Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arrative models"" "subject:"farrative models""
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Música para camaleones de Truman Capote como obra sintética del Nuevo Periodismo Norteamericano / Music for Chameleons by Truman Capote as a synthetic book of New American JournalismCoral González, Manuel Alejandro 16 October 2019 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de investigación muestra las diversas características narrativas del Nuevo Periodismo Norteamericano propuestas por Tom Wolfe y los modelos narrativos propuestos Gérard Genette representadas en el libro Música para camaleones de Truman Capote. Para ello, se analizaron seis textos del autor en el cual se identifican los elementos narrativos postulados para verificar si estos cumplen con las características anteriormente mencionadas. De este modo, finalmente, se postula que esta obra sintetiza el Nuevo Periodismo Norteamericano surgido en la década de 1960. / The following research work shows the diverse narrative characteristics of the New American Journalism proposed by Tom Wolfe and the proposed narrative models Gérard Genette represented in Truman Capote's book Music for Chameleons. To this end, six of the author's texts were analyzed in which the postulated narrative elements are identified in order to verify whether they comply with the aforementioned characteristics. Thus, finally, it is postulated that this work synthesizes the New American Journalism that emerged in the 1960s. / Tesis
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L'indigenizzazione del formato narrativo americano nella serialità italiana poliziesca. Il caso di distretto di polizia / The Adaptation of the American Narrative Model in Italian Cop-Shows. A Case Study: Distretto di PoliziaCOTTA RAMOSINO, LUISA 23 March 2007 (has links)
La tesi ripercorre le linee di sviluppo del genere poliziesco nella televisione italiana e americana per coglierne i tratti fondamentali e le tendenze in termini di formati, strategie narrative ed evoluzione dei contenuti.
In seguito si analizza nel dettaglio il caso della serie Distretto di Polizia, dall'ideazione fino alla sua evoluzione nei sei anni della messa in onda, con particolare attenzione al confronto con i precedenti modelli di racconto italiani e stranieri.
La tesi si concentra poi sui diversi modelli di organizzazione del lavoro creativo legati ad alcuni dei maggiori titoli seriali italiani, individuando pregi e limiti di ogni struttura in rapporto alle esigenze produttive e alle particolarità di formato e mantenendo per quanto possibile valido il confronto con analoghi team autoriali americani. / The first part of the research goes over the lines of development of the detective story's genre in Italian and American TV, grasping its fundamental traits and tendencies in terms of formats, narrative strategies and contents' evolution.
The following chapters focus on a case study. TV show Distretto di Polizia is an excellent example of this crime story series; this TV series is examined from the moment of the creation trough the six years of its broadcasting, focusing especially on the confrontation with the previous Italian and foreign story models.
The last part of the research presents the different models of internal organisation of the creative work teams responsible for the most important titles among Italian TV shows. The aim of the research is to grasp the advantages and the limits of each model in relation to the different production requirements and the special characters of the various formats, trying to confront, as often as possible, the Italian management models with similar American models.
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Mediální stereotypizace a nálepkování zdravotně postižených v českých médiích a jejich dopad na publikum / Media stereotypization and labeling of people with a disability in Czech media and its impact on the audienceBrhláčová, Monika January 2016 (has links)
1 Error! Unknown document property name. Abstract The presented master thesis deals with the topic of stereotypical presentations of disabled people in Czech newspapers and with its impact on the audience. This topic build on previous findings regarding repetitive stereotypical images and frames of disabled which were not only studied on newspapers. Simultaneously with those reoccurring frames and images we can also find positive of negative labels which are used in connection with disabled in newspapers. The work examines whether these phenomena occur also in Czech online and printed news. Using qualitative content analysis phenomena mentioned above were searched in randomly selected one hundred news. Requirement for choosing articles to selection was that the articles content need to be whole about handicapped people. Precisely, based on previous literature the text were analyzed and it was searched for narrative frames or models, stereotypical frames and labels that could be presented in texts. The purpose of this analysis was not only to demonstrate that those frames or labels are present in Czech newspaper articles but also make an attempt to fins new stereotypical frames or labels that those texts may contain. The second part of the analysis is to verify whether the public perceives these...
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