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Marine geology of Astoria deep-sea fanNelson, C. Hans (Carlton Hans), 1937- 13 February 1968 (has links)
Graduation date: 1968
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Sources, dispersal, and contributions of fine-grained terrigenous sediments on the Oregon and Washington continental slopeKrissek, Lawrence A. 13 April 1982 (has links)
Holocene hemipelagic deposition of terrigenous silts and clays
dominates sedimentation on most of the Oregon and Washington continental
slope. The sources of these sediments, the mechanisms causing sediment
dispersal, and the relative contributions of the various continental
sources to the marine deposits have been investigated using quantitative
mineral and geochemical data for the 2-20 μm and the <2 μm size fractions.
In the 2-20 μm size fraction, material derived from the Klamath
Mountains and the California and Washington Coast Ranges contains
chlorite and illite, but only Klamath material contains hornblende.
Columbia River material lacks chlorite, and the Oregon Coast Range
source is dominated by smectite. In the <2 μm fraction, source area
compositions are less distinctive due to the ubiquity of smectite, but
the northern and southern sources again contain both chlorite and
illite. Regional and local mineralogic and textural variations in the
fluvial sediments reflect geologic and geographic changes between
drainage basins. Amorphous material is a minor component in the 2-20 μm
fraction of the fluvial sediments, but may form 25-50% of the <2 μm
fraction in some source areas.
Sediments derived from all source areas are transported north
and northwestward across the margin, either by a poleward-flowing
undercurrent along the slope, by wind-driven surface currents on the
shelf and associated turbid layers on the slope, or by a combination
of the two processes. Columbia River <2 μm material may also be carried
southward along the shelf and upper slope by summer surface currents.
The poleward undercurrent (an eastern boundary undercurrent) appears to
have limited sedimentological significance when compared to the role
of the western boundary undercurrent in sediment transport and deposition
on the continental slope and rise of the eastern United States.
Linear programming has been applied successfully to estimate source
area contributions to the 2-20 μm marine sediments. The influence of
each source is largest in proximal environments, and the contribution
estimates indicate that material derived from each source area is
transported northward along the margin. Similar estimates for the
<2 μm material are considered unreliable because of internal inconsistencies
and the uniform nature of the <2 μm compositions used in the
modelling. The contributions have been used to calculate a sediment
budget for the 2-20 μm fraction. This budget indicates that the mass
accumulating on the entire slope within the study area contains 47%
Columbia River, 32% Klamath Mountain, and 21% California Coast Range
material in the 2-20 μm fraction, and demonstrates the importance of
multiple sediment sources and sediment mixing in the formation of
hemipelagic sediments on the continental margin. / Graduation date: 1982
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Holocene sedimentation and potential placer deposits on the continental shelf off the Rogue River, OregonChambers, David Marshall 25 September 1968 (has links)
Changes in sea level during the past 20,000 years are recorded
in sediments taken from the continental shelf off the Rogue River,
Oregon. Sea level has risen approximately 125 m. during the
Holocene (Curray, 1965) and the general transgression has been
interrupted by several stillstands and minor regressions.
Box core samples taken in the area of investigation depict the
nature of sedimentation during the last rise of sea level as well as
present-day equilibrium sediment relationships. Three sediment
facies, a recent fine-grained mud, a basal transgressive sand, and
an intermediate sediment, believed to be a mixture of the other two,
are defined on the shelf on the basis of textural parameters. The
mud facies dominates surface sediment on the central shelf while
the sand facies is the most commonly exposed on both the inner and
outer shelf.
The percentage of sand generally increases with depth in the
box cores, often producing a change in sediment facies with depth and
demonstrating the transgressive nature of the sediments. Grain-size
analysis of the sand fraction of the offshore sediments reveals that
offshore sands are finer-grained and better sorted than those occurring
on the present beaches. The offshore sands most likely
represent relict nearshore deposits and not ancient beach sands
which would occur lower in the sediment sequence.
High concentrations of heavy minerals are found in the sand
fraction of the offshore sediments as well as in beach sands in the
area. Brief stillstands of sea level may be reflected in depths where
the offshore sands contain anomalously high percentages of heavy
Opaque minerals, chiefly magnetite, occur in placer accumulations
on the present beaches and high percentages of these minerals
in the offshore sands may be indicative of submerged beach environments
associated with stillstands of sea level. The magnetite may be
concentrated in sufficient quantity in the placers to produce detectable
magnetic anomalies, several of which have been recorded in the area.
Other lines of evidence used to determine the depths of
probable stillstands of sea level are bathymetric relief, the distribution
of shallow water fauna in sediments from deep water, and the
distribution of rounded gravels on the shelf. A compilation of the
several lines of evidence suggests several stillstands of sea level
associated with the Holocene transgression occurring at depths of
18, 29, 47, 71, 84, 102, and 150 meters. / Graduation date: 1969
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Sedimentary texture--a key to interpret deep-marine dynamicsAllen, David William 19 September 1969 (has links)
The processes responsible for transporting and depositing thick
sections of coarse-grained terrigenous clastics on the abyssal floor
and for forming associated sedimentary structures are still conjectural.
Many workers attribute coarse deep-sea sediments and their
probable lithified equivalent, the graywackes of flysch deposits to
some type of density movement.
Deductions concerning the processes operating in a density flow
generally are made from flume studies--in which an artificial situation
may develop, or from lithified units--where the magnitude of
post-depositional change is unknown. Both approaches contribute to
our knowledge, but the unconsolidated elastics themselves should
contain a unique key to understanding the dynamics of abyssal sedimentation.
To test this theory, divisions of parallel lamination, found in
deep-sea sand and silt, were selected for analysis. Since individual
laminae closely approach discrete populations of particles assembled
under contrasting conditions, their use carries environmental sampling
to its practical limits.
Northeast Pacific sediments of late Pleistocene and Holocene
age, from deep-sea channel and abyssal plain environments, and
representing two or three provenances were studied. A total of 115
light-colored and 84 dark-colored laminae were sampled from eight
sequences at five locations. Samples averaged about 0.8 gram and
were quantitatively processed using quarter-phi calibrated sieves and
decantation techniques. Statistical evaluation of the procedure shows
better than 95 percent sample recovery, and indicates that textural
variance between laminae is significantly greater than within-sample
The classic concept of density transport--that coarsest material
is carried by the nose of the current, and that clastic size grades tail-ward
and upward in a uniformly decreasing manner--is not substantiated
by moment measures, sand-silt-clay percentages or factor analysis
of grain-size distributions, at least during deposition of the
coarse division of parallel lamination.
Coarse abyssal lamination develops within a narrow range of
current velocity, the limits of which are defined texturally. Absolute
velocity values for these limits can only be related, at the present
time, to the few flume or in situ bottom current measurements
available. Texture indicates that while the total amount of sand
carried in suspension varies, lamination does not begin to form
until a current is essentially depleted of all material coarser than
fine sand--establishing an upper competency limit. At that time,
coarse suspended material is distributed throughout the flow mostly
in large eddies or vortices whose velocities are estimated on the
order of about one meter/sec. Mean current velocity must be sufficient
to maintain a dispersed traction carpet without deformation of
bedform into ripples. This is postulated at about 50 cm/sec.
A current model, based on textural evidence, is proposed to
account for lamination. It is suggested that the critical stage in the
formation of coarse abyssal lamination occurs while sediment is
being dragged along the bottom as bedload. The flowing clastic traction
carpet acquires kinetic energy as the current bypasses material
lost from suspension. In turn, this energy results in grain shear.
When the concentration of granular material in traction is large, it
dissipates the energy of bottom shear mostly in collision contacts
between gliding grains. The dispersive stresses developed tend to
maintain grain separation and prevent settling. Eventually, turbulence
in seawater entrapped between grains is suppressed and the net
path of grans impelled by repeated collisions becomes quasi-laminar.
Within this quasi-laminar traction system, dispersive pressure
causes some migration of finer sizes toward the base of the carpet
and a concentration of coarser grains in the upper bedload. As new
material is introduced in large quantities from suspension, the zone
of internal shear--the base of the moving carpet--is displaced progressively
upward. As it passes, sediment compacts to a fraction
of its dispersed thickness and a population of grains with a slightly
finer size distribution than the carpet load comes to rest. This is
buried by new deposition and a densely-packed, dark layer continues
to accrete upward as long as a moving traction carpet is sustained
and a dense rain of clastics is contributed from suspension.
When a sand-laden eddy impinges on the bottom, it releases its
coarsest load into traction and the dark layer then accreting increases
significantly in grains larger than 44 microns. Any eddy, whether
laden or not, on striking bottom adds to, or deducts its velocity from
the velocity of the traction carpet and either increases or decreases
bottom shear. Additional impulse given to tractive shear by eddies
merely results in more effective size sorting.
However, an eddy whose velocity of rotation is opposed to current
movement may reduce shear below the critical necessary to
maintain a thick carpet by dispersive pressure, The dispersed carpet
collapses and instantaneously ceases moving. This less-densely
packed layer has a slightly higher sand content than the accreted
material below. When partially dried or weathered, alternate layers
exhibit different moisture retention properties--the less-porous,
accreted layers appearing dark and the more loosely packed layers
appearing light. / Graduation date: 1970
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A seismic refraction study of the Monterey Deep Sea Fan and a comparison of velocity structures among fan subunitsDwan, Shufa F. 10 January 1986 (has links)
A deep source-receiver seismic refraction experiment was conducted
on the upper part of the Monterey Deep Sea Fan. The aim of this thesis is
to construct the velocity structure of the upper Monterey Fan and to examine
the lateral seismic velocity variations among the upper, middle and lower
fan subunits. Using primary waves and whispering gallery phases (the
multiply-reflected refraction waves), the sediment velocity structure was
modeled by the tau-zeta travel time inversion process. The changes in
velocity gradients with depth of the upper Monterey Fan are
morphologically similar to that found on both the Central Bengal Fan and
the Nicobar Fan, an abandoned lower fan of the Bengal Fan Complex. The
velocity gradient of the upper Monterey Fan at depth, 0.59 s⁻¹ is
significantly lower than both the middle Bengal Fan (0.68 s⁻¹) and the
Nicobar Fan (0.81 s⁻¹). The upper fan subunit, which is closer to its
sediment source, is characterized by higher porosities caused primarily by
a higher sedimentation rate than the lower fan subunits. Since seismic
velocity is inversely related to porosity, the upper fan subunit should have
lower velocity gradients and seismic velocities than the other fan subunits.
If porosity and velocity variations exist, then these variations can be used to
constrain various models of deep sea fan formation. No definite conclusion
can be drawn at this time due to a fault within 1 km of the Nicobar Fan site;
however, a systematic velocity variation pattern of deep sea fans is
Some portions of the Monterey Fan data contain refracted waves
which have bottomed within the underlying acoustic basement structure.
The entire velocity structure was solved by both the general and the
"stripping" solving schemes. The results of basement structure show a
velocity ranging from 3.4 to 5.8 km/s indicating that the uppermost part may
be pre-existing continental rise sediments. / Graduation date: 1986
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Sedimentary organic matter : distribution and alteration processes in the coastal upwelling region off PeruReimers, Clare Elizabeth 06 November 1981 (has links)
Graduation date: 1982
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Continuous seismic profiling investigation of the southern Oregon continental shelf between Cape Blanco and Coos BayMackay, Angus James 01 November 1968 (has links)
A structure map was constructed of the continental shelf between
Cape Blanco and Coos Bay, Oregon, exclusively from an interpretation
of approximately 700 km of continuous seismic profiles.
At least ten discernible seismic units were mapped on the bases of
acoustic appearance, lateral continuity, angular unconformities, and
faults. The offshore units tentatively were correlated with onshore
geology and are believed to range in age from the latest Jurassic to
late Pleistocene. The sparker profiles reveal that the continental
shelf off southern Oregon has experienced significant late Tertiary
and Quaternary accretion due to deposition and tectonic uplift.
The oldest rock exposures, believed to be the latest Jurassic
in age, crop out on the inner continental shelf on the topographic
highs off Cape Blanco and Coquille Point. Erosional remnants of
probable Late Cretaceous turbidites and the middle Eocene sandstone
beds also are exposed on the bathymetric high on the inner
shelf southwest of Cape Arago. The initial emplacement of these
three uplifted structural blocks is probably a result of late Eocene
wrench faulting of the Port Orford shear zone and of the postulated
shear zone at Coquille Point.
No other early Tertiary sediments apparently are exposed on
this portion of the Oregon continental shelf, but they probably extend
seaward at depth on the continental margin. Middle Tertiary
strata are believed to be exposed on the outer shelf topographic high
southwest of Cape Arago.
Sediments of Miocene to Pliocene age were deposited throughout
much of the continental shelf that was surveyed. The greatest
amount of deposition occurred in a north-south trending basin between
Cape Blanco and Coquille Bank. Late to post-Pliocene tectonism
uplifted and exposed the older underlying rocks on the inner
shelf, which are probably of uppermost Jurassic to middle Tertiary
age. These same stresses also deformed the Mio-Pliocene sediments
into gently undulating structures on the inner shelf. The
greatest deformation occurred on the outer shelf and formed
Coquille Bank, a north-south trending, doubly plunging, asymmetrical
anticline. The terraces or benches on the upper continental
slope to the north and south of the Bank are structural features resulting from the doubly plunging anticline.
Eustatic sea level lowerings during the Pleistocene truncated
the shelf structures as deep as 130 m below present sea level. The
detritus was deposited as a wedge of sediments, which forms an unconformable
contact with the underlying strata on the outer shelf and
upper slope between Coos Bay and Coquille Bank. In areas of deposition
there is no distinct break between the shelf and the upper slope;
the former merely merges into the latter in a continuous convex
curve. In areas of nondeposition, the edge of the shelf is an erosional
and structural feature.
A possible buried channel was detected northwest of the mouth
of the Coquille River. This sediment filled channel is believed to be
an erosional remnant of a former course of the Coquille River during
a lower stand of sea level. / Graduation date: 1969
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Relationships between thermal and electrical conductivities of ocean sediments and consolidated rocksHutt, Jeremy Reinboth 14 May 1966 (has links)
From measurements of thermal and electrical conductivities of
64 ocean sediment samples obtained from piston cores taken off the
Oregon Coast, and from 37 water-saturated sandstone samples analyzed
by Zierfuss and Van der Vliet (1956), as well as 51 thermal
conductivities and water contents of ocean sediments analyzed by
Ratcliffe (1960), this research shows that a useful relationship can be
obtained giving thermal conductivity when electrical conductivity is
known. Analysis of the data was made using theoretical concepts
which have been known for many years to relate thermal and electrical
conductivity to porosity. The results of this research may make
possible a convenient determination of in situ thermal conductivity
that would give the average conductivity in materials containing large
variations in conductivity. / Graduation date: 1966
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Continental shelf sediments, Columbia River to Cape Blanco, OregonRunge, Erwin John 01 December 1965 (has links)
Sediments on the inner portion of the Oregon continental shelf
consist of clean, well-sorted, detrital sand. This sand has an average
median diameter of 2.53Φ (. 173 mm) and is both positively and
negatively skewed. Deposits with median diameters in the coarse
sand and gravel classes occur at depths of 20 to 40 fathoms and
probably represent ancient beach or fluviatile deposits formed during
lower stands of sea level.
The outer shelf and upper slope are covered by poorly sorted
sediments with median diameters in the fine sand to fine silt classes.
Mean diameters of the sediments are almost always smaller than
their median diameters and the sediments are positively skewed.
The heavy mineral assemblages are dominated by the amphibole
and pyroxene groups and the opaque-garnet association.
Pyroxenes are most abundant in the coarser-grained sediments of the inner shelf and decrease in abundance offshore. Amphiboles are
most abundant in the finer-grained sediments of the outer shelf and
upper slope. Highest concentrations of the opaque-garnet association
also are found in the inshore samples.
Sediments of the continental shelf are derived from two principal
sources, rivers and erosion of coastal terrace deposits.
Rivers are probably contributing only fine-grained material to the
shelf as much of the coarser fluviatile material is thought to be
trapped in the estuaries. The terrace deposits are actively being
eroded and are thought to contribute about 21,000,000 cubic feet
(.00013 cubic miles) of sediment to the continental shelf annually.
Evidence suggests that much of the inner-shelf sand is probably
a relict transgressive sheet sand that was deposited during the
last rise in sea level. Most of the deposition of the modern sand on
the shelf has been confined to the inner portion of the inner shelf.
Finer-grained sediments have been deposited on the outer shelf and
upper slope.
Characteristics of the sediments on the present continental
shelves may be useful in identifying continental shelf deposits in
the geologic column. / Graduation date: 1966
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Study of dinoflagellate cysts from recent marine sediments of British ColumbiaDobell, Patricia Elda Rose January 1978 (has links)
Viable cysts collected from natural sediments were induced to excyst. Ten cyst-theca relationships, first established elsewhere, were confirmed for British Columbia (B.C.). These were: Gonyaulax tamarensis, Protoperidinium aspidotum, P. claudicans, P. conicoides, P. conicum, P. cf. denticulatum, P. leonis, P. oblongum, and P. punctulatum. Five cyst-theca relationships were established for the first time: Peridiniopsis cf. hainanensis, Protoperidinium sp. nov., P. thorianum, and two apparently new species of Gonyaulax. P. pentagonum was found to have a cyst different from the cyst of this species in the Atlantic.
Forty-five samples from Recent sediments were collected along the coast of B.C. Twenty-three of the samples had very few cysts. Hidden Basin was the chief source of viable cysts for the excystment experiments.
Ten cyst-based taxa were described from the sediment samples.
These were: Operculodinium centrocarpum, the cyst of Scrippsiella
faeroense (= Micrhystridium bifurcatum), Spiniferites belerius, S.
bentori, S. bulloideus, S. elongatus, S. membranaceus, S. nodosum, and
S. ramosus. Tanyosphaeridium sp. has been recorded previously as the
cyst of Polykrikos schwarzi. Two new cyst-based taxa are described
for the first time. These are a cyst of Protoperidinium sp., and
Spiniferites "sp. A".
Cyst assemblages in the Recent sediments of B.C. were similar to many temperate estuarine and neritic areas. Some cysts which are characteristic of these areas in other regions, have not yet been found in B.C. The relative importance of some cysts also varies from that found in similar sediments elsewhere.
The dominance of Operculodinium centrocarpum in many of the cyst assemblages, including B.C., is a pattern typical of temperate estuarine conditions. Some cysts appear to be characteristically associated with fjord environments. Scrippsiella faeroense, for example, has been found in Norwegian fjords and Scottish sea lochs as well as some B.C. fjords and inlets. / Science, Faculty of / Botany, Department of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate
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