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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paleoceanographic variations through the study of rock magnetic properties: biogenic magnetite as a new paleoenvironmental indicator / Variações paleoceanograficas através do estudo das propriedades magnéticas: a magnetita biogênica como novo indicador paleoambiental

Rodelli, Daniel 12 September 2018 (has links)
The climatic history of the planet Earth is characterized by long- and short-term climatic variations. Oxygen isotopic data clearly shows how during the Cenozoic (from 65 Ma to the present) our planet shifted over time, from greenhouse to icehouse climate states up to the present. Along this progressive cooling, the record is dotted by rapid warming and cooling transient events, from which the causes are not yet fully understood. One problem with paleoceanographic reconstructions is that the older the event, the harder it is to find a sedimentary record in which the paleoclimatic proxies are preserved enough to be used with confidence. This work has the goal of illustrating the possibility to develop a new paleoenvironmental indicator based on the magnetic properties of magnetite crystals synthetized by magnetotactic bacteria. The sensibility of such crystals to small changes in dissolved oxygen content in the pore water and water column is well known, and can be exploited to reconstruct such changes from the sedimentary record. Qualitative information regarding this topic are defined in scientific literature, but, so far, no quantitative study has been performed. This is the first attempt to quantify the preservation of biogenic magnetite as a function of oxygenation state of waters, and is based on recent sediment extracted from cores collected in the coastal region of Rio de Janeiro (Saco do Mamanguá, Paraty). From these, where it was possible to obtain magnetic data relative to magnetite crystals together as well with as direct measurements of pore water chemistry. The results of this first attempt were used to analyze climatic and oceanographic conditions in two other sites, representative of key past environmental events during the Paleocene. The first case study was performed in a newly descripted sedimentary outcrop in central Turkey, of middle Eocene age, representative of a period of rapid warming (Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum, MECO). The second case study was done using material from a marine sediment core collected in the Ross Sea (Antarctica) that covers from the late Eocene to the Middle Miocene, a period that saw the onset of the modern, permanent ice sheet cover in the Antarctic continent. / A historia climática da Terra é caracterizada por variações climáticas de curto e longo prazo, com variações de condições, as vezes extremas. Dados de isótopos de oxigênio mostram claramente que durante o Cenozoico (desde 65 Ma até o presente) o nosso planeta passou de uma fase quente caracterizada por marcado efeito estufa (durante o Paleoceno) para um período progressivamente mais frio em direção ao presente. Ambos esses estados são caracterizados pela alternância de eventos transientes quentes e frios de relativa curta duração, sendo que destes a maioria ainda não é plenamente compreendida. Um dos principais problemas das reconstruções paleoceangráficas é que quanto mais antigo o evento mais difícil encontrar sequências sedimentares cujo registro de proxies paleoambientais seja preservado e confiável. Este trabalho visa explicitar a possibilidade de desenvolver um novo indicador paleoambiental, baseado em propriedades magnéticas de cristais de magnetita biosintetizados por bactérias magnetotáticas. Tais cristais biogênicos são notavelmente sensíveis a pequenas variações de oxigênio dissolvido na coluna de água e na agua intersticial entre os poros dos sedimentos marinhos, e essa sensibilidade pode ser explorada para reconstruir variações climáticas no registro sedimentar do passado. Informações qualitativas estão disponíveis na literatura cientifica mas, até agora, não existem estudos que quantifiquem essa relação. Esta primeira tentativa de quantificar a preservação de magnetita biogênica em função do estado de oxigenação de águas se baseia em testemunhos coletados na costa do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Saco do Mamanguá, Paraty), onde foi possível coletar dados magnéticos relativos aos cristais de magnetita biogênica concomitantemente a medidas diretas de química da água intersticial. Os resultados desse primeiro estudo foram aplicados para reconstruções de variações climáticas e oceanográficas em duas seções que registram importantes mudanças climáticas durante o Paleogeno. No primeiro caso, um afloramento localizado na Turquia central de idade Eocenica e representativo de um período de rápido aquecimento (Ótimo Climático do Eoceno Médio, Middle Eocene climatic Optimum, MECO). No segundo caso, um testemunho coletado no Mar de Ross (Antártica) que abrange o período entre o Eoceno superior e o Mioceno médio, durante o qual houve a formação da primeira cobertura de gelo permanente no continente antártico.

Variation of minerals and clay minerals recorded in the Neo-Tethys (central Turkey): new evidence of climatic changes during the middle Eocene / Variação no aporte de minerais e argilominerais registrados no Neo-Tethys (Turquia central): novas evidências de mudanças climáticas durante o Eoceno médio

Eric Siciliano Rêgo 27 July 2017 (has links)
Minerals and clay minerals in continental sedimentary successions are valuable tools for reconstructing past environmental conditions. Given the state of preservation of clays minerals, it is possible to identify how they were formed, providing clues about continental weathering conditions (inherited minerals) and geochemical conditions in the water column (neoformed or transformed). This study presents new mineralogical data from the Baskil section, a highly preserved middle Eocene succession in the Neo-Tethys (central Turkey). A gradual shift from a well-crystalline illite and chlorite interval (subsection I) to a detrital smectite dominant interval (subsection II) characterizes a change in source area from metamorphic to igneous rocks and changes from physical to chemical weathering conditions on land. This period coincides with the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO), indicating a mineralogical signature of the event. Higher content of terrigenous input being deposited from 40.5 to 40 Ma caused a dilution effect of the carbonate materials as calcite and dolomite significantly decreases. Authigenic palygorskite showed an increasing trend from the middle to the uppermost portion of the section, indicating favorable conditions in the water column for its formation. We assume that conditions in the ocean circulation changed after 40 Ma, forming a stratified water column with warmer and saline conditions at greater depths, favoring palygorskite and possibly authigenic dolomite precipitation. The mineralogical evolution of the Baskil section reflects how sources and weathering regimes changed through time, and how these changes can be related to global (i.e. MECO) and/or local to regional processes. / Minerais e argilominerais em sucessões sedimentares são excelente ferramentas para a reconstrução de condições ambientais. Dado o estado de preservação dos argilominerais, é possível identificar como eles foram formados, fornecendo informação sobre as condições de intemperismo no continente e sobre condições geoquímicas na coluna d\'água. Este estudo apresenta novos dados mineralógicos da seção de Baskil, uma sucessão do Eoceno médio altamente preservada no Neo-Tethys (Turquia central). Uma mudança na assembléia mineralógica com maiores concentrações de ilita e clorita (subseção I) para um intervalo dominante de esmectita detrítica (subseção II) caracteriza uma mudança na área de fonte de rochas metamórficas para rochas ígneas e mudanças de condições de intemperismo físico para intemperismo químico. Este período coincide com o Ótimo Climático do Eoceno Médio (MECO), indicando uma assinatura mineralógica do evento. A paligorsquita autigênica teve um aumento na porção media e superior da seção, indicando condições favoráveis na coluna de água para a sua formação. Possívelmente as condições na circulação do oceano naquela região mudaram após 40 Ma, formando uma coluna de água estratificada com condições mais quentes e salinas em profundidades maiores, favorecendo precipitação de paligorsquita e dolomita. A evolução mineralógica da seção de Baskil reflete como as fontes e os regimes de intemperismo mudaram ao longo do tempo, e como essas mudanças podem estar relacionadas aos processos globais (e.g. MECO) e /ou a processos locais e regionais.

Variation of minerals and clay minerals recorded in the Neo-Tethys (central Turkey): new evidence of climatic changes during the middle Eocene / Variação no aporte de minerais e argilominerais registrados no Neo-Tethys (Turquia central): novas evidências de mudanças climáticas durante o Eoceno médio

Rêgo, Eric Siciliano 27 July 2017 (has links)
Minerals and clay minerals in continental sedimentary successions are valuable tools for reconstructing past environmental conditions. Given the state of preservation of clays minerals, it is possible to identify how they were formed, providing clues about continental weathering conditions (inherited minerals) and geochemical conditions in the water column (neoformed or transformed). This study presents new mineralogical data from the Baskil section, a highly preserved middle Eocene succession in the Neo-Tethys (central Turkey). A gradual shift from a well-crystalline illite and chlorite interval (subsection I) to a detrital smectite dominant interval (subsection II) characterizes a change in source area from metamorphic to igneous rocks and changes from physical to chemical weathering conditions on land. This period coincides with the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO), indicating a mineralogical signature of the event. Higher content of terrigenous input being deposited from 40.5 to 40 Ma caused a dilution effect of the carbonate materials as calcite and dolomite significantly decreases. Authigenic palygorskite showed an increasing trend from the middle to the uppermost portion of the section, indicating favorable conditions in the water column for its formation. We assume that conditions in the ocean circulation changed after 40 Ma, forming a stratified water column with warmer and saline conditions at greater depths, favoring palygorskite and possibly authigenic dolomite precipitation. The mineralogical evolution of the Baskil section reflects how sources and weathering regimes changed through time, and how these changes can be related to global (i.e. MECO) and/or local to regional processes. / Minerais e argilominerais em sucessões sedimentares são excelente ferramentas para a reconstrução de condições ambientais. Dado o estado de preservação dos argilominerais, é possível identificar como eles foram formados, fornecendo informação sobre as condições de intemperismo no continente e sobre condições geoquímicas na coluna d\'água. Este estudo apresenta novos dados mineralógicos da seção de Baskil, uma sucessão do Eoceno médio altamente preservada no Neo-Tethys (Turquia central). Uma mudança na assembléia mineralógica com maiores concentrações de ilita e clorita (subseção I) para um intervalo dominante de esmectita detrítica (subseção II) caracteriza uma mudança na área de fonte de rochas metamórficas para rochas ígneas e mudanças de condições de intemperismo físico para intemperismo químico. Este período coincide com o Ótimo Climático do Eoceno Médio (MECO), indicando uma assinatura mineralógica do evento. A paligorsquita autigênica teve um aumento na porção media e superior da seção, indicando condições favoráveis na coluna de água para a sua formação. Possívelmente as condições na circulação do oceano naquela região mudaram após 40 Ma, formando uma coluna de água estratificada com condições mais quentes e salinas em profundidades maiores, favorecendo precipitação de paligorsquita e dolomita. A evolução mineralógica da seção de Baskil reflete como as fontes e os regimes de intemperismo mudaram ao longo do tempo, e como essas mudanças podem estar relacionadas aos processos globais (e.g. MECO) e /ou a processos locais e regionais.

Assessment of tools for environmentally preferable procurement with a life cycle perspective : the case of acquisition in Swedish defence

Hochschorner, Elisabeth January 2004 (has links)
<p>Procurement in public and non-public organisations has the potential to influence product development towards more environmentally preferable products. In 2003, public procurement in Sweden was 28% of GDP. Different types of approaches can contribute some knowledge and thereby facilitate the choice of environmentally preferable products. The thesis focuses on procurement in Swedish Defence. According to a decision by the Swedish government in 1998, the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) and Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) are required to take environmental consideration in all phases of the acquisition process. The importance of a life cycle perspective is stressed in several SAF and FMV environmental documents. The starting point of this thesis was that environmental consideration should be taken in the Swedish acquisition of defence materiel, considering the whole life cycle of products. The aim was to produce suggestions for how this can be done.</p><p>In order to make this suggestion some Ecodesign tools were reviewed and evaluated and two methods for simplified Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) were compared. Suggestions of tools and methodology recommendations for environmentally preferable procurement in the Swedish defence are presented. For this purpose qualitative and/or simplified LCAs were suggested. The suggestions have been evaluated through interviews with actors in the process. When a simplified LCA is needed, the MECO assessment is recommended. Methodology recommendations for use of the MECO method in the Swedish Defence are presented. LCA is an appropriate tool for taking environmental consideration into the acquisition process, since it focuses on a product and includes its life cycle. If the environmental work lacks a life cycle perspective, there is a risk that the most significant aspects will not be considered. Four areas for use of LCA in the acquisition process were identified: Learning about environmental aspects of the product; fulfilling requirements from customers; setting environmental requirements; and choosing between alternatives.</p><p>The actors interviewed were interested in using LCA methods, but there is a need for an initiative by one or several actors if the method is to be used regularly in the process. It is important that the results are communicated within the organisations involved in the procurement process. Environmental consideration should preferably be taken early in the acquisition process and environmental questions should be integrated into other activities of the organisations involved in the procurement process. Such work would be facilitated if there were greater cooperation between the procuring and environmental units, in this case at FMV, SAF and the Swedish Ministry of Defence.</p> / QC 20100616

Assessment of tools for environmentally preferable procurement with a life cycle perspective : the case of acquisition in Swedish defence

Hochschorner, Elisabeth January 2004 (has links)
Procurement in public and non-public organisations has the potential to influence product development towards more environmentally preferable products. In 2003, public procurement in Sweden was 28% of GDP. Different types of approaches can contribute some knowledge and thereby facilitate the choice of environmentally preferable products. The thesis focuses on procurement in Swedish Defence. According to a decision by the Swedish government in 1998, the Swedish Armed Forces (SAF) and Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) are required to take environmental consideration in all phases of the acquisition process. The importance of a life cycle perspective is stressed in several SAF and FMV environmental documents. The starting point of this thesis was that environmental consideration should be taken in the Swedish acquisition of defence materiel, considering the whole life cycle of products. The aim was to produce suggestions for how this can be done. In order to make this suggestion some Ecodesign tools were reviewed and evaluated and two methods for simplified Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) were compared. Suggestions of tools and methodology recommendations for environmentally preferable procurement in the Swedish defence are presented. For this purpose qualitative and/or simplified LCAs were suggested. The suggestions have been evaluated through interviews with actors in the process. When a simplified LCA is needed, the MECO assessment is recommended. Methodology recommendations for use of the MECO method in the Swedish Defence are presented. LCA is an appropriate tool for taking environmental consideration into the acquisition process, since it focuses on a product and includes its life cycle. If the environmental work lacks a life cycle perspective, there is a risk that the most significant aspects will not be considered. Four areas for use of LCA in the acquisition process were identified: Learning about environmental aspects of the product; fulfilling requirements from customers; setting environmental requirements; and choosing between alternatives. The actors interviewed were interested in using LCA methods, but there is a need for an initiative by one or several actors if the method is to be used regularly in the process. It is important that the results are communicated within the organisations involved in the procurement process. Environmental consideration should preferably be taken early in the acquisition process and environmental questions should be integrated into other activities of the organisations involved in the procurement process. Such work would be facilitated if there were greater cooperation between the procuring and environmental units, in this case at FMV, SAF and the Swedish Ministry of Defence. / QC 20100616

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