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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les Officiers de santé de la marine française de 1814 à 1835 ...

Léonard, Jacques, January 1967 (has links)
Thèse--Rennes. / At head of title: Université de Rennes. Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. Cover illustrated in color. Bibliography: p. [305]-308.

Permeability of temporary restorative materials exposed to underwater pressure

Sjöberg, Elias, Hallin, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Området submarin miljö och dentala förhållanden finns det få studier inom. Detta ger behandlare svårigheter att ta evidensbaserade behandlingsbeslut för grupper som utsätts för hyperbariskt tryck. För att kunna föra fram kvalitativa studier och odontologisk kunskap krävs tillförlitliga metoder. Syfte: Syftet är att utvärdera om den presenterade metoden är tillförlitlig när det gäller att utvärdera exponering för tryck över atmosfärstryck har en inverkan på mikroläckage av temporära restaureringsmaterial. Material och metod: 27 extraherade tänder utan visuella defekter, preparerades under standardiserade former och fyllda med glasjonomermaterial. Dessa objekts rötter kapades och två lager av bonding applicerades som blockering av infärgning. Dessa 27 objekt delades in i 3 grupper trycktes i tryckkammare till 1, 3, respektive 5 bar, liggandes i infärgning med 2% metylenblått. Dessa sektionerades och granskades visuellt enligt binära mätmetoder under förstoringsobjektiv. Resultat: Resultatet var liknande mellan grupperna oavsett utsatt tryck. Samtliga testade objekt visade på permeabilitet i tand-fyllningsgränsen. 77,8-100% av objekten hade infärgningsläckage från dentintubuli via pulpakavum sett till alla grupper. Glasjonomerfyllningar visade ingen mätbar permeabilitet i något objekt. Persisterande glasjonomer-glaze noterades på 55,6-66,6% av testobjekten beroende på testgrupp. Slutsats: Några av faktorerna inkluderade i den presenterade metoden behöver övervägas på nytt och möjligtvis ändras innan en mer tillförlitlig metod för syftet kan etableras. De faktorer som här syftas till är relaterade till termocykling, sektionering av testobjekt, utvärdering av testresultat, blockering av permeabilitet-indikator, mätning av läckage av permeabilitet-indikator, och användning av glasjonomer-glaze. / There are few studies in the area of ​​dental material science concerning submarine environments. This gives practitioners difficulties in making evidence-based decisions in the treatment of the group of patients who are exposed to hyperbaric pressures. In order to carry out qualitative studies and further odontologic knowledge in this field, reliable methods are required. Aim: The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the presented method is reliable and accurate in evaluating and measuring micro-leakage of temporary restoration materials exposed to hyperbaric pressures. Materials and methods: 27 extracted teeth without visual defects were prepared under standardized forms and filled with glass ionomer material. The roots of the teeth were cut, and two layers of bonding were applied in the pulpal cavities as blockage for the dye. The teeth were divided into 3 groups, the groups were pressurized to 1, 3 and 5 bar respectively, lying in 2% methylene blue dye. The teeth were sectioned and visually inspected according to binary criteria standards under magnification lens. Results: Similar results irrespective of what pressurized environment they had been subject to were seen. Every test object displayed permeability along both the tooth-filling interface. A high incidence rate(=77,8-100%) of dye permeability via dentinal tubules through the open pulpal cavities was seen in all groups. The glass-ionomer material body showed no significant permeability of the dye for either of the subjects. Persistent glass-ionomer glaze was noted in each group, with an incidence of 55,6-66,6%. Conclusions: Some of the factors included in the presented method need to be reevaluated and perhaps be changed before a more reliable method for the purpose can be established. These considered factors are related to thermal cycling, slicing of test objects, test result evaluation, blockage of permeability indicator, measurement of permeability indicator leakage, and usage of glass-ionomer glaze.

Network vulnerability assessments: a proactive approach to protecting Naval medicine information assets

Reinkemeyer, Steven 06 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The purpose of this study was to determine whether Naval Medicine's current Information Assurance Policy and resultant efforts properly address federal requirements or current threats confronting Naval Medicine information technology professionals. The primary research was conducted with a survey instrument detailing thirty questions with various response categories. The findings of the survey questionnaire revealed the existing numbers of previously compromised systems were directly related to the frequency of vulnerability scanning and remediation practices in the current threat environment. This study will provide insight to anyone interested in the future assessment of Naval Medicine's information security posture. These findings have important implications for command personnel charged with the responsibility and accountability of Naval Medicine's networks and data systems, as well as other communities throughout the Navy. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

Angels of the mercy fleet : nursing the ill and wounded aboard the United States Navy hospital ships in the Pacific during World War II /

Connor-Ballard, Patricia Ann. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Virginia, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 348-355). Also available online through Digital Dissertations.

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