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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Particle and macromolecular fouling in submerged membrane

Negaresh, Ebrahim, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Particles and macromolecular components, including biopolymers (protein and carbohydrate), are viewed as the main foulants in the complex feed submerged membrane filtration systems such as membrane bioreactor (MBR). This work focused on two aspects of fouling in complex fluids: 1- Assessing fouling propensity and mechanisms for various model solutions. 2- Using of two specific solutions modelling biomass found in MBR for a better understanding of the fouling mechanisms in submerged MBR processes. Filtrations were carried out with 0.22 ??m PVDF hollow fibre membrane. Alginate was used as a model for polysaccharide, bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a model for protein, (un)washed yeast and bentonite were representing suspended solid contents. According to the data obtained during this study the fouling propensity of each model solution was classified as follow in a decreasing order: Alginate &gt unwashed yeast &gt washed yeast &gt BSA &gt bentonite for one-component solutions; and Alginate-washed yeast &gt Alginate-BSA &gt Alginate-bentonite &gt Alginate-unwashed yeast for two-component solutions. Introducing the alginate increased the reversible fouling (except BSA). Passive adsorption had a significant effect on fouling of alginate even before the beginning of the filtration. Washed yeast and a mixture of washed yeast + BSA were then used as model solutions to simulate the activated sludge found in MBR. The concentration of washed yeast and BSA used in this study were calculated in order for the characterisations of the two model solution to match (in terms of biopolymer contents) those of MBR biomasses reported in the literature. By rinsing, backwashing and chemical cleaning of the membrane, three fouling layers of upper, intermediate and lower were defined respectively. Results obtained from the analysis of the biopolymers found in the cleaning solutions allow a better understanding of the fouling mechanisms occurring for the two model solutions used in this study: for washed yeast, the lower layer and for washed yeast + BSA , the upper and intermediate layers were found to have relatively high biopolymeric composition. This was explained by higher concentration of solids on the membrane surface and by higher biopolymer interactions when washed yeast was mixed with BSA.

Particle and macromolecular fouling in submerged membrane

Negaresh, Ebrahim, Chemical Sciences & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Particles and macromolecular components, including biopolymers (protein and carbohydrate), are viewed as the main foulants in the complex feed submerged membrane filtration systems such as membrane bioreactor (MBR). This work focused on two aspects of fouling in complex fluids: 1- Assessing fouling propensity and mechanisms for various model solutions. 2- Using of two specific solutions modelling biomass found in MBR for a better understanding of the fouling mechanisms in submerged MBR processes. Filtrations were carried out with 0.22 ??m PVDF hollow fibre membrane. Alginate was used as a model for polysaccharide, bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a model for protein, (un)washed yeast and bentonite were representing suspended solid contents. According to the data obtained during this study the fouling propensity of each model solution was classified as follow in a decreasing order: Alginate &gt unwashed yeast &gt washed yeast &gt BSA &gt bentonite for one-component solutions; and Alginate-washed yeast &gt Alginate-BSA &gt Alginate-bentonite &gt Alginate-unwashed yeast for two-component solutions. Introducing the alginate increased the reversible fouling (except BSA). Passive adsorption had a significant effect on fouling of alginate even before the beginning of the filtration. Washed yeast and a mixture of washed yeast + BSA were then used as model solutions to simulate the activated sludge found in MBR. The concentration of washed yeast and BSA used in this study were calculated in order for the characterisations of the two model solution to match (in terms of biopolymer contents) those of MBR biomasses reported in the literature. By rinsing, backwashing and chemical cleaning of the membrane, three fouling layers of upper, intermediate and lower were defined respectively. Results obtained from the analysis of the biopolymers found in the cleaning solutions allow a better understanding of the fouling mechanisms occurring for the two model solutions used in this study: for washed yeast, the lower layer and for washed yeast + BSA , the upper and intermediate layers were found to have relatively high biopolymeric composition. This was explained by higher concentration of solids on the membrane surface and by higher biopolymer interactions when washed yeast was mixed with BSA.

The development of a putative microbial product for use in crop production

Gumede, Halalisani January 2008 (has links)
The challenges faced by the agricultural sector especially around improving production yields using environmentally friendly solutions have received market attention. Biological intervention can range from application of biological products to enhance the nutritional value of crops or to control plant pathogens. Biostart, a biological product that demonstrated growth enhancement when applied in lettuce crops is currently in the market. The product is comprised of a consortium of bacterial isolates (Bacillus licheniformis, Brevibacillus laterosporus and Bacillus laterosporus) but the contribution of the individual isolates to growth enhancement had not been elucidated. Green house experiments on lettuce seedlings with individual and mixed treatments were commissioned to determine such contribution. There was either no or marginal growth enhancement observed in the experiments. The results showed that the product was effective as a consortium and not as individual isolates. Further isolation and screening for potential Bacilli with antifungal properties was undertaken. An isolate identified as Bacillus subtilis that demonstrated inhibition against a wide spectrum of fungi, and especially the phytopathogenic Verticillium dahliae and Fusarium oxysporum, was successfully identified. The isolate was cryo-preserved and cultivated to significant levels at bench scale. A characterized comparison of different putative products with known systematic fungicide showed potential application even of heat treated products. The product showed control V. dahliae when tested in green houses with potatoes and tomatoes as test crops. This isolate has been targeted for further development as a biological control product.

An Application Of Cybernetic Principles To The Modeling And Optimization Of Bioreactors

Mandli, Aravinda Reddy 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The word cybernetics has its roots in the Greek word \kybernetes" or \steers-man" and was coined by Norbert Wiener in 1948 to describe \the science of control and communication, in the animal and the machine". The discipline focuses on the way various complex systems (animals/machines) steer towards/maintain their goals utilizing information, models and control actions in the face of various disturbances. For a given animal/machine, cybernetics considers all the possible behaviors that the animal/machine can exhibit and then enquires about the constraints that result in a particular behavior. The thesis focuses on the application of principles of cybernetics to the modeling and optimization of bioreactors and lies at the interface of systems engineering and biology. Specifically, it lies at the interface of control theory and the growth behavior exhibited by microorganisms. The hypothesis of the present work is that the principles and tools of control theory can give novel insights into the growth behavior of microorganisms and that the growth behavior exhibited by microorganisms can in turn provide insights for the development of principles and tools of control theory. Mathematical models for the growth of microorganisms such as stoichiometric, optimal and cybernetic assume that microorganisms have evolved to become optimal with respect to certain cellular goals or objectives. Typical cellular goals used in the literature are the maximization of instantaneous/short term objectives such biomass yield, instantaneous growth rate, instantaneous ATP production rate etc. Since microorganisms live in a dynamic world, it is expected that the microorganisms have evolved towards maximizing long term goals. In the literature, it is often assumed that the maximization of a short term cellular goal results in the maximization of the long term cellular goal. However, in the systems engineering literature, it has long been recognized that the maximization of a short term goal does not necessarily result in the maximization of the long term goal. For example, maximization of product production in a fed-batch bioreactor involves two separate phases: a first phase in which the growth of microorganisms is maximized and a second phase in which the production of product is maximized. An analogous situation arises when the bacterium E. coli passes through the digestive tract of mammals wherein it first encounters the sugar lactose in the proximal portions and the sugar maltose in the distal portions. Mitchell et al. (2009) have experimentally shown that when E. coli encounters the sugar lactose, it expresses the genes of maltose operons anticipatorily which reduces its growth rate on lactose. This regulatory strategy of E. coli has been termed asymmetric anticipatory regulation (AAR) and is shown to be beneficial for long term cellular fitness by Mitchell et al. (2009). The cybernetic modeling framework for the growth of microorganisms, developed by Ramakrishna and co-workers, is extended in the present thesis for modeling the AAR strategy of E. coli. The developed model accurately captures the experimental observations of the AAR phenomenon, reveals the inherent advantages of the cybernetic modeling framework over other frameworks in explaining the AAR phenomenon, while at the same time suggesting a scope for the generalization of the cybernetic framework. As cybernetics is interested in all the possible behaviors that a machine (which is, in the present case, microorganism) can exhibit, a rigorous analysis of the optimal dynamic growth behavior of microorganisms under various constraints is carried out next using the methods of optimal control theory. An optimal control problem is formulated using a generalized version of the unstructured Monod model with the objective of maximization of cellular concentration at a fixed final time. Optimal control analysis of the above problem reveals that the long term objective of maximization of cellular concentration at a final time is equivalent to maximization of instantaneous growth rate for the growth of microorganisms under various constraints in a two substrate batch environment. In addition, reformulation of the above optimal control problem together with its necessary conditions of optimality reveals the existence of generalized governing dynamic equations of the structured cybernetic modeling framework. The dynamic behavior of the generalized equations of the cybernetic modeling framework is analyzed further to gain insights into the growth of microorganisms. For growth of microorganisms on a single growth limiting carbon substrate, the analysis reveals that the cybernetic model exhibits linear growth behavior, similar to that of the unstructured Contois model at high cellular concentrations, under appropriate constraints. During the growth of microorganisms on multiple substitutable substrates, the analysis reveals the existence of simple correlations that quantitatively predict the mixed substrate maximum specific growth rate from single substrate maximum specific growth rates during simultaneous consumption of the substrates in several cases. Further analysis of the cybernetic model of the growth of S. cerevisiae on the mixture of glucose and galactose reveals that S. cerevisiae exhibits sub-optimal dynamic growth with a long diauxic lag phase and suggests the possibility for S. cerevisiae to grow optimally with a significantly reduced diauxic lag period. Since cybernetics is interested in understanding the constraints under which a particular machine (microorganism) exhibits a particular behavior, a methodology is then developed for inferring the internal constraints experienced by the microorganisms from experimental data. The methodology is used for inferring the internal constraints experienced by E. coli during its growth on the mixture of glycerol and lactose. An interesting question in the study of the growth behavior of microorganisms concerns the objective that the microorganisms optimize. Several studies aim to determine these cellular objectives experimentally. A similar question that is relevant to the optimization of fed-batch bioreactors is \what are the objectives that are to be optimized by the feed flow rate in various time intervals for the optimization of a final objective?" It was mentioned previously that the maximization of product production in a fed-batch bioreactor involves maximization of growth of microorganisms first and the maximization of product production later. However, such guidelines can only be stated for relatively simple bioreactor optimization problems and no such guidelines exist for sufficiently complex problems. For complex problems, the answer to the above question requires the formulation and solution of a genetic programming problem which can be quite challenging. An alternative numerical solution methodology is developed in the present thesis to address the above question. The solution methodology involves the specification of bioreactor objectives in terms of the bioreactor trajectory in the state space of substrate concentration-volume. The equivalent control law of the sliding mode control technique is used for finding the inlet feed ow rate that tracks the bioreactor trajectory accurately. The search for the best bioreactor trajectory is carried out using the stochastic search technique genetic algorithm. The effectiveness of the developed solution methodology in determining the optimal bioreactor trajectory is demonstrated using three challenging bioreactor optimization problems.

Modelling, simulation and control of the filtration process in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating urban wastewater

Robles Martínez, Ángel 28 November 2013 (has links)
El reactor anaerobio de membranas sumergidas (SAnMBR) está considerado como tecnología candidata para mejorar la sostenibilidad en el sector de la depuración de aguas residuales, ampliando la aplicabilidad de la biotecnología anaerobia al tratamiento de aguas residuales de baja carga (v.g. agua residual urbana) o a condiciones medioambientales extremas (v.g. bajas temperaturas de operación). Esta tecnología alternativa de tratamiento de aguas residuales es más sostenible que las tecnologías aerobias actuales ya que el agua residual se transforma en una fuente renovable de energía y nutrientes, proporcionando además un recurso de agua reutilizable. SAnMBR no sólo presenta las principales ventajas de los reactores de membranas (i.e. efluente de alta calidad, y pocas necesidades de espacio), sino que también presenta las principales ventajas de los procesos anaerobios. En este sentido, la tecnología SAnMBR presenta una baja producción de fangos debido a la baja tasa de crecimiento de los microorganismos implicados en la degradación de la materia orgánica, presenta una baja demanda energética debido a la ausencia de aireación, y permite la generación de metano, el cual representa una fuente de energía renovable que mejora el balance energético neto del sistema. Cabe destacar el potencial de recuperación de nutrientes del agua residual bien cuando el efluente es destinado a irrigación directamente, o bien cuando debe ser tratado previamente mediante tecnologías de recuperación de nutrientes. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es evaluar la viabilidad de la tecnología SAnMBR como núcleo en el tratamiento de aguas residuales urbanas a temperatura ambiente. Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en las siguientes tareas: (1) implementación, calibración y puesta en marcha del sistema de instrumentación, control y automatización requerido; (2) identificación de los parámetros de operación clave que afectan al proceso de filtración; (3) modelación y simulación del proceso de filtración; y (4) desarrollo de estrategias de control para la optimización del proceso de filtración minimizando los costes de operación. En este trabajo de investigación se propone un sistema de instrumentación, control y automatización para SAnMBR, el cual fue esencial para alcanzar un comportamiento adecuado y estable del sistema frente a posibles perturbaciones. El comportamiento de las membranas fue comparable a sistemas MBR aerobios a escala industrial. Tras más de dos años de operación ininterrumpida, no se detectaron problemas significativos asociados al ensuciamiento irreversible de las membranas, incluso operando a elevadas concentraciones de sólidos en el licor mezcla (valores de hasta 25 g·L-1 ). En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de filtración (basado en el modelo de resistencias en serie) que permitió simular de forma adecuada el proceso de filtración. Por otra parte, se propone un control supervisor basado en un sistema experto que consiguió reducir el consumo energético asociado a la limpieza física de las membranas, un bajo porcentaje de tiempo destinado a la limpieza física respecto al total de operación, y, en general, un menor coste operacional del proceso de filtración. Esta tesis doctoral está integrada en un proyecto nacional de investigación, subvencionado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), con título ¿Modelación de la aplicación de la tecnología de membranas para la valorización energética de la materia orgánica del agua residual y la minimización de los fangos producidos¿ (MICINN, proyecto CTM2008-06809- C02-01/02). Para obtener resultados representativos que puedan ser extrapolados a plantas reales, esta tesis doctoral se ha llevado a cabo utilizando un sistema SAnMBR que incorpora módulos comerciales de membrana de fibra hueca. Además, esta planta es alimentada con el efluente del pre-tratamiento de la EDAR del Barranco del Carraixet (Valencia, España). / Robles Martínez, Á. (2013). Modelling, simulation and control of the filtration process in a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor treating urban wastewater [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/34102 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

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