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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mise en oeuvre et évaluation d’un modèle de transition à équations de transport pour la simulation d’écoulements en turbomachines / Implementation and evaluation of a laminar to turbulent transition model based on transport equations for turbomachinery applications

Benyahia, Abdelkader 04 December 2012 (has links)
La prise en compte de la transition laminaire-turbulent dans les codes Navier-Stokes demeure problématique d’un point de vue numérique dès lors qu’on s’intéresse à des géométries complexes tridimensionnelles tel qu’un étage de turbomachine. Le modèle à équations de transport Re se propose de résoudre ces difficultés et d’ouvrir la voie à la modélisation automatique du phénomène pour des simulations RANS. Le travail exposé dans ce mémoire de thèse a consisté à développer dans le code elsA le modèle de transition Re et à évaluer l’aptitude de ce modèle à capturer avec précision le phénomène de la transition laminaire-turbulent dans le cadre de simulations RANS en turbomachine. Après une étude bibliographique, l’implémentation du modèle dans le code elsA est décrite ainsi que des premières simulations validant les développements réalisés. Par la suite, des cas documentés relatifs à des applications en aérothermique sont traités. Les prévisions par CFD des flux de chaleur à la paroi sont en bon accord avec l’expérience, démontrant ainsi la capacité du modèle à capturer avec précision la nature de la couche limite. Dans une dernière partie, le modèle est appliqué à la prévision de la transition par bulbe de décollement sur des aubages de turbine basse pression. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que le modèle doit être amélioré afin de modéliser correctement le phénomène de transition par bulbe de décollement. Ces travaux ont permis de valider l’utilisation du modèle de transition Re dans le code elsA pour une large gamme d’applications en turbomachine, et laissent entrevoir la perspective d’utiliser ce modèle. / The modelisation of laminar to turbulent transition is still difficult in RANS computations while dealing with three dimensional computational domains like turbomachinery domains. The laminar to turbulent transition model Re has been proposed to solve these issues and permit the automatic modeling of laminar to turbulent transition in RANS codes. The Re model has been introduced into the code elsA and evaluated thanks to several computations relative to turbomachinery. After a bibliographical study, the implementation of the model into the code elsA and the inital results are described in this document. In a third part, aerothermal issues in turbomachinery are investigated. The estimations of the heat fluxes by CFD are in good agreement with the experimental data which demonstrate the capability of the model to capture laminar and turbulent regions. In a last part the phenomenon of separation induced transition occuring on low pressure turbine blade is studied. The results obtained while employing the Re model show that the model need to be refined for these applications. The studied performed have permited the validation the use of the laminar to turbulent transition model Re with the code elsA for very different applications in turbomachinery.

Simulating flow-noise for after-treatment systems / Strömningsakustisk simulering av ljuddämparsystem för tunga fordon

Sandström, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Modern silencers for heavy vehicle applications are designed to cancel out the sound generated by the effects of combustion and propagation of exhaust gases through the engine after-treatment system. The complex geometry within the compact silencer give rise to self generated (or flow-) noise that contribute to the total sound power radiated at the exhaust outlet. To evaluate the magnitude and spectral frequency content of this self-generated noise, accurate non-reflective boundary conditions need to be applied along with a solver optimized for low dissipation and dispersion of acoustic waves. Parametric studies have been preformed to construct and evaluate the non-reflectiveness of stretched grids in combination with the buffer-zone technique for low- to mid- frequency noise. The Proudman noise source model have been used to identify the sources of sound within the computational domain and Detached Eddy Simulations have been used with full silencer geometries. Finally, the non-reflective performance of the stretched grid and buffer-zone technique have been evaluated using the acoustic beamforming method to spatially filter out and estimate the amount of reflections present in the final simulations. Detached Eddy Simulations can with success be used to resolve flow noise in exhaust gas geometries and allow reasonable comparisons. Steady models have been included in the comparisons but can only be used to estimate the amount of production of acoustic energy, not the radiated sound pressure levels related to the suppression of sound due to flow characteristics within the silencer geometries. Finally, the rough beamforming method confirmed the function of the non-reflective boundary conditions by finding major differences in magnitude for the sound being radiated towards the measurement point in different directions. / Ljuddämpare för lastbilar och bussar är konstruerade för att dämpa det ljud som genereras i förbränningsmotorn och i avgasreningssystemet. Moderna ljuddämpare består av komplexa geometrier som avgaserna flödar igenom och som släcker ut oönskat ljud. När avgaserna, bärandes ljud ifrån förbränningsmotorn flödar i hög hastighet genom den komplexa geometrin alstras ytterligare buller, så kallat själv-genererat ljud. För att ta fram frekensspektrat och ljudtrycksnivån ifrån detta bidragande ljud kan Detached Eddy Simulations utföras. Denna metod av strömningsmekaniska beräkningar kräver dock icke-reflektiva randvilkor. Randvilkor som uppfyller kraven har konstruerats genom parameterstudier tillsammans med en numerisk lösare som med låg dissipation och dispersion beräknar de akustiska pertubationerna i fjärfältet på ett fysikaliskt korrekt sätt. Vidare har även akustiska källmetoder används för att uppskatta närfältets storlek. Magnituden hos de kvarvarande reflektionerna har sedan uppskattas med hjälp av en förenklad Beamforming metod. Detached Eddy Simulations kan på ett framgångsfullt sätt användas för att ta fram det egengenererade ljudet ifrån ljuddämpargeometrier och möjliggör därigenom rimliga jämförelser mellan olika avgasgeometrier. De akusiska källmetoderna kan med säkerhet anvädas för att uppskatta den akustiska effekten som genereras i geometrierna men kan inte användas för att ta fram de dämpande effekterna som turbulenta strukturer eller hastighetsgradienter medför. Den förenklade Beamforming metoden har även bekräftat funtionen hos de icke-reflectiva randvilkoren genom att påvisa stora skillander i den ljudnivån som radierars ifrån olika riktingar mot den punkt som anvädas för att extrahera ljuddämparens ljudtrycksnivå.

Computations of shock-wave/boundary layer interactions over fins in turbulent flow

Raghav Chari (13171305) 09 September 2022 (has links)
<p>High speed flows in engineering applications are often characterized by shock-wave/boundary layer interactions (SWBLI) and three-dimensional flows. This thesis aims to study commonly employed turbulence models in the context of configurations featuring SWBLI and 3D flows. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations of flow over a 20 degree isentropic compression curved fin were performed, and the results were compared with published experimental data. Two variations of the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) turbulence model, and two variations of the Menter Shear Stress Transport (SST) turbulence model were tested, and their ability to predict mean flow data was compared. All four models predict the correct flow structure, but the SA models display higher error in predicting Pitot pressure in the curved fin 3D boundary layer. CFD simulations of flow over a sharp fin were performed using the same four turbulence models, and mean flow data were compared to published experimental and computational data. Simulated flow profiles showed good accuracy in the regions away from the shock structure, but did not accurately predict flow in the supersonic regions in the vicinity of the shock wave. Time-accurate IDDES simulations of both configurations were performed, and neither configuration showed any deviation from the steady state solution.</p>

Efficient seakeeping performance predictions with CFD

Lagemann, Benjamin January 2019 (has links)
With steadily increasing computational power, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be applied to unsteady problems such as seakeeping simulations. Therefore, a good balance between accuracy and computational speed is required. This thesis investigates the application of CFD to seakeeping performance predictions and aims to propose a best-practice procedure for efficient seakeeping simulations. The widely used KVLCC2 research vessel serves as a test case for this thesis and FINEŠ/Marine software package is used for CFD computations. In order to validate the simulations, results are compared to recent experimental data from SSPA as well as predictions with potential ˛ow code SHIPFLOW® Motions. As for the calm water simulations, both inviscid and viscous ˛ow computations are performed in combination with three mesh refinement levels. Seakeeping simulations with regular head waves of different wavelengths are set-up correspondingly. Furthermore, different strategies for time discretization are investigated. With the given computational resources, it is not feasible to complete seakeeping simulations with a ˝ne mesh. However, already the coarse meshes give good agreement to experiments and SHIPFLOW® Motions' predictions. Viscous ˛ow simulations turn out to be more robust than Euler ˛ow computations and thus should be preferred. Regarding the time discretization, a fixed time discretization of 150 steps per wave period has shown the best balance between accuracy and speed. Based on these findings, a best-practice procedure for seakeeping performance predictions in FINEŠ/Marine is established. Taking the most efficient settings obtained from head wave simulations, the vessel is subjected to oblique waves with 160° encounter angle. Under similar wave conditions, CFD predictions of a similar thesis show close agreement in terms of added wave resistance. Compared to the previous head wave conditions of this study, added resistance in 160° oblique waves is found to be significantly higher. This underlines that oblique bow quartering waves represent a relevant case for determining the maximum required power of a ship. CFD and potential ˛ow show similar accuracy with respect to ship motions and added wave resistance, albeit potential ˛ow outperforms CFD in terms of computational speed. Hence, CFD should be applied in cases where viscous effects are known to have large influence on a vessel's seakeeping behavior. This can be the case if motion control and damping devices are to be evaluated, for instance. / Tack vare den stadigt ökande beräkningskraften kan beräkningsuiddynamik (CFD) idag användas på beräkningsintensiva problem som sjöegenskapssimulationer. Den här rapporten undersöker användning av CFD på sjöegenskapsprestanda och syftar till att foreslå ett best-practice förfaringssätt för effektiv sjöegenskapssimulationer. Forskningsskrovet KVLCC2 fungerar som ett testfall för denna rapport och FINE—/Marine-mjukvarupaketet används för CFD-beräkningar. Viktiga parametrar, såsom ödestyp, beräkningsnät och tidssteg varierars systematiskt. Resultaten jämförs med experiment gjorda vid SSPA. Baserat på resultaten förelås en best-practice. Den föreslagna best-practice användas vidare för berökningar av sjöegenskaper i sneda vågor. Jämförelse av resultaten med liknande studier visar god överensstämmelse. Genom att använda det föreslagna förfarandet för best-practice kan CFD-sjöegenskapssimulationer användas på fall där viskösa krafter måste beaktas, till exempel rörelseregleringsanordningar.

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