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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspectos de ordem institucional para a gestão de resíduos sólidos em áreas metropolitanas: o desafio da intermunicipalidade / Institutional Aspects for Solid Waste Metropolitan Management: Challenge of intermunicipality

Marco Antonio Fialho 08 March 2012 (has links)
A ampliação horizontal das áreas urbanizadas dos municípios leva à formação de um tecido urbano contínuo, definido como conurbação. Essa condição tende a reduzir as possibilidades para o tratamento e disposição final de resíduos sólidos em áreas localizadas a menores distâncias dos centros geradores. Tal condição implica, entre outras questões, maiores custos para as administrações municipais. A necessidade da gestão intermunicipal para os resíduos gerados nos municípios torna-se o grande desafio, em função do sítio físico de cada municipalidade e as restrições ambientais e físicas que eventualmente possuam. Algumas experiências de gestão metropolitana existentes nas grandes cidades em redor do mundo tiveram por escopo o enfrentamento dessas questões de forma compartilhada. No caso das comunas localizadas na região francesa de Ile-de-France, a gestão do tratamento e da disposição final de resíduos está a cargo de uma agência intercomunal de tratamento de resíduos domiciliares, o Syctom, desde o início da década de 1980. Em Toronto, no Canadá, a gestão metropolitana da Metro Toronto, uma instância intermunicipal criada em 1953, possibilitou o tratamento e disposição final dos seis municípios integrantes da região metropolitana de Toronto desde então. Todavia, uma alteração no ano de 1997, decorrente de lei aprovada na província de Ontário, com a unificação de sete municipalidades, denominada amalgamation, ao mesmo tempo em que propunha uma redução dos custos, com o redimensionamento das máquinas administrativas, não levou em conta a vontade dos moradores dos antigos municípios em manter a configuração político administrativa anterior à fusão. Paradoxos entre a visão dos moradores sobre a importância dos governos locais, as questões econômicas envolvendo o financiamento de estruturas administrativas mais amplas, os desafios para a gestão de serviços de vários municípios e as formas pelas quais os estados nacionais atuam na apresentação de soluções, serão os temas aqui abordados. / The horizontal magnifying of urbanised areas of the cities leads on formation of continuous urban fabric, defined as conurbation. This condition tends to reduce possibilities for treatment and final disposal of solid waste in located areas not so far from the generating centers. Such condition implies, among others questions, higher costs for municipal administrations. Needs of intermunicipal management for waste generated in the cities becomes the great challenge, in function of physical space of each municipality and environmental and physical restrictions that eventually those municipalities have. Some experiences of metropolitan management in the great cities around the world have had for target facing these questions carried out as shared through partnerships. In the case of the communes located in the French region of Ile-de-France, the management of treatment and final disposal of waste is in charge of a intercomunal agency of treatment of household waste, the Syctom, since the beginning of 1980s. In Toronto, Canada, the management metropolitan of Metro Toronto, an intermunicipal instance established in 1953, since then made possible treatment and final disposal of six municipalities of metropolitan region of Toronto. However, an alteration in 1997, decurrent of law approved by Ontario province, with the unification of seven municipalities, called amalgamation, at the same time where it considered a reduction of the costs, with the resizing of the administrative structures, did not take in account the will of the inhabitants of the old cities to keeping the previous amalgamation administrative configuration. Paradoxes among the vision of the inhabitants on the economic importance of local governments, questions involving the financing of wider administrative structures, the challenges for services management of several cities and the forms for which national states act in the presentation of solutions, will be here pointed subjects.

Exploring metropolitan governance in the Öresund Region

Barres, Roger January 2021 (has links)
For the first time in history, more people in the world live in urban areas than in rural areas. Almost half of this world urban population now live in metropolitan areas, which are becoming central spaces of world economic and social activity, and where major global challenges happen and should be tackled. Metropolitan areas are defined by urban spaces of integrated mobility flows and markets, but also by high institutional fragmentation and political decomposition. This fragmentation interferes in decision-making processes leading to difficulties for the design and implementation of adequate responses to metropolitan problems. In this context, the study of how metropolitan areas should be governed is gaining relevance in the field of urban studies, among other fields. The normative debates about metropolitan governance has been framed by three traditions. From the 60s to the late 80s these debates were restricted to the ‘old regionalism’ dialectics between the metropolitan reform and public choice scholars. More recently, new regionalism recognize in flexible and cooperative governance instruments the most effective way to deal with metropolitan problems. From this perspective metropolitan areas are governed by complex governance relations between diverse actors through multiple and concurrent instruments, in the form of policy networks, voluntary cooperation, strategic planning, and so on. The Öresund Region is a metropolis that spans from eastern Denmark to southern Sweden, and includes cities such as Copenhagen and Malmö. While it has been largely referenced and praised as an example of cross-border metropolitan area, there is little evidence on how it is governed or which are the main governance instruments or who are the actors involved in the policy-making process. Taking an original approach to the study of metropolitan governance, this paper represents a first attempt to identify and understand the main features of metropolitan governance in the Öresund Region as a system, in a polycentric and multilayered crossborder metropolis. The results suggest that metropolitan governance in the Öresund Region is very ambiguous, with several agents acting in different and non-coincident scales, strongly focused in hard policies and development policies in contrast to social and environmental policy areas. Also, there are persistent barriers to cross-border governance despite the favorable context. And finally, there is a relevant democratic governance deficit, in terms of social actors’ participation and involvement in the metropolitan decision-making process. These first results recommend to go forward with further research in this issue. Particularly to grasp about governance networks operatives, policy-making processes, and citizens’ political orientations to, ultimately, propose improvements for a more effective, comprehensive and democratic governance in the Öresund metropolitan region.

La planification métropolitaine et le transit-oriented development (TOD) : les nouveaux instruments de la gouvernance du Grand Montréal

Roy-Baillargeon, Olivier 11 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse croise les concepts de planification, de gouvernance et de transit-oriented development (TOD) par une étude de la production, de la mise en débat et de l'adoption du plan métropolitain d'aménagement et de développement (PMAD) de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM). Elle expose les résultats de quatre années de recherche qualitative sur les impacts de l'épisode du PMAD et de la stratégie TOD de la CMM sur les pratiques planificatrices et les processus décisionnels du Grand Montréal à l'échelle métropolitaine. Elle révèle que la planification métropolitaine et l'objectif de coordination du transport et de l'aménagement en général ainsi que le PMAD et le concept de TOD en particulier y sont des instruments de gouvernance. Les chapitres 2, 3 et 4 présentent la problématique, le terrain d'enquête et la démarche méthodologique de cette recherche. Le chapitre 5 relate l'épisode du PMAD en analysant son contenu, les procédures par lesquelles la CMM l'a produit, mis en débat et adopté, les réactions des parties prenantes de la région quant à ces aspects et la façon dont elles comptent assurer le suivi de sa mise en œuvre. Le chapitre 6 illustre comment cet épisode a fait du PMAD un instrument de gouvernance pour le Grand Montréal en décortiquant le rôle de la participation publique, des médias, des acteurs des milieux régional et local, des élus, de la CMM et de la société civile de la région au sein de ce processus de changement de registre de la planification et de la gouvernance les déployant sur des bases plus stratégiques et collaboratives. Le chapitre 7 montre que cet épisode a aussi fait du TOD un instrument de gouvernance pour le Grand Montréal en détaillant les tenants et aboutissants du processus d'appropriation, de marchand(is)age et d'instrumentalisation du concept par les élites politiques et techniques à des fins de marketing territorial et de construction de capital politique ouvrant la voie à la stabilisation d'une gouvernance en matière d'aménagement métropolitain. Il se dégage de cette thèse que ces profondes transformations que subissent actuellement la planification et la gouvernance exacerbent le caractère symbiotique de la relation qui les unit. / This dissertation crosses the concepts of planning, governance and transit-oriented development (TOD) through a study of the production, debate and adoption of the Montreal Metropolitan Community (MMC)'s Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan (MLUDP). It presents the results of four years of qualitative research on the impacts of the MMC's MLUDP episode and TOD strategy on the Greater Montreal Area's metropolitan planning practices and decision-making processes. It reveals that metropolitan planning and the transportation-land use coordination objective in general as well as the MLUDP and the TOD concept in particular are governance instruments for the region. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 present the problem, field of investigation and methodology of this research. Chapter 5 describes the MLUDP episode by analysing its content, the procedures by which the MMC produced, debated and adopted it, the area’s stakeholders' reaction to these issues and how they intend to ensure the monitoring of its implementation. Chapter 6 illustrates how this episode has made the MLUDP a governance instrument for the Greater Montreal Area by scrutinising the role of public participation, the media, stakeholders of the local and regional scales, the elected officials, the MMC and the area's civil society in this process of registry change for planning and governance deploying them on more strategic and collaborative bases. Chapter 7 shows that this episode also made TOD a governance instrument for the Greater Montreal Area by detailing the ins and outs of the process of appropriation, bargaining/merchandising and instrumentalisation of the concept by the political and technical elites for territorial marketing and political capital construction purposes paving the way for the stabilisation of a governance on metropolitan land use and development. It emerges from this dissertation that the profound transformations currently affecting planning and governance exacerbate the symbiotic nature of the relationship that unites them.

A região metropolitana de São Paulo e o Estatuto da Metrópole : o processo de (re)construção da governança metropolitana

Freitas, Reinaldo de January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Jeroen Johannes Klink / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Planejamento e Gestão do Território, São Bernardo do Campo, 2018. / A Região Metropolitana de São Paulo é o principal polo de riqueza nacional. Por ela passam os grandes fluxos de capital, de pessoas e de informações do Brasil, em uma rede complexa de bens e serviços. Face às peculiaridades e à escala dos problemas enfrentados pela RMSP, coloca-se a questão da governança em uma região metropolitana tão grande e tão complexa. Em efeito, uma vez que a RMSP não é um ente da federação e, portanto, não possui um governo único e dedicado exclusivamente para sua gestão, surge a necessidade de articulação entre os atores governamentais que têm atribuições e competências sobre seu território. As questões relacionadas aos modelos e formatos institucionais das regiões metropolitanas vêm sendo objeto de debate há décadas, tanto no mundo acadêmico quanto entre os profissionais e gestores que lidam diariamente com os desafios impostos pela gestão destes territórios. Por isso alguns conceitos e ferramentas de análise são fundamentais para a compreensão do fenômeno metropolitano. Ao mesmo tempo, a evolução histórico-legal da governança metropolitana no Brasil e em São Paulo nas últimas décadas mostra uma alternância entre períodos de maior e menor centralização e contribui para o entendimento do cenário atual. Com a aprovação do Estatuto da Metrópole (EM), no início de 2015, a imposição legal ao governo do estado e aos municípios da elaboração conjunta de um Plano de Desenvolvimento Urbano Integrado (PDUI), com a participação da sociedade civil, abrese uma nova fase para a governança metropolitana brasileira e da RMSP. Este processo ainda em curso explicita alguns conflitos e abre novas possibilidades de articulação entre os entes federativos envolvidos. / The Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP) is the main centre of national wealth in Brazil. Great flows of capital, people and information, pass through it in a complex network of goods and services. In view of the singularities and scale of the problems faced by the MRSP, the question of governance in such a large and complex metropolitan region is raised. In fact, as the MRSP is not an entity of the federation and therefore does not have a government structure exclusively dedicated to its management, there is a need of articulation among the governmental actors that have attributions and responsibilities over the same territory. Issues related to the institutional models and formats of the metropolitan regions have been the subject of debate for decades, both in the academic world and among professionals and managers who deal daily with the challenges imposed by the management of these territories. For this reason, some concepts and tools of analysis are fundamental for the understanding of the metropolitan phenomenon. At the same time, the historical-legal evolution of metropolitan governance in Brazil and São Paulo in the last decades shows an alternation between periods of greater and lesser centralization and contributes to better understand the current scenario. A new phase of metropolitan governance has been opened up for Brazil and the MRSP with the approval of the Metropolis Statute, in early 2015, and the legal obligation of the joint elaboration of an Integrated Urban Development Plan, with the participation of civil society. This process, which is still underway, has made explicit some conflicts and has created new possibilities for articulation for the federative entities involved.

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