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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur ser lärare på undervisningen av sexualitet, samtycke och relationer? Vilkaeventuella utmaningar kan lärare möta i undervisningen av sexualitet, samtycke ochrelationer? / How do teachers view the teaching of sexuality, consent andrelationships? What possible challenges might teachers face inteaching sexuality, consent and relationships?

Smith, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Denna kunskapsöversikt grundas på frågeställningarna:- Hur ser lärare på undervisningen av sexualitet, samtycke och relationer?- Vilka eventuella utmaningar kan lärare möta i undervisningen av sexualitet, samtycke ochrelationer?I inledningen beskrivs bakgrunden till frågeställningarna och hur ämnet presenteras iläroplanen. Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer har länge varit ett ämne under diskussionbland lärare. Det har visats sig att undervisningen av ämnet medför en del utmaningar förlärare. Utifrån dessa diskussioner väcktes frågeställningarna till kunskapsöversikten till,vilket förklaras ytterligare under avsnittet Syfte och frågeställningar. För att få fram relevantforskning utfördes en noggrann sökprocess och urvalsprocess som inspireras avSMART-metoden. Under avsnittet Resultat redovisas artiklarna utifrån vilket resultat somvisats i studierna som gjorts. De studier som kunskapsöversikten grundas på visar på attlärare finner en del utmaningar gällande undervisningen inom sexualitet, samtycke ochrelationer. Under avsnittet Slutsatser och diskussion jämförs studiernas resultat för att selikheterna och skillnader. Trots att många av studierna landar i att det finns en del utmaningarinom undervisningen av ämnet så ställer ändå lärare sig relativt positiva till ämnet då de anseratt det är ett viktigt ämne. Vidare ges det förslag till vidare forskning inom ämnet ochmetoden för kunskapsöversikten diskuteras efter för- och nackdelar. Kunskapsöversiktenavslutas med en referenslista och bilagor.

Metodik för ekologiska efterbehandlingsåtgärder : Pilotområde Rävlidmyrgruvan / Methodology for ecological reclamation measures : Pilot area Rävlidmyrgruvan

Wahlberg, Anja January 2023 (has links)
The loss of biodiversity is one of today's greatest global challenges. The greatest damage tobiodiversity is caused by changes in land use and the exploitation of natural resources, forexample when a mine is established, or a mining area expands. The mining industry also tendsto cause social injustice to already vulnerable groups in society. To compensate for the damagethat remains in the environment after mining operations are completed, several miningcompanies around the world want to take the implementation of reclamation measures a stepfurther than simply preventing future releases of metal. Through ecological reclamation,extensive measures are implemented with the aim of benefiting biodiversity and social values.The purpose of the study was to create a deeper understanding of what should be included inecological reclamation measures to benefit biodiversity. The pilot area for the study was theclosed mine Rävlidmyrgruvan in Lycksele municipality, Sweden. Using a qualitative study withsemi-structured interviews, the study has concluded that more and more businesses today areinspired and develop work to benefit biodiversity while the technical solutions are many andcomplicated. The study also shows that the area's conditions and some form of prioritizationcan facilitate the delimitation of subject areas and that dialogues are an important aspect toconsider in terms of social sustainability. To follow up the post-treatment measures, variousvariants of inventories were recommended, for example through field measurements andsatellite images.

Naturen förundrar : En intervjustudie kring användandet av utomhuspedagogik och dess möjligheter i naturorienterande ämnen och teknik

Arningsmark, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Utvärdering av mesoteliommarkörer i matchade histologiska och cytologiska material : En jämförelse av CK5-, WT1- och EMA-uttryck i matchade biopsier och cellblock / Evaluation of mesothelioma markers in matched histological and cytological materials : A comparison CK5-, WT1-, EMA- in matched biopsies and cell blocks.

Ahmad, Rawan January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Reactive Magnetron Sputter Deposition and Characterization of Thin Films from the Ti-Al-N and Sc-Al-N Systems

Höglund, Carina January 2009 (has links)
This Thesis treats the growth and characterization of ternary transition metal nitride thin films. The aim is to probe deeper into the Ti-Al-N system and to explore the novel Sc-Al-N system. Thin films were epitaxially grown by reactive magnetron sputtering from elemental targets onto single-crystal substrates covered with a seed layer. Elastic recoil detection analysis and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy were used for compositional analysis and depth profiling. Different x-ray diffraction techniques were employed, ex situ using Cu radiation and in situ during deposition using synchrotron radiation, to identify phases, to obtain information about texture, and to determine the thickness and roughness evolution of layers during and after growth. Transmission electron microscopy was used for overview and lattice imaging, and to obtain lattice structure information by electron diffraction. Film properties were determined using van der Pauw measurements of the electrical resistivity, and nanoindentation for the materials hardness and elastic modulus. The epitaxial Mn+1AXn phase Ti2AlN was synthesized by solid-state reaction during interdiffusion between sequentially deposited layers of (0001)-oriented AlN and Ti thin films. When annealing the sample, N and Al diffused into the Ti, forming Ti3AlN at 400 ºC and Ti2AlN at 500 ºC. The Ti2AlN formation temperature is 175 ºC lower than earlier reported results. Ti4AlN3 thin films were, however, not possible to synthesize when depositing films with a Ti:Al:N ratios of 4:1:3. Substrate temperatures at 600 ºC yielded an irregularly stacked Tin+1AlNn layered structure because of the low mobility of Al adatoms. An increased temperature led, however, to an Al deficiency due to an out diffusion of Al atoms, and formation of Ti2AlN phase and Ti1-xAlxN cubic solid solution. In the Sc-Al-N system the first ternary phase was discovered, namely the perovskite Sc3AlN, with a unit cell of 4.40 Å. Its existence was supported by ab initio calculations of the enthalpy showing that Sc3AlN is thermodynamically stable with respect to the binaries. Sc3AlN thin films were experimentally found to have a hardness of 14.2 GPa, an elastic modulus of 21 GPa, and a room temperature resistivity of 41.2 μΩcm.

Magnetron Sputter Epitaxy of GaN

Junaid, Muhammad January 2011 (has links)
Electronic-grade GaN (0001) epilayers have been grown directly on Al2O3 (0001) substrates by reactive DC-magnetron sputter epitaxy (MSE) from a liquid Ga sputtering target in an Ar/N2 atmosphere. The as-grown GaN epitaxial film exhibit low threading dislocation density on the order of ≤ 1010 cm-2 obtained by transmission electron microscopy and modified Williamson-Hall plot. X-ray rocking curve shows narrow fullwidth at half maximum (FWHM) of 1054 arcsec of the 0002 reflection. A sharp 4 K photoluminescence peak at 3.474 eV with a FWHM of 6.3 meV is attributed to intrinsic GaN band edge emission. The high structural and optical qualities indicate that MSEgrown GaN epilayers can be used for fabricating high-performance devices without the need of any buffer layer. GaN (0001) thin films were grown on Al2O3 substrates by reactive high power impulse magnetron sputtering of liquid Ga targets in a mixed N2/Ar discharge. A combination of x-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, μ-Raman microscopy, photoluminescence, time of flight elastic recoil detection, and cathodoluminescence showed the formation of both relaxed and strained domains in the same films. . While the strained domains form due to ion bombardment during growth. The relaxed domains exhibit superior structural and optical properties comparative to the strained domains, including room temperature luminescence.

Metastable YAlN and ScAlN thin films : growth and characterization

Žukauskaitė, Agnė January 2012 (has links)
ScxAl1-xN and YxAl1-xN thin films were deposited in a ultra high vacuum system using reactive magnetron co-sputtering from elemental Al, Sc and Y targets in Ar/N2. Their mechanical, electrical, optical, and piezoelectrical properties were investigated with the help of transmission electron microscopy, xray diffraction, ellipsometry, I-V and C-V measurements, and two different techniques for piezoelectric characterization: piezoresponse force microscopy and double beam interferometry. Compared to AlN, improved electromechanical coupling and increase in piezoelectric response was found in ScxAl1-xN/TiN/Al2O3 structures with Sc content up to x=0.2. Microstructure of the films had a stronger influence on piezoelectric properties than the crystalline quality, which affected the leakage currents. YxAl1-xN thin films show a formation of solid solution up to x=0.22. Lattice constants obtained experimentally are in good agreement with theoretical predictions obtained through first principle (ab initio) calculations using density-functional formalism. The mixing enthalpy for wurtzite, cubic, and layered hexagonal phases of the YxAl1-xN system was also calculated.

Ett hållbart lärande för en hållbar framtid : En systematisk litteraturstudie om yngre elevers engagemang till hållbar utveckling / Sustainble learning for a sustainable future : A systematic literature study on younger students engagement to sustainble development

Karlsson, Moa, Eriksson, Alma January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

The Effect of One Carefully Planned Laboratory Session of Active Learning and Simulation in Electromagnetism

Lindberg, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
Active learning and computer simulations have been shown during the past two decades to be succesful factors for students’ conceptual gain within electromagnetism. Recent research over the last five years has helped solidify the understanding that even the application of simple simulations from the open access platform PhET can result in students understanding concepts more accurately. This study follows that line of research in order to enable a better learning environment in the physics classroom with the help of active learning and the application of computer simulations. The aim of this study is to investigate how one carefully planned laboratory session could have any effect on students’ conceptual gain within electromagnetism, partly for the greater purpose of understanding how single lessons can be used in an efficient way, but also to enrich the Swedish upper secondary physics classroom practice in applications of active learning and simulation inside the physics classroom. The results of the study suggests that the described method could be succesful if the scope of the session is focused on a narrow range of concepts, and that students feel highly motivated by working with computer simulations in particular. / Aktivt lärande och datorsimulering har under de senaste två decennierna visats vara framgångsfaktorer gällande elevers ökade konceptuella förståelse inom elektromagnetism. Forskning från de senaste fem åren har stärkt förståelsen att till och med tillämpning av simpla simuleringar från den öppna plattformen PhET kan resultera i att elever förstår sig på koncept mer ackurat. Denna studie följer den linjen inom forskning för att möjliggöra en bättre lärandemiljö i fysikklassrummet med hjälp av aktivt lärande och tillämpning av datorsimulering. Målet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida ett noggrant planerat laborationstillfälle kan ha någon effekt på elevers konceptuella förståelse av elektromagnetism, delvis med det större syftet att förstå hur enstaka lektioner kan användas på ett effektivt sätt, men ocks˚a f¨or att berika det gymnasiala fysikklassrummets praktik i till¨ampning av aktivt l¨arande och simulering inuti klassrummet. Studiens resultat föreslår att den beskrivna metoden kan vara framgångsrik om laborationstillfället är fokuserat på ett smalt omfång av koncept, samt att elever känner sig mer motiverade av att arbeta med framför allt datorsimuleringar.

HP SolarTech AB : PeakShaving

Wennström, Vincent, Fares, Ali, Sandegren, Dag January 2021 (has links)
The way in which you decide the price for electricity is on it’s way to change in Sweden and to decrease the amount you pay for electricity you can use something called Peak Shaving. Peak Shaving is a method to reduce the overall power kWh peaks that an average power consumer uses monthly in order to reduce the price of the electricity bill. Furthermore, Peak shaving can be a method to resolve the lack of power in bigger cities. This is done by installing battery packs which store power when the power consumption is low. When power peaks occur, the power in the battery pack is used to help the grid and lower the peaks in the amount of power bought. With this method, you can reduce the power peaks you draw from the grid which leads to a lower monthly fee for the consumers.  In this report we investigated if Peak Shaving was profitable, more specifically for farmers and households with already installed solar panels. A model was designed to determine whether or not it is beneficial for the farmer to install battery packs for Peak Shaving depending on the power peaks they had per month. Data was received from two different farmers in Sweden containing energy bought, sold, produced(solar) and consumed. When comparing this to the price of power peaks per month as well as the price of the battery packs needed to contain the power to Peak Shave, the conclusion was made that Peak Shaving is not profitable with the current prices for batteries and their lifespan. However the price is on it’s way down. This could lead to Peak Shaving becoming a solution to save money for the customer but also to reduce the stress on the grid when Sweden transitions to fully renewable power.

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