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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Online recruitment and Millennials:recruitment communication and online assessment

Jansson, K. (Kaisu) 14 January 2017 (has links)
Recruitment has shifted from traditional channels and practices to processes taking place online and recruitment research has subsequently started to investigate online recruitment processes. While there have been conflicting perceptions amongst recruitment researchers about whether the organizational or the applicant perspective has been neglected in recruitment research most of the present literature focuses on the first phase of the recruitment process, attracting applicants. This thesis takes the perspective of the applicant, and in this case the Millennial generation, and investigates the later phases of the recruitment process, recruitment communication and online assessment. The aim is to find out what kind of preferences Millennial applicants have towards recruitment communication’s timing, content and media and different online assessment methods such as online tests, digital interviews and gamification. This thesis is conducted as a qualitative research with a factist perspective. After extensive review of recruitment and Millennial research a theoretical framework is developed. Empirical data is gathered trough semi-structured thematic interviews and analyzed with content analysis. The research findings are then applied to the theoretical framework and the framework is adjusted to depict the preferences of the Millennial applicant towards recruitment communication and online assessment methods. The research findings suggest the Millennial applicant has several expectations towards both recruitment communication and different online assessment methods. Recruitment communication is expected to happen in a continuous manner to avoid uncertainty and show the hiring organization’s respect and valuation towards the applicant. Recruitment communication should also be efficient and convenient for the applicant, and email is found to be the preferred communication medium. The Millennial applicant also expects feedback on his or her performance as well as reasoning for selection decisions. Concerning different online assessment methods, the Millennial applicant prefers assessment methods that make them feel they have influence over recruitment outcomes. In addition, perceptions of validity and relevance as well as efficiency and convenience affect Millennials’ preferences concerning different online assessment methods. The research findings have several managerial implications. Designing recruitment processes in which millennial preferences are taken into consideration can produce better applicant experience and have a positive effect on the company image. Although measures have been taken to ensure research reliability, the number of research participants and the same field of study of the research participants limit the generalizability of the research results.

Strategic management of sales as globalization increased:a study on global account management, strategy and drivers

Mahala, A. (Abinash) 01 March 2017 (has links)
Global Account Management (GAM) is a global strategic, relationship oriented and marketing management program. In today’s highly competitive business scenario GAM has become one of the most significant strategic alliance by many companies with their customers to have the competitive advantage over their counter-part. It is a systematically approached program specifically in sales for managing strategically important customers globally. It is an ongoing process since many years now for all the global companies even though the rate of success is not so fast. Globalization has got an important role here for GAM analysis where the supplier firm engages it-self in standardizing marketing programs. It coordinates worldwide activities and integrates competitive moves across country markets. Hence Shi et al. (2010: 626) suggests firms can increase the use of GAM strategies when faced with increasing globalization. This report reviews the scientific literature and empirical studies of many past researchers on GAM analysis, its drivers and strategy and concludes the importance of GAM for all global companies. The objective of the study was to understand how global account management and strategy helps in managing global customers. It is a case study. The research problem was approached with a careful research design, which consists of a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part of the study defines and clarifies the GAM analysis where an integrative theoretical model is drawn to describe GAM relationship between a global account customer and a focal supplier. The empirical part will explore along with literature reviews and provide a quantitative analysis to the research study. Through extensive literature reviews, case study and empirical interviews, the current study developed answers to the research question, “As globalization increasing, how global account management helps companies to manage customers globally?”

Corporate brand positioning and differentiation in the luxury automotive industry

Kotiranta, V. (Ville) 10 May 2017 (has links)
Global luxury automotive industry faces one of the most competitive and dynamic markets in the world. The focus of this research has been to discover the corporate strategies relating to competitive positioning and differentiation via brand personality. Both Aaker brand personality framework and specifically for this industry developed luxury automotive strategy framework are applied for content analysis data, which has been extracted from the mission and vision statements of four case companies: Audi, BMW, Daimler and Ferrari. The empirical research has been divided in to three separate research questions concerning luxury automotive industry positioning and differentiation. The first research question stated: “How Audi, BMW, Daimler and Ferrari express their corporate brand personality in their mission and vision statements?” Based on the data analysis and application of two different brand personality frameworks, each of the four automotive companies express their brand personalities with unique corporate brand profiles. The second research question stated: “How Audi, BMW, Daimler and Ferrari position and/or differentiate themselves in the luxury automotive industry using mission and vision statements?” Based on the data analysis and application of two different brand personality frameworks, most of the luxury automotive companies positioned themselves very similarly within the Aaker brand personality framework. However, in the luxury automotive framework further differences in positioning were seen. Differentiation was minimal with Aaker brand personality framework application, and slightly more prevalent in the luxury automotive framework. Finally, the third research question stated: “Are there differences in positioning and differentiation for Audi, BMW, Daimler and Ferrari if alternative brand personality framework is used to complement Aaker brand personality framework?” Based on the data analysis there were differences in positioning, however similarly, most companies seemed to align their position with the competition. Daimler and Ferrari stood out by focusing more on their deep-rooted heritage.

The role of export intermediaries in facilitating export trade of Finnish small companies:case: food industry

Lu, J. (Jinghui) 03 June 2013 (has links)
Export intermediaries are entrepreneurial service firms who are to link foreign customers and domestic firms. They assist SMEs in export by providing export services based on their resources. What’s most important, export intermediaries need have a thorough understanding of the problems exporters facing during their internationalization development and what assistance they require to overcome the difficulties. The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to find out the role of export intermediaries in assisting small companies in internationalization activities through investigating what export services are mostly needed by SMEs. The focus is on export intermediaries who act as external resources of exporters. Additionally, specific export services regarding entering German and China markets are examined respectively. The research method of this study is qualitative. In the empirical part, data are collected through semi-structured interviews of six respondents. These respondents can be categorized in two groups: the exporter group contains three Finnish small food manufacturers and the expert of internationalization group consists of one export agent and two internationalization experts from supporting organizations. The data obtained from the interviews were recorded and transcribed. Conclusions of the study are based on the answers to the three sub-research questions. The empirical results revealed that the most challenging thing exporters will face in exporting is to find contacts, partners and customers overseas. Lack of resources is the underlying fundamental cause for SMEs. When assisting in export, intermediaries need discover the needs of exporters and adapt to them. Therefore the role of export intermediaries identified in the study is to actively search customers in target market and to link exporters with them; to lower export costs and to help exporters gain market knowledge and experiences about target markets. / Viennin välittäjät ovat palveluyrityksiä, jotka yhdistävät ulkomaisen asiakkaan kotimaiseen toimittajaan. Ne avustavat pk-yrityksiä viennissä tarjoamalla palveluja, jotka perustuvat välittäjäyrityksen resursseihin. Kuitenkin viennin välittäjillä tulee olla syvällinen ymmärrys ongelmista, joita pk-yritykset kohtaavat kansainvälistymisessä ja avusta, jota viejät tarvitsevat ratkaistakseen nämä vaikeudet. Tämän pro gradu -työn tavoitteena on selvittää viennin välittäjien tehtävää pienten yritysten kansainvälistymisen tukemisessa tutkimalla, millaisia viennin palveluja pk-yritykset eniten tarvitset. Työ keskittyy viennin välittäjiin, joita tarkastellaan viejien ulkopuolisina resursseina. Lisäksi työssä selvitetään, millaisia vientipalveluja tarvitaan erityisesti Saksan ja Kiinan markkinoille pääsemiseksi. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on laadullinen tutkimus. Empiirisessä osassa tietoa on kerätty puolistrukturoiduilla haastatteluilla, joiden kohteena on ollut kuusi vastaajaa. Nämä voidaan luokitella kahteen ryhmään: viejien ryhmä käsittää kolme suomalaista elintarvikealan pk-yritystä ja asiantuntijoiden ryhmä vientiagentin sekä kaksi asiantuntijaa viennin tukiorganisaatioista. Työn johtopäätelmät perustuvat haastateltavien vastauksiin liittyen kolmeen tutkimuksen alakysymykseen. Empiiriset tulokset osoittavat, että viejien suurin haaste on löytää kontakteja, yhteistyökumppaneita ja asiakkaita ulkomailta. Pienten yritysten resurssien puute on taustalla oleva perussyy. Viennin välittäjien tulee selvittää avustettavien viejäyritysten tarpeet ja mukautua niihin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tunnistettiinkin viennin välittäjien tehtävä hakea aktiivisesti asiakkaita kohdemarkkinoilta ja yhdistää viejät asiakkaisiin, alentaa vientikustannuksia sekä auttaa markkinatiedon ja kokemusten hankkimisessa kohdemarkkinoista.

Sanctions as a tool of foreign policy and statecraft:case Valio Russia

Laurila, M. (Mikko) 17 October 2016 (has links)
This bachelor study is aiming at giving the reader an understanding of sanctions and embargos; how they are being used, what effects they have and how well they succeed in serving their purposes in a broad way. The outcome of sanctions will also be analysed on company level in the case study Valio Russia.

Creating a market:a critical realist approach to economics and the European Union internal energy market

Parkkari, M. (Mika) 06 June 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the European Union internal energy market processes and how European Union constructs and justifies the markets. The idea is to understand where and how the internal energy market is created and what underlying of socio-political features effects this economic program. Growing exploitation of renewable energy and electricity, especially solar and wind, sources have created an impact on the economic policies. This study contributes to the discussion in market and energy market studies. To further the analysis is done by analysing the EU’s formal legislation, politics and policies provided in the high-ranking European Commission documents. The study aims to understand and elaborate on the EU’s internal energy market policies and means (which can be regarded as economic) and how the EU avails these policies. Due to the centrality of the thought of sustainable development within the European region for decades, the European Union has been the forerunner in this development and the single energy market is in many ways a model example of this interdependency. Energy questions centralise these policies and the internal energy market combines them in one form. The key topics of this study are renewable energy, the integrated market, harmonising regulation, the growing influence amongst consumers and public intervention as well as unbundling and transparency. I take critical realist stance on economics. Critical realism is a thought where reality exists outside of the human representation of it, but at the same time, it does not view social as a closed system. In this sense, economic agents are not isolated. In this study, the themes of energy and economics are deeply related to the thematics of environmental politics and their development. The nexus of environmental issues has been transforming towards the concepts of climate, energy, economy and even security.

Analysis of expatriate performance measurement criteria through the parent company’s point of view

Silegren, L. (Lasse) 02 June 2014 (has links)
Expatriates are an increasingly important part of global organizations. As multinational corporations establish new subsidiaries, they require an individual or group of individuals to setup and oversee the proper operation of these companies in accordance with the global strategy. Expatriates allow parent organizations to transfer crucial knowledge, corporate philosophy and culture to a subsidiary, as well as acquire important information from the host country. The effective management of expatriates needs to include a performance measurement system with appropriate criteria. The purpose of this study is to analyze the criteria utilized by researchers in the measurement of expatriate performance. The analysis will be conducted through the parent company’s point of view. The focus will be on whether or not the criteria currently used meets the objectives set forth by the parent organization as a primary stakeholder. This study will utilize a systematic review of past research. The proper protocols and procedures were followed to ensure an unbiased group of articles were selected. The articles were analyzed to examine the objective, purpose and type of expatriate performance measurement criteria they utilized. The articles were also evaluated according of a parent company stakeholder checklist outlining the most important aspects to the parent organization. The results of the study concluded that a research gap is evident. The measurement criteria utilized by the overwhelming majority of researchers does not meet the basic objectives set forth by the parent organization. A universal measurement framework for international assignments is absent, both in practice and in research. A small percentage of researchers are aware of this discrepancy and over reliance on a self-evaluation of performance when it comes to expatriate research. In conclusion, the study shows a gap in the current expatriate research and suggests a more detailed look at the measurement criteria used by the researchers in this field. The current criteria utilized fails to meet the basic objectives of the parent company.

The role of business model innovation in the commercialization strategies in SMEs

Adelakun, K. (Kolapo) 16 June 2014 (has links)
Commercialization of products is an essential process for a firm in the course of value delivery. It is sometimes seen as a yardstick used in measuring the performance of the firm in the market as well as the revenue generating capacity of a firm. Premised on this, it is pertinent to ask how a successful commercialization strategy is being planned and executed by a firm. So, this research is hinged on the role of business model (innovation) in the commercialization strategies in SMEs. The present study is then focused on how business model innovation contributes to the successful commercialization of products in SMEs and for this reason, a framework is introduced that explains the roles of open innovation, the business environment and product reconfiguration as inherent in the path to success in the market by SMEs. Hence, the framework is further anchored on the use of both inflows and outflows of knowledge or technologies by SMEs in product reconfiguration with the basic aim of commercialization of same successfully in the market. It should be borne in mind that a business model describes the rational a firm will use to make revenue in the process of value delivery and when the business model seems to be ineffective, a replacement comes in. In this wise, business model innovation is the replacement of an existing business model of a firm. Business model innovation will consequently evolve the means of product reconfiguration for a firm in the attempt to re-create and re-deliver value to its customers. It follows therefore that business model innovation will aid the renewal of an existing product through reconfiguration in order to re-create, re-capture and re-deliver value in the market. In this line, the commercialization of products in the open market requires business model innovation to succeed. The open innovation environment therefore serves as the harbinger through which the innovation of a business model may take place by availing the firm the opportunity to collaborate and share ideas or technologies with others as opposed to the closed innovation attempt. This study, which is done empirically, aims at contributing theoretically and managerially to helping firms understand the nature of their business model and recognize lapses inherent therein for renewal. More so, it will also serve as an avenue for managers to be more equipped in understanding their existing business model and to detect and benefit from the use of new and incipient technologies. The study has been carried out based on the use of empirical data collected from two case companies in Finland and Nigeria thereby producing a reliable result on the role of business model innovation in the commercialization strategies in SMEs and also demonstrating the importance of business model innovation in the internationalization exertion of SMEs.

Research on the key business model components influence on decisions of venture capital investment

Zeng, L. (Lulu) 17 June 2014 (has links)
With the development of high-technology and coming ages of internet-based business, there is an increasing number of e-commerce business plans has been sent to venture capitalists to raising capital funds. Venture capitalists have their certain rules to select ideal business plans. Business plans, as the initial stage of business models have become a heated topic in recent years. In order to make sure the investment is profitable, both venture capitalists and entrepreneurs should bear in mind which parts are important in venture firms. Based on the phenomena, the research is made to bridge the business model with venture capital investment and find out what are the key components from business model influence venture capitalists’ interests. The thesis has three main parts: First, the thesis reviewed the existing literatures of business model and venture capital investments. And selected influencing factors for venture capital decisions and the conceptualization method of business model for analysis. Second, based on the selected factors and conceptualization model, the thesis selected and modified the factors which are consisted in business model components and built a research framework for empirical analysis. And last, the research designed a questionnaire for venture capital related respondents, in order to find out what are key factors influence their decisions. All the answers were analyzed by statistical analysis tool SPSS, and the Factor Analysis method was used to extract major factors which influence venture capitalists’ choices from business model components. The results of the research has found out that there are 8 main factors: markets and customers, products and technologies, external environments, organizational designs, entrepreneurs’ personalities, and finances. And from the 8 main factors, answers from the respondents showed that the markets and customers, and products and technologies are the most important elements for their investment decision. On the contrary, finance issues are the least important.

Retail business model transformation in multichannel environment

Chapagain, B. (Bimala) 19 October 2015 (has links)
With the advent of internet and e-commerce, the way of carrying out business and transactions has changed to a great extent. Consumers are continuously changing the way they do shopping and this has forced retail business to transform their traditional brick and mortar into adopting multi-channel business models. Retailing is one of the most dynamic and competitive areas of business organization. Effective marketing, customer relationship management is the central dimension of successful retailing and the key to successful retailing is to be aware of the emerging opportunities and threats caused by environmental changes now and in the future. This thesis paper investigates current conceptualization of ‘brick and mortar’ business models and electronic commerce business models and also tries to identify a unified conceptual model that helps retail business to effectively integrate the two channels and deliver a unique value to the consumers. This is achieved by reviewing the attributes of both the models and finally channeling the reviewed theories to adopting a multi-channel business model. The thesis paper first identifies the concepts of business model, as it is the business model of any organization, that helps to understand what kind of activities are carried out by certain organizations and how and why are those activities carried out. The business model is used to define unique value propositions for the customers of a company, and it is these business models that need transformation, in order for a company to adapt to changing competition and recognizing opportunities in certain scenarios. The Brick and Mortar model is the oldest model that retailers have been using since centuries, however with the advent of internet; there was a threat of survival as the changing retail environment required retailers to change their traditional business models to adapt to the e-commerce environment. It is however true that, no single model is extremely superior to the other, but they do have relative advantages over the other. It is these differences and pros and cons, that influences a retailer to adapt to a multi-channel or hybrid business model.

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