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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The geology of a portion of the country between Witvlei and Omitara, South West Africa

Fey, P January 1972 (has links)
A brief account of the location and physical aspects of the region is followed by descriptions of mapping and laboratory techniques employed. Recent ideas on regional stratigraphical correlation in South West Africa are critically reviewed. Strata lying southeast of the farm Losberg 105 have, on the basis of lithology and copper mineralisation, been correlated with the Tsumis Formation. The Hasib Formation, of predominantly marine character, has on structural grounds been excluded from the Damara System. The latter here has a greater thickness than elsewhere in South West Africa, unless isoclinal folding is much more prevalent than has been assumed. The occurrence on Eintracht 118 of a pebble conglomerate, tentatively equated with the Chuos Tillite, makes possible a subdivision of the Damara strata into the various series established in the literature. It has been found possible to differentiate between Kamtsas and Damara quartzites on petrological grounds. Further, it is concluded that the bulk of Hakos carbonate rocks originated as dolomites and have subsequently been dedolomitized to a greater or lesser extent. The area contains both ortho- and para-amphibolites, as well as one occurrence of intrusive granite. Evidence is given for at least three periods of deformation. It is oonsidered that, if the Hosib Formation was involved in a pre-Damara orogenic episode, later folding must have been co-axial with this. Sedimentation and metamorphism are treated in broad outline. There appears to have been a deepening of the basin of deposition from Hasib to Damara times. Cyclicity in sedimentation is evidenced by lithological associations in the Damara strata. The entire area falls into the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism. Superficial deposits include river gravel and, silt, quartzite- and vein quartz-rubble, calcrete and Kalahari sand. The economic geology is described with special reference to the widespread copper mineralisation.

The geology and alteration-mineralisation of the Gamigab Tin Prospect, Damaraland, Namibia

Walraven, Felix Caspar January 1990 (has links)
The stratigraphy at the Gamigab Sn prospect consists of two mainly schistose units separated by a thick marble unit which have been assigned to the Orusewa, the Karibib and the Kuiseb Formations respectively. Four phases of folding affected the lithologies with the south-south-west trending F2 folds defining the main structures in the region. The area underwent low grades of metamorphism. Temperatures were in the range 420° to 500°C and pressures less than 2 kbars. The effects of contact metamorphism are seen in the south-east and south-west. Regional metamorphism outlasted the deformation and contact metamorphism started late during deformation. Two Karoo-age intrusions penetrated the metasediments north of the mineralisation. One is an altered porphyry plug and the other is a weathered dolerite plug, the latter containing xenoliths of undeformed Karoo sediments. Cassiterite is hosted within east-west trending quartz veins that cross-cut previously altered schistose country rocks. The alteration types include sericitisation, tourmalinisation, carbonatisation and ferruginisation. Preliminary Rb/Sr dating on muscovite from the alteration zone suggests an age of 509 ± 11 Ma. Breccias of probable hydrothermal origin are spatially associated with the mineralisation. These hydraulic breccias occur in antiformal structures within the marble and developed in response to a sudden pressure release due to a build up of fluids at the contact between the schistose Orusewa and carbonate Karibib Formations.

Vein and replacement type Sn and Sn-W mineralization in the Southern Kaoko Zone, Damara Province, South West Africa/Namibia

Petzel, V January 1986 (has links)
The ENE trending Brandberg West - Goantagab Sn-W belt is located in the Southern Kaoko Zone of the northern coastal branch of the Damara Orogen. The lithologies in this area are turbiditic and consist of three schist units separated by two marble horizons, all of which are correlated with the Swakop Group. The formations are intensely folded by at least three episodes of which the first two are coaxial and resulted in prominent, approximately N-S trending, structures. Sn and Sn-W mineralization predominantly occurs as vein and replacement type mineralization. Vein type mineralization occurs as Brandberg West, Frans Prospect, Gamigab Prospect and the Goantagab Mining Area. The vein type mineralization is accompanied by intense alteration, consisting of greisenization, sericitization, hematitization and carbonatization. Replacement-type, hematite-cassiterite mineralization, occurs in the Goantagab Mining area in the marble close to, or at the schist marble contact. Intense ferruginous alteration of the marbles in this area, is associated with veins, which terminate against, or cross cut the marble. A regional metal zonation, ranging from Sn-W mineralization with minor sulphides at Brandberg West to Sn-sulphide mineralization at Goantagab can be detected. This metal zonation is attributed to the distance of the mineral locality from the source area, with Goantagab representing a distal and Brandberg West a proximal position relative to the source area. Structural, mineralogical and geological features of the mineralization in this area suggest that processes of ore genesis may be related to anorogenic magmatism of Karoo age.

Testing the ability of ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) to map hydrothermal alteration zones : a case study of the Haib Porphyry Copper-Molybdenum Deposit, Namibia

Mhangara, Paidamwoyo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The availability of multispectral data from the satellite-borne ASTER (Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer) sensor with 14 spectral bands, launched on 18 December 1999, ushers in a new dimension in large-scale mineral exploration. The ASTER bands are strategically positioned to map distinctive absorptive features for mapping alteration mineralogy, which has increased the potential to map hydrothermal alteration zones as compared to the conventional Landsat TM satellite and aerial photographs. This research tests the ability of ASTER to map hydrothermal alteration zones by applying various image enhancement techniques and comparing them. The study area is the Haib copper prospect in Namibia. The Crosta technique, standard colour composites, spectral band ratioing, the software defoliant technique, log residuals and spectral linear unmixing were applied and compared against results from the previous detailed geophysical and geochemical exploration. The results from all the techniques corresponded with published geological maps from previous work and indicated ASTER's ability to detect alteration zonations. Comparison of the methods applied showed that choice of technique is usually dependent of the level of detail which one seeks to achieve. Standard colour composite and log residuals are more useful for a generalized overview of the alteration mineralogy, whilst uniquely defining mineral end members is achieved by application of the Crosta technique, ratioing and spectral linear unmixing. Application of the software defoliant techniques involved ratioing results, which are affected by spectral interferences from other minerals. The presence of a highly fractured system has been established by application of Sobel filtering. A spatial association of the extracted fracture system with alteration areas suggest mineralization at the Haib is fracture controlled. The results support the presence of argillicphyllic and prophylitic alteration zones on a regional scale, a scenario which can be equated to the Lowell-Guilbert model. The potassic-phyllic zone boundary could not be spectrally detected which also supports previous studies which suggest the potassic zone is nondefinitive and is over-printed by the phyllic zone. The results demonstrate that ASTER is an effective tool to map hydrothermal alteration systems in arid areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Multispektrale data van die ASTER (' Advanced Space Borne Thermal Emmission Reflection Radiometer') sensors bestaande uit 14 spektrale bande, afkomstig van 'n satelliet gelanseer op 18 Desember 1999 lui 'n nuwe era in vir grootskaalse minerale eksplorasie. Die ASTER bande is strategies sodanig op die spektrum geposisioneer om onderskeidende absorberende verskynsels van veranderde mineralisasie te identifiseer. Hierdie data het die potensiaal verhoog om hidrotermale veranderingstelsels meer suksesvol te karteer as met konvensionele Landsat TM beelde en lugfotos. Hierdie navorsing toets die vermoeëns van ASTER om hidrotermale veranderingstelsels te karteer deur 'n wye reeks beeldverrykings tegnieke toe te pas en te vergelyk. Die studiegebied IS die Haib koperafsetting in Namibië. Die Crosta tegniek, standaard kleursamestellings ('colour composites'), ratio-tegnieke, plantegroeistroping ('software defoiliant'), log residuele ('log residual '), en spektrale lineêre ontmenging ('spectral linear unmixing') is toegepas en die resultate met vorige gedetailleerde geofisiese en geo-chemiese veldopnames te vergelyk. Die verkreë resultate van al die verskillende tegnieke het grootliks met gepubliseerde geologiese kaarte van die gebied ooreengestem en bevestig dat ASTER data geskik is om sulke mineralogies veranderde gebiede te karteer. Vergelykings tussen die tegnieke het getoon dat die keuse van tegniek bepaal word deur die vlak en tipe detail wat verlang word. Standaard kleursamestellings en die log residuele tegnieke lewer goeie resultate om veralgemeende oorsigte van mineralogies veranderde sones te verskaf, terwyl die Crosta-, ratio- en spektrale lineêre ontmengingstegnieke meer suksesvol is om spesifieke minerale te identifiseer. Die plantegroei stropingtegniek is nodig in gevalle waar spektrale ratios deur plantegroeiresponse geaffekeer word. Die aanwesigheid van 'n intensief gefraktuurde sisteem is bepaal deur 'n Sobel filter toe te pas. Ruimtelike assosiasies tussen die voorkoms van die gefraktuurde sone met en die minealogies gewysigde sones dui aan dat mineralogiese wysiging in die Haib gebied deur frakturering beheer is. Die resultate steun die aanwesigheid van argillities-fillitiese enpropolities gewysigde sones op 'n streekskaal, 'n scenario wat deur die Lowell-Guilbertmodel voorgehou word. Die grense van die kalium-fillitiese sone kon nie spektraal waargeneem word nie. Dit steun ook vorige studies wat suggereer dat die kaliumsone nieafbakenbaar is en waarskynlik deur die fillitiese sone oorlê word. Die resultate bevestig onomwonde dat ASTER data benut kan word om hidrotermaal veranderde sones in semiariede gebiede effektief te karteer.

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