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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and validation of a finite element software facilitating large-displacement aeroelastic analysis of wind turbines

Bruheim, Per Ivar January 2012 (has links)
This thesis establishes necessary theory for the geometrically nonlinear dynamic analysis of spatial beam structures by the corotational formulation of finite el- ements. By extending an existing framework that is capable of finite element modeling as well as computing aerodynamic forces, a code is developed that facil- itates the aeroelastic analysis of wind turbines, where the effects of large rotations and deflections of the blades are captured. Verification of the code is carried out first by basic tests, and then by comparing the computed response of a wind tur- bine model with other codes for wind turbine design. Results are shown to be in good agreement with other codes.

Evaluation of Surfactant Flooding for EOR on the Norne Field, C-segment

Nielsen, Kristine January 2012 (has links)
The world’s energy demand is constantly increasing. It offers a problem when hydrocarbons both are the most energy efficient source known in combination with being a limited resource. This motivates to increase the recovery from existing oil fields by means of EOR methods. Surfactant flooding is such a method for enhancing the oil production from an oil field. The Norne field is located in the North Sea. It is divided into four segments where the C-segment is the focus area of this report. The production of oil started in 1997 and the production is now declining. Water is being injected, however, to extract more oil tertiary recovery is necessary. Surfactants aim to enhance the oil recovery by lowering the interfacial tension between oil and water and hence lower the capillary pressure. This will mobilize the residual oil and make it possible to produce. Surfactant flooding can be an effective technique to boost the recovery, but there are several challenges to overcome. These challenges include loss of surfactants to the formations, facility and costs. The Norne C-segment being an offshore field represents an extra challenge. Eclipse 100 is used as simulation tool to model the surfactant flooding. Prior to implementing the surfactant model, history matching was performed. This was to calibrate the model in order to ensure a better prediction of the activity in the reservoir. After implementing the surfactant model, four different cases was evaluated to find the optimum injection strategy. The cases include the injection into different formations, the use of different wells, and alteration of concentration and injection period. An economical evaluation was performed based on the results. The results from the simulations were somewhat surprising and unexpected. Despite being a suitable candidate through screening, surfactant flooding is not a feasible method to use at the Norne C-segment.  

An evaluation of the combination of EOR technologies based on applied reservoir simulation

Herud, Marte January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis investigates a combination of two different chemicalEOR methods: 1) polymer flooding and 2) deep profile control.The combination of these EOR methods are simulated by the useof ECLIPSE100 on a simplified synthetic 3D model (500m x 500m x36m). A 4 meter thick high permeability layer with a permeability of2000 mD is sandwiched between two low permeability layers of 100mD. For most of the simulations, the oil viscosity was 30 cp. After 30years of production, polymer flooding as a mobility control yieldedan additional recovery of 6.7% of STOOIP. The combination of mobilitycontrol and deep profile control almost doubled the effect andgave additional recovery of 11.3% of STOOIP. Sensitivity studies showedthat the effect of deep profile control is highly dependent on theextension of the partly blocked zone. The larger the blocking zone,the higher recovery by deep profile control. Saturation plots showedthat polymer flooding advances the water front in the low permeablelayers while profile control recover additional oil around the blockedarea inside the low permeable formation. The two methods have adual advantage and produce additional oil that is complementary toeach other. In this master thesis it has been shown that the concept ofcombined polymer flooding and profile control is a highly promisingcombined recovery method, and a method that should be consideredwhen evaluating a development scheme.

An Investigation of Potential Methods for Topology Preservation in Interactive Vector Tile Map Applications

Nordan, Robert Patrick Victor January 2012 (has links)
Vector tiling is a new trend that the geospatial industry is likely to explore in coming years, bearing the promise of the advantages in clarity and interactivity afforded by vector data whilst also providing a cacheable and efficient solution akin to raster tiles. An important question is then to ascertain how one might ensure that topological metadata is preserved across tiles; i.e. how does one convey the fact that two lines on adjacent tiles are in fact part of the same road?This report aims to explore this question by assessing current vector tile solutions, and creating hypothetical solutions for a vector tile system that delivers tiles with topology preserved in line with the Simple Features Access Specification. Some of the most promising of these are selected for prototyping, and the prototypes are tested with regard to speed and functionality. Finally conclusions about suitable methods are drawn based on these tests. Furthermore, the suitability of using vector tiles for a Geographic Information System (GIS) application is discussed.

Finn frem på sykehuset : Fungerer metrokart innendørs? / Finding Your Way Around the Hospital : Can the Design of Metro Map Be Used to Visualize Indoor Environments?

Nguyen, Ngoc An Mai January 2012 (has links)
Visualisering av innendørsmiljøet har fått lite oppmerksomhet sammenlignet med innendørsposisjonering og navigering. Slik situasjonen er i dag er de fleste innendørskart basert på plantegninger med høyt detaljnivå, og presenterer innendørsmiljøet etasjevis – som oftest ett kart per etasje. I denne oppgaven blir det laget en ny type innendørskart som viser alle etasjer i ett og samme kart. Hensikten er å gi brukeren en bedre oversikt over de ulike etasjeplanene i et bygg, samt lage et annet kartalternativ for de som ønsker å benytte et nytt innendørskart. Den nye designen kalles for IndoorTube og er inspirert av systematikken og enkeltheten bak metrokartet London Underground Tube Map.Det har blitt tatt utgangspunkt i Gastrosenteret på St. Olavs hospital i Trondheim, og IndoorTube er implementert med hensyn på en navigasjonsoppgave i dette bygget. Ved hjelp av to forskjellige innendørskart – et allerede eksisterende kart basert på plantegninger (FloorPlan), og et nytt kart med metrokartmetaforer (IndoorTube) - skal brukergruppen navigere seg frem til bestemte delmål. Brukergruppen i denne oppgaven er personer med bra syn og ingen bevegelsesproblemer. Til navigasjonseksperimentet ble det rekruttert 30 deltakere med en gjennomsnittsalder på 25 år. De ble delt inn i tre grupper: Kontrollgruppe som navigerte uten kart, FloorPlangruppe, og IndoorTubegruppe. Flere statistiske tester ble utført for å sjekke signifikante forskjeller og verdier i eksperimentet.Resultater fra hypotesetester viser ingen signifikant forskjell mellom navigasjonstiden til IndoorTube og FloorPlan, noe som betyr at en person med den nye typen innendørskart (IndoorTube) navigerer like rask som en person med et kjent og allment akseptert innendørskart (FloorPlan). Med 30 observasjoner sier regresjonsanalyser at navigasjonstiden er upåvirket av variablene kjønn, god/dårlig orienteringssans og karttype. Dette betyr for eksempel at en mann med god orienteringssans fra IndoorTubegruppen navigerer like fort som en kvinne med dårlig orienteringssans fra FloorPlangruppen. Andre resultater fra eksperimentet er diskutert i oppgaven. Intervju med deltakerne etter eksperimentet viser at FloorPlan er den karttypen de fleste foretrekker, mye på grunn av kartets oversiktlighet. De fleste i IndoorTubegruppen synes at idéen bak kartet er bra, men designen kan av og til virke noe skjematisk og uvant. Dersom kartet anvendes oftere, ville IndoorTube vært mer oversiktlig enn FloorPlan. Spennende problemområder for begge karttyper er presenter og diskutert i oppgaven. Fra navigasjonseksperimentet har man funnet ut at IndoorTube - Gastrosenteret fungerer for en bestemt brukergruppe i et bestemt miljø.

The future of web-based maps: can vector tiles and HTML5 solve the need for high-performance delivery of maps on the web?

Taraldsvik, Mats January 2012 (has links)
The majority of the current maps available on the web with a standard browser are raster-based, which impose a couple of limitations with regard to functionality as well as performance. Most work is done on the server, and the raster image tiles that are rendered on the client can not be interacted with directly. Some solutions are available that solve this partially, but in the majority of cases, they depend on technology that is not standardised, and rely on third-party extensions that are only available on certain platforms.Creating map tiles and implementing efficient caching are crucial in high availability web maps, whether they are raster-based or vector-based. Due to the different storage models of raster images and vector data structures, there are also techniques that differ in their application (such as compression, client rendering and generalisation), and the increased exposure of raw information with vector data needs attention. The data formats chosen for representing spatial data in vector-based maps, have lots of implications for the efficiency and usability of the map application itself.The accelerated development and standardisation of the open web -- namely HTML5 -- are giving developers better tools to meet the functionality and performance requirements for vector maps on the web, without resorting to third-party software that is not supported across platforms. Previously, with the technology available, creating a functional, efficient vector map on the web was hard or impossible using only open technology, but with the recent advancements, it is interesting to see to what extent this can be accomplished.By developing an implementation of a vector map client and server, with multiple vector data structures in both binary and text formats for measuring efficiency between server and client, as well as assessing the impact of techniques such as generalisation, tiling and caching, the potential for future vector-based maps on the web have been analysed. Testing revealed interesting results, which suggest that it is possible to achieve performance with vector-based maps on the web that either matches or exceeds the current raster-based maps.

Applying Chemical EOR on the Norne Field C-Segment

Abrahamsen, Anders January 2012 (has links)
The world energy demand will grow and oil will continue to be a major part of the energy consumption. Enhanced Oil Recovery will play a key role in meeting the oil demand by increasing the low oil recovery factors in the world today. Half of the oil is still trapped in the reservoir after the production have ceased. The development of new technology has brought a renewed attention for chemical flooding. It has been recognized as a technically feasible method in the Norwegian Continental Shelf and is expected to become attractive. Norne C-Segment is a good candidate for chemical flooding based on screening, current drainage strategy and high water cut. The objects of this Master Thesis are to find an optimum chemical flooding strategy for the Norne C-Segment to maximise the profit from volume of incremental oil produced. The result of the project is based on Net Present Value calculation. Simulations are run in Eclipse on a simulation model of Norne C-Segment released by Center of Integrated Operations at NTNU and Statoil ASA. The model was not perfect history matched therefore an effort to look at the uncertainties in vertical barriers where done before applying chemicals.The Ile formation was chosen as the target formation because of the highest OIP and high oil saturation. A synthetic model of the target formation was build to optimize the chemical injection scheme. Based on the evaluation of the injection wells C-2H was best suited for chemical flooding. The chemicals applied are polymer, surfactant, alkaline and combinations of two or all of these chemicals. Surfactant and alkaline are primarily used to reduce oil-water Interfacial Tension and minimize the capillary forces that trap residual oil after waterflooding. Polymers are used as a mobility control to improve reservoir contact and flood efficiency.Based on the simulation results and economic evaluation polymer flooding is the best chemical flooding method with a net present value of 406 million USD in 2022. Norne C-Segment Ile formation is favourable for mobility control. Surfactant and alkaline cannot mobilize enough residual oil to pay of the cost of chemicals and is not economical attractive.

Design of an experimental setup for measurements of the aerodynamic properties of bridge decks

Kaasa, Lars Halvor January 2012 (has links)
As modern bridge design continuously aims for longer and slender bridges, it is necessary to be able to determine aerodynamic properties of such structures with a highdegree of accuracy. The horizontal degree of freedom has traditionally been considered uninteresting, and aerodynamic properties have been determined by section model tests involving a vertical and a torsional degree of freedom only. However, for very long bridges, horizontal motion may prove to be important.This thesis has focused on an experimental setup based on the traditional suspension rig, but in addition to vertical and torsional motion, it also allows horizontal motion. A prototype intended for still air experiments has been designed, built and tested.Introducing a third degree of freedom renders the stiffness of the system non-linear with respect to motion of the section model. To better understand the model’s behaviour in the rig, a FE-model and an analytical stiffness model have been developed.Two types of system identification methods were utilised to determine the dynamic properties of the prototype. The Covariance Block Hankel Matrix (CBHM) method have over the years been used to determine aerodynamic properties of several well-known bridges, e.g. the Hardanger Bridge, while Subspace State Space System Identification (N4SID) methods is a newer family of methods well known for their robustness, accuracy and ease to use.It turns out that the N4SID method used in this thesis produces far better damping estimates than the CBHM method.The proposed experimental setup seems promising for further research and development, although it has several drawbacks and limitations.

BIM og FDV / BIM and Facility Management

Jensen, Lene January 2013 (has links)
Tradisjonelle arbeidsformer i dagens byggebransje vier lite oppmerksomhet til forvaltning, drift og vedlkehold (FDV) av bygninger. BIM, bygningsinformasjonsmodellering, kan bidra til en ny digital arbeidsprosess, hvor FDV står i sentrum. Resultatet av en slik prosess er en modell, en database, hvor all informasjon om et bygg ligger lagret.LYDIA er FDV-programvare, utviklet og levert av Lydia AS. De ønsker å videreutvikle LYDIA i retning BIM, og se på hvordan sammenhengen BIM-LYDIA kan utføres i praksis. Lydia AS opplever i dag størst utfordringer ved import av informasjon til LYDIA-databasen. Kundene samler manuelt inn store mengder informasjon til databasen. Erfaringer viser at endel kunder strever med å forstå bruksnytten av LYDIA.Systemarkitekturen presentert i oppgaven løser Lydia AS sine forutsetninger for overgangen BIM-LYDIA. Funksjonaliteten i LYDIA er opprettholdt. buildingSMART sitt standardiserte filformat, IFC, er brukt som utgangspunkt for overføring av informasjon. Løsningen er realiserbar innen andre kvartal 2014. Modellen forenkler dagens importarbeid. Lydia AS sine kunder slipper manuell dataregistrering som øker risikoen for feil. Ved import direkte fra BIM forenkler man prosessen med å hente informasjon til LYDIA-databasen. Modellen bygger likevel ikke oppunder en ny samarbeidsprosess. Digitale arbeidsformer kan endre de tradisjonelle arbeidsformene i byggebransjen. Utgangspunktet for slike arbeidsprosesser er større tillit og mer fokus på samskaping. Lydia AS må selv tenke gjennom hvilken retning de ønsker å ta for fremtidige LYDIA.

Boundary conditions for the lattice Boltzmann method : Mass conserving boundary conditions for moving walls

le coupanec, erwan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Based on the no-slip boundary condition for walls at rest for the lattice Boltzmann Bathnagar-Gross-Krook method by J.C.G. Verschaeve [Phys. Rev. 80,036703 (2009)], a no-slip boundary condition for walls with a tangential movement is derived. Numerical tests verify that the present boundary condition is second order accurate and stable for relaxation frequencies close to two.</p>

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