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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revisão de modelos CTL / CTL Model Revision

Paulo de Tarso Guerra Oliveira 16 December 2010 (has links)
Verificação de modelos é uma das mais eficientes técnicas de verificação automática de sistemas. No entanto, apesar de poder lidar com verificações complexas, as ferramentas de verificação de modelos usualmente não fornecem informação alguma sobre como reparar inconsistências nestes modelos. Nesta dissertação, mostramos que abordagens desenvolvidas para a atualização de modelos CTL inconsistentes não são capazes de lidar com todos os tipos de alterações em modelos. Introduzimos então o conceito de revisão de modelos: uma abordagem baseada em revisão de crenças para o reparo de modelos inconsistentes em um contexto estático. Relacionamos nossa proposta com trabalhos clássicos em revisão de crenças. Definimos um operador de revisão de modelos e mostramos que este obedece postulados de racionalidade clássico de revisão de crenças. Propomos um algoritmo de revisão com base no algoritmo utilizado pela abordagem de atualização de modelos. Discutimos sobre problemas e limites do algoritmo proposto, e mostramos que essa estratégia de adaptação não é uma solução apropriada. / Model checking is one of the most robust techniques in automated system verification. But, although this technique can handle complex verifications, model checking tools usually do not give any information on how to repair inconsistent system models. In this dissertation, we show that approaches developed for CTL model update cannot deal with all kinds of model changes. We introduce the concept of CTL model revision: an approach based on belief revision to handle system inconsistency in a static context. We relate our proposal to classical works on belief revision. We define an operator for model revision and we show that it obeys the classical rationality postulates of belief revision. We propose an algorithm for model revision based on the algorithm used by the model update approach. We discuss problems and limitations of our proposed algorithm and show that this strategy of adaptation is not an appropriate solution.

On CARET model-checking of pushdown systems : application to malware detection / CARET model-checking d'automates à piles : application à la détection de malware

Nguyen, Huu vu 05 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s'attaque au problème de détection de malware en utilisant des techniques de model-checking: les automates à pile sont utilisés pour modéliser les programmes binaires, et la logique CARET (et ses variantes) sont utilisées pour représenter les comportements malicieux. La détection de malware est alors réduite au problème de model-checking des automates à pile par rapport à ces logiques CARET. Cette thèse propose alors différents algorithmes de model-checking des automates à pile par rapport à ces logiques CARET et montre comment ceci peut s'appliquer pour la détection de malware. / The number of malware is growing significantly fast. Traditional malware detectors based on signature matching or code emulation are easy to get around. To overcome this problem, model-checking emerges as a technique that has been extensively applied for malware detection recently. Pushdown systems were proposed as a natural model for programs, since they allow to keep track of the stack, while extensions of LTL and CTL were considered for malicious behavior specification. However, LTL and CTL like formulas don't allow to express behaviors with matching calls and returns. In this thesis, we propose to use CARET (a temporal logic of calls and returns) for malicious behavior specification. CARET model checking for Pushdown Systems (PDSs) was never considered in the literature. Previous works only dealt with the model checking problem for Recursive State Machine (RSMs). While RSMs are a good formalism to model sequential programs written in structured programming languages like C or Java, they become non suitable for modeling binary or assembly programs, since, in these programs, explicit push and pop of the stack can occur. Thus, it is very important to have a CARET model checking algorithm for PDSs. We tackle this problem in this thesis. We reduce it to the emptiness problem of Büchi Pushdown Systems. Since CARET formulas for malicious behaviors are huge, we propose to extend CARET with variables, quantifiers and predicates over the stack. This allows to write compact formulas for malicious behaviors. Our new logic is called Stack linear temporal Predicate logic of CAlls and RETurns (SPCARET). We reduce the malware detection problem to the model checking problem of PDSs against SPCARET formulas, and we propose efficient algorithms to model check SPCARET formulas for PDSs. We implemented our algorithms in a tool for malware detection. We obtained encouraging results. We then define the Branching temporal logic of CAlls and RETurns (BCARET) that allows to write branching temporal formulas while taking into account the matching between calls and returns and we proposed model-checking algorithms of PDSs for BCARET formulas. Finally, we consider Dynamic Pushdown Networks (DPNs) as a natural model for multithreaded programs with (recursive) procedure calls and thread creation. We show that the model-checking problem of DPNs against CARET formulas is decidable.

Modelling and Verifying Dynamic Properties of Neuronal Networks in Coq

Bahrami, Abdorrahim 08 September 2021 (has links)
Since the mid-1990s, formal verification has become increasingly important because it can provide guarantees that a software system is free of bugs and working correctly based on a provided model. Verification of biological and medical systems is a promising application of formal verification. Human neural networks have recently been emulated and studied as a biological system. Some recent research has been done on modelling some crucial neuronal circuits and using model checking techniques to verify their temporal properties. In large case studies, model checkers often cannot prove the given property at the desired level of generality. In this thesis, we provide a model using the Coq proof assistant and prove some properties concerning the dynamic behavior of some basic neuronal structures. Understanding the behavior of these modules is crucial because they constitute the elementary building blocks of bigger neuronal circuits. By using a proof assistant, we guarantee that the properties are true in the general case, that is, true for any input values, any length of input, and any amount of time. In this thesis, we define a model of human neural networks. We verify some properties of this model starting with properties of neurons. Neurons are the smallest unit in a human neuronal network. In the next step, we prove properties about functional structures of human neural networks which are called archetypes. Archetypes consist of two or more neurons connected in a suitable way. They are known for displaying some particular classes of behaviours, and their compositions govern several important functions such as walking, breathing, etc. The next step is verifying properties about structures that couple different archetypes to perform more complicated actions. We prove a property about one of these kinds of compositions. With such a model, there is the potential to detect inactive regions of the human brain and to treat mental disorders. Furthermore, our approach can be generalized to the verification of other kinds of networks, such as regulatory, metabolic, or environmental networks.

Symbolické automaty v analýze programů s řetězci / Symbolic Automata for Analysing String Manipulating Programs

Kotoun, Michal January 2020 (has links)
Mnoho aplikací přijímá, odesílá a zpracovává data v textové podobě. Správné a bezpečné zpracování těchto dat je typicky zajištěno tzv. ošetřením řetězců (string sanitization). Pomocí metod formální verifikace je možné analyzovat takovéto operace s řetězci a prověřit, zda jsou správně navržené či implementované.  Naším cílem je vytvořit obecný nástroj pro analýzu systémů jejichž konfigurace lze kódovat pomocí slov z vhodné abecedy, a také jeho specializaci pro analýzu programů pracujících s řetězci. Nejprve jsou popsaný konečné automaty a převodníky a poté různé třídy a podtřídy symbolických převodníků, zejména pak jejich omezení. Na základě těchto informací je pak pro použití v analýze programů navržen nový typ symbolických převodníků. Dále je popsán regulární model checking, speciálně pak jeho variantu založenou na abstrakci automatů, tzv. ARMC, u kterého je známo že dokáže velmi úspěšně překonat problém stavové exploze u automatů a umožňuje nám tzv. dosáhnout pevného bodu v analýze. Poté je navržena vlastní analýza programů psaných v imperativním paradigmatu, a to zejména programů manipulujících s řetězci, založená na principech ARMC. Následuje popis vlastní implementace nástroje s důrazem na jeho praktické vlastnosti. Rovněž jsou popsaný důležité části knihovny AutomataDotNet, na které nástroj staví. Práci je uzavřena diskuzí experimentů s nástrojem provedených na příkladech z knihovny LibStranger.

Pokročilé metody pro syntézu pravděpodobnostních programů / Advanced Methods for Synthesis of Probabilistic Programs

Stupinský, Šimon January 2021 (has links)
Pravdepodobnostné programy zohrávajú rozhodujúcu úlohu v rôznych technických doménach, ako napríklad počítačové siete, vstavané systémy, stratégie riadenia spotreby energie alebo softvérové produčkné linky. PAYNT je nástroj na automatizovanú syntézu pravdepodobnostných programov vyhovujúcich zadaným špecifikáciam. V tejto práci rozširujeme tento nástroj predovšetkým o podporu optimálnej syntézy a syntézy viacerých špecifikácií. Ďalej sme navrhli a implementovali novú metódu, ktorá dokáže efektívne syntetizovať parametre so spojitým definičným oborom ovplyvňujúce pravdepodobnostné prechody popri syntéze topológie programov, t.j., podporu pre syntézu topológie aj parametrov súčasne. Demonštrujeme užitočnosť a výkonnosť nástroja PAYNT na širokej škále prípadových štúdií z rôznych aplikačných domén ktoré majú uplatnenie v reálnom svete. Pri náročných problémoch syntézy môže PAYNT výrazne znížiť dobu behu až z dní na minúty a zároveň zaistiť úplnosť procesu syntézy.

Models for Quantitative Distributed Systems and Multi-Valued Logics

Huschenbett, Martin 26 February 2018 (has links)
We investigate weighted asynchronous cellular automata with weights in valuation monoids. These automata form a distributed extension of weighted finite automata and allow us to model concurrency. Valuation monoids are abstract weight structures that include semirings and (non-distributive) bounded lattices but also offer the possibility to model average behaviors. We prove that weighted asynchronous cellular automata and weighted finite automata which satisfy an I-diamond property are equally expressive. Depending on the properties of the valuation monoid, we characterize this expressiveness by certain syntactically restricted fragments of weighted MSO logics. Finally, we define the quantitative model-checking problem for distributed systems and show how it can be reduced to the corresponding problem for sequential systems.

Advances in probabilistic model checking with PRISM

Klein, Joachim, Baier, Christel, Chrszon, Philipp, Daum, Marcus, Dubslaff, Clemens, Klüppelholz, Sascha, Märcker, Steffen, Müller, David 30 March 2021 (has links)
The popular model checker PRISM has been successfully used for the modeling and analysis of complex probabilistic systems. As one way to tackle the challenging state explosion problem, PRISM supports symbolic storage and manipulation using multi-terminal binary decision diagrams for representing the models and in the computations. However, it lacks automated heuristics for variable reordering, even though it is well known that the order of BDD variables plays a crucial role for compact representations and efficient computations. In this article, we present a collection of extensions to PRISM. First, we provide support for automatic variable reordering within the symbolic engines of PRISM and allow users to manually control the variable ordering at a fine-grained level. Second, we provide extensions in the realm of reward-bounded properties, namely symbolic computations of quantiles in Markov decision processes and, for both the explicit and symbolic engines, the approximative computation of quantiles for continuous-time Markov chains as well as support for multi-reward-bounded properties. Finally, we provide an implementation for obtaining minimal weak deterministic Büchi automata for the obligation fragment of linear temporal logic (LTL), with applications for expected accumulated reward computations with a finite horizon given by a co-safe LTL formula.

Advances in Symbolic Probabilistic Model Checking with PRISM

Klein, Joachim, Baier, Christel, Chrszon, Philipp, Daum, Marcus, Dubslaff, Clemens, Klüppelholz, Sascha, Märcker, Steffen, Müller, David 30 March 2021 (has links)
For modeling and reasoning about complex systems, symbolic methods provide a prominent way to tackle the state explosion problem. It is well known that for symbolic approaches based on binary decision diagrams (BDD), the ordering of BDD variables plays a crucial role for compact representations and efficient computations. We have extended the popular probabilistic model checker PRISM with support for automatic variable reordering in its multi-terminal-BDD-based engines and report on benchmark results. Our extensions additionally allow the user to manually control the variable ordering at a finer-grained level. Furthermore, we present our implementation of the symbolic computation of quantiles and support for multi-reward-bounded properties, automata specifications and accepting end component computations for Streett conditions.

Specification Patterns for Time-Related Properties

Gruhn, Volker, Laue, Ralf 31 January 2019 (has links)
We present a pattern system for property specification. It extends the existing patterns identified in [4] which allow to reason about occurrence and order of events, but not about time conditions. Introducing time-related patterns allows the specification of real-time requirements. The paper is limited to 3 pages. Therefore it contains only basic ideas. The details can be found in [9].

Plant Model Generator from Digital Twin for Purpose of Formal Verification

Håkansson, Johannes January 2021 (has links)
This master thesis will cover a way to automatically generate a formal model for plant verification from plant traces. The solution will be developed from trace data, stemming from a model of a digital twin of a physical plant. The final goal is to automatically generate a formal model of the plant that can be used for model checking for verifying the safety and functional properties of the actual plant. The solution for this specific setup will be generalized and a general approach for other systems will be discussed. Furthermore, state machine generation will be introduced. This includes generating state machine data from traces, and in the future is planned be used as an intermediate step between the trace data and model generation. The digital twin solution used in this project is a joint setup in Visual Components and nxtSTUDIO. The symbolic model checker NuSMV is utilized in order to verify the functional properties of the plant. / I detta examensarbete utforskas ett sätt att generera formella modeller av en process via inspelningar av dennes beteende. Lösningen är utvecklad från data över processens beteende, som tas upp av en digital tvilling. Det slutgiltliga målet är att med hjälp av den digitala tvillingen automatiskt generera en modell som kan användas för att verifiera säkerhet och funktioner för den riktiga processen. Lösningen blir sedan generaliserad för att i framtiden kunna bli applicerad på andra processer. Ett sätt att generera tillståndsmaskiner kommer läggas fram. Detta sätt kommer generera data för tillståndsmaskinerna genom den digitala tvillingens beteende och i framtiden planeras att användas som ett mellansteg för att generera de slutliga modellerna.  Den digitala tvillingen som används i det här projektet är implementerat av Aalto universitet, och i flera program. Den visuella delen, som även spelar in tvillingens beteende, är implementerad i Visual Components. En kontroll för den digitala tvillingen är gjord i nxtSTUDIO. Verktyget för att verifiera modellens säkerhet och funktioner är gjord i NuSMV.

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