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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Why are the symbioses between some genotypes of Sinorhizobium and Medicago suboptimal for N2 fixation?

J.Terpolilli@murdoch.edu.au, Jason Terpolilli January 2009 (has links)
The conversion of atmospheric dinitrogen (N2) into plant available nitrogen (N), by legumes and their prokaryotic microsymbionts, is an integral component of sustainable farming. A key constraint to increasing the amount of N2 fixed in agricultural systems is the prevalence of symbioses which fix little or no N. The biotic factors leading to this suboptimal N2 fixation have not been extensively analysed. Using the widely studied and cultivated perennial legume Medicago sativa and the model indeterminate annual legume Medicago truncatula with the sequenced bacterial microsymbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 (Sm1021) as a basis, the work presented in this thesis examined the effectiveness of N2 fixation in these associations and in other comparable systems and investigated factors which lead to the establishment of suboptimally effective symbioses. The ability of Sm1021, S. medicae WSM419 and the uncharacterised Sinorhizobium sp. WSM1022 to fix N with M. truncatula A17, M. sativa cv. Sceptre and a range of other Medicago spp. was evaluated in N-limited conditions. As measured by plant shoot dry weights and N-content, Sm1021 was partially effective with M. truncatula A17 whereas WSM1022 and WSM419 were both effective with this host in comparison to nitrogen-fed (N-fed) control plants. In contrast, Sm1021 and WSM1022 were effective with M. sativa while WSM419 was only partially effective. Nodules induced by Sm1021 on M. truncatula A17 were more numerous, paler, smaller in size and more widely distributed over the entire root system than in the two effective symbioses with this host. On the contrary, nodule number, size and distribution did not differ between these three strains on M. sativa. WSM1022 was effective on M. littoralis, M. tornata and two other cultivars of M. truncatula (Jemalong and Caliph) but Sm1021 was only partially effective on these hosts. These data indicate that the model indeterminate legume symbiosis between M. truncatula and Sm1021 is not optimally matched for N2 fixation and that Sm1021 possesses broader symbiotic deficiencies. In addition, the interaction of WSM1022 with M. polymorpha (small white nodules but does not fix N), M. murex (does not nodulate), M. arabica (partially effective N2 fixation) and M. sphaeorcarpus (partially effective N2 fixation), and the sequence of the 16S rDNA, are all consistent with this isolate belonging to the species S. meliloti. The colony morphology of TY, half-LA and YMA agar plate cultures of Sm1021, WSM419 and WSM1022 suggested differences in EPS profiles between these strains. Sm1021 is very dry, compared to the mucoid WSM419 and extremely mucoid WSM1022. Sm1021 is known to carry an insertion in expR rendering the gene non-functional and resulting in the dry colony phenotype. WSM419 has an intact copy of expR, while the expR status of WSM1022 is not known. Rm8530, a spontaneous mucoid derivative of Sm1021 with an intact expR, was significantly less effective with M. truncatula than Sm1021, but there was no difference in effectiveness between these strains on M. sativa. The effectiveness of Sm1021, when complemented with a plasmid-borne copy of expR from Rm8530, was significantly reduced on M. truncatula but not M. sativa, implicating a functional expR as being the cause of reduced N2 fixation observed with Rm8530 on M. truncatula. ExpR could reduce the effectiveness of Rm8530 by acting as a negative regulator of genes essential for symbiosis with M. truncatula, or by altering the quantity or structure of succinoglycan and/or galactoglucan produced. These data support the emerging view of ExpR being a central regulator of numerous cellular processes. The timing of nodulation between Sm1021 and WSM419 on M. truncatula and M. sativa was investigated. Compared to the other symbioses analysed, the appearance of nodule initials and nodules was delayed when M. truncatula was inoculated with Sm1021 by 3 and 4 days, respectively. To explore whether events during early symbiotic signalling exchange could account for these observed delays, leading to the establishment of a suboptimal N2-fixing symbiosis, a novel system was developed to compare the response of the Sm1021 transcriptome to roots and root exudates of M. truncatula A17 and M. sativa cv. Sceptre. This system consisted of a sealed 1 L polycarbonate chamber containing a stainless steel tripod with a wire mesh platform on which surface-sterilised seeds could be placed and allowed to germinate through the mesh, into a hydroponic medium below. After germination, Sm1021 cells were inoculated into the hydroponic solution, exposed to the roots and root exudates for 16 h, harvested and their RNA extracted. Comparison of Sm1021 mRNA from systems exposed to M. truncatula or M. sativa revealed marked differences in gene expression between the two. Compared to the no plant control, when M. sativa was the host plant, 23 up-regulated and 40 down-regulated Sm1021 genes were detected, while 28 up-regulated and 45 down-regulated genes were detected with M. truncatula as the host. Of these, 12 were up-regulated and 28 were down-regulated independent of whether M. truncatula or M. sativa was the host. Genes expressed differently when exposed to either M. truncatula or M. sativa included nex18, exoK, rpoE1 and a number of other genes coding for either hypothetical proteins or proteins with putative functions including electron transporters and ABC transporters. Characterisation of these differentially expressed genes along with a better understanding of the composition of M. truncatula root exudates would yield a clearer insight into the contribution of early signal exchange to N2 fixation. Comparison of the regulation of nodule number between Sm1021 and WSM419 on M. truncatula and M. sativa revealed nodule initials at 42 days post-inoculation (dpi) on M. truncatula inoculated with Sm1021. In contrast, no new nodule initials were present 21 dpi on any of the other interactions examined. Moreover, analysis of nodule sections revealed that the number of infected cells in M. truncatula-Sm1021 nodules was less than for comparable symbioses. These data suggest that nodule number is not tightly controlled in the M. truncatula-Sm1021 association, probably due to N2 fixation being insufficient to trigger the down regulation of nodulation. Quantification of N2 fixation activity in this and other more effective symbioses is required. The poor effectiveness of the M. truncatula-Sm1021 symbiosis makes these organisms unsuitable as the model indeterminate interaction and the implications for legume research are discussed. The recently sequenced WSM419 strain, revealed here to fix N2 more effectively with M. truncatula than Sm1021, may be a better model microsymbiont, although WSM419 is only partially effective for N2 fixation with M. sativa. The sequencing of S. meliloti WSM1022, a highly effective strain with both M. truncatula and M. sativa, would provide a valuable resource in indentifying factors which preclude the establishment of effective symbioses.

MtSUPERMAN controls the number of flowers per inflorescence and floral organs in the inner three whorls of Medicago truncatula

Rodas Méndez, Ana Lucía 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Las leguminosas son un grupo de plantas consideradas de gran importancia por su valor nutricional para la alimentación humana y ganadera. Además, las familias de leguminosas se caracterizan por rasgos distintivos de desarrollo como su inflorescencia compuesta y su compleja ontogenia floral. Para comprender mejor estas características distintivas, es importante estudiar los genes reguladores clave involucrados en el desarrollo de la inflorescencia y la flor. El gen SUPERMAN (SUP) es un factor transcripcional de dedos de zinc (Cys2-Hys2) considerado como un represor activo que controla el número de estambres y carpelos en A. thaliana. Además, SUP está involucrado en la terminación del meristemo floral y el desarrollo de los tejidos derivados del carpelo. El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue la caracterización funcional del ortólogo de SUP en la leguminosa modelo Medicago truncatula (MtSUP). Logramos este objetivo en base a un enfoque de genética reversa, análisis de expresión génica y ensayos de complementación y sobreexpresión. Nuestros resultados muestran que MtSUP es el gen ortólogo de SUP en M. truncatula. MtSUP comparte algunos de los roles ya descritos para SUP con algunas variaciones. Curiosamente, MtSUP controla la determinación del meristemo inflorescente secundario (I2) y de los primordios comunes (CP) a pétalos y estambres. Por tanto, MtSUP controla el número de flores y de pétalos-estambres que producen el meristemo I2 y los primordios comunes, respectivamente. MtSUP muestra funciones novedosas para un gen de tipo SUP, desempeñando papeles clave en los meristemos que confieren complejidad de desarrollo a esta familia de angiospermas. Este trabajo permitió identificar a MtSUP, un gen clave que forma parte de la red reguladora genética que subyace al desarrollo de la inflorescencia compuesta y de las flores en la leguminosa modelo M. truncatula. / [CA] Les lleguminoses són un gran grup de plantes considerades de gran importància pel seu valor nutricional per a l'alimentació humana i ramadera. A més, les famílies de lleguminoses es caracteritzen per trets distintius de desenrotllament com la seua inflorescència composta i la seua complexa ontogènia floral. Per a comprendre millor estes característiques distintives, és important estudiar els gens reguladors clau involucrats en la inflorescència i el desenrotllament floral. El gen SUPERMAN (SUP) és un factor transcripcional de dits de zinc (Cys2-Hys2) considerat com un repressor actiu que controla el nombre d'estams i carpels en A. thaliana. A més, SUP està involucrat en la terminació del meristemo floral i el desenrotllament dels teixits derivats del carpel. "L'objectiu principal d'este treball va ser la caracterització funcional de l'ortòleg de SUP en la lleguminosa model Medicago truncatula (MtSUP) . Aconseguim l'objectiu amb base en un enfocament genètic invers, anàlisi d'expressió gènica i assajos de complementació i sobreexpressió. Els nostres resultats mostren que MtSUP és el gen ortòleg de SUP en M. truncatula. MtSUP compartix alguns dels rols ja descrits per a SUP amb variacions. Curiosament, MtSUP està involucrat en la determinació del meristemo de la inflorescència secundària (I2) i els primordios comuns (CP). Per tant, MtSUP controla el nombre de flors i pètals-estams que produïxen el meristemo I2 i els primordios comuns, respectivament. MtSUP mostra funcions noves per a un gen tipus SUP, exercint papers clau en els meristemos que conferixen complexitat de desenrotllament a esta família d'angiospermes. "Este treball va permetre identificar a MtSUP, un gen clau que forma part de la xarxa reguladora genètica darrere de la inflorescència composta i el desenrotllament de flors en la lleguminosa model M. truncatula. / [EN] Legumes are a large group of plants considered of great importance for their nutritional value in human and livestock nutrition. Besides, legume families are characterized by distinctive developmental traits as their compound inflorescence and complex floral ontogeny. For a better understanding of these distinctive features is important to study key regulatory genes involved in the inflorescence and floral development. The SUPERMAN (SUP) gene is a zinc-finger (Cys2-Hys2) transcriptional factor considered to be an active repressor that controls the number of stamens and carpels in A. thaliana. Moreover, SUP is involved in the floral meristem termination and the development of the carpel marginal derived tissues. The main objective of this work was the functional characterization of the SUP orthologue in the model legume Medicago truncatula (MtSUP). We achieved this objective based on a reverse genetic approach, gene expression analysis, and complementation and overexpression assays. Our results show that MtSUP is the orthologous gene of SUP in M. truncatula. MtSUP shares some of the roles already described for SUP with variations. Interestingly, MtSUP controls the determinacy of the secondary inflorescence (I2) meristem and the common primordia (CP). Thus, MtSUP controls the number of flowers and petal-stamens produced by the I2 meristem and the common primordia respectively. MtSUP displays novel functions for a SUP-like gene, playing key roles in the meristems that confer developmental complexity to this angiosperm family. This work allowed to identify MtSUP, a key gene that participates in the genetic regulatory network underlying compound inflorescence and flower development in the model legume M. truncatula. / I would like to thanks the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the grant (MINECO; BIO2016-75485-R) that supported this work. Special thanks to the Generalitat Valenciana for funding my doctorate with the Santiago Grisolía predoctoral scholarships / Rodas Méndez, AL. (2021). MtSUPERMAN controls the number of flowers per inflorescence and floral organs in the inner three whorls of Medicago truncatula [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171474

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