we study the breaking of baryonic symmetries in the AdS_5/CFT_4 correspondence for D3 branes at Calabi-Yau three-fold singularities. This leads, for particular vacuum expectation values, to the emergence of non-anomalous baryonic symmetries during the renormalization group flow. We identify these vacuum expectation values with critical values of the NS-NS B-field moduli in the dual supergravity backgrounds. We study in detail the C^3/Z_3 orbifold theory and the dual supergravity backgrounds that correspond to the breaking of the emerging baryonic symmetries, and identify the expected Goldstone bosons and global strings in the infra-red. In doing so we confirm the claim that the emerging symmetries are indeed non-anomalous baryonic symmetries.

Signatures of New Physics from the Primordial Universe

Ashoorioon, Amjad 15 August 2007 (has links)
During inflation quantum fluctuations of the field driving inflation, known as inflaton, were stretched by inflationary expansion to galactic size scales or even larger. A possible implication of inflation -- if it is correct -- is that our observable universe was once of sub-Planckian size. Thus inflation could act as a magnifier to probe the short distance structure of space-time. General arguments about the quantum theory of gravity suggest that the short distance structure of space-time can be modeled as arising from some corrections to the well-known uncertainty relation between the position and momentum operators. Such modifications have been predicted by more fundamental theories such as string theory. This modified commutation relation has been implemented at the first quantized level to the theory of cosmological perturbations. In this thesis, we will show that the aforementioned scenario of implementing the minimal length to the action has an ambiguity: total time derivatives that in continuous space-time could be neglected and do not contribute to the equations of motion, cease to remain total time derivatives as we implement minimal length. Such an ambiguity opens up the possibility for trans-Planckian physics to leave an imprint on the ratio of tensor to scalar fluctuations. In near de-Sitter space, we obtain the explicit dependence of the tensor/scalar on the minimal length. Also the first consistency relation is examined in a power-law background, where it is found that despite the ambiguity that exists in choosing the action, Planck scale physics modifies the consistency relation considerably as it leads to large oscillations in the scalar spectral index in the observable range of scales. In the second part of the thesis, I demonstrate how the assumption of existence of invariant minimal length can assist us to explain the origin of cosmic magnetic fields. The third part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of signatures of M-theory Cascade inflation.

Taub-NUT Spacetime in the (A)dS/CFT and M-Theory

Clarkson, Richard January 2005 (has links)
In the following thesis, I will conduct a thermodynamic analysis of the Taub-NUT spacetime in various dimensions, as well as show uses for Taub-NUT and other Hyper-Kahler spacetimes. <br /><br /> Thermodynamic analysis (by which I mean the calculation of the entropy and other thermodynamic quantities, and the analysis of these quantities) has in the past been done by use of background subtraction. The recent derivation of the (A)dS/CFT correspondences from String theory has allowed for easier and quicker analysis. I will use Taub-NUT space as a template to test these correspondences against the standard thermodynamic calculations (via the N&ouml;ether method), with (in the Taub-NUT-dS case especially) some very interesting results. <br /><br /> There is also interest in obtaining metrics in eleven dimensions that can be reduced down to ten dimensional string theory metrics. Taub-NUT and other Hyper-Kahler metrics already possess the form to easily facilitate the Kaluza-Klein reduction, and embedding such metrics into eleven dimensional metrics containing M2 or M5 branes produces metrics with interesting Dp-brane results.

Signatures of New Physics from the Primordial Universe

Ashoorioon, Amjad 15 August 2007 (has links)
During inflation quantum fluctuations of the field driving inflation, known as inflaton, were stretched by inflationary expansion to galactic size scales or even larger. A possible implication of inflation -- if it is correct -- is that our observable universe was once of sub-Planckian size. Thus inflation could act as a magnifier to probe the short distance structure of space-time. General arguments about the quantum theory of gravity suggest that the short distance structure of space-time can be modeled as arising from some corrections to the well-known uncertainty relation between the position and momentum operators. Such modifications have been predicted by more fundamental theories such as string theory. This modified commutation relation has been implemented at the first quantized level to the theory of cosmological perturbations. In this thesis, we will show that the aforementioned scenario of implementing the minimal length to the action has an ambiguity: total time derivatives that in continuous space-time could be neglected and do not contribute to the equations of motion, cease to remain total time derivatives as we implement minimal length. Such an ambiguity opens up the possibility for trans-Planckian physics to leave an imprint on the ratio of tensor to scalar fluctuations. In near de-Sitter space, we obtain the explicit dependence of the tensor/scalar on the minimal length. Also the first consistency relation is examined in a power-law background, where it is found that despite the ambiguity that exists in choosing the action, Planck scale physics modifies the consistency relation considerably as it leads to large oscillations in the scalar spectral index in the observable range of scales. In the second part of the thesis, I demonstrate how the assumption of existence of invariant minimal length can assist us to explain the origin of cosmic magnetic fields. The third part of the thesis is dedicated to the study of signatures of M-theory Cascade inflation.

Aspects of higher dimensional Einstein theory and M-theory

Godazgar, Mohammad Mahdi January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contains two main themes. The first is Einstein's theory of general relativity in higher dimensions, while the second is M-theory. The first part of the thesis concerns the use of classification techniques based on the Weyl curvature in an attempt to systematically study higher dimensional general relativity and its solutions. After a review of the various classification schemes, the application of these schemes to the study of higher dimensional solutions is explained. The first application of the tensor approach that is discussed is the systematic classification of higher dimensional axisymmetric solutions. A complete classification of all algebraically special axisymmetric solutions to the vacuum Einstein equation in higher dimensions is presented. Next, the study of perturbations of higher dimensional solutions within this framework and the possibility of decoupling equations for black hole solutions of interest, as has been successfully done in four dimensions, is considered. In the case where such a decoupling of the perturbations is possible, a map for constructing solutions of the perturbation equation is presented and is applied to the Kerr/CFT correspondence. Also, the property of gravitational radiation emitted from an isolated source in higher dimensions is considered and the tensor classification scheme is used to derive the peeling property of the Weyl tensor in higher dimensions. This is shown to be different to that which occurs in four dimensions. Finally, after an in-depth exposition of the spinor classification scheme and its relation to the tensor approach, solutions belonging to the most special type in the spinor classification are classified. In addition, the classification of the black ring in this scheme is discussed. The second part of the thesis explores the use of generalised geometry as a tool for better understanding M-theory. After briefly reviewing the curious phenomenon of M-theory dualities, it is explained how generalised geometry can be used to show that these symmetries are not exclusive to compactifications of the theory, but can be made manifest without recourse to compactification. Finally, results regarding the local symmetries of M-theory in the generalised geometry framework for a particular symmetry group are presented.

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