Spelling suggestions: "subject:"monophyly"" "subject:"homophyly""
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Phylogenetic Relationships and Character Evolution of the Neotropical Butterfly Genus Hamadryas (Nymphalidae: Biblidinae)Garzon, Ivonne J. 18 May 2012 (has links)
The butterflies in the genus Hamadryas are popular and noticeable representatives of the Neotropical Lepidoptera fauna. After a thorough taxonomic revision, 20 species were acknowledged within the genus, however no hypothesis of their phylogenetic relationship was proposed. The present dissertation provides a step further into the understanding of this fascinating group of butterflies not only by proposing the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the genus based on morphological and molecular data, but also by exploring for the first time in a group of butterflies the potential effect of venation associated with an specific behaviour on wing shape. Furthermore, this dissertation provides testable evolutionary hypotheses about the pattern of change for some of their most interesting natural history characters such as sound production and sexual dimorphism. The dissertation is organized in three chapters that can be visualized as manuscripts ready for publication; the first of these being already published (Garzón-Orduña, 2012).
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Sistematika roda Merodon (Meigen, 1803) (Diptera: Syrphidae) na osnovu morfoloških i molekularnih karaktera / Systematics of genus Merodon (Meigen, 1803) (Diptera: Syrphidae) based on morphological and molecular charactersVeselić Sanja 28 December 2018 (has links)
<p>Taksonomija i sistematika su okosnica nauke o biodiverzitetu, obzirom da su osnova za identifikaciju i razdvajanje jedinstvenih filogenetskih entiteta (vrsta), ali i viših taksonomskih kategorija. Rod <em> Merodon </em> Meigen,1803 pripada familiji Syrphidae, podfamiliji Eristalinae, tribusu Merodontini. Vodeći je rod osolikih muva po bogatstvu vrstama u Evropi (124 vrsta). Sirfide predstavljaju veoma važnu grupu<br />organizama i njihov značaj u prirodi je višestruk (polinacija, regulatori brojnosti štetnih insekata bioindikatori staništa, razlagači materija u raspadanju itd). Iako su se istraživanjima roda Merodon bavili brojni autori, dosadašnje filogenetske analize nisu u potpunosti rasvetlile njegovu sistematsku poziciju, kao i položaj taksona na filogenetskom stablu. U cilju što boljeg razumevanja sistematike i filogenije roda <em>Merodon</em>, neophodno je analizirati genske regione koji evoluiraju različitim mutacionim stopama, kao i što veći broj filogenetski informativnih morfoloških karaktera. U ovom radu su u cilju istraživanja sistematike roda <em>Merodon </em>analizirani molekularni (mtDNK, 18S rRNK, 28S rRNK) i 250 morfoloških<br />karaktera (pomoću binokularne lupe i Skening elektronskog mikroskopa), pojedinačno i kombinovano a upotrebom metoda za filogenetsku analizu- <em>maximum parsimony</em> (MP) i <em> maximumlikelihood (</em>ML). Analizirano je ukupno 329 jedinki. Pokazalo se da je u ovakvom tipu istraživanja neophodan integrativni pristup, odnosno kombinacija što više karaktera poreklom iz različitih izvora. Na osnovu ML stabla svih gena tribus Merodontini je monofiletski gde se vrsta<br /><em>Nausigaster meridionalis</em> pojavljuje kao sestrinska ostalim rodovima tribusa (<em>Azpeytia, Platynochaetus, Megatrigon, Eumerus tricolor </em> kladi i ostalim vrstama roda <em> Eumerus</em>). Rod <em>Eumerus </em> je parafiletski i sastoji se iz dve monofiletske linije: <em>Eumerus tricolor </em> klade (potencijalnog roda) i ostalih vrsta roda Eumerus. Rod Merodon je monofiletski prema analizama kombinovane matrice molekularnih i morfoloških podataka, 5' kraja mtDNK COI i analize matrice morfoloških karaktera. U okviru roda <em>Merodon</em> detektovano je ukupno pet klada (<em>aureus, albifrons, desuturinus, natans i avidus</em>), odnosno četiri glavne evolutivne linije, potencijalna podroda: aureus, albifrons + desuturinus, natans i avidus. Mitohondrijalni geni pokazali su se veoma informativnim u sagledavanju<br />filogenetskih odnosa i izdvajanja većine klada, kao i grupa vrsta, što ukazuje na veću varijabilnost sekvenci COI gena u odnosu na nuklearne gene. Nuklearni geni samostalno nisu doprineli rasvetljavanju filogenetskih odnosa između klada<br />(28S rRNK izdvaja samo natans kladu) u okviru roda <em> Merodon</em>, ali su izdvojili tribus<em> Merodontini,</em>kao i <em> Eumerus tricolor </em>liniju. Nuklearni geni su izdvojili i pojedine grupe vrsta u okviru roda <em>Merodon</em>, što govori u prilog tome da nuklearni geni mogu biti informativni kako na višim, tako i na nižim taksonomskim nivoima. Mala varijabilnost nuklearnog gena u okviru roda Merodon, naročito<br />slučaju 18S rRNK, govori o njegovoj konzervativnosti. Utvrđeno je da morfološki<br />karakteri genitalija mužjaka nose važan filogenetski signal za izdvajanje klada i grupa vrsta te upravo kombinacija različitih morfoloških struktura i njihova uloga sa različitim stepenom selekcije koja deluje na njih, uslovljava i njihovu evolucionu diverzifikaciju. Ipak, analize molekularnog i morfološkog seta karaktera pojedinačno nisu u potpunosti rasvetlili filogenetske odnose u okviru<br />roda <em> Merodon</em>, što opravdava potrebu za kombinovanom analizom. </p> / <p>Taxonomy and systematics provide the framework for biodiversity research, since they represent a foundation for identification and delimitation of phylogenetic units (species), as well as higher taxonomic ranks. Genus<em> Merodon </em>Meigen, 1803 belongs to family Syrphidae, subfamily Eristalinae, tribus Merodontini. Hoverflies play crucial ecological roles (pollination, decomposition and recycling of a vast range of materials, bioindicators etc). Despite the fact that genus<em> Merodon</em> is the species richest hoverfly genus in Europe (124 described species so far), only few authors have dealt with its systematics and phylogenetic relationships of this large phytophagous genus. In order to understand the systematics and phylogeny of genus Merodon, it is necessary to analyze comprehensive number of gene regions known to evolve with various mutational rates, and as many feasible, phylogenetically important morphological characters. In this thesis, molecular (mtDNA, 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA)and 250 morphological characters (with the aid of binocular and scanning electron microscope) were analyzed, separately and combined, with phylogenetic methods <em>maximum parsimony </em>(MP) and <em>maximum likelihood</em> (ML). In total 329 specimens were analyzed. It has been proven that in these types of research integrative approach is crucial, as it considers a large amount of data from various sources. In ML analysis of all genes tribus Merodontini is monophyletic, with Nausigaster meridionalis grouping as a sister to the remaining Merodontini (<em>Azpeytia, Platynochaetus, Megatrigon, Eumerus </em>and <em>Eumerus tricolor </em> lineage). Genus <em> Eumerus </em>is paraphyletic, and within this genus two main monophyletic lineages can be identified: <em> Eumerus tricolor </em>clade (putative genera) and the remaining taxa of genus Eumerus. Genus <em>Merodon</em> monophyly is confirmed, based on all data analysis 5' mtDNA COI and morphological dataset. Within genus <em>Merodon</em> five monophyletic clades can be identified (<em>aureus, albifrons, desuturinus, natans and avidus</em>), or four evolutionary lineages, putative subgenera: aureus, albifrons + desuturinus, natans and avidus. Mitochondrial DNA is proved to be very informative in resolving systematic position of clades, species groups and taxa, which confirms the higher variability of COI mtDNA sequences compared to nuclear genes. Nuclear genes alone didn't resolve the systematic position and phylogenetic relationships between most clades (28S rRNA identified only natans clade) within genus <em>Merodon,</em> but these genes confirmed the monophyly of tribus Merodontini and putative genera <em>Eumerus tricolo</em>r. Nuclear genes were also informative for some species groups, which implies that nuclear genes could be beneficial in resolving systematic position of both lower and higher taxonomic ranks. Low variability of nuclear genes within genus <em>Merodon</em>, especially 18SrRNA, proves the fact that they are conservative genes. Morphological characters of male genitalia carry the strongest phylogenetic signal, since they show a great evolutionary divergence in the shape and structural complexity, as a result of sexual selection. As molecular nor morphological characters alone couldn't fully resolve the phylogenetic relationships within genus <em>Merodon</em>, all data approach is proven to be necessary in this type of research.<br /> </p>
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