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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspects of magmatism and metamorphism within a magmatic arc : Evidence from north-western Palmer Land, Antarctic peninsula

Harrison, S. M. January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

Caractérisation géochimique et isotopique dans un système d'altération complexe, du protolithe magmatique à la minéralisation Fe-Pb-Zn: le cas de la mine de Tamra (N. Tunisie)

Decrée, Sophie 23 May 2008 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de décrire et interpréter la mise en place des différents types de minéralisations présents dans le district minier de Nefza (NO de la Tunisie), qui constitue une région complexe et particulière du point de vue géologique dans ce pays. En effet, outre la présence de diapirs triasiques (commune à tout le Nord de la Tunisie), le district minier de Nefza est caractérisé par : (1) la mise en place d’épaisses nappes au Néogène qui forment le substratum sédimentaire régional, et (2) la présence d’une grande variété de roches magmatiques tant plutoniques que volcaniques, d’âge miocène (12,9 à 6,4 Ma),: - la granodiorite de l’Oued Bélif, qui est liée à l’évolution d’un magma calco-alcalin contaminé par la croûte ; - les rhyodacites de Aïn Deflaia, de l’Oued Bélif et du Jebel Haddada, qui résultent du mélange entre ce magma calco-alcalin et un magma de fusion crustale ; - les basaltes de Mokta el Hadid marquant la transition vers un magmatisme alcalin. A proximité des roches magmatiques – et en relation avec ces dernières – on observe différents types de minéralisation, riches en Fe, en Fe-Cu-Au, et en Pb-Zn. Parmi ces minéralisations, ce travail a permis de reconnaître : - un gisement (de volume réduit) de type « Iron Oxide Copper Gold » (IOCG), qui minéralise la brèche de l’Oued Bélif, datée du Miocène supérieur. Le minerai ferrifère (hématite et goethite), riche en F, Cu, REE, U et Au, cimente des clastes de taille variable et de nature principalement triasique ; - deux gisements (de volume modeste) de Pb-Zn, de type « sedimentary exhalative » (Sedex) qui prennent place dans lentilles carbonatées des bassins d’âge miocène supérieur de Sidi Driss et de Douahria. Les minéralisations syndiagénétiques (messiniennes) à galène, sphalérite sphérulitique et pyrite, remplacent : (1) des calcites riches en Fe-Mn et (2) des sulfates (barytine et célestine) qui remplacent eux-mêmes de façon précoce les carbonates (avant la mise en place des sulfures) ; - un gisement économique d’oxydes de Fe de type latéritique (mine de Tamra, minerais datés du Mio-Pliocène), qui résulte vraisemblablement de plusieurs épisodes de reconcentration du fer, en conditions pédogénétiques. Ce minerai enregistre également des apports hydrothermaux qui mènent, entre autres, à la précipitation de minéralisations riches en Mn, Pb, Zn et Ba. Ces unités géologiques sont étroitement liées au contexte géodynamique particulier du Nord de la Tunisie au Néogène. Ce dernier passe d’un régime compressif au Serravallien-Tortonien, qui voit la mise en place des roches magmatiques felsiques, à un régime extensif qui, à partir du Messinien (fini-Tortonien ?), se marque par la mise en place de basaltes et une augmentation du gradient thermique régional. Ce régime extensif favorise/active la circulation de fluides hydrothermaux et leur enrichissement en métaux au contact des formations constitutives du substratum régional. Ces fluides, mélangés aux fluides superficiels (localement riches en soufre au Messinien), mèneraient au dépôt de la plupart des minéralisations observées.

Εργαστηριακές δοκιμές καταλληλότητας γεωϋλικών για τη χρήση τους σαν αδρανή : Διερεύνηση μαγματικών πετρωμάτων Β / Health laboratory tests of geomaterials for their use as aggregates : Investigation of magmatic rocks B

Γκόκα, Βασιλική 01 July 2014 (has links)
Η εργασία αυτή έχει ως αντικείμενο τη διερεύνηση των τεχνικογεωλογικών συνθηκών με σκοπό την αναζήτηση βραχωδών υλικών ,έπειτα τα από εργαστηριακές δοκιμές ,για ταξινόμησή τους και καταλληλόλητας τους ή μη, ώστε να μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν ως αδρανή υλικά για διάφορες χρήσεις / This work is intended to investigate the geotechnical conditions in pursuit of rocky material, after laboratory tests for classification and Suitability or not, so they can be used as aggregates for various uses.

Intemperismo de solos e a energia eletromagnética sob a ótica de várias faixas do espectro (Gama, raios X, Vis, NIR, SWIR e MIR) / Weathering of soils and electromagnetic energy from various ranges of the spectrum (Gama, X-ray, Vis, NIR, SWIR and MIR)

Guimarães, Clécia Cristina Barbosa 10 December 2018 (has links)
O estudo do intemperismo é de suma importância uma vez que a quebra química de minerais instáveis termodinamicamente na superfície da Terra por agentes do intemperismo é uma parte fundamental na ciclagem de elementos global. Esse processo é responsável pela formação dos solos dos quais depende toda a vida terrestre, desempenhando um papel central no controle da fertilidade dos solos através do fornecimento de muitos nutrientes que permitem o crescimento das plantas. Atualmente as análises relacionadas ao intemperismo são realizadas através de índices matemáticos ligados à presença ou ausência de determinados minerais e observação do comportamento dos elementos químicos ao longo do perfil de solo. Surge, portanto, a necessidade de técnicas mais rápidas e eficazes. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram o de caracterizar e avaliar o potencial de vários instrumentos sensores próximos na identificação dos processos de intemperismo em cortes verticais originados de diferentes materiais de origem numa região de São Paulo, Brasil. Cinco perfis de solo com materiais de origem contrastantes (sedimentar e magmático) foram utilizados para a avaliação da espectroscopia como ferramenta capaz de identificar as mudanças ocorridas no perfil durante o intemperismo. Amostras de terra foram coletadas e enviadas para análises química, física, mineralógica e espectroscópica. As análises por sensoriamento próximo em laboratório foram realizadas utilizando três sensores, cada um contemplando uma região do espectro eletromagnético (raio x, visível e infravermelho). No campo, utilizou-se o sensor de raios gama e a câmera multiespectral AISA fênix que realizou a leitura, nas regiões espectrais do visível ao infravermelho de ondas curtas, de todo o perfil de solo desenvolvido sob arenito. Fez-se a descrição elementar, mineralógica e de outros atributos presentes nas amostras de terra coletadas a fim de avaliar a intensidade de intemperismo de cada horizonte dos perfis de solo. Esses dados foram utilizados na descrição do comportamento dos espectros. Os índices de intemperismo e os óxidos maiores foram quantificados a partir de modelos lineares e multivariados utilizando os dados do sensor gama e do visível ao infravermelho (Vis-IR), respectivamente. Os óxidos foram espacializados nas imagens do sensor AISA Fenix para a observação visual do comportamento dos elementos e minerais ao longo dos perfis. Calculou-se a diferença elementar entre horizontes a partir dos dados de fluorescência para comparação com o balanço de massa calculado pelos dados fornecidos pelas análises tradicionais e utilizou-se toda a região espectral, em separado e em conjunto, para a segregação das amostras de acordo com a intensidade de intemperismo. A partir do comportamento das curvas espectrais na região do visível ao infravermelho médio, foi possível identificar a diferença na textura dos horizontes, a presença de água estrutural e no solo, a influência da matéria orgânica e os principais minerais que são reflexos da intensidade de intemperismo de cada horizonte dos perfis analisados. Os dados dos sensores GAMA e FRX apresentaram altos valores de correlação com os óxidos e índices utilizados na quantificação da intensidade de intemperismo, indicando à viabilidade dos sensores para o cálculo dos índices. Os modelos de quantificação dos índices de intemperismo e dos óxidos apresentaram R² acima de 0,5. A aplicação do modelo do Vis-IR às imagens da AISA permitiu quantificar os óxidos pixel a pixel ao longo do perfil e observar a diferenciação dos horizontes, facilitando a interpretação da análise de intemperismo. Devido à especificidade de cada região espectral para analisar um objeto, a utilização de vários sensores que trabalham em diferentes comprimentos de onda pode ser uma alternativa para a mais rápida avaliação da intensidade de intemperismo ocorrendo em perfis provenientes de diferentes materiais de origem. / The study of weathering is of paramount importance since the chemical breakdown of thermodynamically unstable minerals on the surface of the earth by weathering agents is a fundamental part of the cycling of global elements. This process is responsible for the formation of soils on which all terrestrial life depends, playing a central role in soil fertility control by providing many nutrients that enable plant growth. Currently the analyzes related to weathering are performed through mathematical indexes linked to the presence or absence of certain minerals and observation of the behavior of the chemical elements along the soil profile. There is therefore a need for faster and more effective techniques. The objectives of the present work were to characterize and evaluate the potential of several proximal sensing instruments in the identification of weathering processes in vertical cuts originating from different rock parents in a region of São Paulo, Brazil. Five soil profiles with contrasting source materials (sedimentary and magmatic) were used to evaluate the spectroscopy as a tool capable of identifying changes in the profile during weathering. Soil samples were collected and sent for chemical, physical, mineralogical and spectroscopic analyzes. The proximal sensors analyzes in the laboratory were realized using three sensors, each contemplating a region of the electromagnetic spectrum (x-ray, visible and infrared). In the field, the gamma-ray sensor and the multispectral AISA fênix camera were used to read the entire soil profile developed under sandstone in the spectral regions of visible to shortwave infrared. The elemental, mineralogical and other attributes present in the soil samples collected were evaluated in order to evaluate the weathering intensity of each horizon of the soil profiles. These data were used to describe spectra behavior. The indexes of weathering and the major oxides were quantified from linear and multivariate models using gamma and visible infrared (Vis-IR) data, respectively. The oxides were spatialized in the images of the Fenix AISA sensor for the visual observation of the behavior of the elements and minerals along the profiles. The elemental difference between horizons was calculated from the fluorescence data for comparison with the mass balance calculated by the data provided by the traditional analyzes and the entire spectral region was used separately and together for the segregation of the samples according to with the intensity of weathering. From the behavior of the spectral curves in the region of visible to the medium infrared, it was possible to identify the difference in texture of the horizons, the presence of structural and soil water, the influence of the organic matter and the main minerals that are reflections of the intensity of weathering of each horizon of the analyzed profiles. The data of the GAMA and FRX sensors presented high values of correlation with the oxides and indices used in the quantification of the intensity of weathering, indicating the viability of the sensors for the calculation of the indices. The models for the quantification of the indexes of weathering and oxides presented R² above 0.5. The application of the Vis-IR model to the AISA images allowed quantifying the pixel-to-pixel oxides along the profile and observing the differentiation of the horizons, facilitating the interpretation of the weathering analysis. Due to the specificity of each spectral region to analyze an object, the use of several sensors working at different wavelengths may be an alternative for the faster evaluation of the intensity of weathering occurring in profiles from different source materials.

Pražské metro jako prostor k realizaci geologických exkurzí / Prague metro as a place for geological excursions

Pekárovics, František January 2018 (has links)
Pražské metro jako prostor pro realizaci geologických exkurzí Abstract: The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate and explore the potential of the tiling materials used in the Prague metro and to create guidelines suitable for organizing geological excursions. Ysdfvwavweefawfbaljehbrrkvjasdhbflavjsdhbf alskdjfbalksjdfnaůksjdnaůkjsdfnaůksjsa Sdfasdfasdfasfavsdfvaskedjfnalksjdfnca weuifhmacskdjfmcapisdjfcaksdjnfcamůskdjfnmacsdkjfnmacůskjdfmnacůs kdjfmnaclskdjfnmacůskdjfnacf askdjfaůksjdf nasdkfjn askdjfn aůksjdnf aůskjdfn aůkjsdf akjsdn fakůjsd fnaůksjdfnaůksrjng adg

Caractérisation géochimique et isotopique dans un système d'altération complexe, du protolithe magmatique à la minéralisation Fe-Pb-Zn: le cas de la mine de Tamra (N. Tunisie)

Decrée, Sophie 23 May 2008 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de décrire et interpréter la mise en place des différents types de minéralisations présents dans le district minier de Nefza (NO de la Tunisie), qui constitue une région complexe et particulière du point de vue géologique dans ce pays.<p>En effet, outre la présence de diapirs triasiques (commune à tout le Nord de la Tunisie), le district minier de Nefza est caractérisé par :(1) la mise en place d’épaisses nappes au Néogène qui forment le substratum sédimentaire régional, et (2) la présence d’une grande variété de roches magmatiques tant plutoniques que volcaniques, d’âge miocène (12,9 à 6,4 Ma),<p>-\ / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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