Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bmarketing. bmarketing"" "subject:"bmarketing. demarketing""
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Návrh na zlepšení komunikačního mixu vybrané společnosti / Proposal for Improving the Communication Mix in a Selected CompanyGatialová, Martina January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the proposal for the improvement of the communication mix in a selected company. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on theoretical knowledge about marketing and definitions of selected analyzes. The second part consists of analysis of environment of the selected company and marketing research concerning the satisfaction of the company's existing foreign customers. The final part contains the proposals for improving the communication mix, which were created based on the analysis.
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Návrh rozvoje marketingových činností firmy / A proposal of marketing activity development in a companyZabloudil, Ivo January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis consists of two integrated substructures. The theoretical one provides an introduction to classical and current marketing theories - focused on the service marketing. The practical one aims to analyze and fix marketing-related problems in a company, which manages the central heating system in Brno.
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Návrh marketingové koncepce vybrané realitní kanceláře / Proposal of a Marketing Concept for a Selected Real Estate AgencyVolf, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis solves selected real estate marketing firm. It analyzes the current situation at a specific real estate market and with the help of marketing tools suggests new approaches to improve sales of real estate.
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Komunikační strategie podniku / Communication Strategy of the CompanyMajeriková, Ela January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this master’s thesis entitled “Communication strategy of the company” is to develop a new communication strategy for a specific business based on the results of analysis. The thesis consists of three parts, the theoretical that explains the concepts of concerning marketing and marketing communication, analytical, in which the company is introduced and subsequently analyzed and finally implementation part, where the suggestions for improvement of the communication strategy are introduced. Part of the implementation part is also the budget needed for the notions as well as economic evaluation of specific proposals.
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Marketingový plán event agentury / Marketing plan of event agencyEgorova, Valentina January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the creation of the marketing plan of the new event agency. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part are presented the foundation of marketing plan issues, parts of the marketing plan, its creation, goals setting, marketing mix, budget, action plan and control of marketing plan. A separate chapter deals with event marketing. In the practical part situational analysis and marketing research are implemented and then marketing objectives, strategy and marketing mix of the agency are determined, based on synthesis of its results. Finally, the budget, the action plan and the control of the implementation of the marketing plan are presented.
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Vývoj marketingu ve spojení s informačními technologiemi a neurotechnologiemi / Development of marketing in connection with information technology and neurotechnologySmržová, Pavlína January 2013 (has links)
The final thesis "Development of marketing in connection with information technology and neurotechnology" deals with modern marketing methods in the field of information technology, especially on the Internet (online marketing) and in the field of neurotechnology (neuromarketing). The thesis asks questions about how further can marketing be evolving in current form to the future and it follows the development and potential of each marketing trends in the context of modern information technology. To what extent will consumers have freedom of their choice in the future? What could be the negative and positive effects of the development of marketing in conjunction with modern technology? What influence does online marketing and neuromarketing on human emotions and thinking? Answers and problems of modern marketing are searched primarily through the SWOT analysis from a consumer perspective and also from the perspective of the company. It studies a FaceReader program for the analysis of facial expressions of respondents in the face while watching selected commercials. Finally, the work is trying to find relations of recognizing the modified logos without the brand name according to different consumers through the online survey.
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Marketingová strategie vybraného podniku / Marketing Strategy of the Selected CompanyGajdůšek, Michal January 2021 (has links)
Master‘s thesis is focused on marketing strategy of the selected company in the furniture industry. Thesis composes of three parts. First part defines theoretical concepts in regards to relevant terms and methods that are used in this thesis. Second part focuses on analysis of the current state of the company’s marketing strategy. Third part is focused on proposals leading to improvements in company’s marketing strategy. Proposals are based on results from the second analytical part of the thesis.
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Návrh marketingové strategie společnosti / The Proposal of Company Marketing StrategyNěmcová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the marketing strategy of company Hrackomat.cz. Thesis includes analysis of current company situation. Based on the marketing analysis and marketing research are made suggestions and recommendations, which leads to better financial situation of company.
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Примена маркетинг концепта у функцији унапређења производње и пласмана сира у Републици Србији / Primena marketing koncepta u funkciji unapređenja proizvodnje i plasmana sira u Republici Srbiji / Applying Marketing Concepts to Improve Cheese Production and Placing on the Market in the Republic of SerbiaMugoša Izabela 19 January 2018 (has links)
<p>ИЗ<br />Производња и пласман сира заузимају једно од кључних места у стратегији развоја и раста агроиндустрије многих, економски најразвијенијих, земаља. Као финални производ сточарске производње, сир, као готов производ, резултат је ангажовања већег броја различитих привредних субјеката у ланцу стварања и испоруке вредности, због чега може бити значајан генератор прихода за све учеснике и фактор економског развоја Републике Србије. Основни циљ истраживања је да се на бази информација добијених обрадом података из примарних и секундарних извора, креира предлог функционалног маркетинг концепта, као услова за унапређење производње и пласмана сира из понуде произвођача Републике Србије, на домаћем и иностраним тржиштима. Резултати истраживања треба да укажу на факторе који су од значаја за повећање домаће производње, перспективе и могуће извозне дестинације, као и повећање извоза.</p><p><br /><br />Резултати истраживања указују на то да, у светским размерама, Република Србија није конкурент у сегменту индустријских сирева. Оно што, пре свега удружени, произвођачи сира Републике Србије могу да понуде све захтевнијим потрошачима на домаћем и међународном тржишту, јесу првенствено аутохтони сиреви који носе ознаку географског порекла, варијетети традиционалних, органских, као и сиреви са додатом вредношћу који могу да задовоље специфичне захтеве идентификоване тржишне тражње, како у погледу квалитета и осталих маркетинг обележја, тако и у погледу безбедности хране. Основни услов за креирање профитно оријентисаних пољопривредних газдинстава која се баве производњом сира, јесте континуирана аграрна политика којом се креирају услови извесности за привредне субјекте. Удруживање, успостављање акредитованих програма континуиране едукације из области маркетинга и производње сира, као и државни подстицаји у виду наменски опредељених финансијских средстава, представљају неке од примарних фактора развоја и јачања конкурентске позиције произвођача сира.<br /><br />Датум</p> / <p>IZ<br />Proizvodnja i plasman sira zauzimaju jedno od ključnih mesta u strategiji razvoja i rasta agroindustrije mnogih, ekonomski najrazvijenijih, zemalja. Kao finalni proizvod stočarske proizvodnje, sir, kao gotov proizvod, rezultat je angažovanja većeg broja različitih privrednih subjekata u lancu stvaranja i isporuke vrednosti, zbog čega može biti značajan generator prihoda za sve učesnike i faktor ekonomskog razvoja Republike Srbije. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se na bazi informacija dobijenih obradom podataka iz primarnih i sekundarnih izvora, kreira predlog funkcionalnog marketing koncepta, kao uslova za unapređenje proizvodnje i plasmana sira iz ponude proizvođača Republike Srbije, na domaćem i inostranim tržištima. Rezultati istraživanja treba da ukažu na faktore koji su od značaja za povećanje domaće proizvodnje, perspektive i moguće izvozne destinacije, kao i povećanje izvoza.</p><p><br /><br />Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da, u svetskim razmerama, Republika Srbija nije konkurent u segmentu industrijskih sireva. Ono što, pre svega udruženi, proizvođači sira Republike Srbije mogu da ponude sve zahtevnijim potrošačima na domaćem i međunarodnom tržištu, jesu prvenstveno autohtoni sirevi koji nose oznaku geografskog porekla, varijeteti tradicionalnih, organskih, kao i sirevi sa dodatom vrednošću koji mogu da zadovolje specifične zahteve identifikovane tržišne tražnje, kako u pogledu kvaliteta i ostalih marketing obeležja, tako i u pogledu bezbednosti hrane. Osnovni uslov za kreiranje profitno orijentisanih poljoprivrednih gazdinstava koja se bave proizvodnjom sira, jeste kontinuirana agrarna politika kojom se kreiraju uslovi izvesnosti za privredne subjekte. Udruživanje, uspostavljanje akreditovanih programa kontinuirane edukacije iz oblasti marketinga i proizvodnje sira, kao i državni podsticaji u vidu namenski opredeljenih finansijskih sredstava, predstavljaju neke od primarnih faktora razvoja i jačanja konkurentske pozicije proizvođača sira.<br /><br />Datum</p> / <p>AB <br />Cheese production and placing on the market hold some of key positions of growth and development strategies in agricultural industry of numerous highly developed countries. As the final product of livestock production – cheese, as the finished product is a result of several different business entities participating in the creation cycle and value delivery. Hence, it could be a significant revenue generator for all participants</p><p><br /><br />and a factor in the economic development of the Republic of Serbia. Primary aim of the research is to create a functional marketing concept proposal on the basis of information obtained from data analysis received from primary and secondary sources as a condition for enhanced cheese production and placing on the market by Serbian manufacturers, both on domestic and international markets. Research results should indicate significant factors in increased domestic production, prospects and potential export destinations as well as increased export. Research results reveal that the Republic of Serbia is not a competitor in the field of industrial cheese on a global scale. Something that, above all, associated cheese manufacturers from the Republic of Serbia can offer to progressively demanding consumers on both domestic and international market are original varieties of cheese with designation of origin, varieties of traditional and organic cheese, value-added cheese which can meet the specific requirements of identified market demand. This refers to quality and other marketing features, including food safety as well. Elementary condition for creating profitoriented agricultural holdings for cheese production is the continuous agricultural policy which creates conditions of certainty for business entities. Creating associations and founding accredited programs of continuing education in the field of marketing and cheese production as well as state incentives in the form of dedicated funds represent some of primary factors in development and strengthening the competitive position among cheese manufacturers.</p>
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Marketing Strategy for Starbucks café in the Ukrainian market / Marketing Strategy for Starbucks café in the Ukrainian marketNikitina, Oleksandra January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to conduct a research and thorough analysis of the suggested new market for international company. In case of positive recommendation regarding market entry, marketing strategy and marketing mix are to be developed and proposed. The central idea behind the topic is to suggest efficient marketing strategy for Starbucks Corporation, global coffeehouses chain and coffee specialties seller, entry to the Ukrainian market. The recommendation is to be based on thorough analyses and researches of market environment and company's potential position. The thesis is divided into theoretical, analytical and practical parts. The theoretical part summarizes academical knowledge that is related to the topic of the thesis and that is used in further analytical and practical parts. Analytical part presents analyses made on country and industry situation and on current company's profile and strategies. In practical part, based on the analyses performed, the final recommendation on the mode of entry and marketing strategy is made.
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