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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sedimentology and Diagenesis of the Triassic Snadd Formation in the Barents Sea

Stensland, Hege January 2012 (has links)
A palaeodepositional model and an analysis of the diagenetic evolution of the Upper Triassic Snadd Formation in the Barents Sea are here presented. Attention has especially been given to the pedogenic structures dominating the sediments. The interpretations are based on core logging and thin section analyses including three shallow, stratigraphic wells from the south- western Barents Sea area. The data from the Nordkapp Basin represent a sediment succession of only a few meter thicknesses, and the main interpretation is therefore based on data from the Bjarmeland Platform core, which covers the upper 108.9 m of the Snadd Formation of Carnian to Norian age. Sandstones are mineralogical immature, fine- grained lithic arenites. Main carbonate cements include siderite, calcite and ankerite. Iron carbonates formed early in the diagenetic evolution and a progressive decrease in the Fe- content of the system with time has been evidenced. Kaolinite is a dominating, early diagenetic mineral, and indicates an overall humid climate. Regional interpretations of the Upper Triassic palaeoclimate, are that there was a switch from arid to humid on the Triassic- Jurassic border, and this goes well with the observations made in this study. Alternating sand and mud layers dominate the Upper Triassic strata and are suggested to represent deltaic sequences formed as a consequence of autocyclic switching of lobes on the delta plain. Sedimentary structures indicate a tidally influenced environment, while thin coal deposits and abundance of root structures indicate a transitional to continental setting. In the Bjarmeland Platform core there is a switch from coarsening upward units dominated by tidal structures in the lower portions to dominantly fining upward units with rooted horizons and lack of tidal influence in the upper portion, suggesting a transition from lower delta plain to mid/upper delta plain. The Nordkapp Basin cores bear resemblance to the upper portion of the Bjarmeland Platform succession and a similar setting has been interpreted for these deposits. The depostional model correlates well with former interpretations of a large- scale delta system prograding in a westward direction in Late Triassic. Mottled sediments clearly modified by pedogenic processes are found inbetween smaller fining upward or coarsening upward sand units. The interpreted delta plain environment is a favourable setting for pedogenesis and several micro-textures e.g. carbonate-coated grains, alveolar textures, circumgranular cracking and Microcodium have been identified in the polarization microscope. Coal beds are often associated with dark grey to black carbonaceous mudrocks reflecting high water table and reducing conditions during pedogenesis. The alternations between oxidized ferruginous palaeosols with carbonate concretions and carbonaceous palaeosols most likely reflects variation in ground-water level, caused by avulsion of channels on the delta plain. Oxidized palaeosols probably formed during low-water table while carbonaceous palaeosols were formed during high ground-water table perhaps in small pools on the delta plain. The well- preserved soil profiles indicate subaerial exposure for a sufficient period of time, followed by lack of subsequent erosion. Extensive carbonate cementation at an early stage has probably enhanced the preservation of the soils.

Log Facies Evaluation and Property Modelling of a Turbidite Reservoir, the Gulf of Mexico

Ataei, Monireh January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis presents a hierarchical modelling workflow in a slope canyon of the turbidite sandstone reservoir in the Formation X at the PA field in the Gulf of Mexico. The Formation X with approximately 400 m thick was deposited during Late Paleocene to Late Middle Eocene and composed of alternating shale and sandstone intervals. Depositional lithofacies, petrophysical well characteristics, 3D seismic data and geological facies models have been used for characterizing and evaluating of this turbidite reservoir. The reservoir properties and heterogeneities are typically controlled by facies architecture. Depositional lithofacies have been interpreted using core description in few wells, and have been tried to link with the predicted electrofacies from well logs. Two main logs representing depositional heterogeneity -GR and Vsh- have been interpreted using neutron and density logs and have been used to predict electrofacies in the Formation X. Three electrofacies have been predicated and considered as facies associations. The facies associations include sand, shaly-sand and shale. The core descriptions, regional studies and seismic data are valuable data to understand the conceptual geological model that can be used a guide to distribute the facies associations between the wells. Well tops from well logs have been interpreted by variations in depositional characteristics and have been tied to seismic surfaces in order to construct the stratigraphic framework. A total of eight surface resulted in defining seven geological zones to populate reservoir properties.The geological grids have been defined according to the possible depositional heterogeneities in lateral and vertical directions. Well data including facies and porosity in a scale of 15 cm have been scaled-up to geological grids with 1 m thick. Due to uncertainty in the conceptual depositional model two different alternative facies modelling methods have been tried in order to learn the modelling processes and to understand the challenges which may influence the final results. Object-based models have been used to model the sand facies as channel, shaly-sand facies as overbank and shale facies as background. The pixel-based facies models have been built based on random distribution of the facies according to the results from data analysis in available wells.Petrophysical models have been constrained to the pixel-based facies models using random function simulation algorithm. According to data analysis and the results from modelling, the depositional facie control reservoir properties. Sand facies have higher porosity values than shaly-sand and shale facies.The result from geological description, petrophysical evaluation, seismic interpretation and property modelling has shown that the Formation X is a complex turbidite system. Such complexities results in higher uncertainty in the results and thus uncertainty assessments are necessary in this kind of reservoirs.

Architecture and tectonic evolution of the Vøring and Møre rifted margins: insights from seismic interpretation combined with potential field modeling.

Podtykan, Iryna January 2012 (has links)
The mid-Norwegian Vøring and Møre margins are listed as the type example of volcanic rifted margins, with their formation usually related to the influence of the Icelandic plume. Recent studies have shown that these margins have more in common with non-volcanic rifted margins than the scientific community used to think, which opens the discussion on their architecture and evolution. As the rifting mechanisms are not yet fully constrained, a wide variety of extensional models have been proposed in the literature. The evolution of the rifting models requires updated studies based on the new concepts and the new high resolution datasets now available. Despite the large amount of geophysical data acquired on the Vøring and Møre margins during the past decades, the ambiguity with respect to the deep structures, and especially in detecting sub-basaltic basement structures, where intrusions and lava flows perturb the seismic imaging, is still a matter of concern. This study illustrates the benefit of the combination of seismic and potential field modeling results. The forward gravity and magnetic modeling significantly improves the model accuracy and provides a valuable tool to estimate sub-basaltic deep crustal structures.

Analyse av ingeniørgeologiske problemstillinger for Vågsbygdporten / Analysis of engineering geological factors for the Vågsbygd road tunnel

Fjæran, Jørgen January 2012 (has links)
SammendragVågsbygdporten er en 1,3 km lang vegtunnel bestående av to hovedløp og tre ramper som tilsammen utgjør 3,3 km. Tunnelen bygges som del av prosjektet Fylkesveg 456 ny Vågsbygdvei iKristiansand kommune. Byggingen av tunnelen startet høsten 2010, og den forventes å væreferdigstilt i 2014. I oppgaven er det utført ingeniørgeologisk vurdering og analyse knyttet tilsammenheng mellom forhold i tunnel og forundersøkelser, bruk og nytteverdi avborparametertolkning (MWD) samt sikringsomfang i kryssområde.Med grunnlag i utførte forundersøkelser og ingeniørgeologisk tolkning er det gjort en sammenligningmed de kartlagte forholdene i tunnelen. Overensstemmelsen over 53 % av tunnellengden er god,mens den kun for 3 % av lengden er dårlig. Årsaken til de 3 % med dårlig overensstemmelse er sværtmye lavere fjellkvalitet enn antatt, og feiltolkning av svakhetssone i kryssområde mellomhovedtunneler og rampetunnel. Kartlagt bergklasse i tunnelen er jevnt over dårligere enn dentolkede.Omfanget av gjennomførte forundersøkelser har vært svært lik anbefalingen for vegtunneler isamme klasse, og kostnadene har kun vært 0,5 % lavere enn anbefalt. Derfor er omfanget vurdert tilå være tilstrekkelig for å oppnå en god ingeniørgeologisk oversikt før byggestart. Når det gjelderundersøkelser utført under driving er kostnadene av disse en del høyere enn tunneler som har værttilgjengelige for å sammenligne direkte med, men disse er til gjengjeld ti år gamle eller eldre.Analyse av MWD-tolkninger fra salvehull på prosjektet har vist at det er god overensstemmelsemellom disse og kartlegginger på stuff. Hele 72 % av tunnellengden er vurdert til å ha en god ellermeget god sammenheng. Et forsøk på å finne entydig sammenheng mellom tolkningen og Q-verdierhar gitt gode resultater. Nytteverdien av et slikt system på prosjektet har derimot vist seg å væresvært liten under driving. Dette skyldes i hovedsak lite bruk, en uvanlig løsning for geologiskoppfølging og kartlegging i tunnelen og jevnt over korte hullengder som gir liten mulighet for tolkninglengre frem enn en salvelengde. Systemet har likevel et stort potensial om forholdene leggesskikkelig til rette.I et krysningspunkt mellom hovedtunneler og rampetunnel er det gjort full utstøpning over en lengdepå til sammen 54 m. I dette området er det utført en empirisk analyse ved hjelp av Q-metoden, derkartlagte Q-verdier er justert systematisk for å havne i en sikringskategori tilfredsstillende nær utførtsikring. Resultatet fra analysen viser at en justering av SRF til mellom 12,5 og 25 i tillegg til en dobling av Jn gir det mest brukbare resultatet for justering av Q-verdi i et slikt område. Det er nødvendig å gjøre lignende analyser i andre tunnelprosjekter for å kunne bestemme om dette er en god eller dårlig tilnærming.

Digital kartlegging og 3D modellering av en geologisk forekomst / Digital Mapping and 3D Geological Modelling

Ulfstein, Nina January 2012 (has links)
I denne oppgaven presenteres teknologiske løsninger og arbeidsmetoder for utredningen av en skiferforekomst utenfor Sandane i Sogn og Fjordane. Forekomsten har store geologiske variasjoner, hvilket fører til problemer ved drift. Arbeidet med utredelsene er inndelt i tre artikler, som tar for seg de ulike aspektene av prosessen. Ut fra et behov for mer effektive og oppdaterte metoder for datainnsamling foreslås det i artikkel I en løsning for digital kartlegging ved bruk av ArcGIS Server og iPad. Denne innebærer lagring av data direkte til en geodatabase gjennom et interaktivt webkart, og ble brukt til kartlegging av skiferforekomsten. Erfaringene etter praktisk bruk i felt var positive, og løsningen førte til en effektivisering av arbeidsmetodikken.For å få mer kunnskap om de ulike bergartene og strukturene i skiferforekomsten er disse i beskrevet og analysert i artikkel II. Dette ble utført ved bruk av tradisjonelle geologiske undersøkelsesmetoder. Bergartene i forekomsten er analysert og klassifisert som kvartsskifer, meta-arkose og meta-diabas. Beskrivelser av strukturer i forekomsten og redegjørelse for tidligere arbeid i området er også inkludert. Dette er for å forstå utviklingen til området, og dermed forekomsten. Det ble utviklet en 3D modell av forekomsten som grunnlag for effektivisering av driften. Dette beskrives i artikkel III. Modellen er basert på overflatedataene innsamlet i felt, og bruker laserdata som rammeverk. Den ferdige 3D modellen av forekomsten viser hvor bergartene kvartsskifer, meta-arkose og meta-diabas kan lokaliseres på terrengoverflaten, og hvordan disse fortsetter inn i forekomsten. Ved å benytte seg av løsningen for digital kartlegging førte dette til mindre etterarbeid. Grunnen til dette var at observasjoner og målinger fra felt var lagret direkte i en geodatabase, som kunne brukes i et overordnet geografisk informasjonssystem. Dette førte til effektiv videre bruk til 3D modellering og visualiseringer. Ved å både utrede geologien på tradisjonelt, og modellere forekomsten i 3D, skapte dette en gjennomgående forståelse av forekomstens utstrekning, og hvordan den kan utnyttes.

Engineering geological assessment and structural comparison of the Vollan and Ivasnasen rock slopes at Sunndal, Norway

Dreiås, Gudrun Majala January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis has interest in analyzing the two unstable rock slopes Ivasnasen and Vollan. These rock slopes are located in a U-shaped valley in Sunndal municipally (Møre & Romsdal, western Norway). The analyses are based on a combined approach using detailed geomorphic, structural and geological field mapping. This along with interpretation of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM) and orthophotos, LIDAR-scans from one of the sites (Ivasnasen 2010 and 2011), numerical analysis, kinematic analysis, XRD analysis and laboratory testing. The two sites, Ivasnasen and Vollan are both unstable. Ivasnasen is classified with a historical rockslide and an unstable rock slope, this because a remaining unstable part is detected in the elongation of the back scarp for the historical rockslide. For Vollan an earlier event is still active. It is important to analyze both sides of the valley to get a best knowledge of the possible consequences and the history. The software Ante-Rockslide Topography (ART) is used to reconstruct and construct the topography for Ivasnasen. Detailed volume estimation is used further in the software Slope Local Base Level (SLBL) and a manual ART reconstruction in the PolyWork (software). The calculated volume estimates for the historical rockslide at Ivasnasen range from 5.2Mm3 -1.2Mm3 and from 0.6-2.1Mm3 for the unstable rock slope. The software Phase2 has been used for the numerical modeling. The reconstructed and constructed topography for Ivasnasen have been used for a detailed study of the parameters and trigger factors that affected the slope stability in Phase2.The back scarp at Vollan contains quartzite and the back scarp at Ivasnasen contains augen gneiss. The main failure mechanism is toppling at Vollan and planar sliding at Ivasnasen. The study of Vollan and Ivasnasen provides useful findings for the understanding of potential present rock slope instabilities.It has been concluded that it have been two different events at Ivasnasen, based on analyses that discovered two different back scarps. Due to the numerical modeling in Phase2 the main triggers at Ivasnasen is the groundwater table and most likely a progressive accumulation of rock weakening, where it also include rich biotite layers. A growing tension was build up in the cracks and the slope failed.For Vollan the analysis concludes that it is a really “slow movement” process acting. Due to the analyses that have been done until now shows that it cannot be characterized as significant movements. For this site it is important to do further investigations over a longer period to have a more determined conclusion. The analyses that have been done in this thesis can be used as good inputs to further investigations.

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