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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of gaseous emissions from the Namakwa Sands Mineral Separation Plant near Lützville on the adjacent succulent Karoo vegetation : a pilot study /

Lukama, Beatrice M. K. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

Monitoring ecological rehabilitation on a coastal mineral sands mine in Namaqualand, South Africa

Pauw, Marco Johann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Exxaro Namakwa Sands heavy mineral sands mine at Brand-se-Baai, on the west coast of South Africa, is an important source of income, development and job-creation in the region. However, this comes at a great environmental cost, as strip mining causes large scale destruction of ecosystems through the complete removal of vegetation and topsoil. This is particularly problematic in an environment, such as Namaqualand, where the arid and windy climate, as well as saline and nutrient-poor soils, hamper rehabilitation. These environmental constraints create the need to develop a site-specific rehabilitation program. At Namakwa Sands the objective of rehabilitation is to “rehabilitate and re-vegetate disturbed areas and establish a self-sustaining Strandveld vegetation cover in order to control dust generation, control wind and water erosion, as well as restore land capability. In general, vegetation will be rehabilitated to a minimum grazing standard capable of supporting small stock (sheep) grazing.” In order to achieve this Namakwa Sands conducted rehabilitation experiments with topsoil replacement, seeding of indigenous species and translocation of mature plants. Monitoring is an important part of the rehabilitation process as it allows rehabilitation practitioners to evaluate success and to adapt their management strategies and rehabilitation methods, as well as to evaluate and, if necessary, change their rehabilitation objectives. This study forms part of the monitoring process at Namakwa Sands. It assesses the success of sites that were experimentally rehabilitated in 2001 and a site that was rehabilitated in 2008, using current practice, in order to identify possible management requirements on rehabilitated sites as well as improvements on rehabilitation objectives, methods and monitoring. This study also tests the Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) as rehabilitation monitoring tool by correlating LFA indices with traditional measurements of biophysical variables or their surrogates. Results showed that experimental sites were not successful in returning vegetation cover and plant species richness to the required levels, but did achieve the grazing capacity objective. These sites will need adaptive management to achieve the vegetation cover and plant species richness objectives. The recently rehabilitated site achieved the three-year vegetation cover and plant species richness objectives, as well as the grazing capacity objective, within two years after rehabilitation. Namakwa Sands should therefore continue using the current rehabilitation method. However, rehabilitation should be done in multiple stages in future to decrease the mortality of nursery cuttings and to facilitate the return of late successional species to rehabilitated sites. The sustainability of small stock farming on rangeland with the grazing capacity that is identified as the minimum objective is questionable and this merits further investigation. LFA can be a useful tool to monitor nutrient cycling and soil stability at Namakwa Sands, provided that enough replicates are used. However, LFA cannot be used as is to assess water infiltration at Namakwa Sands, due to assumptions in the calculation of this index that do not hold for the Namaqualand environment. Landscape functioning should be monitored annually to complement vegetation surveys. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Exxaro Namakwa Sands swaarminerale-sandmyn by Brand-se-Baai, aan die weskus van Suid-Afrika, is ‘n belangrike bron van inkomste, ontwikkeling en werkskepping in die streek. Daar is egter negatiewe omgewingsimpakte aan verbonde, aangesien die strookmyntegniek grootskaalse vernietiging van ekosisteme veroorsaak deur die algehele verwydering van die plantegroei en bogrond. Dit is veral problematies in ‘n omgewing, soos Namakwaland, waar die droë en winderige klimaat, asook die souterige en voedingstof-arme grond, rehabilitasie belemmer. Hierdie beperkings wat deur die omgewing veroorsaak word skep die behoefte om ‘n rehabilitasieprogram te ontwikkel wat spesifiek is tot die terrein. Die doel van rehabilitasie by Namakwa Sands is om te rehabiliteer en herplant op versteurde gebiede en om selfonderhoudende Strandveld plantbedekking te vestig om sodoende stofgenerering te beheer, om wind- en watererosie te beheer, en om grondgebruik-vermoë te herstel. In die algemeen sal plantbedekking gerehabiliteer word tot ‘n minimum weidingskapasiteit wat kleinveeweiding (skaapweiding) kan onderhou. Om dit te bereik het Namakwa Sands rehabilitasie-eksperimente uitgevoer met terugplasing van bogrond, saai van inheemse spesies en oorplanting van volwasse inheemse plante. Monitering is ‘n belangrike deel van die rehabilitasieproses, aangesien dit rehabilitasie-praktisyns in staat stel om sukses te evalueer en om bestuurstrategieë en rehabilitasiemetodes aan te pas, sowel as om rehabilitasiedoelwitte te evalueer en, indien nodig, aan te pas. Hierdie studie vorm deel van die moniteringsproses by Namakwa Sands. Dit assesseer die sukses op persele wat eksperimenteel gerehabiliteer is in 2001 en ‘n perseel wat in 2008 gerehabiliteer is, volgens die huidige praktyk, om moontlike bestuursbehoeftes op gerehabiliteerde persele en verbeteringe aan rehabilitasiedoelwitte, -metodes en –monitering te identifiseer. Hierdie studie toets ook die geskiktheid van die Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) as ‘n rehabilitasie-moniteringsinstrument deur LFA-indekse met tradisionele metings van biofisiese veranderlikes of hul surrogate te korreleer. Resultate dui daarop dat eksperimentele persele nie suksesvol was om plantbedekking en plantspesies-rykdom tot die vereiste vlakke te herstel nie, maar wel die weidingskapasiteit-doelwit bereik het. Hierdie persele benodig aanpassingsbestuur om plantbedekking- en plantspesiesrykdom-doelwitte te bereik. Die perseel wat onlangs gerehabiliteer is, het binne twee jaar na rehabilitasie die drie-jaar plantbedekking- en plantspesiesrykdom-doelwitte, sowel as die weidingskapasiteitdoelwit bereik. Daarom moet Namakwa Sands voortgaan om die huidige rehabilitasiemetode te gebruik. Rehabilitasie moet egter in die toekoms in veelvoudige stadiums gedoen word om die mortaliteit van kwekery-steggies te verminder en om die terugkeer van laatsuksessionele spesies na gerehabiliteerde persele te fasiliteer. Die volhoubaarheid van kleinveeboerdery op weiveld met die minimum vereiste weidingskapasiteit word betwyfel en vereis verdere ondersoek. LFA kan ‘n bruikbare instrument wees om siklering van voedingstowwe en grondstabiliteit te monitor by Namakwa Sands indien genoeg repliserings gebruik word. LFA kan egter nie in die huidige vorm gebruik word om waterinfiltrasie by Namakwa Sands te assesseer nie, aangesien daar aannames in die berekening van die indeks is wat nie juis is in die Namakwaland omgewing nie. Landskapfunksionering behoort jaarliks gemoniteer te word om plantopnames aan te vul.

Effects of gaseous emissions from the Namakwa Sands Mineral Separation Plant near Lutzville on the adjacent succulent Karoo vegetation : a pilot study

Lukama, Beatice M. K. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Conservation Ecology and Entomology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / A pilot study was conducted at the Namakwa Sands Mineral Separation Plant, to investigate the effects of acidic gaseous emissions from the Mineral Separation Plant on the adjacent Succulent Karoo vegetation. Sulphuric acid fumes, a major gaseous emission of the mineral processing, was the subject of investigation of the present study, due to the potential high negative impact of elevated concentrations thereof on vegetation in the ecosystem. Permanent sample plots along three transects radiating from the Mineral Separation Plant were laid out in the eastern, south-eastern and southern directions following the prevailing wind directions and practical consideration of land accessibility. The ecological components assessed as indicators of possible pollution levels in the environment included percentage plant mortality, foliar sulphur content of selected plant species, chemical composition of solubles in mist and dust samples, and soil pH. In addition, the vegetation was screened for plant species suitable to be used as potential bioindicators. Potential bioindicator plant species were selected on the basis of their relatively wide distribution in the study area and apparent sensitivity to the ambient air pollutants. The percentage of dead plants of each species that occurred on the sample plots was used as a criterion of the possible sensitivity of the plant species towards air pollution. The bioindicator plant species selected for potential monitoring purposes were: Galenia fruticosa, Lampranthus suavissimus, Lycium ferocissimum and a Ruschia sp. (SP 9). Plant mortality was greater nearer the emission source, with 28 + 5 % dead plants at 400 m, 19 + 6 % at 800 m and only 10 + 4 % at 1,200 m from the Mineral Separation Plant. Data summed for all species recorded and pooled for all three transects per sampling distance. With the methods used in this study, in the case of all sample plots on the three transects, no significant difference was found between the mean pH values of soil samples collected from open spaces without plant cover (8.01 + 0.46) and those collected underneath shrubs (8.91 + 0.96). Subsequently only the pH values of soil samples collected on open spaces were used to investigate the variation in soil acidity with distance and direction from the emission source. The means represent total number of samples from open space versus those collected from underneath shrubs. The pH of soil samples increased with distance from the emission source along the transects to the south and south-east of the emission source. Eastward of the emission source, soil pH values remained relatively low at all sample distances. This pilot study could not determine whether the continuous acidity of the soil along the eastern transect in the direction of the prevailing wind, was caused by increased deposition of gaseous emissions on the higher lying hilly terrain in this area, or by the underlying geology. Ion chromatographic analysis of mist and dust samples collected on each sample plot indicated the presence of several chemicals that had probably originated from the gaseous emissions from the Mineral Separation Plant as well as wind blown constituents from the adjacent surroundings of the sample plots. Of these chemicals, only the sulphate concentrations of the mist and dust samples were further evaluated, since that could be related to the emission of sulphuric acid fumes by the Mineral Separation Plant. Results indicated that the mean sulphate concentration of mist and dust samples collected from sample plots relatively close to the Mineral Separation Plant, 118.8 + 31.6 mg/litre (400 m), were higher than further afield, decreasing to 57 + 30.1 mg/litre at 800 m and 43.1 + 19.6 mg/litre at 1,200 m. These values, representing the mean sulphate concentrations of mist and dust samples at each sampling distance (data of the three transects pooled), differ significantly at the 85 % confidence level. Statistical evaluation of the data of the mist and dust pH measurements, pooled for the three transects on the basis of distance, indicated a gradual increase of the mean values from 400 m (7.3 + 0.26), through 800 m (7.7 + 0.34), to 1,200 m (8.2 + 0.83), although these values were not significantly different. A decreasing trend in accordance with that in the case of the sulphate concentrations of mist and dust samples with distance from the mineral processing plant, was also observed in the sulphur content of the leaves of selected plant species, with mean sulphur content higher at 400 m sampling distance (0.29 + 0.091 %) than at 800 m (0.264 + 0.086 %) and a further decline at 1,200 m (0.232 + 0.079 %), data of the three transects pooled. However, these values were also not significantly different. Although not significantly so, the decreasing trend in the results of the sulphate concentration of mist and dust samples, the sulphur content of plant leaf samples as well as plant mortality observed, and increasing soil pH values with distance from the Mineral Separation Plant, suggest that the gaseous emissions from the Mineral Separation Plant could probably have had a detrimental effect on the adjacent Succulent Karoo vegetation. A more detailed study is necessary to confirm this trend. In addition it is recommended that in order to clarify the soil pH measurements outcome along the eastern transect that were contradicted by the results of the mist and dust pH measurements, a more intensive survey over a greater distance (at least further than 1.2 km from the Mineral Separation Plant), be conducted to quantify vegetation damage and acid deposition to the east of the emission source.

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