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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Überexpression der katalytischen Na\(^+\)/K\(^+\)-ATPase Untereinheit α2 und nicht α1 verzögert kardiales Remodeling nach acht Wochen Myokardinfarkt / Increased expression of the catalytic Na\(^+\)/K\(^+\)-ATPase α2-isoform and not α1 reduces cardiac remodeling after eight weeks of myocardial infarction

Höfler, Dorina January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Die Herzinsuffizienz und damit einhergehend die beeinträchtigte kardiale Funktion bei chronischer Ischämie nach Myokardinfarkt (MI) wird mit niedrigerer Aktivität der Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) in Zusammenhang gebracht. Die beiden Isoformen der katalytischen Untereinheit NKA-α1 und α2 unterscheiden sich teilweise in Lokalisation, Funktion und Interaktion mit dem NCX und weiterer Signalpartner. Das Ziel des Projekts war es herauszufinden, ob die Isoform NKA-α2 im Gegensatz zu NKA-α1 einen protektiven Effekt bei chronischer Ischämie nach einem Myokardinfarkt aufweist und was die Hintergründe hierfür sind. Hierfür wurden transgene Mäuse verwendet, die kardial entweder NKA-α1 oder NKA-α2 stark überexprimieren. Diese Mäuse wurden mit WT Mäuse verglichen. Ein Myokardinfarkt wurde mittels Legierung der LAD induziert und die Herzen nach acht Wochen entnommen. Um das Remodeling bei chronischer Ischämie in Mäusen zu untersuchen, wurden die Zellgröße (WGA Färbung) und der Anteil des fibrotisch umgebauten Gewebes (PSR Färbung) gemessen. TG α2 Tiere zeigten nach chronischer Ischämie einerseits weniger stark hypertrophierte Zellen, andererseits in der kritischen Borderzone zwischen vitalem Gewebe und infarziertem Bereich weniger Fibrose. Dies ging einher mit einem signifikant weniger starkem Verlust der linksventrikulären Verkürzungsfraktion nach MI, welche ein Parameter der kardialen Funktion ist. Das Level des oxidativen Stresses (ROS Detektion) änderte sich nach acht Wochen MI in TG α2 Tieren im Vergleich zu TG α1 und WT nicht. Nach acht Wochen MI zeigte sich die Expression der totalen NKA reduziert; v.a. TG α2 Tiere zeigten tendenziell sehr niedrige Expressionslevel der totalen NKA. Die geringere NKA Aktivität könnte mit der verbesserten kardialen Funktion zusammenhängen. Da jedoch nach MI in WT Mäusen die NKA-α2 verstärkt und NKA-α1 reduziert exprimiert wird, gehen wir davon aus, dass die Expression der NKA-α2 eine für die Zelle protektive Anpassung nach chronischer Ischämie ist, um sich vor Remodeling und damit einhergehendem Funktionsverlust zu schützen. Vermutlich wird NKA so lange auf geringerem Niveau exprimiert, bis die Natrium- und Calciumkonzentration so stark ansteigt, dass die Gefahr der Arrhythmie und die kardiale Dysfunktion zu groß wird. Der Vorteil der TG α2 Tiere entsteht vermutlich aus der Reduzierung der totalen NKA nach acht Wochen MI, um die Inotropie kompensatorisch hoch zu halten, bis spezifisch die Isoform NKA-α2 verstärkt exprimiert wird, um den Natriumüberhang und konsekutiv via NCX den Calciumüberhang zu reduzieren. Hinzu kommt, dass die Isoform NKA-α2 die prädominierende Isoform ist, die in der Mikrodomäne der T-Tubuli mit dem NCX agiert und für den Ausgleich des Natrium- und Calciumhaushalts nach MI sorgt. Die gesteigerte Expression des NCXs nach MI in TG α2 Tieren mit verbessertem Abtransport von Calcium könnte zu der reduzierten Entwicklung von Hypertrophie und Fibrosierung beitragen. Dies wiederum verhindert den Progress der dilatativen Herzinsuffizienz bei chronischer Ischämie und bringt somit einen protektiven Effekt auf die Prognose und die kardiale Funktion nach MI mit sich. / An inhibited Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) pump activity could result in impaired cardiac function and reactive remodeling particularly in heart failure associated with myocardial infarction (MI). There are two different catalytic NKA isoforms, NKA-α1 and NKA-α2, which exhibit different characteristics regarding their sodium affinity, localization, and association with the Na/Ca exchanger (NCX) and regulation by signaling partners. Aim of the present study was to determine whether the overexpression of NKA-α2 and not NKA-α1 affects functional deterioration and remodeling during MI and why this protective benefit occurs. Transgenic mice with a cardiac overexpression of NKA-α2 (TG α2) and NKA-α1 (TG α1) were subjected to chronic MI injury for eight weeks. MI was induced by the surgical ligation of the left coronary artery. Non-transgenic (wildtype, WT) littermates were used as controls. The analyses of hypertrophy (gravimetry, WGA staining) and fibrosis (Picrosirius red staining) showed less cardiac remodeling after MI in TG α2 mice. Elevated NKA α2 expression in transgenic mice protects against functional deterioration which was shown in preserved fractional shortening after MI. Although the expression of total NKA is decreased after chronic ischemia, the increased expression of NKA isoform α2 and not α1 could be a favorable alteration that protects from heart failure progression induced by MI injury. We assume that total NKA expression is depressed in chronic heart failure especially in TG α2 mice to increase natrium and calcium load in the cell. This triggers greater calcium transients and strengthens cardiomyocyte contractions and thus cardiac output. But it is also a risk factor that promotes arrhythmias. So, by specifically increasing the expression of isoform NKA-α2 and not NKA-α1 excessive sodium elevation, functional deterioration and adverse remodeling could be limited. Presumably, NKA-α2 is the predominant isoform that regulates calcium cycling and interacts with NCX in the microdomain of the t-tubules. TG α2 mice are therefore more capable of preserving calcium homeostasis and regulating excitation contraction-coupling after chronic MI. The expression of NCX after MI is very likely increased, thus NCX helps in reverse mode to reduce calcium load in heart failure. This also protects TG α2 from hypertrophy and adverse remodeling after chronic MI, which implements better outcome in terms of deterioration of heart failure and cardiac dysfunction.

Na+/K+-ATPase and Signal Transduction

Wang, Haojie 11 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo de proteolipossomos constituídos de Na,K-ATPase utilizando a técnica de microscopia de força atômica / Proteoliposomes constituted of Na,K-ATPase studied by atomic force microscopy.

Sebinelli, Heitor Gobbi 29 July 2016 (has links)
A Na, K-ATPase (NKA) é uma proteína de membrana encontrada em organismos eucariotos multicelulares cuja atividade e funções já são amplamente discutidas na literatura. Sua unidade funcional corresponde a um heterodímero formado por duas subunidades , com regiões transmembrana. Espécies multiméricas como dímeros e tetrâmeros dessa enzima também são conhecidos por exercer atividade enzimática. As interações lipídio-proteína são intrínsecas para a NKA, por tal motivo, proteolipossomos constituídos de DPPC e DPPC:DPPE foram preparados por co-solubilização. Como controle, lipossomos de mesma composição foram produzidos por extrusão e/ou sonicação. Para as imagens de AFM, as amostras foram fixadas com glutaraldeído, para proteção mecânica e contra desidratação das vesículas. Para lipossomos de DPPC as imagens topográficas de AFM das vesículas apresentaram formato oval, superfície perfeitamente lisa e diâmetro médio de 151 + 46 nm, enquanto as vesículas de composição DPPC:DPPE, apesar de lisas, tiveram cantos pontiagudos e diâmetro médio de 98 + 28 nm. Imagens de fase de ambas as composições não apresentaram qualquer indicativo de diferenças na composição química, provavelmente devido à natureza de carga neutra dos dois fosfolipídios. As imagens de fase por AFM para os proteolipossomos tanto de DPPC-NKA, quanto DPPC:DPPE-NKA, revelaram resultados inéditos na literatura, onde a inserção da NKA aparece como nítidas regiões transições de fase de composição química distinta quando comparadas com os lipossomos. No entanto, as mudanças de fase são diferentes entre as composições estudadas, aparecendo como manchas escuras circulares para DPPC-NKA e mais visíveis como interstícios brilhantes para composição de DPPC:DPPE-NKA. As vesículas de DPPC-NKA apresentaram diâmetro médio de 390 + 326 nm e, nas imagens de topografia tridimensionais, protusões de 38 a 115 nm correspondentes às regiões de mudanças de fase, que, indicaram o diâmetro dos microdomínios relacionados à proteína. Já nas imagens para DPPC:DPPE-NKA o diâmetro médio dos proteolipossomos foi de 189 + 156 nm, e as protusões apareceram entre os interstícios, variando de 20 a 66 nm. O estudo de DSC dos lipossomos revelou que a concentração de glutaraldeído nas condições das análises de AFM, em torno de 5% (v/v), afetam as características físico-químicas para as composições com DPPE. A AFM foi eficiente para confirmar a reinserção da NKA em proteolipossomos pelas imagens de fase, e, para medir o diâmetro dos microdomínios pelas imagens de topografia. / Na, K-ATPase (NKA) is a membrane protein present in eukaryotic multicellular organisms. Its functions and activity are already widely described in the literature. Its minimal functional structure is a heterodimer of two main subunits , with transmembrane domains. However, dimers and tetramers of the enzyme are also known to have enzymatic activity. Since there are intrinsic lipid-protein interactions, NKA proteoliposomes composed of DPPC and DPPC:DPPE (1:1 molar ratio) were prepared by the co-solubilization method and liposomes of the same compositions were obtained by extrusion and/or sonication to be used as control. The samples to the AFM study were prepared using glutaraldehyde to protect the vesicles from mechanical shocks and dehydration. Liposomes composed of DPPC and DPPC:DPPE (1:1 molar ratio) were prepared by extrusion and sonication, respectively, as control. The topographical images for DPPC liposomes showed vesicles with an oval shape and smoothed surfaces with a mean diameter of 151 + 46 nm. DPPC:DPPE vesicles also presented smoothed surfaces, but with pointed corners and mean diameter of 98 + 28 nm. Phase images for both lipid compositions showed no differences in chemical composition. For DPPC:DPPE samples, this can be explained by the neutral net charge of both lipids. The proteoliposomes observed in the AFM phase images showed darker and large circular spots in the vesicles. These spots represent delays in the phase oscillation of the AFM probe and are associated with different chemical composition. The phase changes showed the reconstitution of the NKA in the proteoliposomes. When compared with topographical images, this spots matched protrusions. The mean diameter of DPPC-NKA proteoliposomes determined by AFM was 390 + 326 nm. In the three-dimensional topographical images of composition, protrusions from 38 to 115 nm near the areas of different phases indicate the diameters of the NKA microdomains. The phase changes for DPPC:DPPE-NKA appeared as bright interstices with the protrusions of the topographical images in between them. The size of these protrusions ranged from 20 to 66 nm and the mean diameter of the proteoliposomes was 189 + 156 nm. The DSC liposomes data showed that the glutaraldehyde concentration used in the AFM analysis affect the physical chemistry properties of the samples with DPPE. AFM proved to be an efficient method to confirm the reconstitution of into proteoliposomes with phase images and to determine the diameter of the protein microdomains with the topographical images.

Estudo de proteolipossomos constituídos de Na,K-ATPase utilizando a técnica de microscopia de força atômica / Proteoliposomes constituted of Na,K-ATPase studied by atomic force microscopy.

Heitor Gobbi Sebinelli 29 July 2016 (has links)
A Na, K-ATPase (NKA) é uma proteína de membrana encontrada em organismos eucariotos multicelulares cuja atividade e funções já são amplamente discutidas na literatura. Sua unidade funcional corresponde a um heterodímero formado por duas subunidades , com regiões transmembrana. Espécies multiméricas como dímeros e tetrâmeros dessa enzima também são conhecidos por exercer atividade enzimática. As interações lipídio-proteína são intrínsecas para a NKA, por tal motivo, proteolipossomos constituídos de DPPC e DPPC:DPPE foram preparados por co-solubilização. Como controle, lipossomos de mesma composição foram produzidos por extrusão e/ou sonicação. Para as imagens de AFM, as amostras foram fixadas com glutaraldeído, para proteção mecânica e contra desidratação das vesículas. Para lipossomos de DPPC as imagens topográficas de AFM das vesículas apresentaram formato oval, superfície perfeitamente lisa e diâmetro médio de 151 + 46 nm, enquanto as vesículas de composição DPPC:DPPE, apesar de lisas, tiveram cantos pontiagudos e diâmetro médio de 98 + 28 nm. Imagens de fase de ambas as composições não apresentaram qualquer indicativo de diferenças na composição química, provavelmente devido à natureza de carga neutra dos dois fosfolipídios. As imagens de fase por AFM para os proteolipossomos tanto de DPPC-NKA, quanto DPPC:DPPE-NKA, revelaram resultados inéditos na literatura, onde a inserção da NKA aparece como nítidas regiões transições de fase de composição química distinta quando comparadas com os lipossomos. No entanto, as mudanças de fase são diferentes entre as composições estudadas, aparecendo como manchas escuras circulares para DPPC-NKA e mais visíveis como interstícios brilhantes para composição de DPPC:DPPE-NKA. As vesículas de DPPC-NKA apresentaram diâmetro médio de 390 + 326 nm e, nas imagens de topografia tridimensionais, protusões de 38 a 115 nm correspondentes às regiões de mudanças de fase, que, indicaram o diâmetro dos microdomínios relacionados à proteína. Já nas imagens para DPPC:DPPE-NKA o diâmetro médio dos proteolipossomos foi de 189 + 156 nm, e as protusões apareceram entre os interstícios, variando de 20 a 66 nm. O estudo de DSC dos lipossomos revelou que a concentração de glutaraldeído nas condições das análises de AFM, em torno de 5% (v/v), afetam as características físico-químicas para as composições com DPPE. A AFM foi eficiente para confirmar a reinserção da NKA em proteolipossomos pelas imagens de fase, e, para medir o diâmetro dos microdomínios pelas imagens de topografia. / Na, K-ATPase (NKA) is a membrane protein present in eukaryotic multicellular organisms. Its functions and activity are already widely described in the literature. Its minimal functional structure is a heterodimer of two main subunits , with transmembrane domains. However, dimers and tetramers of the enzyme are also known to have enzymatic activity. Since there are intrinsic lipid-protein interactions, NKA proteoliposomes composed of DPPC and DPPC:DPPE (1:1 molar ratio) were prepared by the co-solubilization method and liposomes of the same compositions were obtained by extrusion and/or sonication to be used as control. The samples to the AFM study were prepared using glutaraldehyde to protect the vesicles from mechanical shocks and dehydration. Liposomes composed of DPPC and DPPC:DPPE (1:1 molar ratio) were prepared by extrusion and sonication, respectively, as control. The topographical images for DPPC liposomes showed vesicles with an oval shape and smoothed surfaces with a mean diameter of 151 + 46 nm. DPPC:DPPE vesicles also presented smoothed surfaces, but with pointed corners and mean diameter of 98 + 28 nm. Phase images for both lipid compositions showed no differences in chemical composition. For DPPC:DPPE samples, this can be explained by the neutral net charge of both lipids. The proteoliposomes observed in the AFM phase images showed darker and large circular spots in the vesicles. These spots represent delays in the phase oscillation of the AFM probe and are associated with different chemical composition. The phase changes showed the reconstitution of the NKA in the proteoliposomes. When compared with topographical images, this spots matched protrusions. The mean diameter of DPPC-NKA proteoliposomes determined by AFM was 390 + 326 nm. In the three-dimensional topographical images of composition, protrusions from 38 to 115 nm near the areas of different phases indicate the diameters of the NKA microdomains. The phase changes for DPPC:DPPE-NKA appeared as bright interstices with the protrusions of the topographical images in between them. The size of these protrusions ranged from 20 to 66 nm and the mean diameter of the proteoliposomes was 189 + 156 nm. The DSC liposomes data showed that the glutaraldehyde concentration used in the AFM analysis affect the physical chemistry properties of the samples with DPPE. AFM proved to be an efficient method to confirm the reconstitution of into proteoliposomes with phase images and to determine the diameter of the protein microdomains with the topographical images.

Signaling Function of Na/K-ATPase in Ouabain-induced Regulation of Intracellular Calcium

Yuan, Zhaokan January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Récepteurs aux estrogènes et remodelage cardiaque chez l'animal adulte ayant subi un environnement foetal défavorable

Abdelguerfi, Lynda January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Molecular physiology of tick salivary secretion and transcriptomics of tick in interaction with tick-borne pathogen

Kim, Donghun January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Entomology / Yoonseong Park / Tick salivary secretion is crucial for survival and for successful feeding. Tick saliva includes excretory water/ions and bioactive components for compromising the hosts' immune responses, and provides a direct route for pathogen transmission. Control of the tick salivation involves autocrine/paracrine dopamine, the most potent stimulator of tick salivation. Our research group reported the presence of two dopamine receptors in the salivary glands of the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis): dopamine receptor (D1) and invertebrate specific D1-like dopamine receptor (InvD1L). Dopamine-induced salivary secretion was orchestrated by two distinct physiological roles via activation of the two dopamine receptors (Chapter 2). Low concentration of dopamine activated D1 receptor on epithelial cells of salivary gland acini leading inward fluid transport. High concentration of dopamine activated InvD1L receptors on axonal projections innervating myoepithelial cells modulating pumping/gating actions for emptying luminal saliva into the main duct. Thus, ticks coordinated salivary secretion with duo dopamine receptors. Dopamine-mediated saliva production involves an important downstream component, Na/K-ATPase (Chapter 3). Na/K-ATPase was found in the epithelial cells of all types of acini. However, Na/K-ATPase had two different functions in salivary secretion in different acini: 1) dopamine-mediated production of primary saliva in distally located salivary gland acini type-2/- 3, and 2) dopamine-independent resorption in proximally located salivary gland acini type-1. Type-1 acini were also found to function in direct water absorption of off-host ticks, which could be a potential route for delivery of acaricides. Chapter 4 investigated the comparative transcriptomics of the lone star tick underlying the processes of pathogen acquisition. Differential expression analyses in pathogen-exposed ticks revealed a number of transcripts that are important in the tick-pathogen interaction. These included genes for tick immunity against pathogen and for modulation of tick physiology facilitating a pathogen’s invasion and proliferation. My study expanded the understanding of physiological mechanisms controlling tick salivation. In addition, transcriptomics of ticks in interaction with pathogen identified several genes that are relevant in vector/pathogen interactions. The knowledge obtained in my study will facilitate to the development of novel methods for the disruption of tick feeding and pathogen transmission.

Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms of Toxin Resistance in Toad-Eating Snakes

Mohammadi, Shabnam 01 May 2017 (has links)
Many plants and animals are defended by toxic compounds, and circumvention of those defenses often has involved the evolution of elaborate mechanisms for tolerance or resistance of the toxins. Toads synthesize potent cardiotonic steroids known as bufadienolides (BDs) from cholesterol and store those toxins in high concentrations in their cutaneous glands. Those toxins protect toads from the majority of predators, including most snakes that readily consume other species of frogs. BDs exert their effect by inhibiting ion transport by the Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA). This ubiquitous transmembrane enzyme consists of a catalytic alpha-subunit, which carries out the enzyme's functions, and a glycoprotein beta-subunit, which provides structural stability. Inhibition of the NKA causes highly elevated intracellular Ca2+ levels and results in often lethal increased cardiac contraction strength. Molecular resistance to bufadienolides in snakes is conferred by mutations in the alpha-subunit of the Na+/K+-ATPase. I have found that these mutations are more prevalent in snakes than previously suggested, and that many genetically resistant species do not feed on toads. This suggests that possession of the mutations alone does not carry substantial negative consequences, and that feeding on toads may have been an ancestral habit in some groups of snakes. I have further found evidence of tissue-specific variation in resistance to bufadienolides, and gene expression investigations revealed that the bufadienolide resistance-conferring mutations are not expressed equally among different organs. Variation in resistance among different tissues indicates that possession of the mutations does not protect all cells equally. Finally, by testing the physiological responses of resistant snakes to exposure to cardiotonic steroid, I have found that feeding on toads incurs negative consequences and that toad-specialized resistant snakes respond differently from nontoad-specialized resistant snakes. The presence of physiological consequences of toxin exposure may explain why feeding on toads has been lost in some lineages of snakes that retain resistance-conferring mutations. In summary, these findings indicate that genetic resistance of the Na+/K+-ATPase is necessary in order for snakes to survive acute toxicity of bufadienolides, but it is not sufficient to explain fully the physiological mechanisms involved in dealing with chronic exposure to the toxins.

A Novel Use of Digoxin Immune Fab Fragment in Identification and Isolation of an Endogenous Digitalis-like Factor Found in Preeclampsia

Hopoate-Sitake, Moana Lee 10 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The mechanisms mediating the hypertension of preeclampsia (PE) are unclear. Endogenous digitalis-like factors (EDLFs) are specific sodium pump (SP) inhibitors implicated in essential and experimental hypertension, but they have not been fully explored in the setting of PE. This study uses a digoxin antibody Fab fragment to address the question of whether such factors are present and increased in PE, to investigate a possible treatment of PE, and to isolate and characterize all EDLFs present in PE. Sera and placenta from women with PE did show a significant increase in SP inhibition in comparison to women with normal pregnancy and Digibind® was found to bind EDLFs and essentially block or reverse SP inhibition. Sera were collected in a Phase II, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical study in which women with severe preeclampsia were dosed with Digibind®, as a therapeutic, and the SP activity measured. Sera and placenta from women with PE was also investigated for their inhibitory effects on the SP. Known candidates for EDLFs were investigated for their SP inhibitory effects, as well as how digitalis antibody immune Fab fragments, Digibind® and DigiFab™, bound them and affected the SP activity. Digibind® is also a sufficient affinity material used to isolate and purify PE EDLFs. Additionally, the placentas of preeclamptic women have high levels of similar EDLFs. These studies provide evidence for the existence of EDLFs that circulate in women with PE, and Digibind® is an effective and novel tool to bind, isolate and purify EDLFs in PE.

Identification of the Na/K-ATPase Interacting Proteins

Jing, Yonghua 06 February 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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