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Neonatal Mortality in the Cape Town Metro West Geographical Service Area 2014-2017Nelson, Candice Afonso 23 February 2021 (has links)
Background Each neonatal death counts, as recognised by the Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP). This is an important aspect in attaining the third Sustainable Development Goal by 2030. Accurate neonatal mortality data as well as an understanding of the causality and context is essential to plan interventions to reduce neonatal deaths and attain the third Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of a neonatal mortality rate of less than 12 per 1000 livebirths by 2035. Objectives The objectives of this study were: (i) to determine neonatal mortality occurring in and out of health facilities in the Metro West GSA using the three audit programmes; Perinatal Problem Identification Programme (PPIP), Child Healthcare Problem Identification Programme (Child PIP) and Forensic Pathology Services (ii) to ascertain the cause of death specific neonatal mortality (iii) to describe the avoidable factors in each death as coded by the three audit programmes (iv) to make recommendations for the alignment of existing audit databases to obtain accurate neonatal statistics for the Metro West GSA. Methods This was a retrospective descriptive study of neonatal deaths undertaken in the public healthcare setting in the Cape Town Metro West GSA from January 2014 till December 2017. Existing data from PPIP, Child PIP and the CDR/FPS was used. Neonatal deaths were defined as in the first 28 days of life where there had been signs of life at delivery and a birthweight greater than 500g. Neonatal deaths were excluded where birth had occurred outside of the GSA or in the private health care setting. The audit data with regards to cause of death and avoidable or modifiable factors was obtained for each death. Results From a total of 134843 live deliveries, 1243 neonatal deaths were identified: 976(78%) from PPIP, 58(5%) from Child PIP and 209 (17%) from CDR/FPS. Sixteen per cent of the deaths occurred outside of healthcare facilities. The neonatal mortality rate (NMR) for PPIP was 7.2, Child PIP 0.43 and CDR 1,6 per 1000 livebirths. When the audit systems were combined, the annual NMR over the study period varied from 8.05 to 10.1 with a mean of 9.2 per 1000 livebirths over the entire period. Seventy-eight per cent of the deaths occurred in the early neonatal period with a mean early neonatal mortality rate of 7.2 per 1000 livebirths. The mean late NMR was 2 per 1000 livebirths. Where all neonatal deaths were considered for those more than 500g, the main cause of death was immaturity related, then infection related followed by congenital disorders and then hypoxia related. Seventy-four per cent of deaths occurred in those less than 2500g at birth and 41% were less than 1000g and defined as extremely low birthweight. In the group of neonates greater than 1000g, the main cause of death was infection related deaths, closely followed by congenital disorders and then hypoxia, followed by immaturity. Most of infection related deaths were collected by the CDR and Child PIP. A third of Child PIP and PPIP deaths and half of the CDR deaths were coded as avoidable. The prevalence of deaths due to abandonment either by passive or active neonaticide contributed towards the higher proportion of preventable deaths in the CDR group. Conclusions The burden of deaths due to immaturity is high and may be attributed to the finding that 41% of neonatal deaths were in the ELBW group. Current viability criteria that aim at optimum use of resources may improve survival amongst this group. Infection related deaths were shown by this study to have a greater burden than recorded from PPIP data; most of these deaths were derived from Child PIP and CDR data. Also, where 10% of neonatal deaths were sudden unexpected deaths (SUDIs), a better understanding and definition of this group is urgently required as many of these deaths were subsequently found to be secondary to lower respiratory infections. It is further relevant that where 20% of CDR deaths or 3% of all the study deaths were due to active and passive neonaticide, this entity should be monitored and investigated. The study showed that the GSA has achieved the SDG for NMR of less than 12 per 1000 livebirth. However, a mean NMR of 9.2 per 1000 livebirths is not comparable to other upper middle-income countries. As 38% of the deaths were coded as avoidable, appropriate programmes to address these factors could reduce the NMR to 5.7 per 1000 livebirths. A strong recommendation from this study would be to use all three audit systems to calculate the NMR, understand the causes of neonatal deaths and plan programmes to improve neonatal survival in this GSA.
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Assessing some of the associations with perinatal mortality at Kamuzu central hospital in Lilongwe, MalawiMwenyekonde, Elled January 2012 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references. / The study objectives were to: determine the prevalence of perinatal mortality (PNM) and causes of early neonatal deaths (ENNDs), describe socio-demographic factors of mothers with PNM and assess some of the associations with PNM at Kamuzu Central Hospital.
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Constructive integration : changes in uptake and outcomes of reproductive health services during the scaling up of ART and PMTCT in Thyolo District, MalawiVan den Akker, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references / Background: In recent years there has been increasing debate about the impact of scaled-up ART and PMTCT programmes on the uptake and outcomes of reproductive health services, in particular the potential detrimental effects of HIV-care on the overall capacity of fragile health systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate changes in the uptake of reproductive health services as well as the main pregnancy outcomes during the scaling up of ART and PMTCT in Thyolo District, Malawi. Methods : Study design: retrospective descriptive district-wide cohort analysis for the period 2005 to 2009. Setting: Thyolo District, an area with around 600,000 inhabitants, an adult HIV-prevalence of 21% and a Total Fertility Rate of 5.7 in 2004. HIV-care including ART and PMTCT was scaled up since 2004 in Thyolo District to reach district-wide coverage in 2007. HIV-care is provided at district hospital, health centre and community health post levels. Outcomes: uptake of antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care, family planning and treatment of sexually transmitted infections; infrastructural changes, and changes in maternal and perinatal pregnancy outcome. Data collection and analysis: data were collected from facility antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum records, as well as from MoH and MSF databases maintained for routine programme monitoring. Chisquare tests were performed comparing the baseline year (2005) with the year of study end (2009). Results: Uptake of peripartum care had improved markedly by the end of the five-year study period: the percentages of pregnant women who took up antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum care increased by 30%, 25% and 20% respectively. The number of family planning consultations increased by almost 50% and the number of women treated for sexually transmitted infections more than doubled. Interactions between HIV-care and general reproductive health care had positive effects on key health system components, including governance, health financing, human resources and drug supply. Reliable pregnancy outcome indicators for the entire observation period were difficult to obtain due to likely under-reporting of facility-based maternal and perinatal mortality. However, previously documented results from Thyolo show a reduction of facility-based severe maternal complications, including uterine rupture, between 2007 and 2009. Conclusions: Uptake of reproductive health services and facility-based maternal outcomes increased markedly during the period of HIV scale–up. This implies that the scale up of HIV-care did not inhibit, and likely increased, uptake of reproductive health services, while quality improvements in perinatal care could still be successfully implemented. The finding that ART and PMTCT care may be successfully integrated into broader reproductive health services with satisfying outcomes is a strong argument for continued scale up of ART and PMTCT in similar settings.
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Perinatal deaths in Lusaka, Zambia : mothers’ experiences and perceptions of careSingogo, Irene Miti January 2014 (has links)
Includes abstract.
Includes bibliographical references.
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An investigation of antenatal screening and management of syphilis in two districts in the North West ProvinceChueu, Mmaphoko Patricia January 2005 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references. / Syphilis is a common sexually transmitted disease in South Africa and infection acquired during pregnancy is associated with an increased rate of miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm labour, intra uterine growth restriction (IUGR), neonatal death and congenital syphilis in the newborn. This study was undertaken in the Potchefstroom and Wolmaranstad Districts of the North West Province and was aimed at contributing to reducing perinatal mortality and morbidity within these districts. The objectives of this study were: + To determine the prevalence of syphilis amongst women attending antenatal and/or delivery care in the two selected districts. + To evaluate the effectiveness of antenatal screening and management of syphilis + To determine the perception of consumers (antenatal attendees) concerning screening for syphilis at antenatal clinics. + To determine the perception and understanding of health workers concerning the provision of antenatal syphilis screening and treatment. + To analyse any inadequacies revealed in the antenatal screening and management of syphilis in the two districts + To make recommendations for guidelines arising from the results of the research in order to improve syphilis screening in service delivery.
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Knowledge, perceptions and attitude of community members and healthcare workers regarding the donation of breast milk and use of donated human milk (DHM) in Empangeni, KwaZulu-NatalGovender, Nicole 26 January 2021 (has links)
Background: Breast milk provides optimal nutrition for infants. Human milk banks allow breast milk feeding for infants who do not have access to their own mother's milk. However, there are variable perceptions and attitudes towards human milk banking. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate community members' and healthcare workers' knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards breast milk donation and use in Empangeni, KZN. Methodology: The research was conducted at a large regional hospital and an affiliated primary health care centre in the area. There were five focus group discussions held with healthcare workers employed at the two sites which explored the attitudes regarding donating and receiving breast milk. In addition, there were sixteen individual semi-structured interviews held with community members. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Results and Discussion: Five main themes were found which includes: “Breastfeeding is an optimal feeding choice”, “Infant feeding choice”, “Misperceptions of HIV”, “Knowledge of DHM” and “Acceptance of DHM”. Though most participants were aware of breastfeeding benefits, there are poor breastfeeding rates within the area. Many mothers choose to formula feed their infants due to the fear of HIV transmission. There is also a fear of HIV transmission when using DHM. Acceptance of DHM was largely related to knowledge of DHM and exposure to its use. Conclusion: Healthcare workers need to be given updated, evidence-based information (in accordance with national guidelines and policies) to ensure appropriate counselling of caregivers. Furthermore, community awareness and engagement is required to improve breastfeeding rates and acceptability of DHM.
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A randomised controlled trial studying the effects of the copper intrauterine device and the injectable progestogen contraceptive on depression and sexual functioning of women in the Eastern CapeSingata-Madliki, Mandisa January 2014 (has links)
A lack of contraception use and contraceptive method discontinuation are common causes of unintended pregnancy in the Eastern Cape. The most common reason for method discontinuation among childbearing women is the unacceptable side effects of their contraceptive choices. Both depression and sexual dysfunction are given as side effects of contraceptive use; however, there is little evidence to support these effects. This randomised, single-blind controlled trial conducted in East London, South Africa, Investigated the effects of the initiation of a long-acting injectable contraceptive, Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMP A), compared with the initiation of a copper Intrauterine Contraceptive Device (Cu-IUD) after childbirth on depression and sexual functioning. After counselling, 242consenting pregnant women were randomised to receive DMP A or a Cu IUD within 48 hours of childbirth, in a ratio of 1:1. Primary outcome measures were depression and sexual dysfunction evaluated by validated instruments. Questionnaires were administered at baseline, and telephonically at one month and three months after randomisation. The telephonic interviewer was blinded to the participants' group allocation. English and Xhosa versions of the Beck Depression Inventory and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale were used to assess depression. The Arizona Sexual Functioning Scale was used to assess sexual functioning. For these primary outcomes, median scores between the intervention groups were compared, as well as the number of events (dichotomous data) in each intervention group. There relative effects of these interventions were summarised by calculating risk ratios, with 95% confidence intervals. Statistical tests used included the Shapiro-Wilk test, T-test, and Wilcoxon test. There were not consistently statistically significant differences in the risk of depression or sexual dysfunction between the intervention groups in this study. However, there was a trend towards more depression in the DMPA group which was statistically significant for mean EPDS score at the one month and for the BDI score three month assessments compared with the IUD group. There was also a trend to more sexual dysfunction with DMPA, but the only statistically significant difference was that fewer women in the DMPA group resumed sexual intercourse within the first month of treatment than in the IUD group. The author's recommendations from the study are that, firstly, family planning providers should inform women during contraceptive counselling that there is no certainty that DMPA causes depression and/or sexual dysfunction; however, it may do so in the postpartum period. Secondly, contraceptive users can continue to use DMPA with confidence as a convenient and effective method of preventing unintended pregnancy. Thirdly, the trend towards postpartum depression and sexual dysfunction in the DMPA group of this study justifies further research with a larger sample size, to include women from various social settings, and for a longer period of follow-up. Lastly, the Cu-IUD is a good alternative to DMPA in women who experience intolerable effects with the latter.
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Translations of informed consent documents for clinical trials in South Africa: are they readable?Leopeng, Makiti Thelma 29 January 2020 (has links)
1. Introduction: Obtaining Informed consent is an ethical prerequisite for enrollment in clinical research. There is a perception that Informed consent documents used in biomedical research are lengthy, overly complex and above the reading capability of typical research participants. In South Africa, ethical committees regulating research on human participants (HRECs) are mandated by the Department of Health’s National Health Research Ethics Council’s (NHREC) guidelines to ensure that researchers have made special considerations for vulnerable groups when conducting research. This includes considerations made for populations with low literacy. For example, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of the University of Cape Town’s Human Research Ethics Committee (UCTHREC), requires that the language used in Informed consent documents should be directed at a reading level of grade 6 to 8 and that common, everyday words should be used rather than complex language syntax. The HREC expects researchers to translate the approved English version documents into local languages such as isiXhosa and Afrikaans. Since ethics committee focus approval on the English language consent documents and only acknowledge translated versions, a potential gap in this process is whether the translated versions meet the same required readability levels. This study aims to investigate whether translated versions of English language informed consent documents used at a single busy clinical research site are readable and meet the readability levels specified by UCTHREC. 2. Methodology: A quantitative descriptive statistical design was used to explore readability levels of informed consent documents used at a single clinical research facility based in a semi-rural community. Informed consent documents approved by UCTHREC over the past thirteen years (2004 to 2017) that met the inclusion criteria were analysed for readability. The LIX readability test tool was used to calculate readability scores and the levels of reading difficulty. These scores were then matched to a grade level conversion chart to determine the equivalent number of education years required to be able to easily understand the information. Readability levels were determined for isiXhosa and Afrikaans translations of the documents and compared to the levels of the English document. 3. Results: The results indicate that informed consent documents used at this single clinical research facility, independent of language type, are difficult to read. A total of 259 sub-sections of informed consent documents from 10 different studies were analysed. The analysis showed that informed consent documents were classified as “very difficult to read” according to the LIX readability tool in a large proportion of English, isiXhosa and Afrikaans languages: 41 (16%), 255 (98%), and 85 (33%) of informed consent sections respectively. Of all the subsections of English, isiXhosa and Afrikaans documents respectively, 98 (38%), 0 (0%) and 126 (49%) were classified as “difficult to read”, while 79 (31%), 3 (1%) and 38 (15%) were found to have an “average” readability level. Twenty eight (11%), 1 (0%) and 10 (4%) were found to be “easy to read” and 13 (5%), 0 (0%) and 0 (0%) had a “very easy” readability level. The mean LIX readability scores across English, isiXhosa, and Afrikaans languages were respectively 42.27 (95% CI 41.20 – 43.34) corresponding to a readability level of “average”, 74.64 (95% CI 73.79-75.49), corresponding to “very difficult to read” and 46.73 (95% CI 45.66-47.8) “difficult to read”. These findings suggest a high level of difficulty in reading of the text in the Informed consent documents. 4. Conclusion: Translations of Informed consent documents used at a single busy clinical research site are difficult to read and are written at high school to tertiary reading level. These reading levels are above the recommended level prescribed by the site’s research ethics committee (UCTHREC). Local ethics committees should employ more stringent guidelines and checks to ensure readability of translated informed consent documents. Researchers and Sponsors should include readability outcomes in the design and with submissions of new protocols.
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The burden of human coronavirus infection in children hospitalized with severe lower respiratory tract infection in Cape Town, South Africa (2012-2013)Aliyu, Abdulmumuni Samuel 21 June 2022 (has links)
Introduction: In order to better understand the epidemiology and burden of human coronaviruses - NL63, HKU1, OC43 and 229E in South Africa, their role in the aetiology of childhood pneumonia needs to be described. Methods: We used data collected between September 2012 – September 2013 from children aged < 13 years with lower respiratory illness at Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital. Respiratory samples including a nasopharyngeal swab (NP) and induced sputum (IS) were taken and tested for the four strains of coronaviruses using FTD33 multiplex realtime PCR. Results: A total of 460 respiratory samples were analysed. Of these, 258 (56.0%) were male and 19 (4.1%) HIV infected. The median age of the children was 8 (IQR 4-18) months. Nasopharyngeal (NP) samples were obtained from 460 children while induced sputum (IS) was not available for six children due to sample loss prior to analysis, leaving 454 available for analysis. A total of 42 (9.1%, 95% CI 6.7- 12.1%) participants tested positive for HCoV in at least one of the two specimens. PCR was able to detect a total of 35 (7.7%) cases from the 454 tested IS specimens compared to 23 (5.0%) detected out of 460 NP samples. The commonest detected HCoVs were coronavirus OC43 with 20 (4.3%) detected from either specimen followed by coronavirus NL63 or coronavirus HKU detected in 14 (3.0%) and 10 (2.2%) of positive test samples, respectively. The least common virus detected HCoV was coronavirus 229E detected in both positive test samples of one participant. Overall HCoVs were detected in 23 (8.9%) of boys compared to 19 (9.1%) of the girls who returned a positive test; p=0.856. The overall age distribution of children with PCR detected HCoVs was similar to that of children with a negative result with median age of 10 (IQR 5- 16) months and median of 8 (IQR 4- 19) months, respectively; p=0.535. Prevalence of HCoV was 11/192 (5.7%), 23/153 (15.0%) and 8/115 (7.0%) in children <6 months old, 6-18 months and over 18 months respectively; p=0.008. Conclusion: Children aged 6 to 18 months had double the risk of other age groups.
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Maternal morbidity and postpartum care in Black women: analyzing postpartum rehospitalizations and access to care in GeorgiaLouis, Michelle Reid 15 May 2021 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) is defined as having unexpected outcomes at labor and delivery that result in significant consequences to a woman’s health. The rate of SMM has risen 99% domestically between 1998 and 2015, and has been found to increase postpartum rehospitalizations, but more research needs to be done to understand the impact by race/ethnicity.
The postpartum period is a critical time for monitoring the health of women. It is possible that the impact of SMM on postpartum rehospitalizations could be mediated through more effective and frequent follow-up. However, there is a gap in the literature around the experiences of Black women and postpartum care.
METHODS: A mixed methods study was conducted to determine 90-day postpartum rehospitalization rates among a population of Black women in the state of Georgia (retrospective cohort study). Additionally, an assessment of the barriers, facilitators, and preferences for postpartum care among low-income Black women in the Atlanta Healthy Start Initiative was conducted (in-depth interviews). The quantitative analysis was based on 317,735 births between 2015-2017, while the qualitative analysis involved 26 in-depth interviews conducted May 2020-August 2020.
RESULTS: Black women had a 78% greater likelihood of experiencing SMM (207/10,000 to 116/10,000 deliveries) than White women. The relative risk of SMM was 60% higher for Blacks, compared to Whites, even after adjusting for confounders (1.6: 95% CI 1.4-1.7). The relative risk of 90-day postpartum rehospitalization for women with SMM was 100% higher (RR 2.0, 95% CI: 1.6-2.5) than without SMM, though there was no difference between the likelihood of rehospitalization for Black or White women with SMM.
Qualitatively, interviewees reported an array of difficulties in accessing Medicaid, challenges with scheduling appointments, and a lack of coordination of care. Facilitators to care included appointment reminders, consistent childcare, and positive coordination of care. Our study also documents the stigma that some Black women face in healthcare, such as unfair treatment or feeling ignored during their maternal healthcare experience.
CONCLUSION: Strategies implemented at hospital discharge and early postpartum should be explored to prevent rehospitalizations in the SMM population. In addition, reducing policy-related and organizational-related barriers are key to improving access to postpartum care for low-income Black women in Atlanta. / 2022-05-14T00:00:00Z
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