Spelling suggestions: "subject:"myelin proteins."" "subject:"cyelin proteins.""
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A modulação da via do AMPc/PKA altera a morfologia da oligodendroglia e a distribuição das proteínas CNPase e MAG in vitro / The modulation of AMPc/PKA pathway changes the oligodendroglia morphology and proteins CNPase and MAG distribuition in vitroLuiz Otávio Ribeiro de Lemos Felgueiras 05 March 2012 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A diferenciação da oligodendroglia depende de alterações coordenadas no citoesqueleto e na sua relação com a membrana plasmática, um componente importante para a formação da bainha de mielina. A 23 nucleotídeo cíclico 3 fosfodiesterase (CNPase) está relacionada com a organização do citoesqueleto, sendo uma proteína ancoradoura de microtúbulos na membrana plasmática. In vitro, a CNPase compõe, com a F-actina e os microtúbulos, as estruturas semelhantes a nervuras ou os componentes radiais. A glicoproteína associada a mielina (MAG), também é importante para a formação dos véus de membrana e está associada a CNPase e a tubulina. Além disso, as três proteínas podem ser reguladas pela via de sinalização do AMPc/PKA. Buscando avaliar os efeitos da via do AMPc/PKA na regulação da diferenciação oligodendroglial, culturas de hemisférios cerebrais com 5 dias foram tratadas por 30 min ou 24 h com o inibidor (SQ22356-SQ [1 M]) ou com o ativador (forscolina [10M]) da adenilato ciclase ou com o inibidor da PKA, H-89 [1 M]. A oligodendroglia foi identificada pelo anticorpo anti-CNPase e por sua morfologia. Com 30 min de tratamento com forscolina, as células das culturas tratadas apresentaram prolongamentos maiores e menos véus de membrana quando comparadas às culturas controle. O tratamento com SQ também causou um aumento no tamanho dos prolongamentos e o tratamento com H-89 causou a redução no tamanho dos prolongamentos e nos véus de membrana. Com 24 h, as células tratadas com forscolina apresentaram poucos prolongamentos, já as culturas tratadas com SQ apresentaram um aumento no tamanho do prolongamento e as tratadas com H-89 demonstraram redução no véu de membrana. Observamos também alterações na distribuição da CNPase, tubulina e MAG, a primeira apresentou uma concentração próxima ao núcleo depois dos dois tempos de tratamento com H-89, o mesmo ocorreu com a tubulina. A CNPase adquiriu ainda um padrão puntiforme depois de 24 h de tratamento com ambos os inibidores. A MAG apresentou um aumento na concentração próximo ao núcleo depois de 30 min de tratamento com forscolina e SQ. O tratamento com SQ também reduziu a distribuição da MAG nos véus de membrana. A mesma redução foi observada depois de 24 h de tratamento com H-89. Esses resultados reforçam a participação da via do AMPc/PKA no desenvolvimento da oligodendroglia, incluindo a formação dos prolongamentos, suas ramificações e ainda a formação dos véus de membrana, com prováveis consequências na formação e manutenção da bainha de mielina. / Oligodendroglial differentiation depends on coordinated changes in the cytoskeleton and on its relationship with the plasmatic membrane, a critical site regarding the formation of the myelin sheath. 23cyclic nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase (CNPase) is related to cytoskeleton modulation, anchoring microtubules to the plasmatic membrane. In vitro, CNPase composes, together with F-actin and microtubules, the vein-like structures or radial components in myelin sheath. Myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) is important to membrane vellum formation and is associated with CNPase and tubulin. Besides, the AMPc/PKA pathway can regulate these three proteins. In order to evaluate the effects of the cAMP/PKA pathway modulation on oligodendroglial differentiation, cultures of cerebral hemispheres were treated for 30 min or 24 h with the adenylyl cyclase inhibitor SQ22536 SQ [1 lM] or with its activator forskolin [10 lM], or with the PKA inhibitor H-89 [1 lM]. Oligodendroglia was identified using anti-CNPase antibody as also by morphology. At 30 min, the cells treated with forskolin showed bigger processes and a shorter membrane vellum when compared to control cultures, the treatment with SQ caused an increase in the processes length, the H-89 treatment reduced the processes length and the membrane vellum. At 24 h, cultures treated with forskolin showed few processes when compared to control cultures. Cultures treated with SQ showed an increase in the processes length and after H89 treatment oligodendroglial cells presented a reduction in the membrane vellum. We also observed alterations in the distribution of CNPase, tubulin and MAG, the first showed an increase in the distribution closest to nucleus in both periods of H-89 treatment, the same pattern occurred for tubulin. The CNPase acquired a punctiform pattern after 24 hours of treatment with both inhibitors. The MAG also showed an increase closest to nucleus after 30 minutes of treatment with forskolin and SQ. The SQ treatment also caused a reduction in the protein distribution to membrane vellum. The same reduction is observed after 24 hours of treatment with H-89.These findings reinforce a role for AMPc/PKA pathway in oligodendroglial differentiation including the processes extension and arborization as also the formation of membranar vellum, with possible consequences in the formation and maintenance of myelin sheath. Read more
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A modulação da via do AMPc/PKA altera a morfologia da oligodendroglia e a distribuição das proteínas CNPase e MAG in vitro / The modulation of AMPc/PKA pathway changes the oligodendroglia morphology and proteins CNPase and MAG distribuition in vitroLuiz Otávio Ribeiro de Lemos Felgueiras 05 March 2012 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A diferenciação da oligodendroglia depende de alterações coordenadas no citoesqueleto e na sua relação com a membrana plasmática, um componente importante para a formação da bainha de mielina. A 23 nucleotídeo cíclico 3 fosfodiesterase (CNPase) está relacionada com a organização do citoesqueleto, sendo uma proteína ancoradoura de microtúbulos na membrana plasmática. In vitro, a CNPase compõe, com a F-actina e os microtúbulos, as estruturas semelhantes a nervuras ou os componentes radiais. A glicoproteína associada a mielina (MAG), também é importante para a formação dos véus de membrana e está associada a CNPase e a tubulina. Além disso, as três proteínas podem ser reguladas pela via de sinalização do AMPc/PKA. Buscando avaliar os efeitos da via do AMPc/PKA na regulação da diferenciação oligodendroglial, culturas de hemisférios cerebrais com 5 dias foram tratadas por 30 min ou 24 h com o inibidor (SQ22356-SQ [1 M]) ou com o ativador (forscolina [10M]) da adenilato ciclase ou com o inibidor da PKA, H-89 [1 M]. A oligodendroglia foi identificada pelo anticorpo anti-CNPase e por sua morfologia. Com 30 min de tratamento com forscolina, as células das culturas tratadas apresentaram prolongamentos maiores e menos véus de membrana quando comparadas às culturas controle. O tratamento com SQ também causou um aumento no tamanho dos prolongamentos e o tratamento com H-89 causou a redução no tamanho dos prolongamentos e nos véus de membrana. Com 24 h, as células tratadas com forscolina apresentaram poucos prolongamentos, já as culturas tratadas com SQ apresentaram um aumento no tamanho do prolongamento e as tratadas com H-89 demonstraram redução no véu de membrana. Observamos também alterações na distribuição da CNPase, tubulina e MAG, a primeira apresentou uma concentração próxima ao núcleo depois dos dois tempos de tratamento com H-89, o mesmo ocorreu com a tubulina. A CNPase adquiriu ainda um padrão puntiforme depois de 24 h de tratamento com ambos os inibidores. A MAG apresentou um aumento na concentração próximo ao núcleo depois de 30 min de tratamento com forscolina e SQ. O tratamento com SQ também reduziu a distribuição da MAG nos véus de membrana. A mesma redução foi observada depois de 24 h de tratamento com H-89. Esses resultados reforçam a participação da via do AMPc/PKA no desenvolvimento da oligodendroglia, incluindo a formação dos prolongamentos, suas ramificações e ainda a formação dos véus de membrana, com prováveis consequências na formação e manutenção da bainha de mielina. / Oligodendroglial differentiation depends on coordinated changes in the cytoskeleton and on its relationship with the plasmatic membrane, a critical site regarding the formation of the myelin sheath. 23cyclic nucleotide 3 phosphodiesterase (CNPase) is related to cytoskeleton modulation, anchoring microtubules to the plasmatic membrane. In vitro, CNPase composes, together with F-actin and microtubules, the vein-like structures or radial components in myelin sheath. Myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) is important to membrane vellum formation and is associated with CNPase and tubulin. Besides, the AMPc/PKA pathway can regulate these three proteins. In order to evaluate the effects of the cAMP/PKA pathway modulation on oligodendroglial differentiation, cultures of cerebral hemispheres were treated for 30 min or 24 h with the adenylyl cyclase inhibitor SQ22536 SQ [1 lM] or with its activator forskolin [10 lM], or with the PKA inhibitor H-89 [1 lM]. Oligodendroglia was identified using anti-CNPase antibody as also by morphology. At 30 min, the cells treated with forskolin showed bigger processes and a shorter membrane vellum when compared to control cultures, the treatment with SQ caused an increase in the processes length, the H-89 treatment reduced the processes length and the membrane vellum. At 24 h, cultures treated with forskolin showed few processes when compared to control cultures. Cultures treated with SQ showed an increase in the processes length and after H89 treatment oligodendroglial cells presented a reduction in the membrane vellum. We also observed alterations in the distribution of CNPase, tubulin and MAG, the first showed an increase in the distribution closest to nucleus in both periods of H-89 treatment, the same pattern occurred for tubulin. The CNPase acquired a punctiform pattern after 24 hours of treatment with both inhibitors. The MAG also showed an increase closest to nucleus after 30 minutes of treatment with forskolin and SQ. The SQ treatment also caused a reduction in the protein distribution to membrane vellum. The same reduction is observed after 24 hours of treatment with H-89.These findings reinforce a role for AMPc/PKA pathway in oligodendroglial differentiation including the processes extension and arborization as also the formation of membranar vellum, with possible consequences in the formation and maintenance of myelin sheath. Read more
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The role of RhoA interacting proteins in the Nogo signalling pathway of axon outgrowth inhibition /Alabed, Yazan Z. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Le Rôle de la myéline dans les maladies dégénératives / The Role of Myelin in Degenerative DiseasesKnoll, Wiebke 17 September 2012 (has links)
La gaine de myéline joue un rôle essentiel dans l'efficacité de la conduction électrique des impulsions nerveuses dans le système nerveux central et le système nerveux périphérique. Afin de mieux comprendre le rôle de la myéline dans les maladies auto-immunes qui affectent le système nerveux, l'influence des protéines MBP-C1, MBP-C8 (une forme mutante) et P2 sur la structure de la membrane a été étudiée par diffraction neutronique, et sur sa dynamique par diffusion neutronique élastique incohérente (EINS) et diffusion neutronique quasi-élastique (QENS). Les expériences ont révélé que des changements de structure se produisent dans les membranes de myéline modèles dans la région de température couvrant les transitions de phase des lipides. Par des mesures de diffraction neutronique, on a observé que les protéines MBP-C1 et P2 affectent profondément la structure des membranes de myéline reconstituées, révélant des changements importants dans la bicouche de la phase liquide. Une variété de comportements dynamiques fonctions de la température sont également observés par EINS dans le modèle des membranes de myéline: une transition entre un régime harmonique vers un régime non harmonique en raison des rotations du groupe de méthyle est suivie par d'autres transitions induites par la transition de phase gel-liquide de la bicouche et de la fusion de l'eau d'hydratation. MBP-C1 s'avère réduire la dynamique de la membrane, augmentant la température à partir de laquelle la première transition se produit et réduisant la dynamique dans la phase de gel. Ces résultats sont en adéquation avec les mesures par QENS qui montrent une réduction de la dynamique de la membrane dans la phase de gel induite par MBP-C1. Au contraire, dans la phase liquide, MBP-C1 s'avère accroître les mouvements de diffusion observés par QENS, ce qui est consistant avec l'observation des changements de la structure bicouche induits par MBP-C1 dans la phase liquide: en raison de l'élargissement de l'espace à l'intérieur de la bicouche, causé par la protéine MBP-C1 qui pénètre dans la bicouche, les lipides pourraient avoir augmenté leur degré de liberté. Aucune différence significative sur les mouvements observés de la membrane entre les effets de MBP-C1 et sa forme modifiée MBP-C8 associée à de multiples scléroses n'a été observée dans cette étude. Par ailleurs, on a démontré que les protéines MBP-C1 et P2 agissent de façon fortement synergique et il se pourrait qu'elles s'associent à l'intérieur de la membrane. Leur capacité à réduire la dynamique de la membrane dans la phase liquide est considérablement accrue quand les deux protéines sont présentes. Un modèle est proposé dans lequel les protéines associées influencent des grandes parties de la membrane en améliorant l'adhésion entre les bicouches par leurs fortes interactions électrostatiques et par un effet de synergie sur leur empilement. / The myelin sheath is essential for efficient electrical conduction of nerve impulses in the central and in the peripheral nervous system. To gain insight into the role of myelin, in autoimmune diseases that affect the nervous system, the influence of the myelin protein MBP-C1, a mutated form MBP-C8, and P2 on the membrane structure was investigated using neutron diffraction and on the membrane dynamics using incoherent elastic (EINS) and quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS). The experiments revealed that structural changes occur in the model myelin membranes across the temperature region covering the lipid phase transitions. The myelin proteins MBP-C1 and P2 are shown to strongly affect the structure of the model myelin membranes, shown by neutron diffraction measurements revealing significant changes in the bilayer spacing in the liquid phase. A range of distinct dynamical behaviours are observed by EINS in the model myelin membranes as a function of temperature: a first transition from a harmonic to an anharmonic temperature regime, assigned to methyl group rotations, is followed by further transitions induced by the gel-liquid phase transition of the bilayer and melting of the hydration water. MBP-C1 is shown to reduce the dynamics of the membrane, increasing the temperature at which the first transition occurs, and reducing the dynamics in the gel phase. These results were in agreement with quasielastic neutron scattering measurements, which showed a reduction of confined diffusive motions of the membrane in the gel phase induced by MBP-C1. In contrast, in the liquid phase, MBP-C1 was found to enhance diffusive motions, revealed with QENS, which is consistent with the observed changes to the bilayer structure that are induced by MBP-C1 in the liquid phase: due to the widening of the interbilayer space caused by MBP-C1, which penetrates into the bilayer, the lipids may have increased their conformational freedom. Any significant difference between the effects of MBP-C1 and its modified form MBP-C8, which is associated with multiple sclerosis, on motions of the membrane, investigated by QENS, were not identified in this study. It was demonstrated that both proteins MBP-C1 and P2 act in a highly synergistic manner and may associate within the membrane. Their ability to reduce the membrane dynamics in the liquid phase is considerably enhanced when both proteins are present. A model is proposed in which the associated proteins influence large fractions of the membranes by promoting adhesion between the bilayers through their strong electrostatic interactions and by their synergistic stacking effect. Read more
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Charakterisierung der subzellulären Lokalisation von Myelinproteinen in der Shiverer-Maus. / Characterization of the subcellular localization of myelin-proteins in the Shiverer-mouse.Winter, Christine Elisabeth 02 June 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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