Spelling suggestions: "subject:"desta"" "subject:"nesta""
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Komunitní centrum v centru / Community Center in the CentreKrajčovičová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
During the 70s Povazska Bystrica city has completely changed their entire downtown. When the proposal was envisaged to reserve 30 percent of the area from which it has over the years become parking places. This city center , without historical buildings with compactly closed square is certainly an interesting subject of sociological inquiry. What is missing in this zone are mainly related to leisure activities , facilities for mothers with small children , gallery , sports center , museum of Povazske strojarne . All these functions , I tried to include in my concept of urban strategies , from which I chose to further develop the community center building . That in itself contains a gallery , bistro , maternity center , multipurpose hall and two large spaces for the development of musical activities and creative abilities . Surrounding buildings are only with a flat roof , mainly cubic , and therefore I chose this also this very similar and simple shape. Form responds to the idea of the conclusion of the square , but their scale and the overall shape corresponds with the environment and communicate directly with him . Height of the building is in equilibrium with the surrounding building heights , four classic levels . The proposed building is from the eastern part , where the transition between buildings is designed after the original road from the church , the entrance to the maternity center is situated near the indoor playground snd the semi-opened atrium.Artistic and material solution responds to the urban environment in which the building is planted . Whereas in its vicinity is the amount of greenery with which is in direct contact (park , river with green stripe) and that is why I chose the color of the facade , which would be in contrast with greenery , but also square tiles . I chose pale pigmented precast concrete elements which, artistically revived facade and completed as well as the layout of windows and doors . Windows and doors have been designed with regard to the function rooms , as well as their breakdown, as some of them , such as entrance hall , extending over two floors , on the other hand , some classrooms respectively interest rooms have a mezzanine section . Complement the interior color shades that are not only functional but also aesthetic element , as are color differentiated by function of room . The building is designed as wall system combined with columns and materials , in turn, is a concrete and reinforced concrete .
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Идентификација опасних места на путевима применом континуалне дисперзионе анализе / Identifikacija opasnih mesta na putevima primenom kontinualne disperzione analize / IDENTIFICATION OF HOTSPOTS ON ROADS USING CONTINUAL VARIANCE ANALYSISAnđelković Dejan 10 May 2019 (has links)
<p>У оквиру истраживања ове докторске дисертације креиран је нови<br />оригинални метод за идентификацију опасних места на путевима<br />заснован на континуалној анализи варијансе (АНОВЕ). Метод, на основу<br />статистичких показатеља даје одређене карактеристике<br />(сигнификантности) односно разлике или сличности између<br />посматраних група. Под појмом „група“ подразумевају се краће путне<br />деонице пута стандардне дужине (суб-деонице) на којима се у<br />одређеном временском периоду десио одређени број саобраћајних<br />незгода. Међусобним поређењем тих група (суб-деоница), као и<br />поређењем тих група (суб-деоница) са целим скупом (целом<br />посматраном путном деоницом коју чине све суб-деонице), добијају се<br />одређене статистичке вредности сигнификантности односно значајности<br />разлике или сличности међу њима. Ти показатељи дају одговарајуће<br />оцене посматраних суб-деоница у погледу безбедности односно не<br />безбедности тих суб-деоница.</p> / <p>U okviru istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije kreiran je novi<br />originalni metod za identifikaciju opasnih mesta na putevima<br />zasnovan na kontinualnoj analizi varijanse (ANOVE). Metod, na osnovu<br />statističkih pokazatelja daje određene karakteristike<br />(signifikantnosti) odnosno razlike ili sličnosti između<br />posmatranih grupa. Pod pojmom „grupa“ podrazumevaju se kraće putne<br />deonice puta standardne dužine (sub-deonice) na kojima se u<br />određenom vremenskom periodu desio određeni broj saobraćajnih<br />nezgoda. Međusobnim poređenjem tih grupa (sub-deonica), kao i<br />poređenjem tih grupa (sub-deonica) sa celim skupom (celom<br />posmatranom putnom deonicom koju čine sve sub-deonice), dobijaju se<br />određene statističke vrednosti signifikantnosti odnosno značajnosti<br />razlike ili sličnosti među njima. Ti pokazatelji daju odgovarajuće<br />ocene posmatranih sub-deonica u pogledu bezbednosti odnosno ne<br />bezbednosti tih sub-deonica.</p> / <p>In the framework of the research of this doctoral dissertation, a new original<br />method for the identification of dangerous locations on roads based on<br />continual analysis of variance (ANOVE) was created. The method, based on<br />statistical indicators, gives certain characteristics (significance), ie differences<br />or similarities between the observed groups. The term "group" means shorter<br />road sections of standard length (subsections) where a certain number of<br />traffic accidents occurred during a certain period of time. By comparing these<br />groups (subsections) with each other, as well as by comparing these groups<br />(subsections) with the whole set (the entire observed road section consisting<br />of all subsections), certain statistical values of significance or significance of<br />the difference or similarity between them are obtained. These indicators<br />provide appropriate assessments of the observed subsections in terms of the<br />safety or not the safety of these subsections.</p>
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NÁMESTOVO : Možnosti města / NÁMESTOVO : Possibilities of the townKubík, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The northernmost territory of Slovakia. Upper Orava. Immediate neighbors with Poland, the proximity of the border with the Czech Republic. Centre vast and relatively densely populated district (an area of 690, 46 km2 and are home to 60,653 inhabitants). The whole region is a protected area, richly wooded. Right in the city cadastre passes Ramsar protected area. The town lies at the foot of Orava Beskydy, Magura and the banks of the Orava dam, which flooded the western part of the Orava Basin. The district does not rail, relatively dense settlements generates raster-developed road network and frequented suburban bus service. Cities Tvrdošín and Trstená are just 14 km far from Namestovo. Total 24 800 inhabitants combines an attractive route in the Orava Dam whose potential should be multiplied by completing the cycle path. Despite the lower number of inhabitants (8000) Námestovo is the centre a common system of public administration, recreation center, summer festivals and nightlife, the city that attract large numbers of visitors. Addressed area is located at the junction of the center of Namestovo and housing estates - places with the highest concentration of citizens. Meaning a small center of a small town is gaining esteem size of its catchment area. The functions above-urban importance are located in four areas - Square post office Hviezdoslava to the commercial zone, shops and services. Námestie A. Bernoláka - administration and authorities Lower Shores - health, industrial zone - centered manufacturing and service jobs in manufacturing. Out ff these sites two are located in solved area - commercial and health. Despite its importance, its appearance, depiction of a character does not correspond to his post. Absent are deeper expression, grasping and subsequent use of public space, and the concept of long-term strategy.
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Městské lázně / The Municipal BathsAdamsonová, Kristína January 2010 (has links)
ARCHITECTURE The centre and entrance point for atrection a relx is terace with pool, with corridor to cafe and skylights that leads to reception. Around this atrium, there is a ramp, rising up. Pools are not see n ko the screens are individual attractions, atmosphere. The height change of each pool, sauna and whether this involves physical effort is rewarded with open views to the surroundings and relax themselves. Entering the building through a covered, but bright bay, passage is a continuation of the street fishing. Thus the very end of the reception side. Thus eliminate the problem of a parcel which is like a scene out of town. Layout In the passages suggest leaving the car park, Kafe-bar with a simple menu and fresh multifunctional workshop, creative playground. It is known fact, that in the old spa locations to find valuable pieces of pottery, small painting and sculpture and other artifacts that speak of links with the vivacious work, relax, relax with a manual and spiritual. This room will also serve as a nursery for parents resting in the spa, in the specified date and time. Upon entering the spa itself, the reception with high ceilings and skylights from the terrace, the visitor to the issue of changing rooms with bathroom facilities. Consequently, the choice whether to receive the attractions, or go down to the fitness center or gym. Another option is to move the spa itself. In the direction from the top down it is pliable dough, the blood will get the opposite route, in which the visitor shall issue a physical effort. 2np In addition to coffee for guests only and exit to the terrace, and massage booths are located. Much of the area occupied by the technical room, spa bath as well as administration. On the next floor guest vystkytne a larger foyer, drinking KURO room and swimming and first aid. Glass facades can be glanced only in forests of the Riviera, but the atrium, with an outdoor terrace and heated swimming pool at all times. Foyer is the actual beginning of the journey. The first ramp is rising just from my father. All the dark hallway, followed by a bright and translucent glass facades. The key is just a wall bordering the ramps and a few additional columns for the perimeter of the building. About half a meter above (and always rises only about 500 mm, the gradient of 1:16 to 8 meters length), the visitor gets to the first pool. Sunny southern facade is designed as a double, at this point is the greenhouse, it is no wonder that the first two pools are linked to breathing, inhalation, nature herbs. The hall (+7400) is glass mat glass sanitary unit consisting of two toilets, toilets for disabled people and installation bay. On one front wall of the shower. This element is repeated, the cabin is only 2.6 meters high (sv room is 3.65 meters), it was acting to hinder lightweight and transparent. On the left side counterclockwise overcomes next ramp stages. Pools are right to counter a výrivý. In this part of the facade facing the street catchment area, the intersection of fishing and of 8 m of pools have already seen the two interface Brno: Petrov and Špilberk. There is also a visitor gets to escape-connecting staircase. Possibility of shortening the path to the sauna is right here. The following pool of options in turn draws the double facade. Studenúuvodu make cold, shielded, north-facing environment. Hot pool at a height level of hygiene cab ...
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