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Analysis of the Solarus C-PVT solar collector and design of a new prototype : Market review and Production process guidelineSaizar Zubeldia, Xabier, Vila Montagut, Gerard January 2016 (has links)
Finding cleaner and sustainable energy resources is one of the most important concerns for the development of humanity. Solar energy is taking an essential role in this matter as the production cost of solar collectors is decreasing and more solar installations are being set up every year throughout the world. One way of reducing the cost of solar panels is by using concentrators that are cheaper than the costly photovoltaic cells and can increase their output. Solarus AB designed a Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) hybrid collector that uses this principle and which is a variation of the Maximum Reflector Collector (MaReCo) design and is a Compound Parabolic Collector (CPC). This thesis has two main objectives. The first one is to design variations of the actual Solarus’ design and some alternative MaReCo designs and pure parabola designs. These designs include new solar cell cuts which are based on 4 busbar solar cells. In this way a future in-depth analysis may be carried out by comparing different receiver designs and collector boxes. The second goal is to investigate the current electrical and thermal performance of the collectors from Solarus AB which are installed in the Hus 45 of HiG. The appropriate data of the installation has been obtained using simulations and specific software, and it has been analysed with Microsoft Excel®. Concerning the new designs of the receivers and boxes, everything has been prepared for the future construction of the prototypes. All the measurements and their adjustments have been taken into account to define the size of the components and the process of building has been set up. Moreover, some future work has been planned in order to move forward the project. Regarding the analysis of the HiG installation, both electrical and thermal performance have resulted to be significantly lower compared with their estimated simulation, being their real output around 60 % of the estimated one. In the thermal part, the losses in the pipeline result to be more than a third part of the produced heat. In the electrical part, the production varies a lot between different collectors due to some of them do not work properly, consequence of poor condition of the solar panels (broken cells, dirt, shading, etc.).
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Performance Evaluation of the Solarus AB Asymmetric Concentrating Hybrid PV/T CollectorMoreno Puerto, Jose January 2014 (has links)
The energy sector is currently in a state of change as conventional energy sources are questioned by the need of new clean and sustainable energy sources to satisfy the global energy demand in the long term. Renewable energies respond to this increasing demand and solar energy is an advanced example of them. Photovoltaic modules are experiencing a steady reduction in their production costs. It is needed that this trend continues and, along with it, their propagation and expansion in the market continues. One way of reducing production costs is by using inexpensive light concentrators to increase the output of the costly photovoltaic cell. In this respect, the Solarus AB hybrid PV/T collector has been designed based on this principle. This collector is a CPC (Compound Parabolic Collector) and belongs to the MaReCo (Maximum Reflector Collector) family. The aim of this thesis is to deeply investigate this technology in two main areas. Firstly, the collector will be tested both electrically and thermally in order to evaluate its performance. To do so, a solar test rig has been built and connected at the building Hall 45 of Högskolan i Gävle, Gävle, Sweden. The second main area of investigation of this thesis is to determine the optimal price for the Solarus AB hybrid PV/T collector in order to be competitive in the solar energy market. This study will be based in the current market prices of photovoltaic and thermal collectors. Regarding the electrical performance of the collector, the results obtained show that the front side of the receiver produces more electricity throughout the day than the reflector side. This has guided Solarus AB to decide to change the design of its receiver to improve its performance. With the current design, it has been obtained a peak power at STC of 220W. In relation with the thermal part, the heat losses of the collector have been estimated obtaining a U value of 6,8W/(m2*K), a thermal optical beam efficiency of 63,5% and a total optical beam efficiency of 74,5%. The price market study of photovoltaic and thermal collector has shown that 2m2 of the Solarus AB hybrid PV/T collector produces approximately the same annual electricity and heat as 1,1m2 of a photovoltaic module with an efficiency of 15,5% and a flat plate collector of 0,85m2 of aperture area. According to the market study, its cost is equivalent to 190€ for the PV module and 220€ for the flat plate collector. This means that the price of the Solarus AB hybrid PV/T collector should be lower than 410€.
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Thermal Performance of a Solarus CPC-Thermal CollectorŠumić, Mersiha January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is an investigation of the thermal performance of a thermal compound parabolic concentrating (CPC) collector from Solarus. The collector consists of two troughs with absorbers which are coated with different types of paint with unknown properties. The lower and upper trough of the collector have been tested individually. In order to accomplish the performance of the two collectors, a thorough literature study in the fields of CPC technology, various test methods, test standards for solar thermal collectors as well as the latest articles relating on the subject were carried out. In addition, the set‐up of the thermal test rig was part of the thesis as well. The thermal performance was tested according to the steady state test method as described in the European standard 12975‐2. Furthermore, the thermal performance of a conventional flat plate collector was carried out for verification of the test method. The CPC‐Thermal collector from Solarus was tested in 2013 and the results showed four times higher values of the heat loss coefficient UL (8.4 W/m²K) than what has been reported for a commercial collector from Solarus. This value was assumed to be too large and it was assumed that the large value was a result of the test method used that time. Therefore, another aim was the comparison of the results achieved in this work with the results from the tests performed in 2013. The results of the thermal performance showed that the optical efficiency of the lower trough of the CPC‐T collector is 77±5% and the corresponding heat loss coefficient UL 4.84±0.20 W/m²K. The upper trough achieved an optical efficiency of 75±6 % and a heat loss coefficient UL of 6.45±0.27 W/m²K. The results of the heat loss coefficients are valid for temperature intervals between 20°C and 80°C. The different absorber paintings have a significant impact on the results, the lower trough performs overall better. The results achieved in this thesis show lower heat loss coefficients UL and higher optical efficiencies compared to the results from 2013.
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