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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úroveň motoriky u žáků 1. tříd ZŠ / The Level of motor Skills of the First Grade Pupils

HEJLOVÁ, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on motor abilities of children from birth to the age of eight years. It outlines the development of gross motor skills, fine motor skills and micromotor skills, and methods how to help children develop these particular areas. The level of motor skills is determined by method of testing in first graders from Stonařov, Pavlov, Třešť and České Budějovice.

Pohybobvé schopnosti dětí mladšího školního věku ve florbalu / Motor abilities of younger school age children in floorball

Dubová, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
The target of my thesis is to find out the level of physical abilities of younger school boys who are active in floorball. I tested the level of motor abilities using the Unifittest (6-60) and the Holistic Motor Test. I did the testing in the floorball club called Start 98 Prague, where I tested 62 players. I compared the level of motor abilities with the general population. I also wanted to find out how big the differences will be with the players who are divided by performance. The research section shows that the players have achieved the best results in their strengths tests. Furthermore, it turned out that the worst achievements were obtained by the players in agility tests. Average results were obtained by the players during their speed skills tests. KEYWORDS younger school, age, motor abilities, floorball, testing, motor abilities tests

Uticaj dodatnog programa fizičkog vežbanja na morfološki i motorički status predškolske dece / The impact of additional program of physical exercise on morphological and motor status of preschool children

Pelemiš Vladan 07 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se primenom eksperimentalne metode naučno utvrdi da li dodatni &scaron;estomesečni program figičkog vežbanja u redovnim uslovima rada pred&scaron;kolske ustanove može regultirati gnačajnim promenama u morfolo&scaron;kim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostima kod dece pred&scaron;kolskog ugrasta prosečne starosti 6,21&plusmn;0,56 decimalnih godina. Obuhvaćeno je ukupno 211 dece od toga devojčica (n=103) i dečaka (n=108) koji su na početku istraživanja (01. septembar 2014. godine) bili polaznici pred&scaron;kolskih grupa u Pred&scaron;kolskoj ustanovi &quot;Čukarica&quot; u Beogradu. Prema kriterijumu primene &scaron;estomesečnog figičkog vežbanja ispitanici su bili podeljeni u tri homogene grupe i to: eksperimentalnu (E) koju je činilo 36 dečaka i 28 devojčica, prvu kontrolnu (K1) sastavljenu od 31 dečaka i 37 devojčica i drugu kontrolnu grupu (K2) sačinjenu od 41 dečaka i 38 devojčica. E grupa je imala dodatni koncept programa koji je bio gasnovan na sadržajima visoke složenosti, sproveden kao figičko vaspitanje, a usmeren na razvoj biotičkih motoričkih gnanja. K1 grupa je takoe imala dodatni ali diferenciran program, usmeren kao trenažne sekvence, ga dečake polistrukturalnoaciklične aktivnosti, a ga devojčice estetskokonvencione aktivnosti. Dok K2 grupa pored redovnih aktivnosti ig figičkog vaspitanja nije bila podvrgnuta nijednom obliku dodatnog figičkog vežbanja. Koristio se kvagi&ndash; eksperimentalni nacrta istraživanja, tačnije nacrt sa neekvivalentnim grupama i pretestposttestom. Ugorak morfolo&scaron;kih mernih instrumenata bio je sačinjen po redukovanom modelu (Viskić, 1972; Kurelić i sar., 1975) preuget ig istraživanja Bale (1980). Motorički&nbsp;merni instrumenti proiglage takoe ig redukovanog teoretskog modela (Kurelića i sar., 1975; Gredelja i sar., 1975) preuzetog iz istraživanja Bale i Popovića (2007). Rezultati istraživanja ukaguju da je program dodatnog figičkog vežbanja E grupe dao dobre regultate u redukciji potkožnog masnog tkiva i volumena i mase tela kod dece. Najbolje rezultate dao je u pogledu mehanizma za strukturiranje kretanja. Deca iz K1 grupe, takoe su redukovala potkožno masno tkivo i volumen i masu tela, ali u pogledu motoričkih sposobnosti nije bilo pomaka u mehanizmu za strukturiranje kretanja. Kod dece u K2 grupi do&scaron;lo je do povećanja potkožnog masnog tkiva, volumena i mase tela kao i pada pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti. U sve tri grupe izolovana su dva hipotetska morfolo&scaron;ka faktora koje je bolje interpretirati kao jedan Faktor mekog tkiva, i dva motorička koji se mogu interpretirati kao Generalni motorički Paktor. Kvalitativne promene u strukturi oba ekstrahovana faktora uočene su samo u K1 grupi u motoričkom prostoru, &scaron;to je posledica diferenciranog programa figičkog vežbanja. Regultati su ukagali da redovan program figičkog vaspitanja u pred&scaron;kolskim ustanovama nije dovoljan za pripremnu pred&scaron;kolsku grupu, kao i da se dodatnim programiranim figičkim vežbanjem postižu bolji rezultati pogotovo ako je usmeren ka razvoju biotičkih motoričkih znanja.</p> / <p>The research was conducted with the aim of applying experimental methods scientifically determine whether an additional six-month program of physical exercise in normal conditions of preschool institution may result in significant changes in the morphological characteristics and motor abilities in preschool children with mean age 6.21 &plusmn; 0.56 decimal years. A total of 211 children from that of girls (n=103) and boys (n=108) who were in the moment of research (01. September 2014) participants were preschool groups in preschool institution &quot;Čukarica&quot; in Belgrade. According to the criteria of application of the six-month physical exercise participants were divided into three homogeneous groups: experimental (E) which consisted of 36 boys and 28 girls, the first control (K1) made up of 31 boys and 37 girls, and another control group (K2) as made of 41 boys and 38 girls. E group had additional program concept which was based on the contents of higher complexity, implemented as physical education, which is focused on the development of biotic motor skills. K1 group also had additional or differentiated program, focused as the training sequence, for boys extracurricular- acyclic activities, and for girls estheticconventional activities. While K2 group in addition to the regular activities of physical education was&nbsp;not subjected to any form of additional physical exercise. It was used a quasi-experimental research designs, namely The draft with unequivalent groups and pretest-posttest. Morphological sample of measuring instruments was made through a reduced model (Viskić, 1972; Kurelić et al., 1975), taken from the research (Bala 1980). The motor measuring instruments derived also from the reduced theoretical model (Kurelić et al., 1975; Gredelj et al., 1975), taken from the research (Bala, &amp; Popovic 2007). The research results indicate that the program is additional physical exercise group E gave good results in the reduction of subcutaneous fat volume and body mass in children. The best results in terms of mechanisms for structuring movements. Children from the K1 group, also reduce the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the volume and mass of the body, but in terms of motor skills were no developments in the mechanism for structuring movements. Children the K2 group there was an increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue volume and body mass as well as the decline of some motor skills. In all three groups were isolated two hypothetical morphological factors that is better interpreted as a Factor of soft tissue, and two motor that can be interpreted as General motor factor. Qualitative changes in the structure of the two extracted factors were observed only in the K1 group in the motor area, which is the result of a differentiated program of physical exercise. The results have shown that regular physical education curriculum in preschool institutions is insufficient for the preparatory preschool group, as well as to further programmed physical exercise leads to better results especially if it is directed at the development of biotic motor skills.</p>

Taikomosios kūno kultūros reikšmė sutrikusio intelekto paauglių fiziniam išsivystymui bei laikysenai / The importance of applied physical education of disabled teenagers for their physical development and carriage

Bakševičius, Eduardas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Protiškai atsilikę paaugliai skiriasi nuo įgaliųjų bendraamžių savo fiziniais ir motoriniais ypatumais. Kuo sunkesnis protinis atsilikimas, tuo mažiau motorinės raidos pagrindinių etapų pasiekiama. Protiškai atsilikę jaunuoliai dažnai vaikšto ir kalba lėčiau, yra imlesni įvairioms infekcijoms. Šie vaikai yra silpni ir linkę į neaktyvų gyvenimo būdą, kas lemia atrofiją, kitas medicinos, fizines problemas – rigidiškumą, širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos ligas, judesių amplitudės mažėjimą. Dažnai vidutiniškai ir sunkiai protiškai atsilikę vaikai turi ir kompleksinę negalią, atsilieka jų neurodinaminė raida, įskaitant normalių, apsauginių refleksų nebuvimą ir negebėjimą įgyti pagrindinių motorinių įgūdžių. Judėjimas yra gyvybės, veiklumo ir aktyvumo požymis Judri fizinė veikla stimuliuoja normalų fizinį ir psichinį vaiko vystymąsi, gerina fizinį parengtumą ir funkcinį organizmo pajėgumą, atveria galimybę pažinti sveiko, stipraus, išlavinto kūno gerovę, fizinį ir psichinį komfortą, sudaro prielaidas vaiko saviraiškai, savirealizacijai ir aktyvios gyvenimo pozicijos formavimuisi. Tyrime pateikiami taikomosios kūno kultūros įtaka Gelgaudiškio specialios internatinės mokyklos sutrikusio intelekto paauglių fiziniam išsivystymui bei laikysenai. Tyrimu aiškintasi tiriamųjų fizinė veikla, mokinių požiūris į sveikatą, mokinių kūno laikysena ir mankštos įtaka laikysenos korekcijai. Tyrimo metu išsiaiškinta, kad taikant taikomosios kūno kultūros užsiėmimus sutrikusio intelekto paaugliams... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Teenagers, which are mentally handicapped, are differ from their contemporaries by their physical and motor abilities. The higher level of disability is, the lower stage of motor development he achieves. Youngsters, who are mentally handicapped, speak and walk slower and are very susceptible to infections. Such kids are very weak and inactive. These factors influence atrophy and other medical and physical problems – petrifaction, heart and blood vessel’s diseases, the decrease of movement’s amplitude. Very often children with moderate and severe learning difficulties have complex disability. Their neurodynamic process is not developed as it should be, including the absence of normal, protective reflexes and disability to gain basic motor skills. Movement is the sign of vitality and activity. Sportive physical activity stimulates child’s normal physical and psychical development, improves physical qualification and functional organism’s capability. Also it enables to know wellbeing of healthy, strong and educated body, psychical comfort. It forms backgrounds for child’s self-expression, self-realization and the development of active life position. In this research we present the influence of exact physical education upon mentally handicapped children from Gelgaudiškis special boarding-school for their physical development and carriage. It was trying to assert the physical activity of mentally handicapped children, their attitude toward health, children’s carriage and the... [to full text]

Vliv sportovní gymnastiky na rozvoj pohybových schopností a dovedností dětí mladšího školního věku\\ / The influence of sports gymnastics on development of motor abilities and skills of young school-age children\\

HÁLOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The main point of this master´s thesis is the comparison of motor abilities by children who have been actively dedicated to sport gymnastics for at least four years and by those who have been involved in no sporting activity at all. On the basis of the results of motor tests and statistics calculations it was determined whether the sport gymnastics provides young school-age children with a particular impact on their motor abilities. That was even the aim of the whole study. The master´s thesis contains a list of twelve chosen motor tests that were carried out with children.

Porovnání úrovně pohybových schopností a basketbalových dovedností dívek v pražských i mimopražských basketbalových přípravkách / Comparing levels of physical ability and basketball skills of girls in Prague and outsider of Prague

Tesaříková, Linda January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis comparing the level of physical abilities and basketball skills of girls in basketball and basketball outfits in Prague and abroad outlines a short history of both world and Czech basketball, the current organization of basketball in the Czech Republic, age specificities of children aged 11, stage of sports training in basketball, Ability. The practical part deals with the question of the level of motor skills of girls at the age of 11, the question of the level of basketball skills of girls at the age of 11 in basketball preparations in Prague and out-of-basket basketball preparations. The aim of this diploma thesis is to determine whether the level of physical fitness of Prague and non-Prague basketball products is the same and whether the level of basketball skills of out-of-basket basketball products is lower than that of basketball products in Prague. All measured values are analyzed using mathematical-statistical methods. I used the UNIFITTEST test battery to test my physical abilities. Based on measured results, I compiled tables and charts. The results confirm that MBP and PBP's abilities are identical and that the level of basketball skills is slightly higher for MBP than for MBP. KEYWORDS Physical skills, basketball skills, basketball history, basketball organization...

Koordinační schopnosti žáků na 2. stupni základní školy / Coordination abilities of students of second grade elementary school

Číhalová, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Name of thesis: Coordination abilities of students of second grade elementary school Author: Tereza Číhalová Tutor: PaedDr. Jana Hájková Department: department of physical education and sport Comparing the level of coordination abilities of children from sports classes and unsportsmanlike classes of second grade elementary school. Thesis in the theoretical part will deal with the motor abilities, the coordination abilities and ontogenesis. In the research part of the work will be focused on testing students' sports focused on athletics and unsportsmanlike classes of secondary school and post-processing and evaluation of results. Methodology: data collection, guided interview, comparison Conclusion: Finding a suitable test profile and preparing the necessary means for the measurement of target groups. Evaluation of results and processing them into charts and graphs. A group of athletes achieved better results than physically inactive students. Group of athletes achieved a slightly above-average overall results, the group of inactive students achieved a slightly below- average. Within a group, not a big difference between boys and girls. In tests, the best for both groups is Sprint according to a rhythm. In this test was the smallest difference in the results between the groups. The test, where was...

Zjištění motorických schopností hráčů ragby / Determination of Rugby Player Motor Abilities

Tesař, Petr January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis I introduce rugby. Acquainted with a brief history of the world within the Czech Republic. Acquainted with the kind of rugby and rules. I introduce factors influencing sports performance in rugby. I determine motor abilities. In the practical part I detect motor skills by testing rugby players by UNIFITTEST 6 - 60. The measurement was carried out on players RC Tatra Smíchov.

Evaluacija efekata primene specifičnog programa vežbanja kod različitih generacija dece, uzrasta 4-5 godina, u desetogodišnjem periodu / The Evaluation of the Effect of Applying Specific Exercise Program with the Different Generations of Children aged 4-5 years, the Ten-Year Period

Stupar Dušan 22 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U cilju utvrđivanja efekata procene specifičnog programa vežbanjana motoričke sposobnosti i antropometrijske karakteristike dece pred&scaron;kolskog uzrasta, primenjene subaterija od 7 motoričkih testova i osam antropometrijskih mera. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 191pred&scaron;kolca (90 u eksperimentalnim i 101 u kontrolnim grupama), uzrasta od 4 do 5 godina. Oni su bili ispitanici u tri projekta koje je realizovao Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja Novi Sad, u periodu od deset godina. Dobijeni podaci su analizirani multivarijacionom analizom kovarijanse (MANCOVA). Moglo se zaključiti da je primena eksperimentalnog programa vežbanja dovela do značajnog pobolj&scaron;anja pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti eksperimentalnih grupa u odnosu na kontrolne grupe. U prostoru antropometrije nije pokazana statistički značajna razlika između grupa u posmatrane tri vremenske tačke u periodu od deset godina. Ova doktorska disertacija je pokazala na pozitivne efekte na transformaciju pojedinih dimenzija antropolo&scaron;kog statusa u različitim vremenskim tačkama i sa različitim generacijama dece, bez obzira na socio-ekonomskog statusa nivo fizičke aktivnosti dece. U osnovi, praktična vrednost ovog rada je analizirani model kineziolo&scaron;kih aktivnosti, koji se može primeniti u svim klubovima i &scaron;kolama koje rade sa decom pred&scaron;kolskog i ranog &scaron;kolskog uzrasta.</p> / <p>In order to determine the evaluation effects of specific exercise program on motor abilities and anthropometric characteristicsof preschool children, a battery of 7 motor tests and eightanthropometric measures were applied.The current study was conducted on a sample of 191preschoolers (90 in the experimental and 101 in the control groups), aged 4 to 5 five. They were the respondents in three projects implemented by the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education Novi Sad, in the tenyear period. The obtained data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). It can be concluded that the application of experimental and control models of exercise resulted in substantial improvement of certain motor skills in the experimental group compared to the control group. In the space of anthropometry it was not statistically significant difference between groups in the observed three time points in the ten-year period.This doctoral thesis revealed that positive effects of the transformation of certain dimensions&nbsp; anthropological statusat different time points and with different generations of children, regardless of socioeconomic status, level of physical activity of children. In fact, the practical value of this work is to analyze the model of kinetic activities, which as such can be applied to all clubs and schools that work with children of preschool and early school age.</p>


Brown, Russell W. 01 May 2009 (has links)
This chapter begins by describing the appearance of motor abilities, social and play behavior, sexual maturity, and sensory function in laboratory rats. It then discusses cognitive function, the development of simple stimulus associations made in conditioned taste aversion, and complex associations necessitated in spatial memory. The development of brain structures and their possible role in these behaviors are also discussed.

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