Spelling suggestions: "subject:"model synchronisation"" "subject:"model asynchronisation""
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Propagating Changes between Aligned Process ModelsWeidlich, Matthias, Mendling, Jan, Weske, Mathias 28 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
There is a wide variety of drivers for business process modelling initiatives, reaching from organisational redesign to the development of information systems. Consequently, a common business process is often captured in multiple models that overlap in content due to serving different purposes. Business process management aims at exible adaptation to changing business needs. Hence, changes of business processes occur frequently and have to be incorporated in the respective process models. Once a process model is changed, related process models have to be updated accordingly, despite the fact that those process models may only be loosely coupled. In this article, we introduce an approach that supports change propagation between related process models. Given a change in one process model, we leverage the behavioural
abstraction of behavioural profiles for corresponding activities in order to determine a change region in another model. Our approach is able to cope with changes in pairs of models that are not related by hierarchical refinement and show behavioural inconsistencies. We evaluate the applicability of our approach with two real-world process model collections. To this end, we either deduce change operations from different model revisions or rely on synthetic change operations.
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MDE settings in SAP : a descriptive field studyHebig, Regina, Giese, Holger January 2012 (has links)
MDE techniques are more and more used in praxis. However, there is currently a lack of detailed reports about how different MDE techniques are integrated into the development and combined with each other. To learn more about such MDE settings, we performed a descriptive and exploratory field study with SAP, which is a worldwide operating company with around 50.000 employees and builds enterprise software applications. This technical report describes insights we got during this study. For example, we identified that MDE settings are subject to evolution. Finally, this report outlines directions for future research to provide practical advises for the application of MDE settings. / Techniken der modellgetriebenen Entwicklung (MDE) werden mehr und mehr in der Praxis eingesetzt. Dabei gibt es wenige detaillierte Berichte darüber wie unterschiedliche MDE-Techniken kombiniert und in die Entwicklung integriert werden. Die vorliegende beschreibende Feldstudie dient dem Zweck, in SAP genutzte MDE-Ansätze detailliert zu beschreiben. SAP ist ein weltweit operierendes Unternehmen, hat ca. 50 000 Mitarbeiter und stellt Softwarelösungen für Firmen her. Der vorliegende technische Bericht beschreibt die Einblicke die wir in dieser Studie erhalten haben. Dazu gehört die Einsicht, dass MDE Ansätze einer Evolution unterliegen. Schließlich umreißt dieser Bericht mögliche Richtungen für zukünftige Forschung um praktische Ratschläge für die Gestaltung von MDE Ansätzen geben zu können.
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Role-based Runtime Model SynchronizationWerner, Christopher, Schön, Hendrik, Kühn, Thomas, Götz, Sebastian, Aßmann, Uwe 02 July 2021 (has links)
Model-driven Software Development (MDSD) promotes the use of multiple related models to realize a software system systematically. These models usually contain redundant information but are independently edited. This easily leads to inconsistencies among them. To ensure consistency among multiple models, model synchronizations have to be employed, e.g., by means of model transformations, trace links, or triple graph grammars. Model synchronization poses three main problems for MDSD. First, classical model synchronization approaches have to be manually triggered to perform the synchronization. However, to support the consistent evolution of multiple models, it is necessary to immediately and continuously update all of them. Second, synchronization rules are specified at design time and, in classic approaches, cannot be extended at runtime, which is necessary if metamodels evolve at runtime. Finally, most classical synchronization approaches focus on bilateral model synchronization, i.e., the synchronization between two models. Consequently, for more than two models, they require the definition of pairwise model synchronizations leading to a combinatorial explosion of synchronization rules. To remedy these issues, we propose a role-based approach for runtime model synchronization. In particular, we propose role-based synchronization rules that enable the immediate and continuous propagation of changes to multiple interrelated models (and back again). Additionally, our approach permits adding new and customized synchronization rules at runtime. We illustrate the benefits of role-based runtime model synchronization using the Families to Persons case study from the Transformation Tool Contest 2017.
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Efficient model synchronization of large-scale modelsGiese, Holger, Hildebrandt, Stephan January 2009 (has links)
Model-driven software development requires techniques to consistently propagate modifications between different related models to realize its full potential. For large-scale models, efficiency is essential in this respect. In this paper, we present an improved model synchronization algorithm based on triple graph grammars that is highly efficient and, therefore, can also synchronize large-scale models sufficiently fast. We can show, that the overall algorithm has optimal complexity if it is dominating the rule matching and further present extensive measurements that show the efficiency of the presented model transformation and synchronization technique. / Die Model-getriebene Softwareentwicklung benötigt Techniken zur Übertragung von Änderungen zwischen verschiedenen zusammenhängenden Modellen, um vollständig nutzbar zu sein. Bei großen Modellen spielt hier die Effizienz eine entscheidende Rolle. In diesem Bericht stellen wir einen verbesserten Modellsynchronisationsalgorithmus vor, der auf Tripel-Graph-Grammatiken basiert. Dieser arbeitet sehr effizient und kann auch sehr große Modelle schnell synchronisieren. Wir können zeigen, dass der Gesamtalgortihmus eine optimale Komplexität aufweist, sofern er die Ausführung dominiert. Die Effizient des Algorithmus' wird durch einige Benchmarkergebnisse belegt.
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Industrial case study on the integration of SysML and AUTOSAR with triple graph grammarsGiese, Holger, Hildebrandt, Stephan, Neumann, Stefan, Wätzoldt, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
During the overall development of complex engineering systems different modeling notations are employed. For example, in the domain of automotive systems system engineering models are employed quite early to capture the requirements and basic structuring of the entire system, while software engineering models are used later on to describe the concrete software architecture. Each model helps in addressing the specific design issue with appropriate notations and at a suitable level of abstraction. However, when we step forward from system design to the software design, the engineers have to ensure that all decisions captured in the system design model are correctly transferred to the software engineering model. Even worse, when changes occur later on in either model, today the consistency has to be reestablished in a cumbersome manual step.
In this report, we present in an extended version of [Holger Giese, Stefan Neumann, and Stephan Hildebrandt. Model Synchronization at Work: Keeping SysML and AUTOSAR Models Consistent. In Gregor Engels, Claus Lewerentz, Wilhelm Schäfer, Andy Schürr, and B. Westfechtel, editors, Graph Transformations and Model Driven Enginering - Essays Dedicated to Manfred Nagl on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday, volume 5765 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 555–579. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010.] how model synchronization and consistency rules can be applied to automate this task and ensure that the different models are kept consistent. We also introduce a general approach for model synchronization. Besides synchronization, the approach consists of tool adapters as well as consistency rules covering the overlap between the synchronized parts of a model and the rest. We present the model synchronization algorithm based on triple graph grammars in detail and further exemplify the general approach by means of a model synchronization solution between system engineering models in SysML and software engineering models in AUTOSAR which has been developed for an industrial partner. In the appendix as extension to [19] the meta-models and all TGG rules for the SysML to AUTOSAR model synchronization are documented. / Bei der Entwicklung komplexer technischer Systeme werden verschiedene Modellierungssprachen verwendet. Zum Beispiel werden bei der Entwicklung von Systemen in der Automobilindustrie bereits früh im Entwicklungsprozess Systemmodelle verwendet, um die Anforderungen und die grobe Struktur des Gesamtsystems darzustellen. Später werden Softwaremodelle verwendet, um die konkrete Softwarearchitektur zu modellieren. Jedes Modell stellt spezifische Entwurfsaspekte mit Hilfe passender Notationen auf einem angemessenen Abstraktionsniveau dar. Wenn jedoch vom Systementwurf zum Softwareentwurf übergegangen wird, müssen die Entwicklungsingenieure sicherstellen, dass alle Entwurfsentscheidungen, die im Systemmodell enthalten sind, korrekt auf das Softwaremodell übertragen werden. Sobald danach auch noch Änderungen auftreten, muss die Konsistenz zwischen den Modellen in einem aufwändigen manuellen Schritt wiederhergestellt werden.
In diesem Bericht zeigen wir, wie Modellsynchronisation und Konsistenzregeln zur Automatisierung dieses Arbeitsschrittes verwendet und die Konsistenz zwischen den Modellen sichergestellt werden können.
Außerdem stellen wir einen allgemeinen Ansatz zur Modellsynchronisation vor. Neben der reinen Synchronisation umfasst unsere Lösung weiterhin Tool-Adapter, sowie Konsistenzregeln, die sowohl die Teile der Modelle abdecken, die synchronisiert werden können, als auch die restlichen Teile. Der Modellsynchronisationsalgorithmus basiert auf Tripel-Graph-Grammatiken und wird im Detail erläutert. An Hand einer konkreten Transformation zwischen SysML- und AUTOSAR-Modellen, die im Rahmen eines Industrieprojektes entwickelt wurde, wird der Ansatz demonstriert. Im Anhang des Berichts sind alle TGG-Regeln für die SysML-zu-AUTOSAR-Transformation dokumentiert.
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