Spelling suggestions: "subject:"namaqualand."" "subject:"amaqualand.""
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Vegetation on and adjacent to mesas in the Nama-Karoo, South Africa : characteristics and comparisonsPienaar, Eugene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Arid lands comprise some 47.2 % of the world's land surface. Between 32 % and 35 %
of these drylands are subject to some form of desertification and land degradation. South
Africa is an arid country with water being a major limiting resource. The Nama-Karoo
biome is an extensive tract of semi-arid vegetation comprising some 22.7 % of South
Africa, characterised by low rainfall and high temperatures. Grazing is the most common
form of land use in the country, and particularly in this biome. Aridity and grazing are
two factors that make large areas of South Africa (including the Nama-karoo) susceptible
to land degradation. The Nama-Karoo biome has been neglected in past research and is
an understudied part of South Africa's vegetation.
This study is a component of a bigger umbrella project entitled "Restoration of degraded
Nama-karoo rangelands: the role of conservation islands". The aim of this project was to
assess the role played by isolated hills and mountains (mesas, inselbergs, etc.) in
conserving the remnant biological diversity of the Nama-karoo rangelands of Namibia
and South Africa. Vegetation composition, seed banks, seedling recruitment, pollination
and grazing patterns and intensity on and off isolated mesas in the eastern parts of the
Nama-karoo were investigated in the South African component of this project.
I report on patterns of 1) plant species diversity and 2) plant communities across the
Middelburg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Three isolated mesas (Tafelberg,
Folminkskop and Buffelskop) and their surrounding plains were selected for this study.
Permanent plots were established in broad transects extending from the plains to southeastern
slopes, plateaux, north-western slopes and north-western plains of each mesa.
Plots were 25 m2 in size, and ten 1 m2 blocks within the 25 m2 plot were randomly
selected and sampled. Species composition was recorded and cover values determined
for all plants in every subplot.
In the eastern Nama-karoo mesas were not found to be higher in Alpha Diversity than
their surrounding plains. Plains habitats were mostly equally as diverse as mesa habitats, with some plains habitats being higher in diversity than mesa habitats. Greater
differences between mesas and their surroundings were found in a parallel study in the
northern parts of the Nama-karoo in Namibia, indicating that mesas are more distinct
islands of diversity with an increase in aridity. In the Middelburg District, a greater
presence of woody phanerophytes occurred on mesa habitats in comparison with plains
habitats, a possible result of the more moist microhabitats on mesas. Cooler, moister
conditions on the south-eastern slopes of the mesas led to higher Alpha Diversity there in
comparison with the warmer and drier north-western slopes, a phenomenon commonly
found in arid areas. In terms of Alpha Diversity, the largest mesa sampled, Tafelberg
(450 m above surroundings), was not significantly more diverse than the two smaller
mesas (Folminkskop and Buffelskop both being 200 m above surroundings).
Tafelberg and Buffelskop were equally high in Beta Diversity, with Folminkskop being
much less diverse. Increased Beta Diversity for Tafelberg was explained by the increased
size of the mesa (providing a more diverse microhabitat) relative to Folminkskop, which
has the same shape and geology but is much smaller in size. High Beta Diversity values
for Buffelskop were explained by the presence of degraded communities on the northwestern
slopes and plains, while the south-eastern slopes were some of the most diverse
habitats sampled in the landscape. Mesas and plains shared few species. Proportionally
fewer species were shared between the plateau and slopes of the larger Tafelberg in
comparison with the smaller two mesas. Isolation of the plateau could possibly become
more distinct with an increase in size of the mesa. However, Tafelberg had more species
in common with the surrounding plains than did the smaller mesas. It is suggested that
bigger mesas support a more diverse array of microhabitats enabling plains species to
occupy selective sites on the slopes of the mesa.
Average Shannon-Wiener Alpha Diversity Indices for Middelburg were higher than that
of the Nama-karoo in general. This could be explained by the higher precipitation in the
eastern parts of the Nama-karoo relative to the rest. Diversity in Middelburg compared
favourably with that in other arid lands of North America and Australia and was found to be similar in patterns and determinants of diversity compared to arid lands such as those
of the New World.
Regarding plant community composition, mesas were found to be distinctly different
from their surrounding plains, with no shared communities between mesas and plains.
The distribution of communities across the landscape was mainly attributed to a soilmoisture
gradient. Mesas, compared to plains, have shallower, rockier soils coupled with
very little run-off and naturally higher precipitation due to elevation. This results in a
more mesic habitat. Plains, compared with mesas, have little rock cover, high
percentages of bare soil and higher run-off rates than mesas, resulting in a more xeric
habitat. Habitat differences such as these probably existed before the impact of domestic
livestock but overgrazing has probably exacerbated the differences. The dominance
structure of plant communities on the plains has probably changed in favour of toxic,
spinescent or unpalatable plant species due to selective grazing by livestock. For the two
dolerite-capped mesas (Tafelberg and Folminkskop) aspect and the expected cooler,
moister conditions on south-eastern slopes as factors determining community
composition were overridden by soil type and associated nutrient status. On Buffelskop
(sandstone mesa), aspect and slope overrode soil type and associated nutrient status as
determinants of community compositions.
The potential to use mesas as a source of seeds and propagules to restore degraded plains
habitats is low. Approximately 28 % of species were shared between mesas and their
surroundings, and not all of these species could be regarded as good colonisers.
Generalist, palatable species occurring across the landscape, such as Eragrostis obtusa,
Felicia muricata, F. ovata, Fingerhuthia africana, Jamesbrittenia tysonii, Limeum
aethiopicum, Pentzia incana and Selago albida could have some potential for future
restoration attempts.
Mesas are distinct in composition and can be regarded as islands of one vegetation type
(mesas) in a sea of a different vegetation type (plains). Mesa habitats are not generally
used for grazing by livestock, due to their general inaccessibility, and are not threatened by development. Plant communities in the Middelburg area were very similar In
composition to communities identified in other parts of the Nama-karoo.
Results from this study suggest that the plains are at present more degraded than the mesa
habitats, but it is impossible to conclude whether or not these rangelands have stabilised
given current stocking rates and climatic conditions.
The Braun-Blanquet classification system proved an effective method to describe plant
communities in the semi-arid Nama-karoo. All the plots used during the duration of the
study were marked by metal stakes and are therefore of a permanent nature, so that they
can be resampled in future. This might possibly shed some light on questions related to
resilience, stability and degradation of the karoo. Restoring rangeland in the future is an
important option, however, few farmers would, in the short term, be able to afford costly
restoration techniques. It is recommended that farmers inspect the condition of their veld
on a regular basis, and adjust stocking rates accordingly. Veld should be rested on a
regular basis, and assessment should precede the movement of stock to a camp. Most
farmers plough denuded areas of veld to encourage restoration, and it is recommended
that this practice be combined with reseeding, followed by rest during and shortly after
germination of the seed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ariede areas beslaan tans 47 % van die aarde se land oppervlak. Tussen 32 % en 35 %
van hierdie areas is onderworpe aan een of ander vorm van land degredasie. Die Nama-
Karoo bioom is 'n ekstensiewe semi-ariede area wat naastenby 47 % van Suid-Afrika
beslaan. Die karoo word gekenmerk deur hoë temperature en lae reënval. Suid-Afrika is
'n ariede land en water is 'n beperkende faktor. Weiding is die algemeenste
boerderypraktyk, en meer so in ariede areas soos bv. in die karoo. Die droë klimaat en
hoë voorkoms van weiding as boerderypraktyk maak ekstensiewe areas (insluitende die
karoo) van Suid-Afrika vatbaar vir land degredasie.
Hierdie studie is deel van 'n breër projek genaamd: "Restorasie van gedegradeerde
Nama-karoo veld: Die rol van bewaringseilande". Die doel van hierdie projek was om
die rol te bepaal van ge-isoleerde koppies en berge (mesas, inselberge, ens.) in die
bewaring van biologiese diversiteit in die Nama-karoo van Suid-Afrika en Namibië.
Plantegroeisamestelling, saadbanke, saailing oorlewing, bestuiwing en
weidingsintensiteitlpatrone op koppies en hulle omringende vlaktes in die oostelike dele
van die Nama-karoo is ondersoek in die Suid-Afrikaanse komponent van die studie.
Ek rapporteer oor patrone van 1) plant diversiteit en 2) plantegroeigemeenskappe in die
Middelburg Distrik, Oos-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Drie ge-isoleerde koppies (Tafelberg,
Folminkskop en Buffelskop) en hulle omliggende vlaktes is geselekteeer vir die doel van
die studie. Permanente persele is uitgelê in 'n breë lyn vanaf die suid-oostelike vlaktes na
die suid-oostelike hang, oor die plato's, noord-westelike hange en noord-westelike
vlaktes vir al drie koppies. Persele was 25 m2 in grootte, waarvan tien 1 m2 sub-persele
geselekteer is binne die groter 25 m2 blok. Spesies samestelling en bedekkingswaardes is
bepaal vir alle plante in al die sub-persele.
Mesas was nie hoër in Alpha Diversiteit as hulle omringende vlaktes nie. Vlaktes was
meestal net so hoog in diversiteit as die mesas, en somtyds selfs hoër. Groter verskille in diversiteit is gevind in 'n paralelle studie in die noordelike dele van die Nama-karoo in
Namibië. Dit dui aan dat mesas moontlik meer definitiewe eilande van diversiteit is in
droër gebiede. Meer houtagtige fanerofiete het voorgekom op die mesas in vergelyking
met die omliggende vlaktes, 'n moontlike gevolg van 'n natter habitat op die mesas.
Suid-oostelike hange was hoër in alfa-diversiteit in vergelyking met noord-westelike
hange. Dit is toegeskryf aan die koeler, natter mikrohabitat van die suid-oostelike hange.
Die groter mesa (Tafelberg - 450 m bo die vlakte), was nie meer divers as die twee
kleiner mesas nie (Folminkskop en Buffelskop is sowat 200 m bo die vlakte).
Tafelberg en Buffelskop was ewe hoog in Beta Diversiteit, terwyl Folminkskop heelwat
laer was. Hoër Beta Diversiteit vir Tafelberg kan verklaar word deur die groter
oppervlak en hoogte van die mesa (voorsien 'n meer diverse mikrohabitat) in vergelyking
met Folminkskop. Folminkskop het dieselfde vorm en geologiese geskiedenis as
Tafelberg, maar is veel kleiner. Buffelskop was hoog in Beta Diversiteit as gevolg van 'n
gedegradeerde gemeenskap op die noord-westelike hang en vlaktes, terwyl die suidoostelike
hang baie hoog was in diversiteit. Min spesies kom op beide mesas en vlaktes
voor. Minder spesies is gedeel deur die plato en hange van Tafelberg in vergelyking met
die plato's en hange van Folminkskop en Buffelskop. Isolasie van die plato kan moontlik
hoër wees in groter mesas. Tafelberg (slegs mesa) het meer spesies in gemeen met sy
omliggende vlakte as die ander twee mesas. Groter mesas soos Tafelberg kan moontlik
'n meer diverse spektrum van mikrohabitatte bevat, wat sekere vlakte spesies in staat stel
om te oorleef op mesa hange.
Gemiddelde alfa diversiteit vir die Middelburg Distrik was hoër as die van die res van die
karoo. Dit kan verklaar word deur die hoër reënval in die oostelike dele van die karoo
relatief tot die meer westelike dele. Diversiteit in Middelburg vergelyk goed met die van
ander ariede lande in Noord-Amerika en Australie, terwyl patrone en faktore wat
diversiteit bepaal soortgelyk was aan die van gemeenskappe in ariede lande van die
Nuwe Wêreld. Mesas en vlaktes het drasties verskil in die samestelling van hulle onderskeie
plantegroeigemeenskappe, alhoewel hulle soortgelyk was in diversiteit. Geen
plantegroeigemeenskappe het voorgekom op beide mesas en vlaktes nie (gedeelde
plantegroeigemeenskappe). Die verspreiding van plantegroeigemeenskappe oor die
landskap was toegeskryf aan 'n grond-water gradient. Mesas het, oor die algemeen,
vlakker, meer rotsagtige grond en 'n hoër reënval met minder afloop as vlaktes. Vlaktes
het minder rotse, 'n hoër persentasies kaal grond en vinniger afloop tempo's na reën as
mesas. Hierdie faktore het tot gevolg dat mesas 'n natter habitat verteenwoordig in
vergelyking met die meer ariede vlaktes. Habitatsverskille soos dié het heel moontlik
klaar bestaan voor die aankoms van vee, maar oorbeweiding het die verskille in habitat
tussen mesas en vlaktes groter gemaak. Selektiewe beweiding deur vee het waarskynlik
tot gevolg gehad dat plante wat giftig, doringagtig of onsmaaklik is, toegeneem het in
plantegroeigemeenskappe, ten koste van meer smaaklike spesies.
Grondtipe en grondsamestelling het aspek en verwagte koeler kondisies op die suidoostelike
hange onderdruk as bepalende faktore vir plantegroeigemeenskap samestelling
op Tafelberg en Folminkskop (beide bedek met 'n doleriet laag). Aspek en steilte van die
hange het grondtipe en grondsamestelling onderdruk as bepalende faktore vir
plantegroeigemeenskappe op Buffelskop.
Die potensiaal om mesas te gebruik as bronne van saad vir die rehabilitasie van die
vlaktes was laag. Mesas en hulle omliggende vlaktes het naastenby 28 % van spesies in
gemeen gehad, maar nie al hierdie spesies was goeie koloniseerders nie. Sekere
smaaklike plante wat op beide mesas en vlaktes voorgekom het, kan potensiaal hê vir
toekomstige restorasie doeleindes, bv. Eragrostis obtusa, Felicia muricata, F. ovata,
Fingerhuthia Africana, Jamesbrittenia tysonii, Limeum aethiopicum, Pentzia incana en
Selago albida.
Mesas is uniek in samestelling en kan beskou word as een plantegroeitipe in 'n see van 'n
ander tipe (vlaktes). Mesas word nie oor die algemeen bewei nie (as gevolg van hulle
steil hange en bergagtigheid) en word gevolglik nie bedreig deur huidige ontwikkeling nie. Plantegroeigemeenskappe in Middelburg is soortgelyk aan die van ander dele van die
Nama-Karoo bioom.
Resultate van die studie dui aan dat die vlaktes huidiglik meer gedegradeer is as mesas,
maar dit is onbekend of die veld gestabiliseer het of steeds besig is om verder te
degradeer in huidige weidings- en klimaatskondisies.
Die Braun-Blanquet klassifikasiemetode IS effektief vir die beskrywing van
plantegroeigemeenskappe in ariede areas. Al die persele in die studie area is gemerk met
metaal paaltjies en is dus permanent. Dit maak dit moontlik om in die toekoms die
persele weer te ondersoek. 'n Langtermyn datastel kan moontlik lig werp op die
stabiliteit en degredasie van karoo veld. Restorasie van veld is 'n moontlikheid vir die
toekoms, maar min boere kan duur restorasie metodes bekostig in die kort termyn. Boere
moet hulle lande gereeld ondersoek en drakrag aanpas by die kondisie van die veld. Baie
boere ploeg kaal kolle in die veld op 'n gereelde basis, en daar word voorgestel dat die
praktyk gekombineer word met die saai van geskikte saad, gevolg deur 'n rusperiode
tydens en na ontkieming daarvan.
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Using electromagnetic methods to map and delineate high-grade harzburgite pods within the Ni-Cu mineralised Jacomynspan ultramafic sill, Northen Cape, South AfricaUshendibaba, Mhaka January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science,
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,
in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science.
Johannesburg, 2016. / The Jacomynspan Ni-Cu sulphide mineralisation is hosted within a 100m thick steeply dipping tabular, differentiated, sill of mafic to ultramafic composition intruded into country gneissic rocks of the Namaqualand Metamorphic complex. This sill is predominantly composed of tremolite schist (metamorphosed pyroxenite) containing lenticular bodies of harzburgite. The harzburgite generally hosts net-textured mineralisation with up to 50% by volume of the rock. Massive sulphide veins and stringers are occasionally present within the harzburgite. The sulphide minerals are a typical magmatic assemblage of pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and pentlandite. The sill covers an approximate strike length of about 5km but only a small portion covering 1km x 1km was selected for this study.
Physical property studies carried out on the drill core (magnetic susceptibility and conductivity) indicate that the country gneissic rocks are not conductive and neither are they magnetically susceptible. However, the mineralized sill has elevated values of both magnetic susceptibility and relative conductivity compared to its host making it a suitable target for both magnetic and electromagnetic inversion.
Drilling done so far on the study area has shown that the well-mineralised harzburgite (hosted within the poorly mineralised ultramafic sill) is not a continuous body but occurs in ‘pockets’. There is therefore need to use the available geophysical and geological datasets to derive a model of these well mineralised pods. This study is therefore intended to assess the feasibility of using electromagnetic (EM) methods together with other geophysical methods and geology in obtaining a model of the harzburgite pods hosted within the less conductive poorly mineralised ultramafic sill in order to guide further drilling.
Geosoft’s VOXI Earth Modelling software was used to model the high resolution airborne magnetic data for this study. Cooper’s Mag2dc (www.wits.ac.za) and Stettler’s Magmodintrp software (personal communication, 2015) was also used during modelling of the magnetic data to compliment the modelling from VOXI. The mineralised ultramafic sill was clearly mapped in both the 3D model representation from Mag2dc modelling and VOXI’s 3D unconstrained smooth model inversion for the study area.
Based on the physical properties studies carried out on the study area, EM data (both ground and downhole EM) were modelled using Maxwell software. The poorly mineralised tremolite schist was clearly modelled. In order to better constrain the targets, an assumption was made that at late decay times the currents would be focused in the centre of the large EM plate probably giving an indication of the most conductive part of the intrusion. Smaller ‘Resultant EM plates’ of dimensions, 300mx300m that coincide with the centre of the large EM plates (with a conductance above 100S) were constructed in
Maxwell software and integrated with the DXF file of the Micromine geology model of the well mineralised harzburgite clearly mapping the well-mineralised harzburgite and showing its possible extensions.
2D inversion modelling was conducted on all audio-frequency magnetotelluric (AMT) data for this study area. The modelling results clearly mapped the mineralised intrusion.
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Geologic and petrologic evidence for granulite facies partial melting in the Garies-Platbakkies supracrustal gneiss belt, Namaqualand metamorphic complex, South Africa / Geologic and petrologic evidence for granulite facies partial melting in the Garies-Platbakkies supracrustal gneiss belt, Namaqualand metamorphic complex, South AfricaBaars, Franciscus Jacobus, Baars, Franciscus Jacobus 22 November 2016 (has links)
The Namaqua Province of southwestern Africa is comprised of a number of distinct tectonostratigraphic subprovinces and terranes, which have in common a 1100-1200Ma structural and metamorphic imprint. In the western Bushmanland Subprovince, E-Wtrending belts of supracrustal gneisses are intruded by and infolded with granitic gneisses of varying ages. A central zone of rocks metamorphosed in the granulite facies is bordered to the north and south by amphibolite facies rocks. A portion of the Garies-Platbakkies supracrustal gneiss belt has been mapped on a 1:15 000 scale. The supracrustal succession was deposited on an unconfirmed basement. It is structurally juxtaposed and infolded with three different granitic augen gneisses. Large bodies of orthopyroxene-bearing granite are syntectonically emplaced in the succession. A wide variety of anatectic granites crop out as sills, dykes and pods varying in size between a few metres and a few hundred metres. These bodies commonly truncate pre-existing foliations. The metamorphosed supracrustal succession contains gneissic equivalents of felsic, mafic and intermediate volanics; pelitic, semi-pelitic, magnesian and granitic composition sediments; feldspathic quartzites; and subordinate quartzites, banded iron formation and calc-silicates. The mineral assemblages of all the rocks indicate metamorphism in the granulite facies. A variety of field evidence exists which suggests that the metamorphic peak was responsible for generating significant quantities of partial melt. The rocks of the study area contain an early Dl fabric. This is refolded in tight, E-plunging D2 crenulation folds. D2 mineral fabrics pre-date the metamorphic peak. D3 open, asymmetric folds are N-vergent and fold the crystalline products partial melting. The southern limbs of D3-folds are attenuated in 04 shear zones. The whole belt is cut by steep, N-S-trending faults. A wide variety of thermobarometers are tested for their applicability to mineral assemblages in the supracrustal rocks. The results of this application suggest that the metamorphic peak occurred at 780 ± 30°C and 5.0 ± 0.4 kbar. Assemblages in shear zones indicate an isobaric retrograde cooling path. The phase relations of melting near the solidus are reviewed with reference to common assemblages in the leucosomes of rocks with granitic and peraluminous bulk compositions. Isobaric T-a(H₂O) sections are constructed from available experimental and thermochemical data. Biotite dehydration and dehydration melting reactions are balanced using natural mineral compositions. The predicted results are compared with the modal abundances of natural product assemblages. The results suggest that dehydration melting was responsible for migmatization, and the consequent reduction of water activity. The amount of melt produced was controlled by the amount of water available from the dehydration of biotite. There is no evidence for the control of water activity by an external fluid reservoir. Limited amounts of water-undersaturated melts were extracted from their sites of generation. This process was responsible for the depletion of some leucosome assemblages with respect to K₂O, H₂O and in peraluminous rocks Na₂O. The partial melts were emplaced locally in developing shear zones.
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Mycorrhiza re-establishment on post-mined rehabilitated areas of the Brand se Baai Succulent Karoo vegetation.Ndeinoma, Albertina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Botany and Zoology)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Parts of the West Coast Strandveld and adjacent Succulent Karoo on the arid coast of
Namakwaland in the Western Cape of South Africa are subject to surface mining. An
understanding of mycorrhizal association of plants in the natural vegetation of this
area could contribute to the improvement of post-mining re-vegetation of the area.
This study investigated mycorrhizal association of plants in the West Coast
Strandveld, and compared mycorrhizal infection rates of soils taken from natural
vegetation to soils from post-mined rehabilitated vegetations. The study was divided
into two components.
In the first component a pot experiment was conducted in the greenhouse to assess
vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) infectivity of post-mined rehabilitated areas of
Brand se Baai in Namakwa Sands mining areas. Rehabilitated areas used in this study
included sites that has been strip mined for heavy minerals and then progressively
backfilled with sub-soil sand remaining after mineral extraction (tailings), topsoil and
translocated plants in an effort to restore the structure and functional aspects of the
mined site to its original (pre-mining) ecosystem. Rehabilitated sites 1 assessed in this
study included sites backfilled with: tailings + translocated plants (TP); tailing +
topsoil + translocated plants (TSP) and tailings + topsoil only (TS). Natural sites (N)
were also assessed to serve as reference points. AM infection was evaluated as
percent root colonization on wheat planted as bioassay on sterilised sand and
inoculum from rehabilitated sites in the ratio of 3:1 respectively. Results of this study
component showed that mycorrhiza infectivity of rehabilitated soils was high on TSP
and TS because mining disturbance has been remedied by topsoil with or without
translocated plant replacement. The structural and chemical components of topsoil
used as rehabilitation material favoured re-establishment of microbial activities.
Infectivity was however low on soils rehabilitated with tailings and translocated
plants (TP) because this treatment lacked topsoil which is a major source of infective
mycorrhizal propagules. Infectivity was also low in soils from undisturbed sites (N)
probably high phosphorus concentration or presence of perennial vegetation led to low mycorrhiza infection. Results showed that there was no significant effect of
mycorrhiza on plant growth rate, nutrient uptake or carbon cost of mycorrhizal plants
when related to non-mycorrhizal plants, instead the biomass production and nutrient
contents of plants were determined by chemical properties of treatment soils.
The second component of the study investigated presence of mycorrhiza on randomly
selected common indigenous species of Aizoaceae, Asparagaceae, Asteraceae,
Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Mesembryanthemaceae, Restionaceae,
families growing on unmined areas of the study site. Total mycorrhiza infection was
recorded on 85% of the assessed species with percent infection level ranging from 8%
in Atriplex lindleyi and Drosanthemum hispidum to 98% in Salvia lanceolata.
Functional mycorrhizal association with arbuscule structures were however only
observed on 15% of all species assessed. Low arbuscules infection observed in
indigenous species assessed in this study could be associated with the timing of
mycorrhiza infection assessment and root competition in the soil. There was no
infection observed on four species belonging to Chenopodiaceae, Zygophyllaceae,
Sterculiaceae, and Asteraceae families, which represented 15% of all species
assessed. Most species belonging to Chenopodiaceae and Zygophyllaceae have been
reported as non-mycorrhizal in other studies, absence of mycorrhiza on the remaining
three families species observed in this study require further confirmation.
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Salinisation source(s) and mechanism(s) in shallow alluvial aquifers along the Buffels River, Northern Cape Province, South AfricaNakwafila, Albertina Nuusiku 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several areas in Namaqualand are affected by elevated levels of salinity; including the shallow alluvial aquifers along the Buffels River catchment. The chemistry of rainwater that recharges these aquifers has low salt-loads, but the groundwater system is very saline. The shallow alluvial aquifers are an important source of water for several communal areas along the river both for domestic and agricultural purposes. Groundwater is also used for the copper and diamond mining activities along the river. Prior to this study, the sources of salinity to the alluvial aquifers and whether salinity can be remediated has not been determined. Possible salinity sources included seawater intrusion, evaporitic salts dissolution, concentrations by evaporation, deep aquifer brines, dissolution of minerals from the aquifer geology as well as salts from anthropogenic activities (i.e. mining).
The source(s) of salinity to the groundwater has been determined using the geochemical as well as the isotopic tracers. The ratios of major ions (i.e. Na/Cl) as well the oxygen (18O), hydrogen (2H), 36Cl/Cl, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes were used in determining the possible solute sources. In addition to these, the chloride mass balance (CMB) method was used to determine the recharge rates to the alluvial aquifers. Furthermore, the groundwater age of the alluvial aquifers was determined using the tritium (3H) isotope. The groundwater samples have high 87Sr/86Sr ratios, which are in the same ranges as the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the surrounding granitic rocks indicating water-rock interactions. The 36Cl/Cl ratios are low and indicate the dissolution of old salts. The 18O and 2H stable isotopes of groundwater show an evaporative trend with respect to the LMWL, which indicate that groundwater has been evaporated before or during infiltration. Salinity to the shallow alluvial aquifers was found to be mainly derived from the dissolution of rock mass and concentration by evaporation process. The groundwater is relatively young, but there is mixing between old water recharged prior to bomb testing and recently recharged groundwater in some boreholes.
The Chloride mass balance (CMB) method assumes atmospheric chloride is the only source of chloride to the aquifers. However, there is additional chloride to these alluvial aquifers from rock mass dissolution. The estimated recharge rates by CMB method (0.1-3.4mm/a) are therefore underestimated. A simulation model was used to determine the recharge rates based on the annual precipitation that will yield the current measured chloride concentrations in the groundwater. Recharge was found to range from 1-5% of the annual precipitation, which is also low. The CMB method therefore gives significant recharge rate estimates, but they are not accurate and need to be supported by another method. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsomming beskikbaar.
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The palynology of tertiary sediments from a palaeochannel in NamaqualandDe Villiers, Susan E. 02 September 2013 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Science, 1997.
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Petrogenesis of the Bysteek and Koenap Formation Migmatites, Central NamaqualandMoodley, Jason Anthony January 2013 (has links)
The Mesoproterozoic rocks of the Bysteek and Koenap Formations of the Arribees Group are exposed within a NW-SE striking antiformal structure comprised of mafic granulites and metapelitic diatexites, and a number of marble and calc-silicate rock layers. The mafic granulites of the Bysteek Formation show a typological variety of anatectic features, including nebulitic, stromatitic mesosomes, melanosomes, quartz syenitic leucocratic vein networks and syenitic pools. Melanosomes consist of hedenbergitic to diopside-rich clinopyroxene (XMg: 0.40), anorthitic plagioclase (An90), with some quartz, minor apatite and titanite. Anatexis was caused by biotite dehydration melting and formed a melt of probably granitic composition. The leucosome composition ranges from either alkali-feldspar-granitic to plagioclase rich or granitic. This variation is interpreted as a result of variable extraction of melt from the source to granitic pools. The diatexites of the Koenap Formation are most likely of metapelitic or meta-greywacke origin. They are texturally variable but always contain high modal contents of alkali feldspar and quartz which generally form magmatic textures. Almandine-rich garnet (XMg: 0.18-0.25), cordierite (XMg: 0.71) form secondary biotite, sillimanite and magnetite during retrograde breakdown. Thermodynamic modelling of mafic granulite compositions suggests peak P-T conditions of ~865 °C and 8.6 kbar. Occasionally, garnet rich in ferric iron (XAdr: 0.55) forms by plagioclase-clinopyroxene breakdown under oxidising conditions at ~6 kilobar and ~ 800 °C. At the same stage amphibole forms in some melanosomes. P-T estimations for the diatexites based on thermodynamic modelling suggest the equilibration of the assemblage garnet, cordierite, alkali feldspar and melt at ~860 °C and 5.5 kbar. Conditions comparable to the peak pressure in the mafic granulites could not be established. However, since the diatexites and the mafic granulites are closely related in the field and no evidence of juxtaposition after the thermal peak exists, the P-T record of the diatexites might be incomplete
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Land tenure reform in Namaqualand: elite capture and the new commons of LeliefonteinLebert, Thomas Siegfried January 2005 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / This thesis provides a detailed examination of the development and implementation of a commonage management system on newly acquired municipal commonage in the Leliefontien communal area of Namaqualand, South Africa. This commonage has been acquired ostensibly for use by all of the Leliefontien's residents. A Commonage Committee made up of community members and state representatives manages this land on behalf of the municipality. / South Africa
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Towards a tenure system for sustainable natural resource management for the communal and commonage land of the Leliefontein rural area, NamaqualandSmit, David January 2005 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / The aim of this research is firstly, to determine the impact of the current practiced tenure system in the Leliefontein Rural Area on the use of the natural resources and secondly, to devise and establish the most appropriate tenure system that will ensure the sustainable natural resource management on the communal and commonage land of the mentioned area. Quantitative questionnaires, review of relevant literature from documentation, research studies and reports were used to gather information and provide contextual insights. A wide spectrum from the Leliefontein Rural area specifically, Namaqualand in general and other semi-arid and communal areas in Southern Africa were covered with the gathering of the secondary data. / South Africa
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The geology and alteration/mineralization of the Van Rooi's vley W/Sn deposit, Namaqua metamorphic complex, South AfricaSmithies, Robert Hugh 01 March 2013 (has links)
Scheelite, wolfram Ite and cassIterIte mIneralizat ion is hosted wIthin numerous quartz-tourmaline-feldspar-fluorite veins at Van Rooi's Vley, N.W. Cape Province . MineralizatIon and hydrothermal alteration within, and around, these veins is hIghly complex and reflects the intricate interaction of hydrotherma l activity upon a structurally deformed sequence of ProterozoIc med ium to high-grade gneisses. Four distinct stages of alteration and mineralization occurred, including a l ate 'epithermal stage'. Although the location of mineralization was strongly controlled by st ructure, the concentration of mineralizati on was controlled by physicochemical variables, of which host-rock geochemistry was particularly important . Further W/Sn mineralization occurs on a local scale, some of which is spatia lly related to minor leucogranite dykes. Leucogranite bodies are not uncommon within the region and some are enriched in Wand Sn. By comparing FIB ra tio s,W/Sn ratios, the alteration mineralogy, the ore mineralogy and the Fe-content of tourmaline, the deposits within the Van Rooi's Vley area can be placed into a 'proximal' to 'distal' classification, with respect to a common source of mineralizing hydrothermal fluids. The Van Rooi's Vley deposit, whilst affiliated to greisen-style deposits, represents a ' distal' quartz-vein lode deposit. / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.53 Paper Capture Plug-in
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