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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úroveň tělesné zdatnosti a zjištění úrovně motoriky u dětí mladšího školního věku / The level of physical fitness and the detection of the motor skills level of primary school age children

Munia, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Name: The level of physical fitness and the detection of the motor skills level of primary school age children. Objectives: To find out the current level of physical fitness and basic motor skills of primary school age children. Methods: The main method of the research was an observation. The study included 54 children (8.9 ± 0.6 years old, 31 girls and 23 boys). For the evaluation of physical fitness, we used the Unifittest (6-60) and for the evaluation of motor skills was used the MABC-2 motor test. The Student's test and the Cohen's d effect size coefficient, were used for the evaluation of group differences. Results: In the MABC-2 motor skills test, 22 % of children achieved the result in a zone above the 84th percentile, 20 % of children were between 51-84th percentile, 50 % of children were in the range between 17-50th percentile, 4 % of children were between 6-15th percentile and another 4 % of children were in the range of <5 percentile. The results of the Unifittest test battery (6-60) showed us that 41 % of children were average, 20 % of children were below average, significantly below were 17 % of children, above average were 15 % of children and 7 % of children were well above average. Girls achieved significantly higher overall MABC-2 performance compared to boys (11.5 ± 2.7 vs 10.0 ±...

Možnosti diagnostiky a terapie u dětí s vývojovou dyspraxií / vývojovou poruchou koordinace / The possibilites of diagnostics and treatment of children with developmental dyspraxia / developmental coordination disorder

Smékalová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The possibilites of diagnostics and treatment of children with developmental dyspraxia / developmental coordination disorder" deals in it's theoretical part with the explanation of the terms "developmental dyspraxia" and "developmental coordination disorder" and summarizes the newest findings about the classification of children's motional disorders and possibilities of their treatment. In it's practical part, the thesis deals with certain possibilities of the DCD diagnostics. It uses Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2, which is instrumental to identify children movement difficulties. It is also engaged in praxis clinical examination of the chosen children and uses the DSDQ ‚07 questionary. The thesis proves the existence of movement difficulties on certain children with ADHD, learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder, as well as it proves the significant difference between standard scores of single components on children with learning disabilities. There has been discovered a worse quality of certain practical functions on chosen children and the result matches DCD in DCDQ ‚07.

Hodnocení úrovně motoriky dětí mladšího školního věku testovou baterií MABC-2 na základní škole v Jihlavě / Evaluation of level motor skills children of younger school age by MABC-2 test battery at primary school in Jihlava

KŘEČEK, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this graduation thesis was to find out the level of motor skills in younger school age children, namely in the group of 7-10 years, using the standardized test battery MABC-2 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2nd Edition) at our chosen primary school. 62 children participated in the testing, of which 34 were girls and 28 were boys. We tested three components - gross motor skills, fine motor skills and balance. After evaluating all three components, we compared both sexes with each other. The results showed that all 62 children (100%) did not show any motor difficulties and ranked in the 1st zone. However, in a more detailed examination of the sub-components, we encountered problems with aiming & catching (coarse motoring). There were six children who were diagnosed with the risk of developing motor problems with recommendations for further monitoring (2nd band). In the same component, there were even 9 children who had significant motor difficulties with recommendation for specialized examinations (3rd band).

Testování dyspraxie u mladých běžců na lyžích a u dětí a adolescentů rozvíjejících všestrannost / Testing of dyspraxia in young cross-country skiers and in children and adolescents developing versatility

Novotná, Eliška January 2018 (has links)
In the theoretical part, the diploma thesis summarizes the findings of developmental dyspraxia or rather developmental coordination disorder and deals with the issue of physical activities in this disorder. One section of the theoretical part are the characteristics of the activities, that probands from the practical part of this thesis regularly do, and their possible use in intervention. The practical part deals with an evaluation of motor skills in young cross-country skiers and in children from movement versatility section of Sokol union. We used the Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 for evaluation. The next aim is to determine whether the level of motor skills correlates with the level of attention, that we tested using Test od attention d2. The last aim is to determine whether the level of motor skills is different for boys and girls engaged in the same sport. No difference in level of motor skills between cross-country skiers and children from Sokol union was found. However, statistically significant difference between performance in the single components of the test MABC-2 was revealed, this difference was found in the component of balance. The correlation between the level of motor skills and attention was not proved. Neither the difference between the level of motor skills of...

Hodnocení úrovně motoriky dětí mladšího školního věku testovou baterií MABC-2 na vybrané základní škole / Evaluation of the motor activity of younger school-age children by the MABC-2 test battery at a selected elementary school

ČELIKOVSKÝ, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this graduation thesis is to find out the level of fine and gross motoric skills amongst children of younger school age in a selected elementary school. In total, we tested 44 children (21 boys and 23 girls) from the 1st to 4th grade from the age of 7 to 10 in January 2018. The level of their motoric skills was measured by a standardized Movement Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition, which includes 8 motor tests suitable for both genders. We compared boys and girls with each other in components and test tasks. The total test results have shown that 100% of children have no motor problems (1st range). In spite of that, there were individuals who fell into the 2nd range (risk of motor problems) in components of manual skills, aiming & catching or 3rd band (major motor problems). Research has convinced us that the fine and gross motor skills of most tested children are at a very good standard.

Diagnostika vývojové dyspraxie u dětí a adolescentů se zaměřením na preferenci horních či dolních končetin při sportu / Diagnosis of developmental dyspraxia in children and adolescents with a focus on the preference of the upper or lower extremities in sport

Helebrantová, Soňa January 2018 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Diagnosis of developmental dyspraxia in children and adolescents with a focus on the preference of the upper or lower extremities in sport" summarizes all available information about etiology, diagnosis and therapy of developmental dyspraxia in the theoretical part. The practical part deals with the use of the diagnostic test Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2, which is designed to identify motor disorders in children. Developmental dyspraxia is very often associated with attention problems so the Test of Attention d2 was used. Difficulty with attention has been confirmed in individuals with impaired physical abilities. There was no significant difference in the overall motor skills between handball players and soccer players. The evaluation of particular components showed significantly better results for girls playing handball in the field of manual dexterity.

Vnímání vertikality u pacientů s vývojovou dyspraxií / Perception of verticality in patients with developmental coordination disorder

Žídek, Radim January 2017 (has links)
Bibliographic identification Author's first name and surname: Bc. Radim Žídek Title of the master thesis: Perception of verticality in patiens with developmental coordination disorder Department: Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, 2nd faculty of medicine, Charles University and FN Motol Supervisor: PhDr. Ondřej Čakrt, Ph.D. The year of presentation: 2017 Annotation: Developmental coordination disorder is typical for poor motor learning and motor coordination that cannot be related to any neurological or mental disease. The exact reason of it stays still unknown. There are theories that say that dysfunctional collaboration of afferent systems causes developmental coordination disorder. Thanks to afferent systems a human organism is able to perceive different modalities. One of the modalities is a perception of verticality. In theoretical part of this thesis we summarized information about developmental coordination disorder and postural and balance control. In experimental part we tested 35 pupils of primary school (age 13-15). Using MABC-2 we classified the pupils into children with and without predispositions for developmental coordination disorder. Then we tested their ability of perceiving subjective visual and subjective haptic verticality. According to statistical evaluation there is no...

Hodnocení úrovně motorických dovedností dětí I. stupně vybraných pražských základních škol / Evaluation of motor skills level in children of the primary education of selected Prague elementary schools

Šollová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of motor skills level in children of the primary education of selected Prague elementary schools Objectives: The main aim of the study was to evaluate current level of motor skills of primary education children of selected Prague elementary schools using standardized assessment battery MABC-2. A partial goal of the study was to compare the level achieved in the MABC-2 test with the data acquired through the questionnaire survey regarding physical activities of participating responders. (n = 134). Methods: A total number of 134 responders (60 girls and 74 boys) aged from 7 to 12 years from two selected Prague elementary schools participated in the research. The level of motor skills of all participants was examined using a standardized assessment battery MABC- 2. The testing was carried out in the form of field research during physical education lessons at selected schools. A questionnaire designed specifically for the purpose of this study, subsequently completed by legal representatives of the responders, was used for the orientation examination of the physical behaviour of the participants. The data from the questionnaire survey was subsequently compared with the level achieved in the MABC-2 test. MS Excel 2010 was used to interpret the results and to process the data...

Korelace pohybové aktivity, motoriky a plochonoží u dětí ve věku 7-15 let / Correlation of physical activity, motor skills and flat feet in children aged 7-15 years

Pavelková, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Author: Bc. Anna Pavelková Title: Correlation of physical activity, motor skills and flat feet in children aged 7-15 years Objectives: The aim of the diploma thesis is to map the level of physical activity of selected age population of children that were indicated for physiotherapy, based on a questionnaire of physical activity PAQ-C. To monitor whether we find physical activity at levels 1 and 2 out (low physicalactivity)outof 5 levelspossible in children with flatfeet,on the basisof the PAQ- C questionnaire. Further objectify the flatfeet using a podoscope, and determine the level of the flatfeet according to Clement. Confirm / disprove the effect of the level of flatfeet on the achievement of the percentile (component and total) of the test battery MABC-2 in the evaluation of motor skills (especially balance and gross motor skills). Methods: A group of 15 children aged ± 10 years with diagnosed flatfeet (indicated for individual or group physiotherapy) formed a research sample for our study. Probands filled out an anamnestic questionnaire and a questionnaire on physical activity PAQ-C. Photographs of the plantogram of patients' were taken from the podoscope using a Huawei P9 Lite mobile camera (2017) placed on a tripod. The level of flatfeet was evaluated according to Clement based on the...

Ověření efektu intervenčního pohybového programu na rozvoj motorických schopností dětí se specifickými potřebami. / Verification of the effect of a sport's program on the development of motor skills of children with specific needs

Votroubková, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Title: Effect verification of interventional movement program on the motor skill development of children with specific needs. Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to assess the level of physical skills of older school aged children based on the pretest using the MABC-2 test battery. Based on the analysis of pretest results, establish a movement interventional program and use a standardized questionnaire submitted to specialists to determine the effectiveness of the motor stimulation program for children with specific needs and improve the results of a potential post-test. Methods: The template for creating the movement program was collected data using the MABC-2 test battery obtained in six probands aged 11 to 13 years with specific needs. Originally, the practical part of my thesis was to deal with quasiexperiment, which was supposed to obtain data before and after the implementation of an interventional program which includes the movement program presented here. However, control measurements were not allowed due to government regulations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Method of the pretest analysis of motor skills through the MABC-2 test battery and the method of the standardized questionnaire were used for the purpose of this thesis. Through this questionnaire, specialized experts...

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