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Minority Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Comparison of Long-Term Outcomes, Health Care Utilization, and Health-Related Behaviors From the Childhood Cancer Survivor StudyCastellino, Sharon M., Casillas, Jacqueline, Hudson, Melissa M., Mertens, Ann C., Whitton, John, Brooks, Sandra L., Zeltzer, Lonnie K., Ablin, Arthur, Castleberry, Robert, Hobbie, Wendy, Kaste, Sue, Robison, Leslie L., Oeffinger, Kevin C. 20 September 2005 (has links)
PURPOSE: To determine the influence of race/ethnicity on outcomes in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Of CCSS adult survivors in the United States, 443 (4.9%) were black, 503 (5.6%) were Hispanic and 7,821 (86.6%) were white. Mean age at interview, 26.9 years (range, 18 to 48 years); mean follow-up, 17.2 years (range, 8.7 to 28.4 years). Late mortality, second malignancy (SMN) rates, health care utilization, and health status and behaviors were assessed for blacks and Hispanics and compared with white survivors. RESULTS: Late mortality rate (6.5%) and 15-year cumulative incidence of SMN (3.5%) were similar across racial/ethnic groups. Minority survivors were more likely to have lower socioeconomic status (SES); final models were adjusted for income, education, and health insurance. Although overall health status was similar, black survivors were less likely to report adverse mental health (females: odds ratio [OR], 0.6; 95% CI, 0.4 to 0.9; males: OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3 to 0.8). Differences in health care utilization and behaviors noted: Hispanic survivors were more likely to report a cancer center visit (females: OR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.0; males: OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.2 to 2.3); black females were more likely (OR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.4), and Hispanic females less likely to have a recent Pap smear (OR, 0.7; 95% CI, 0.5 to 1.0); black and Hispanic survivors were less likely to report smoking; black survivors were less likely to report problem drinking. CONCLUSION: Adjusted for SES, adverse outcomes in CCSS were not associated with minority status. Importantly, black survivors reported less risky behaviors and better preventive practices. Hispanic survivors had equitable access to cancer related care.
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Fast Food Consumption and Its Associations With Obesity and Hypertension Among Children: Results From the Baseline Data of the Childhood Obesity Study in China Mega-CitiesZhao, Yaling, Wang, Liang, Xue, Hong, Wang, Huijun, Wang, Youfa 06 December 2017 (has links)
BACKGROUND: China has seen rapid increase in obesity and hypertension prevalence and fast food consumption over the past decade. We examined status and risk factors for Western- and Chinese fast food consumption and their associations with health outcomes in Chinese children, and examined how maternal factors were associated with child health outcomes. METHODS: Data of 1626 students aged 7-16 (11.6 ± 2.0) years and their parents in four mega-cities across China (Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Xi'an) were collected in the 2015 baseline survey of the Childhood Obesity Study in China Mega-cities. Weight, height, waist circumference, and blood pressure were measured. Food intake was assessed using questionnaire. Mixed models were used to examine the associations. RESULTS: Among the children, 11.1% were obese, 19.7% were centrally obese, and 9.0% had hypertension. Obesity prevalence was much higher in boys than in girls (15.2% vs. 6.9% and 27.4% vs. 11.7%, respectively, both P < 0.001). About half (51.9% and 43.6%) of children consumed Western and Chinese fast food, respectively, over the past 3 months. Compared to those with college or above maternal education level, those with elementary school or below maternal education level were 49% more likely to consume Western fast food (odds ratio [OR] and 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.49 [1.10-2.03]). Chinese fast food consumption rate increased by 12% with each year of increase in child's age (OR and 95% CI: 1.12 [1.02-1.23]). No significant associations between fast food consumption and health outcomes were detected. Adjusting for Western fast food consumption, children with lower maternal education were 71% and 43% more likely to have obesity and central obesity (ORs and 95% CIs: 1.71 [1.12-2.61] and 1.43 [1.00-2.03], respectively), and maternal body mass index was positively associated with child obesity, central obesity, and hypertension (ORs and 95% CIs: 1.11 [1.06-1.17], 1.12 [1.07-1.17], and 1.09 [1.03-1.15], respectively). Results were similar when Chinese fast food consumption was adjusted for. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of fast food consumption, obesity and hypertension is high among children in major cities in China. Maternal factors affect child outcomes.
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Factors associated with concurrent sexual partnerships in four provinces, South Africa-2008Elhassan, Muntasir Mohammed Osman 11 February 2014 (has links)
Research report submitted in partial fulfilment for MSc (Med) in Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the School of Public Health, 2013 / Concurrent sexual partnerships are a sexual network pattern that speeds the spread of HIV/AIDS and Sexual Transmitted Infections(1). Multiple and concurrent Sexual Partnerships (MCP) are part of behavioural drivers and are playing main role in the increase of HIV incidence(2). The main aim of the study is to identify the possible socio-demographic and behavioural factors that are associated with concurrent sexual partnership in 4 communities of South Africa(SA), so as to inform HIV prevention programmes in designing targeted interventions for addressing this problem in specific communities. The ultimate goal is to reduce the incidence of new HIV infections
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A interface entre psiquiatria e literatura na obra de Lima Barreto / The interface between psychiatry and literature in the work of Lima BarretoRachman, Sergio 19 April 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As humanidades médicas têm sido cada vez mais valorizadas mundialmente. No entanto, são poucos os estudos psiquiátricos nessa área no Brasil. A obra de Lima Barreto (1881-1922) reveste-se de importância para o psiquiatra pelo fato de este escritor ter tido grande contato com o meio psiquiátrico de sua época, em virtude da doença mental de seu pai e de seu quadro de alcoolismo, que motivou duas internações no Hospício Nacional de Alienados do Rio de Janeiro. Neste trabalho, procuramos relacionar a obra de Lima Barreto ao contexto histórico da psiquiatria e à sua biografia, testando ainda a hipótese de que o autor tenha apresentado declínio cognitivo expresso na elaboração de sua última obra, em virtude do alcoolismo. MÉTODOS: A obra do autor foi pesquisada, sendo analisadas as representações de doença mental. Como referencial teórico, utilizou-se os conceitos de carnavalização e de cronotopo de Mikhail Bakhtin. Foi usado, ainda, um software (WordSmith tools 3.0) para encontrar variáveis linguísticas que pudessem ter relação com declínio cognitivo do autor. RESULTADOS: Nas primeiras obras, há tendência para caracterizar a doença mental de forma idealizada ou caricatural; nas últimas, de forma mais naturalista e objetiva. Os percursos dos personagens dos últimos romances têm tendências mais fatalistas, com menor grau de mudança psicológica dos personagens, quando comparados com os romances iniciais. Com os relatos do autor sobre sua internação, tem-se acesso a uma descrição das condições do Hospício Nacional de Alienados, de seus internos e do caráter das internações. Observou-se, também, menor diversidade lexical na última obra do autor, aferido pelo software. CONCLUSÕES: A obra de Lima Barreto é uma fonte representativa para aqueles que estudam história da psiquiatria brasileira do início do século XX e fornece elementos diversos daqueles presentes em vários estudos, principalmente ligados a ideologias críticas à psiquiatria. As diferenças nas representações da doença mental no início e no fim da obra provavelmente refletem elementos biográficos e psicológicos do autor. O achado de menor diversidade lexical presente na última obra pode ter relação com declínio cognitivo do autor. / INTRODUCTION: The medical humanities have been increasingly valued worldwide. However, there are few psychiatric studies in this area in Brazil. The work of Lima Barreto (1881-1922) is important to the psychiatrist because this writer had great contact with the psychiatric medium of his time, because of his father\'s mental illness and because of his picture of alcoholism, which led him to two hospitalizations in the National Asylum for the Insane in Rio de Janeiro. In this paper we try to relate the work of Lima Barreto to the historical context of psychiatry and his biography, testing also the hypothesis that the author had cognitive decline expressed in the preparation of his latest book, due to alcoholism. METHODS: The author\'s work was investigated, and the representations of mental illness analyzed. The theoretical framework used included Mikhail Bakhtin\'s concepts of chronotope and carnivalization. It was also used a software (WordSmith tools 3.0) to find linguistic variables that could be related to cognitive decline of the author. RESULTS: In early works, there is a tendency to characterize mental illness in an idealized or caricatured way, and in the late ones, in a more naturalistic and objective way. The paths of the characters in later novels have more fatalistic tendencies, with lower levels of psychological change of the characters, when compared to the early novels. With the reports of the author on his admission in the psychiatric hospital, we have access to a description of condition of the National Asylum for the Insane, its internals and the character of admissions. It was also observed that there was less lexical diversity in the last work of the author, as measured by the software. CONCLUSIONS: Lima Barreto\'s work is a representative source for those studying the history of psychiatry of the early twentieth century and provides different elements compared to those present in several studies, mainly linked to ideologies critical to psychiatry. The differences in the representations of mental illness at the beginning and the end of the work probably reflect biographical and psychological elements of the author. The finding of lower lexical diversity present in the latest work may be related to cognitive decline of the author.
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Impacto de um protocolo de desmame com o uso sistemático da ventilação não invasiva na duração da ventilação mecânica / Influence of a weaning protocol with the systematic use of the noninvasive ventilation in the length of the mechanical ventilationSouza, Patricia Nery de 11 May 2009 (has links)
I NTRODUÇÃO: O tempo de ventilação mecânica e a necessidade de reintubação foram associados na literatura com um aumento da mortalidade nesse pacientes. Protocolo de desmame foi sugerido para diminuir os dias de ventilação mecânica invasiva e os riscos inerentes a esta. No mesmo período o uso da ventilação não invasiva (VNI) foi proposto em estudos como parte do processo de desmame. Resultados positivos foram observados com esta intervenção em pacientes selecionados. Entretanto, o mesmo não foi observado quando esta era utilizada como tratamento de falência respiratória pós extubação. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia do protocolo de desmame elaborado o qual incluiu o uso da VNI imediatamente após a extubação em pacientes selecionados. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo com controle histórico em pacientes adultos. Dados consecutivos de pacientes ventilados por um período ³ 48 horas que respeitassem os critérios de inclusão e exclusão do estudo foram coletados. O local do estudo foi uma UTI Médico/Cirúrgica com 22 leitos em um hospital terciário. RESULTADOS: Comparando os pacientes pré- protocolo (74) com os pós- protocolos (74) foi observado que os pacientes eram similares em suas características basais. No grupo protocolo foi evidenciada nos pacientes uma redução nos dias de suporte ventilatório invasivo (7[4; 11,3] vs. 6[4; 9], p=0.04) e uma probabilidade de se manter intubado nos dias de internação na UTI menor nesses pacientes (p=0.02). A taxa de reintubação, em 72 horas após a extubação, se manteve similar entre os grupos. A taxa de mortalidade foi menor (24,3% vs. 10,8, p=0,03) e a sobrevida foi maior no tempo de internação na UTI em dias (p=0,05). O modelo de regressão de Cox, ajustado para a gravidade na admissão da UTI, demonstrou uma relação do protocolo com a sobrevida (RR: 2,77; 95% intervalo de confiança, 1,14- 6,65; p=0,03) e a taxa de reintubação com a mortalidade dos pacientes (RR: 0,27; 95% intervalo de confiança, 0, 11- 0,65; p=0,01). CONCLUSÃO: O protocolo elaborado, o qual incluía o uso da VNI imediatamente após a extubação em pacientes selecionados, reduziu o tempo de suporte ventilatório sem aumentar a taxa de reintubação. O protocolo foi relacionado com a sobrevivência dos pacientes na UTI, sendo que o efeito oposto foi observado com a reintubação. / CONTEXT: The length of mechanical ventilation and the need for reintubation were associated on the literature with a mortality increased in these patients. Weaning protocol was a recommendation to reduce the length of invasive ventilation and the risk associated with those. At the same time noninvasive ventilation (NPPV) proposed by studies as part of the weaning technique. Positive results were observes with these interventions in selected patients. However, it was not observes when NPPV was used to treat respiratory failure after extubation. AIM: Evaluate the efficacy of the weaning protocol that was developing with the use of NPPV immediately after extubation in selected patients. DESIGN, SETTINGS AND SUBJECTS: A before- after study was realized with adults patients. Data of consecutive patients mechanically ventilated for ³ 48 hours that respected the inclusion and exclusion criteria was collect. The local of the study was a medical/surgical ICU with 22 beds in a tertiary hospital. RESULTS: Comparing the pre protocol patients (74) with the post protocol patients (74) was observe in both phases the patients had similar baseline characteristics. On the protocol group was observe a reduction on the intubated days of the patients (7[4; 11, 3] vs. 6[4; 9], p=0.04) and a lower probability on these phase to maintained intubated on the length on ICU in days (p=0.02). The reintubation rate was similar on 72 hours after extubation on the groups. The mortality rate was lower (24,3% vs. 10,8, p=0,03) and the survivor was higher on the length on ICU in days (p=0,05). In a Cox model, adjusting on severity at ICU admission, the protocol was relation with the survivor on ICU (RR: 2,77; 95% confidence interval, 1,14- 6,65; p=0,03) and the reintubation rate with the no survivor patients(RR: 0,27; 95% confidence interval, 0, 11- 0,65; p=0,01). CONCLUSION: A weaning protocol, which includes NPPV immediately after extubation for selected patients, reduces the length of invasive ventilation support time without increasing the risk of weaning failure. The protocol was relation with the survivor on ICU and reintubation rate with no survivor.
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Impacto de um protocolo de desmame com o uso sistemático da ventilação não invasiva na duração da ventilação mecânica / Influence of a weaning protocol with the systematic use of the noninvasive ventilation in the length of the mechanical ventilationPatricia Nery de Souza 11 May 2009 (has links)
I NTRODUÇÃO: O tempo de ventilação mecânica e a necessidade de reintubação foram associados na literatura com um aumento da mortalidade nesse pacientes. Protocolo de desmame foi sugerido para diminuir os dias de ventilação mecânica invasiva e os riscos inerentes a esta. No mesmo período o uso da ventilação não invasiva (VNI) foi proposto em estudos como parte do processo de desmame. Resultados positivos foram observados com esta intervenção em pacientes selecionados. Entretanto, o mesmo não foi observado quando esta era utilizada como tratamento de falência respiratória pós extubação. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia do protocolo de desmame elaborado o qual incluiu o uso da VNI imediatamente após a extubação em pacientes selecionados. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo com controle histórico em pacientes adultos. Dados consecutivos de pacientes ventilados por um período ³ 48 horas que respeitassem os critérios de inclusão e exclusão do estudo foram coletados. O local do estudo foi uma UTI Médico/Cirúrgica com 22 leitos em um hospital terciário. RESULTADOS: Comparando os pacientes pré- protocolo (74) com os pós- protocolos (74) foi observado que os pacientes eram similares em suas características basais. No grupo protocolo foi evidenciada nos pacientes uma redução nos dias de suporte ventilatório invasivo (7[4; 11,3] vs. 6[4; 9], p=0.04) e uma probabilidade de se manter intubado nos dias de internação na UTI menor nesses pacientes (p=0.02). A taxa de reintubação, em 72 horas após a extubação, se manteve similar entre os grupos. A taxa de mortalidade foi menor (24,3% vs. 10,8, p=0,03) e a sobrevida foi maior no tempo de internação na UTI em dias (p=0,05). O modelo de regressão de Cox, ajustado para a gravidade na admissão da UTI, demonstrou uma relação do protocolo com a sobrevida (RR: 2,77; 95% intervalo de confiança, 1,14- 6,65; p=0,03) e a taxa de reintubação com a mortalidade dos pacientes (RR: 0,27; 95% intervalo de confiança, 0, 11- 0,65; p=0,01). CONCLUSÃO: O protocolo elaborado, o qual incluía o uso da VNI imediatamente após a extubação em pacientes selecionados, reduziu o tempo de suporte ventilatório sem aumentar a taxa de reintubação. O protocolo foi relacionado com a sobrevivência dos pacientes na UTI, sendo que o efeito oposto foi observado com a reintubação. / CONTEXT: The length of mechanical ventilation and the need for reintubation were associated on the literature with a mortality increased in these patients. Weaning protocol was a recommendation to reduce the length of invasive ventilation and the risk associated with those. At the same time noninvasive ventilation (NPPV) proposed by studies as part of the weaning technique. Positive results were observes with these interventions in selected patients. However, it was not observes when NPPV was used to treat respiratory failure after extubation. AIM: Evaluate the efficacy of the weaning protocol that was developing with the use of NPPV immediately after extubation in selected patients. DESIGN, SETTINGS AND SUBJECTS: A before- after study was realized with adults patients. Data of consecutive patients mechanically ventilated for ³ 48 hours that respected the inclusion and exclusion criteria was collect. The local of the study was a medical/surgical ICU with 22 beds in a tertiary hospital. RESULTS: Comparing the pre protocol patients (74) with the post protocol patients (74) was observe in both phases the patients had similar baseline characteristics. On the protocol group was observe a reduction on the intubated days of the patients (7[4; 11, 3] vs. 6[4; 9], p=0.04) and a lower probability on these phase to maintained intubated on the length on ICU in days (p=0.02). The reintubation rate was similar on 72 hours after extubation on the groups. The mortality rate was lower (24,3% vs. 10,8, p=0,03) and the survivor was higher on the length on ICU in days (p=0,05). In a Cox model, adjusting on severity at ICU admission, the protocol was relation with the survivor on ICU (RR: 2,77; 95% confidence interval, 1,14- 6,65; p=0,03) and the reintubation rate with the no survivor patients(RR: 0,27; 95% confidence interval, 0, 11- 0,65; p=0,01). CONCLUSION: A weaning protocol, which includes NPPV immediately after extubation for selected patients, reduces the length of invasive ventilation support time without increasing the risk of weaning failure. The protocol was relation with the survivor on ICU and reintubation rate with no survivor.
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A interface entre psiquiatria e literatura na obra de Lima Barreto / The interface between psychiatry and literature in the work of Lima BarretoSergio Rachman 19 April 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As humanidades médicas têm sido cada vez mais valorizadas mundialmente. No entanto, são poucos os estudos psiquiátricos nessa área no Brasil. A obra de Lima Barreto (1881-1922) reveste-se de importância para o psiquiatra pelo fato de este escritor ter tido grande contato com o meio psiquiátrico de sua época, em virtude da doença mental de seu pai e de seu quadro de alcoolismo, que motivou duas internações no Hospício Nacional de Alienados do Rio de Janeiro. Neste trabalho, procuramos relacionar a obra de Lima Barreto ao contexto histórico da psiquiatria e à sua biografia, testando ainda a hipótese de que o autor tenha apresentado declínio cognitivo expresso na elaboração de sua última obra, em virtude do alcoolismo. MÉTODOS: A obra do autor foi pesquisada, sendo analisadas as representações de doença mental. Como referencial teórico, utilizou-se os conceitos de carnavalização e de cronotopo de Mikhail Bakhtin. Foi usado, ainda, um software (WordSmith tools 3.0) para encontrar variáveis linguísticas que pudessem ter relação com declínio cognitivo do autor. RESULTADOS: Nas primeiras obras, há tendência para caracterizar a doença mental de forma idealizada ou caricatural; nas últimas, de forma mais naturalista e objetiva. Os percursos dos personagens dos últimos romances têm tendências mais fatalistas, com menor grau de mudança psicológica dos personagens, quando comparados com os romances iniciais. Com os relatos do autor sobre sua internação, tem-se acesso a uma descrição das condições do Hospício Nacional de Alienados, de seus internos e do caráter das internações. Observou-se, também, menor diversidade lexical na última obra do autor, aferido pelo software. CONCLUSÕES: A obra de Lima Barreto é uma fonte representativa para aqueles que estudam história da psiquiatria brasileira do início do século XX e fornece elementos diversos daqueles presentes em vários estudos, principalmente ligados a ideologias críticas à psiquiatria. As diferenças nas representações da doença mental no início e no fim da obra provavelmente refletem elementos biográficos e psicológicos do autor. O achado de menor diversidade lexical presente na última obra pode ter relação com declínio cognitivo do autor. / INTRODUCTION: The medical humanities have been increasingly valued worldwide. However, there are few psychiatric studies in this area in Brazil. The work of Lima Barreto (1881-1922) is important to the psychiatrist because this writer had great contact with the psychiatric medium of his time, because of his father\'s mental illness and because of his picture of alcoholism, which led him to two hospitalizations in the National Asylum for the Insane in Rio de Janeiro. In this paper we try to relate the work of Lima Barreto to the historical context of psychiatry and his biography, testing also the hypothesis that the author had cognitive decline expressed in the preparation of his latest book, due to alcoholism. METHODS: The author\'s work was investigated, and the representations of mental illness analyzed. The theoretical framework used included Mikhail Bakhtin\'s concepts of chronotope and carnivalization. It was also used a software (WordSmith tools 3.0) to find linguistic variables that could be related to cognitive decline of the author. RESULTS: In early works, there is a tendency to characterize mental illness in an idealized or caricatured way, and in the late ones, in a more naturalistic and objective way. The paths of the characters in later novels have more fatalistic tendencies, with lower levels of psychological change of the characters, when compared to the early novels. With the reports of the author on his admission in the psychiatric hospital, we have access to a description of condition of the National Asylum for the Insane, its internals and the character of admissions. It was also observed that there was less lexical diversity in the last work of the author, as measured by the software. CONCLUSIONS: Lima Barreto\'s work is a representative source for those studying the history of psychiatry of the early twentieth century and provides different elements compared to those present in several studies, mainly linked to ideologies critical to psychiatry. The differences in the representations of mental illness at the beginning and the end of the work probably reflect biographical and psychological elements of the author. The finding of lower lexical diversity present in the latest work may be related to cognitive decline of the author.
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Varying data quality and effects in economic analysis and planningEklöf, Jan A. January 1992 (has links)
Economic statistics are often taken as given facts, assumed to describe exactly, actual phenomena in society. Many economic series are published in various forms from preliminary, via revisions to definitive estimates. Preliminary series are issued for a number of central economic processes in order to allow for rapid, up-to-date signals. This dissertation focuses on qualitative aspects of available data, and effects of possible inaccuracy when data are used for economic modelling, analysis and planning. Four main questions are addressed: How to characterize quality of data for central economic time series? What effects may possible inaccuracies in data have when used in econometric modelling? What effects do inaccuracies and errors in data have when models are used for economic analysis and planning? Is it possible to specify a criterion for deciding the cost-effective quality of data to be produced as input for economic policy analysis? The various realizations of economic variables often show considerable systematic as well as stochastic discrepancies for the same quantity. Preliminary series are generally found to be of questionable quality, but still considerably better than simple trend forecasts. Compared with the situation in a few other industrialized countries, the variability of Swedish economic statistics is, though, not extraordinary. Illustrations of effects of using inaccurate data, especially of combining preliminary, revised and definitive observations in the same model, are presented. Such inconsistent combinations of various realizations are in actual fact found in many open sources. Inclusion of preliminary series tends to indicate stronger changes in the economy than when definite observations are used throughout. The study is concluded with a section on cost-benefit aspects of economic statistics, and a sketch model for appraising data of variable quality is proposed. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögsk.
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Reconstrucao de objetos simuladores segmentados aplicaveis a dosimetria de pele / Reconstruction of voxel phantoms for skin dosimetryANTUNES, PAULA C.G. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:28:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Avaliacao e aplicacao de tecnologias de celulas a combustivel tipo PEMFC desenvolvidas no IPEN em um modulo de 500 Wsub(e) de potencia nominal / Evaluation and application of PEMFC fuel cell´s technologies developed at IPEN applied to a 500 We fuel cell stackCUNHA, EDGAR F. da 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:26:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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