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Current transport in hydrogenated amorphous silicon nitrideMorgan, B. A. January 2000 (has links)
A defect band is formed in hydrogenated amorphous silicon nitride (a-SiNx:H) due to current stressing of the material. This gives rise to an increase in conductivity, referred to as current induced conductivity. This thesis investigates the current transport mechanisms that occur in the induced defect band, by comparing the temperature dependence of the conductivity of several sets of a-SiNx:H thin film diodes. These sets were systematically current stressed to different levels with one set remaining unstressed. Samples with energy gaps of 2.06 eV and 2.28 eV were considered. We show that around room temperature a modified Poole-Frenkel description of conduction (i.e. field enhanced hopping of carriers via charged defect states) provides a good fit to the data. Using this model the activation energy of current transport was calculated and shown to depend on the material band gap. Data fitting to the Poole-Frenkel model provided further support for the field-assisted hopping mechanism. Previous investigations had suggested that the defect band resides in the lower half of the band gap, so that current transport through the defect band was then expected to be due to the movement of holes, in a manner consistent with Poole-Frenkel conduction. By considering samples grown on p-type and n-type substrates, we demonstrated that transport was indeed the result of the movement of holes through the defect states within the induced defect band. At lower temperatures the experimental data is poorly described by a modified Poole-Frenkel type process, so further mechanisms were considered, including variable-range hopping and nearest-neighbour hopping. Due to the similar nature and slight temperature dependence of each process, differentiating between the two mechanisms proved difficult. However, other factors such as the temperature range and defect density favoured variable-range hopping transport. By assuming this form of low temperature hopping transport, conduction through the defect-band of the a-SiNx:H, could then be convincingly explained over the entire temperature range from 320 K to 20 K in terms of two dominant transport mechanisms, Poole-Frenkel conduction and variable-range hopping.
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Elektrické transportní vlastnosti molekulárních materiálů pro pokročilé aplikace / Electrical transport properties of molecular materials for smart applicationsIvancová, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with possibilities of application of new organic molecular materials for electronic devices. Nowadays it is a very attractive field of research, because of the tendencies in industry to miniaturize, reduce production costs and develop new, eco-friendlier, processes of production. The theoretical part of the thesis provides a short overview of organic materials suitable for smart applications and thin films issues including their characterization. The experimental part is dedicated to means how to prepare thin-film electronic components to silicon wafers for thin films field effect transistors. The obtained results in the last part of thesis are discussed about properties of prepared thin films, in the concrete about the electrical transport properties, in the connection with the condition of preparation.
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Синтез и свойства тонкопленочных структур на основе индолокарбазолов : магистерская диссертация / Synthesis and properties of thin film structures based on indolocarbazolesТрофимова, К. Е., Trofimova, K. E. January 2020 (has links)
Спроектирована установка для нанесения органических покрытий. Установка термовакуумного нанесения и виртуальный прибор «ThermoVAC&Co» позволяют осуществлять синтез тонкопленочных покрытий, контролируя температуру нагрева испаряемого вещества до 500 °C. Выполнен синтез тонких пленок 5,11-диметил-5,11-дигидроиндоло [3.2-b]карбазола 5,11-дигексил-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3.2-b]карбазола, 5,11-бис(2-метоксиэтил)-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3,2-b]карбазола и 5,11-бис[2-(2-метоксиэтокси)этокси]-5,11-дигидроиндоло[3,2-b]карбазола для исследования оптических и электрических характеристик. С помощью конфокального микроскопа Axio CSM 700 была проведена аттестация поверхности синтезируемых покрытий. Спектры оптического поглощения были получены на спектрометре Shimadzu UV-2450. Расчетный потенциал ионизации для исследованных соединений ICZ составляет 6,82-7,1 эВ. Обсуждается влияние отдельных блоков соединений на спектр оптического поглощения. На базе микрозондовой станции Cascade Microtech MPS150 произведены измерения вольтамперных характеристик структуры ITO/-ICZ/Al. По данным ВАХ были рассчитаны подвижности зарядов по модели инжекционных токов. Подвижность носителей заряда, оцененная по вольтамперным характеристикам, находится в диапазоне 2,2 ∙ 10-9–1,43 ∙ 10-6 см2 / (В·сек) для исследованных соединений ICZ. Установлена связь между интенсивностью полос поглощения с максимумом около 430 нм и подвижностью носителей заряда. / The installation for applying organic coatings is designed. The thermal vacuum deposition unit and the «ThermoVAC & Co» virtual instrument allow the synthesis of thin-film coatings, controlling the temperature of heating the evaporated substance up to 500 ° C. The thin films of 5,11-dimethyl-5,11-dihydroindolo [3.2-b] carbazole 5,11-dihexyl-5,11-dihydroindolo [3.2-b] carbazole, 5,11-bis (2-methoxyethyl) - 5,11-dihydroindolo [3,2-b] carbazole and 5,11-bis [2- (2-methoxyethoxy) ethoxy] -5,11-dihydroindolo [3,2-b] carbazole were synthesized to study optical and electrical characteristics. The surface of the synthesized coatings was certified using the Axio CSM 700 confocal microscope. Optical absorption spectra were obtained with the Shimadzu UV-2450 spectrometer. The calculated ionization potential is 6.82–7.1 eV for the studied ICZ compounds. The effect of individual blocks of compounds on the optical absorption spectrum is discussed. The current-voltage characteristics of the ITO / -ICZ / Al structure were measured with the Cascade Microtech MPS150 microprobe station. According to the I-V characteristics data, the charge mobility was calculated using the injection current model. The mobility of charge carriers, estimated by the current-voltage characteristics, is in the range 2,2 ∙ 10-9–1,43 ∙ 10-6 cm2/ (V·sec) for the studied ICZ compounds. The relationship between the intensity of absorption bands with a maximum near 430 nm, and the mobility of charge carriers were found.
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